Little Ancestor

Chapter 27


"Little Che." Cao Feng patted his back gently, "Class is over, we have to go to physical education class."

Duan Yuche slept on his stomach from the second class until the fourth class.

"Brother." Cao Feng called out again.

He only moved a little, and raised his face from his arms in confusion.

"In gym class?" His eyes were half-squinted languidly, his hair was messy in sleep, and there were red marks made by books on his fair cheeks.

"Yeah." Cao Feng stretched out his hand to help him tidy up his collar, unscrewed his cup to let him drink water, "We should go down, the class will start soon."

Although the physical education teacher is a female teacher, every time she is late, she will be stared at by her.

"Oh..." Duan Yuche just woke up, took a sip of water with sleepy eyes, still looked a little dull, and followed Cao Feng silently. Cao Feng saw him in a daze, and was afraid that he would leave, so he dragged him away. , Duan Yuche took a few steps, and suddenly rested his head on his shoulder, his forehead against his shoulder blade, as if he wanted to rest for a while.

Cao Feng didn't leave immediately, because of the sudden distance, his heart beat fast: "Are you still sleepy?"

"Yeah." Duan Yuche leaned against him and blinked a few times, but he still couldn't wake up, and said Chaosly, "My shoelaces are loose." Duan Yuche smelled of milk, he wanted to grow taller, After drinking milk all day, this faint smell drifted into Cao Feng's nose, like a bewitching charm.

His Adam's apple moved up and down twice, as if thirsty.

"Brother, tie it for you." Cao Feng calmly held his shoulders, afraid that he would fall unsteadily, and then squatted down to tie his shoelaces. Duan Yuche just looked down at him like that, watching him seriously tying his shoelaces and tying a beautiful bow, his eyes slowly blinked twice.

"Okay, let's go."

Duan Yuche's energy when he just woke up dissipated after doing exercises.

Cao Feng asked whether he should go to the cafeteria to eat in advance. Duan Yuche shook his head, saying no, he would have to wait for Zhou Zeliang to finish class.

Last week, Zhou Zeliang recovered from his illness and went back to school. He often came to see Duan Yuche and had dinner together. Duan Yuche wanted to bring Cao Feng, and Zhou Zeliang was very unhappy.

Cao Feng knew that he didn't like him, it was nothing, and he also didn't like Xiao Che's friend, but he knew that he was his brother's friend.

Although he couldn't help thinking in his heart, it would be great if Xiao Che, his friend, could stay ill forever.

After waiting for Zhou Zeliang on the playground, the three of them went to the small cafeteria together.

Zhou Zeliang pretended that Cao Feng didn't exist, and talked to Duan Yuche about things that only they could talk about, about shoes and football stars, and also about gossip about their former classmates, which Cao Feng couldn't get in.

After chatting about gossip and girls, Zhou Zeliang said that he was chasing after a senior in high school recently: "She can also play the piano, just like you."

"She's very pretty, not very tall, but very thin, very white, and has a long neck."

"Her father is still from the Education Bureau."

"By the way, her grades are also very good..."

For some reason, although the younger brother has been responding to Zhou Zeliang's words, Cao Feng can see that the younger brother does not seem to like talking about these things.

Cao Feng interrupted and asked Zhou Zeliang, "You are chasing her, but haven't you caught up yet, does she have a boyfriend?"

Zhou Zeliang was strangely silent for a few seconds, looking a little embarrassed: "I don't know."

"You chase people, and you don't even know if they have a partner?"

"What if there is an object?" He raised his eyebrows, "It's okay to divide it up!"

Cao Feng said in his heart: Don't try to find someone.

But if he finds a partner, it seems that Zhou Zeliang will not come to harass his brother if he goes to dinner with his girlfriend.

"How did you chase it? Do you want the contact information?"

Zhou Zeliang was silent for a few more seconds: "It's none of your business, and I want you to teach me?" His tone was quite contemptuous, and he wanted to attack his appearance, but found that Cao Feng was actually more handsome than himself, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and ten centimeters taller than him. , wanted to attack his dressing taste, and found that the jacket he was wearing was the same style as Duan Yuche's, and he thought again, this Cao Feng seems to be the first in his grade - as if unknowingly, this country bumpkin Has changed, become like a city man.

He couldn't bring it up in one breath, and he felt so helpless. It seemed that the only thing Cao Feng was inferior to himself was that he had no money. He thought about it for a long time before he thought of something that was not offensive: "It's just you, Cao Feng, just like you, no girl will fall for you, right? Haven't you had a girlfriend when you grow up?" Duan Yuche immediately Said: "There are several girls in our class who like him."

Zhou Zeliang: "?"

Duan Yuche: "There is a girl who you said is a little pretty when you came back. She comes to Cao Feng every day to ask questions."

"And he also had a female netizen who went on a date last week."

Zhou Zeliang: "…"

Cao Feng was about to explain the story of the female netizen when he heard Zhou Zeliang suddenly shout: "Hey! Brother Miao!"

It seemed that he saw an acquaintance.

Zhou Zeliang said in a low voice, "This Sun Miao, our school is in charge. He and the girl I want to chase are in the same class."

But the other party didn't seem to be willing to deal with Zhou Zeliang. He couldn't even remember his name. He glanced at him and said hello, "Are you eating here too?"

"Yeah, I'm here every day." He wanted to ask someone for something, but he didn't know how to say it.

"I've eaten, let's go first." Sun Miao said, and suddenly found a person sitting opposite Zhou Zeliang.

Wearing a popular school uniform, there seems to be no difference on the surface, very ordinary, but a special magnetic field is wrapped around the other party.

Different from the mortal aura, there is no sense of existence, it is unbelievably calm, and it has the demeanor of a master.

"Huh? Isn't this Brother Feng?"

Cao Feng turned his head and glanced at him, but did not recognize it.

"You forgot me?" Sun Miao sat next to him immediately, "We met only two days ago."

Cao Feng thought about it, it seemed that the group was looking for trouble.

His expression was cold: "Hello."

Zhou Zeliang's jaw dropped.

Sun Miao felt that Cao Feng was ruthless, so he admired him like this: "You are too powerful, the day before yesterday..."

Cao Feng was stunned, immediately grabbed his arm, grabbed him up, and strode to the side.

Sun Miao was a little stunned, thinking that he was going to beat him, and was a little nervous: "Feng... Brother Feng."

"Don't mention a word about that day."

Sun Miao immediately thought of another identity of Cao Feng, and nodded quickly: "Brother Feng, I heard that you are the first in the grade?"

Cao Feng calmly said "Yeah": "I'm going back to eat, don't mention this later."

"Hey! I understand, I understand!"

When Cao Feng went back and sat down, Zhou Zeliang's expression changed: "Do you know Sun Miao?"

"I don't know." He didn't change his face.

"Then how does he know you? He still calls you... brother?" And it wasn't a sarcastic tone, each one "you", not from Beijing, what "you" do you use

So respectful

Cao Feng continued to eat: "I study well, he wants to learn from me."

"… "

This incident was just the beginning. The next day, someone came to Class 7 to look for Cao Feng, saying that he had broken his electronic dictionary and that he would have to pay him money. He eats.

"Make a friend, Brother Feng, I have a problem with my studies, and I want to ask for advice."

Cao Feng said that he would go home to cook on Saturday and had no time: "If you have any questions, you can send me a message online."

"Okay, okay!" The other party said flattered immediately, "What's your phone number? What's your QQ number?"

Even Duan Yuche was particularly incredible. When did Cao Feng make so many friends

And they all look completely different from Cao Feng, they are all famous gangsters in the school.

This didn't have much impact on Cao Feng's life, except that sometimes when he filled up his campus card, someone took the initiative to help him line up, and when he was walking on the campus, someone suddenly greeted him and called him brother Feng. It was no different from before.

Soon, after the mid-term exam, the weather became colder and colder. The winter in Linzhou was wet and cold, similar to that of Cao Feng's hometown, but the city was not as cold as the mountains.

Duan Yuche also said: "The winter in Central Europe is much colder than here."

Despite this, he was still fully armed, and in December he put on a down jacket and a scarf that Cao Feng gave him for Christmas - woven by Cao Feng himself.

There was a class at the end of the month, and there were New Year's Eve activities in the school, but Duan Shumin called the teacher and asked the two children for three days off.

Duan Yuche put two concert tickets in his schoolbag, packed some clothes and some toiletries, and stuffed them into his suitcase. Underpants, all put together.

"Dad has booked a hotel for you. It's at the Sheraton next to the concert hall. You two live in one, take care of each other, and pay attention to safety. There are a lot of fun things to do in the Shanghai market, but you can't run around. This phone number is yours. One of my classmates, he opened a company in the Shanghai stock market. If you need anything, you can call him. You don’t have to go to the City God Temple. Live at the Sheraton."

At the breakfast table, Duan Shumin warned a lot: "Did you bring your ID card?"

"Take it, take it."

"And an umbrella. The weather is bad over there. Bring an umbrella to keep out the wind and rain."

Cao Feng ran to get an umbrella, Duan Yuche said without it: "The hotel can borrow an umbrella."

After breakfast, Duan Shumin helped them lift the suitcase to the trunk: "Call Dad when you get there."

He also booked the flight. He is not an extravagant character. He only flew for more than an hour. He booked the normal economy class and chose a good seat in the front.

It was the first time for Cao Feng to fly, and he was nervous. He checked some information in advance, like: What should I do for the first time

How to fasten seat belts in airplanes

Are knives allowed on the plane

What can't you bring on the plane

Questions like this have been searched a lot.

At the airport, Duan Yuche skillfully took the boarding pass, went through the security check, went to the boarding gate, and got on the plane.

The cabin is too narrow, and I feel a little embarrassed for Cao Feng's tall stature. Duan Yuche found the seat number and took off his jacket, revealing the white sweater inside.

Cao Feng watched others put their luggage, and he also learned in a similar manner. He showed a rather poised attitude, fastened his seatbelt like his younger brother, and lowered the table.

When the plane took off, Cao Feng exhaled, and it wasn't so difficult.

This tense state was maintained until after the plane was stable, he looked at the clouds and mist outside the porthole, and had a very small sense of calm.

The world is so big, but human beings are so small.

The flight time was short and there was no in-flight meal. Duan Yuche ate eggs in the morning and felt a little uncomfortable now. He listened to music with headphones on, turned his head and saw Cao Feng's face on the window, and smiled: "Is Yun good-looking? "

"Good-looking." He was even a little fascinated, seeing an eagle passing by, and his eyes showed exclamation.

"Do you listen to music?" Duan Yuche took the initiative to give him the earphones.

"Okay." Cao Feng took the earphone and looked at him. Duan Yuche was very refined at the moment. Because the plane was too noisy, he didn't do anything. He just listened to the song and stared at a certain point with amber color. eyes bright as stars.

It is the kind of music that my brother has always listened to. The tune is very gentle, called classical music.

Cao Feng could hear the violin, but he couldn't hear anything else. He asked, and Duan Yuche told him: "It's Borodin No. 2, String Quartet in D major."

Of course he didn't know who Borodin was. This was his blind spot in knowledge. Duan Yuche was happy to give him popular science, showing that he was literate.

Duan Shumin only booked a standard room, but when he arrived at the hotel, the front desk upgraded them: "I have upgraded the two to an executive suite, and can use the executive lounge on the third floor."

Duan Yuche was hungry and didn't want to go out. Fortunately, Cao Feng brought some snacks, which happened to be used. But he took a fancy to the instant noodles on the table.

The instant noodles, mushroom beef noodles, and clear soup provided by the hotel are just right for him.

"Cao Feng, help me to boil some water." Duan Yuche directly unpacked. He usually eats this very rarely, and he doesn't like it at home, but he remembers eating it, and it seems to taste good.

"This is not healthy." Cao Feng said so, and he took a pot of water and started to boil it.

"I eat this once a year, and I won't get sick. Do you want it? I'll make you a bowl too?"

"I'm not hungry yet. We'll go out to eat later in the evening." Cao Feng noticed the price list and charged 20 yuan for instant noodles.

After eating, Duan Yuche put on his pajamas and climbed into bed to rest. He recognized the bed, and it was usually difficult to fall asleep, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt who was far away in Great Britain.

My aunt was still in the middle of the night and didn't get back to him.

Duan Yuche was a little bored. Seeing that Cao Feng was sitting next to him, he was still writing the test paper, and couldn't bear to disturb him, so he put on earplugs and forced himself to sleep.

After a while, Cao Feng heard his even breathing, looked up and saw that his younger brother was already asleep.

Cao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When he arrived at this hotel, entered this room, and found that there was only one bed in the room, he became nervous.

Do you want to share a bed with Xiao Che at night

Cao Feng felt uneasy as never before, and had some inexplicable emotions. He thought to himself, his younger brother likes boys, so sleeping in the same bed with him is equivalent to... Is it equivalent to one man and one woman sleeping in the same bed

Unable to write the test paper, Cao Feng put down his pen and got up.

When he walked to the bedside, he saw that his younger brother was sleeping on his side. He curled up, his cheeks were pressed against the snow-white pillows, tightly wrapped in a warm quilt, and he had a quiet little face with thick long eyelashes hanging down, and his skin was very soft. White, but the complexion is very ruddy, even the lips are red, and the breath is very even.

Cao Feng stared at it for a few seconds, and felt his heart beat heavily and then stopped beating again.

He couldn't help reaching out and gently touched his brother's eyelashes with his fingertips, then quickly retracted his hand, as if he was about to be discovered.

At this time, Cao Feng suddenly had an idea in his heart.

He turned around and went outside, opened the suitcase, and found Duan Shumin's digital camera.

Cao Feng had used it once and knew how to use it. He turned on the phone, aimed at Duan Yuche's peaceful sleeping face, and took a careful picture.

The shutter sounded suddenly, but it was not loud, but it scared Cao Feng so much that he almost dropped the camera on the ground.

Seeing that Duan Yuche didn't respond, he let out a sigh of relief, frightened him to death, and thought he was about to be discovered.

He looked down at the photo, he didn't know anything about photography, but this photo was obviously very nice, with nice eyes, nice eyelashes, nice nose, nice mouth, and even hair.

Cao Feng put on his clothes, brought his room card, left the hotel, and asked the staff. He found a digital printing shop, printed the photo, and deleted the evidence in the camera.

Cao Feng put the photo into the inner pocket of his clothes, which was close to his heart.

When he was going back, Cao Feng happened to bump into Duan Yuche and woke up. He got out of bed and looked for him: "Cao Feng!"

"Where have you been?" The younger brother just woke up, he was barefoot in front of Cao Feng, his expression was still a little pitiful, looking at his eyes with the water light he just woke up, "I woke up and couldn't find you, you out?"

Duan Yuche looked at the beef noodles with mushrooms in his hand: "Do you want to buy instant noodles?"

"Well." Cao Feng put the instant noodles back in place. The instant noodles in the hotel are 20 yuan, and the same instant noodles outside are only 3 yuan.

Duan Yuche rubbed his eyes: "Oh... I just had a nightmare and woke up to find you were gone, I thought... "

When he sleeps at school, it is easy to be pressed by ghosts. He doesn't like to sleep on his stomach, and he doesn't like to live outside. That's why.

The smell of home always made him feel safe.

"Why? Think your brother was taken away by a ghost?"

He defended: "No... I know there are no ghosts in the world." But having nightmares, it is inevitable that you will be cranky.

"Don't be afraid." Cao Feng couldn't help rubbing his hair and whispered, "At night... my brother sleeps with you, so you won't have nightmares."