Little Ancestor

Chapter 6


Cao Feng has had money stolen, and there are many thieves in the county. When he first came out of the stockade, he did not know that people outside would do this. After all, the people who came to them to do poverty alleviation work were promoting the truth, goodness and beauty.

Later, he knew that money had been stolen, and he thought of a way to sew a pocket at the joint of the sleeves of the clothes.

The two went to eat barbecue, and Cao Feng rushed to pay the money.

He has heard Duan Shumin say that although he is a student sponsored by Duan Shumin, Duan Shumin has done a lot of poverty alleviation work. There are nearly 20 students. Cao Feng is not the only one, so the regular payment is not much. Only five hundred bucks.

The Guangzhou Commercial Bank where Duan Shumin works is a national commercial bank. It was established in the early 1990s. Duan Shumin has been working in Guangzhou Commercial Bank since its establishment. Desperately, my hair has turned white a lot in recent years. The salary and performance bonus are added together, and the annual salary now exceeds one million.

It's just that after so many years, the deposit is not much. The main reason is that he actively participates in poverty alleviation work. Not only does the branch under his jurisdiction provide support to poor counties, but also independently sponsors a lot of students.

So Cao Feng is really poor, poor, very poor, Duan Yuche guessed that this guy probably even had holes in his underwear.

Three hundred barbecued meat is not a small amount for him.

Let's invite him to the cafeteria next time, he thought.

The next day was the weekend, Duan Shumin rested, but the cook became Cao Feng.

Duan Shumin also got up early on weekends. He smelled the aroma of green vegetable porridge when he got downstairs. He was very surprised.

Duan Shumin knew that vegetable market. It was a big one. Although it was cheaper than the supermarket, it was two miles away. He drove over to buy fish before: "What time did you get up?"

Cao Feng said that at six o'clock, he got up and ran to the vegetable market in the morning light. After buying vegetables, he ran back. It took more than an hour.

Duan Shumin was full of praise for Cao Feng's craftsmanship, and immediately went to wake Duan Yuche up to eat corn tortillas.

There were wild mushroom chicken soup, steamed fish, and braised beef on the table at noon. They were all big dishes, and I knew Duan Yuche's taste, so I didn't put much pepper.

Duan Yuche didn't expect him to be so good at cooking. It was ten times better than the food prepared by Duan Shumin, and it was not much better than the restaurants outside.

Duan Shumin said: "Next weekend, Xiao Che will also get up early and run to the vegetable market with his brother to buy vegetables."

Duan Yuche immediately shook his head: "I only have one day off a week, won't you let me get a good night's sleep?"

Duan Shumin criticized him for lack of exercise: "You are in school, don't you like to run? Your teacher Ma said that you avoid morning exercises and morning jogs."

Duan Yuche's eyes widened: "...I just escaped once!"

Just once, just got caught.

"It also said that you failed to complete your homework." Duan Shumin only learned about the situation of his two children by calling Ma Xiaobo yesterday.

Duan Yuche defended dissatisfiedly: "How can I... I have handed in all my English homework."

"That's another subject? No matter what subject, it's wrong not to do homework. This is at least respect," Duan Shumin said earnestly, "but your teacher Ma also said that you listen carefully in class, which is good, saying that you are so Smart, if he is willing to study hard, he will definitely get good grades, and he also praised Xiao Feng, saying that he studied very hard..." He was talking, and suddenly an idea came to him.

Duan Yuche listened absently, and heard Duan Shumin ask about his tablemate.

"It's okay, my grades are similar to mine." He likes to play Gobang with the class at the same table. Although he looks like a nerd at the same table, but his personality is not, he also plays Gobang with him.

Duan Shumin thought about calling Ma Xiaobo and asked him to arrange Duan Yuche and Cao Feng to sit together. He wondered if he would interfere too much, so he decided to observe for a while, and then watch them after their exams. Look.

In the evening, Duan Yuche remembered that there would be a flag-raising ceremony early in the morning, and then he remembered his homework.

He only knew that Ma Xiaobo arranged the composition and checked a few practice questions. He wrote it on Saturday afternoon. As for other subjects, he thought it would be fine if he didn't do it. After all, the other teachers didn't have his dad's phone number. I will tell Ma Xiaobo.

Depressed, he walked across the corridor with a few exercise books and knocked on Cao Feng's door.

After knocking several times, Cao Feng opened the door. As soon as he opened it, a warm feeling filled with water vapor rushed towards his face, and Duan Yuche's eyes widened.

Cao Feng was wearing shorts, his upper body was naked and dripping with water, and there were some bubbles on his head, which was weird and cute.

"Sorry, I was taking a shower just now, didn't hear me."

Duan Yuche said nothing, glanced at him, and he could see that he was in good shape even in his clothes, but he didn't expect it to be so good. Duan Yuche's eyes swept across his well-proportioned muscle lines, thinking in his heart that he would beat someone fiercely: "Oh, go ahead and wash, I'm just here to ask you if you have done your homework."

Cao Feng said and wrote, and the water dripped down his body. Cao Feng was afraid that the water would get wet on the floor, so he quickly said, "Little Che, I'll go wash the bubble first, you wait for me to come out."

Duan Yuche nodded and glanced at the room.

The villa was bought when his mother was still alive, but her mother died before moving in.

Few people stay in the guest room, and it is only for a while that his aunt comes to visit him occasionally. Compared with his own room, Cao Feng's room was too tidy. The owner of the room seemed to be obsessed with cleanliness, and everything was placed very neatly, although it was also because he didn't have much.

There was no air conditioner in the room, it was too hot, Duan Yuche found the remote control of the air conditioner and set it to the lowest temperature.

Cao Feng quickly rinsed off the bubbles on his head, and was about to go out when he found that he didn't bring his pajamas.

A few days ago, Duan Yuche asked him to buy two sets of pajamas, one thinner and one thicker.

After hesitating for a while, Cao Feng opened the bathroom door and called out, "Xiao Che, can you help me find my pajamas?"

"Oh, where?"


Duan Yuche glanced over and said he saw it.

The pajamas were neatly folded and placed at the end of the bed, as neatly arranged by hotel room service.

At first, he thought that Cao Feng was a very sloppy hillbilly, but now he found out that he was not. In fact, he likes to be clean. He washes his clothes and socks diligently, but he is too economical. Dark, which makes him feel dirty.

Cao Feng put on his pajamas and came out of the bathroom. The room temperature had dropped to a comfortable temperature. Duan Yuche sat on the chair in front of his desk: "Just set the air conditioner to sleep mode when you go to bed, don't give up on this electricity bill, this weather It's too hot, you won't be able to sleep, and if you can't sleep, you won't be able to study tomorrow."

He now has basically mastered the correct way to give advice to Cao Feng.

Cao Feng actually wanted to tell him that he was already used to it, that he could fall asleep whether it was hot or not, but he still responded, found a chair, dragged him to sit next to Duan Yuche, and asked him in a low voice, "What is it? Can't you write a question?"

"Well," Cao Feng's fresh smell from the shower drifted into his nostrils, and Duan Yuche first opened an exercise book, "Which page of mathematics? Lend me copy it."

Duan Yuche’s junior high school used Wang Houxiong. In addition to the uniform ordered by the class, he also bought a set for himself. He lost the exercise book and left only the answers. Every time he had to hand in the homework, he copied the answers according to the answers, including the test paper. There are also answers, and I have already copied out the experience. The multiple-choice questions are wrong one by two, and the questions and answers are all altered. It looks like he has carefully thought about it. Now he opens the junior high school exercise book and really thinks that he has So work hard.

But the workbooks outside the field are all their own problems. It is a good set of practice problems. One book is very thin, and several books are used in one semester, in order to facilitate students to memorize the practice problems home. Outside schools all want to use their questions, but these are not textbooks that can be bought in bookstores outside, and they can’t buy the answers even if they want to copy them.

Cao Feng hesitated for a while, then opened his workbook: "Thirty pages, Xiao Che... If you have any questions, I can teach you, but copy the homework..."

"It's wrong to copy homework." Duan Yuche continued, "I know, can I understand such a simple truth? You can't even ask me to give me a topic in Mandarin?"

Cao Feng was stunned, then lowered his head.

Duan Yuche immediately realized that he seemed to have gone a bit too far, and hurriedly added: "I mean, it's useless to give me lectures, I don't understand, and most of the time I will go abroad to study at university, so mathematics It doesn’t matter if it’s not good, foreigners don’t read this, you understand, so I’m fine with copying the homework, don’t worry, I’ll make two mistakes on purpose, they won’t be exactly the same, the teacher can’t see it…”

In fact, he also needs to refer to GA, but he is mostly studying art, and the cultural requirements are not high.

Duan Yuche has never been very demanding of himself. He just wants to spend three years in high school in peace, without causing trouble for Duan Shumin, and then he will fly away.

Cao Feng just came to Duan's house, but he brought bad children to copy homework, how can he do it

He kept the bottom line in his heart and refused to give it. Duan Yuche's face turned black, and he stood up while holding the exercise book. When he was angry, his amber eyes became lighter and watery, as if water would come out if he was pinched.

"Don't copy it! I'll find someone else to copy it tomorrow! You think you're the only one with good grades!" He just didn't want Duan Shumin to do it, so he reluctantly decided to perfunctory the teacher. He didn't expect Cao Feng to be so serious.

"Brother, brother, you wait." Cao Feng reached out and grabbed his wrist, "These questions are not difficult, sit down, tell me what you don't understand, you..." Without saying a word, Duan Yuche muttered. A strange swear word, just leave.

He was stuck in his heart, it was the first time he had met such a stingy person, and he refused to copy his homework! Seeing that Cao Feng was barefoot, he chased after him, his posture was a bit fierce, as if he was going to catch him! Duan Yuche took bigger steps, twisted the door handle, entered the door, and slammed the door vigorously.

There was a muffled groan from behind, and the door that was supposed to be closed seemed to have encountered some obstacle and slowly bounced open.

Duan Yuche turned his head and saw Cao Feng clinging to the crack of the door with one hand, gritting his teeth and frowning in pain.

Duan Yuche was startled: "What are you doing!" He strode towards Cao Feng and grabbed his hand, "What are you doing when I close the door and put your hand on the door! Are you a fool?"

Through the dim light in the corridor, he vaguely saw Cao Feng's four fingers swelled up. When he touched it, Cao Feng shrank and hissed.

"It hurts?" Duan Yuche frowned, turned on the light, grabbed his palm and looked under the light.

The ten fingers connected to the heart was originally very painful, but the strange thing was that when Cao Feng looked at his brother, he felt that the pain was leaving him, but Duan Yuche's soft palm felt more intense and agitated.

"It doesn't hurt," he stared at Duan Yuche, and said in a hoarse voice, "I used to dig wild vegetables, but once my hoe hit my feet, I went up the mountain to chop bamboo, and my hands were cut off. These are all trivial things."

Duan Yuche really saw the wounds on his hands, and the scars had already healed. Lines and lines of white old scars ran across his palms and backs, as well as on his arms.

Moreover, Cao Feng's hands are very rough, and they are all thick calluses.

Feeling guilty, he grabbed Cao Feng's other hand and led him in: "I need to put ice on it. I was pressed by the door too. You see your fingers are red, where can you feel better?"

Cao Feng was pulled in by him, sat down on the stool at the end of the bed, and watched him open the refrigerator and take out ice cubes.

Cao Feng also noticed that there were a lot of things in his small refrigerator, like some kind of snacks.

Duan Yuche wrapped a plate of shaken ice cubes in a towel, twisted it into a large piece, and let Cao Feng hold it with his other hand, placing it on the finger bone of his injured right hand.

"Your right hand is injured. How will you take notes in class tomorrow?"

The cold feeling invaded the bone marrow, Cao Feng said that it was not that serious: "It will be fine tomorrow."

"That's fine, it'll be fine tomorrow." He said, remembered something, opened the refrigerator again, searched for a while in the four-layer grid, and found a pink-white box.

Opening the box, Duan Yuche broke off a piece with his hand and handed it to Cao Feng: "Here."

Cao Feng didn't have a hand to pick it up, so he raised his head and asked him what it was.


He is passionate about and collects chocolates with different tastes and imported from different countries. The refrigerator in the room is used for this. There are more than 50 kinds of chocolates with different tastes and flavors, filling the entire refrigerator.

However, it is rare to share it with others.

Cao Feng sniffed hard with the tip of his nose, and he could smell the charming aroma: "This is chocolate!" He got closer and smelled it.

The novel and surprised look made Duan Yuche laugh and joked, "Have you ever eaten?"

Cao Feng shook his head and looked at him: "Is this for me?"

He hadn't eaten many snacks, and he basically wouldn't eat those things because he would spend unnecessary money. The last time he ate maltose was a long time ago.

Duan Yuche looked at him, Cao Feng's eyes were dyed with ink, like small animals, he felt uncomfortably sour, lowered his head and said "um", and said, "Here for you, I still have it in the refrigerator. There are many, if you like it, I will give you another flavor tomorrow." He said and directly fed the chocolate to Cao Feng's mouth.

He opened his mouth to hold it, and the moment he entered the mouth, the mellow aroma melted in his mouth, a little bitter, a little sweet, followed by another wonderful feeling, jumping in his mouth, bursting from the tip of the tongue to the palate, A burst of small explosions - the explosion made him unable to help open his eyes: "What is this?"

"Jumping candy, is it fun?" Duan Yuche sat next to him and said ostentatiously, "One of my favorites, suitable for summer, isn't the taste very cute? You can't buy this kind of chocolate in the supermarket." He's a bit of a collector, and he always buys a lot of these things, and it's very fulfilling to pile them together even if they don't eat them.

Cao Feng was a little stunned, looked at him and nodded: "Very cute, thank you brother."

Duan Yuche said it was okay, and asked him softly, "Does your hand still hurt?"

Cao Feng just felt very cold, as if it didn't hurt at all, so he replied that he didn't.

After sitting for a while, Duan Yuche asked him to take the ice back to the room and continue to apply it. The ice cubes melted and the towel was soaked in ice water, so Cao Feng did not continue the ice application.

It was late at night. Cao Feng took a bath and lay on the incredibly soft big bed. It felt like he was in a dream. He looked out the window. The transparent curtains were floating in the night. The lonely crescent moon is the same as the hometown.

The tip of the nose was lingering with the sweet smell of chocolate, and he could still feel the throbbing activity in his mouth, as if his heart was beating wildly.