Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 10


The greedy little baby was easily deceived by the food.

Seeing that he actually regained his spirits after the food, the two fathers didn't know what to say.

But the young lady who wanted to take a photo with Yuanyuan was obviously attracted by his innocence and cuteness. Little Yuanyuan stretched out her hand and gave him the cookies and chocolate balls.

Bai Qingnian said helplessly: "... Yuanyuan can't take both, return one to sister quickly."

Xiao Yuanyuan doesn’t want that.

The food that goes into his hands is his, and he won't give it to anyone who takes it.

Perhaps the incident with the oden left some impact, he held the thing tightly, hid it in his arms, and refused to hand it over.

"It's okay, if the baby likes it, just give it to him."

The young lady naturally didn't mind. It's the real and natural character of children that is most likable.

She asked Xiaoyuanyuan: "Can I take a photo with my sister?"

Bai Qingnian had already taken a photo of him just now. The clever little parrot understood what was going on and nodded in agreement for the sake of the sweets.

The other person took out his cell phone to take a picture, and the people who came together also came forward, and everyone took a photo with Xiao Yuanyuan.

Gu Xiefeng rarely had such patience, and he allowed others to take photos with a small wish, but he also reminded them after taking the photos: "Please don't upload it to any online platform, thank you."

Several girls agreed and left happily.

But many people nearby had been looking at this side just now. When they saw such a cute baby with a delicate complexion, just like a peach, some of them took secret photos of the baby, and some even seemed to want to come up and take photos with the baby.

Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian noticed it and quickly ran away with the child, just like bodyguards escorting a little star away.

After changing to another place, Bai Qingnian said with a smile: "Yuanyuan is like a little star now, and is welcomed wherever she goes."

But the popular little parrot didn't hear him because he was very busy tearing the cookie wrapper.

The wrapping paper was against him and he couldn't tear it open no matter what he did, so the little parrot baby used his special skills and bit it open with his mouth. Then he took out a piece and started eating it happily.

Sweet and delicious!

There were exactly three pieces in it. Xiao Yuanyuan ate one himself, then took out another piece and stuffed it into Gu Xiefeng's mouth.

Gu Xiefeng doesn’t like sweet things, but at that moment he was moved by Xiao Yuanyuan’s behavior of feeding him - the thing that he had just hidden tightly in his arms and refused to take out was actually shared with him.

And Xiao Yuanyuan hasn't forgotten Bai Qingnian.

He took out the last biscuit and shouted at Bai Qingnian: "Ba! Ba ba!"

He treated everyone equally. If he fed biscuits to Gu Xiefeng, he would also feed them to Bai Qingnian. He was never partial.

After finishing the biscuits, he didn’t throw the wrapper in his hand away, but handed it to Bai Qingnian: “… Dirty! Throw it away!”

No one taught him these things; he just learned them from watching cartoons.

Although the content was specially selected by Bai Qingnian and was suitable for children of this age, he still felt that Xiao Yuanyuan was very smart to be able to learn it in this way.

After Xiaoyuanyuan regained his spirit, their journey to the amusement park officially began.

We went to see a theater performance first, and then played a few activities that Xiaoyuanyuan could participate in.

When he met someone selling hydrogen balloons on the road, Gu Xiefeng bought all of them without blinking, a total of more than ninety.

He asked Xiao Yuanyuan to take a photo with the string and threatened him: "Yuanyuan, hold on tight, you have to return this to the owner, don't let go!"

The little parrot was so frightened that its whole body became rigid, and it held the hydrogen balloon tightly with both hands, not daring to move.

Bai Qingnian was watching from the side, and naturally felt that Gu Xiefeng's behavior of bullying a child was really unacceptable - but there was nothing he could do, the little baby was so cute that he didn't even know he was being deceived, and he held on very seriously and nervously.

After a while, he asked stumblingly: "Ba, ba! The rice is ready, the rice is ready!"

Gu Xiefeng not only took photos, but also took videos, trying not to laugh: "Okay, okay, it's done."

"Come! Come on Kool-Aid!"

"Here he comes, Dad is here."

The little baby remained stiff until Gu Xiefeng took the balloon from his hand, and only then did he dare to let out a long breath.

Gu Xiefeng was very wealthy, and he bought the balloons just to take photos of his little baby, and then he gave them to passers-by. Xiao Yuanyuan didn't suspect anything and actually thought he was giving it back to someone.

Then they went to see a performance at the open-air theatre.

Bai Qingnian can stand for hours during surgery without feeling tired, but when he occasionally goes out for a walk he feels like his feet are about to run away.

When playing the projects, they took the fast lane that did not require queuing. Compared with Gu Xiefeng who did not look tired at all and Shen Yuanyuan who hung on Gu Xiefeng the whole time without having to walk herself, Bai Qingnian really felt that he should exercise well.

After watching the open-air performance, it was getting dark, so we decided not to play anymore and just waited for the Halloween parade to begin.

Bai Qingnian was extremely tired, and sat down on the roadside without caring about his image. Gu Xiefeng accompanied him and sat next to him.

Little Yuanyuan, who was left alone in the stroller, was unhappy to see this scene. Because the stroller was high, he felt that he was a little far away from his fathers. He started to babble and wanted to sit on the ground with his fathers.

The ground was still cold, but Bai Qingnian was fully prepared, bringing a small blanket and spreading it on the ground for Xiao Yuanyuan to sit on. Considering the need to wait, Bai Qingnian even brought a tablet with him, on which he downloaded many episodes of cartoons, specifically for Xiao Yuanyuan to watch.

Xiao Yuanyuan was not a noisy child. When Bai Qingnian took out a flat plate of snacks and water, he sat obediently on the small blanket, without making any sound, and started watching cartoons.

Amid the bustling crowds of people, the scene of them together exudes an indescribable calmness and warmth, as if they were a real family of three, carving out a loving corner here.

Little Yuanyuan has short legs, but his legs can be stretched out completely on the ground. He eats a big round biscuit, spins his feet, and stares at the cartoon intently.

Gu Xiefeng looked at his flexible ankles and said, "Why does Yuanyuan keep turning his feet? Is there any meaning to this?"

Bai Qingnian found it funny when he saw him imitating Xiao Yuanyuan's leg-turning action: "All children do this, you'd better not learn it. You're old now, and you might sprain your ankle later."

"The little guy wouldn't even get sprained, so how could I? Are you looking down on me so much?"

"It's not that I look down on you. Children are more flexible. You are an old man, so stop making trouble."

"Why am I old and weak? You are going too far."

The two parents were arguing with each other. It had been a long time since they last went out on a date. Although they were a little tired, their mood was the best in recent times.

When it was completely dark, the parade finally started. People sitting on the roadside stood up. Xiao Yuanyuan was held by Gu Xiefeng. Dynamic and loud music sounded, which scared him and he hurriedly covered his ears.

Bai Qingnian noticed and patted him on the back: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'm willing to be afraid."

The little baby then tried to get into Bai Qingnian's arms.

Gu Xiefeng didn’t let go. The little guy felt very comfortable in his arms, with soft flesh, the cutest baby fat at this age.

Moreover, the little guy looked chubby, but he was not heavy at all when he was held in his arms, and was as soft as a piece of cotton candy. Gu Xiefeng held him in his arms and couldn't help but want to pinch him.

At first, Xiao Yuanyuan struggled and insisted on going into Bai Qingnian's arms, but when the float team came over, all attention was drawn away to him.

The music had a strong rhythm, the lyrics were catchy, and the cartoon puppets were dressed in exquisite costumes, dancing while interacting with the crowd.

The little parrot was seeing such a scene for the first time. He saw a bird much bigger than himself, so he pointed at his fathers and shouted, "Bird! Bird!"

The music was too loud and the parents couldn't hear what he said clearly.

Fortunately, the little guy was just influenced by the atmosphere and did not require a response from his parents. His attention was soon attracted by other things.

The parade was very long and lasted for dozens of minutes. By the time it was over, Xiao Yuanyuan had already memorized the melody and some of the lyrics of the music. She was still excited and sang on Gu Xiefeng's shoulder.

Because it was a Halloween parade, part of the lyrics were related to the festival, so the little guy not only remembered "Halloween", but also hummed "Ha Lou V" out of tune, shaking his head and dancing his whole body while humming, and he was restless in Gu Xiefeng's arms.

His good mood boosted the mood of everyone around him. Needless to say, his parents were never unhappy when they were with Xiao Yuanyuan.

The others were first attracted by the cute little treasure's appearance, and once they came, they didn't want to leave. They talked to him and took photos with him, one after another, which was even more exaggerated than in the afternoon.

Some people just like to join in the fun, so they came over when they saw so many people here. In the end, everyone thought he was some child star, and there were several layers of people surrounding him.

Bai Qingnian and Gu Xiefeng had not expected such a scene and were squeezed inside and unable to get out.

But the little guy wasn't afraid at all. He wasn't scared at all by so many people watching and taking pictures. He even posed like a little star, waving to everyone - and even blew everyone the kiss he had just learned.

It was not until the final fireworks show began and the crowd dispersed that the two parents were relieved.

At this time, the adults were a little tired, and Xiao Yuanyuan was also tired.

But the fireworks show was wonderful. It was the first time for the little parrot to see it, and no matter how tired he was, he opened his eyes wide and watched attentively, exclaiming “Wow! Wow! Wow!”

He had unconsciously consumed too much physical energy, and when his parents took him to a restaurant for dinner, the little baby closed his eyes and fell asleep halfway through the meal. He had no memory of later being taken back to the hotel.

That night the little parrot had a very happy dream.

He dreamed that his fathers knew his true identity, but did not abandon him, nor did he lose his memory. Instead, they gently accepted him and made him their real child.

He no longer had to turn back into a little parrot and fly to the sky. He took off his wings and became a real human child. He also learned to speak and lived with his fathers every day.

I woke up in the middle of the dream and found myself sleeping in a strange place.

But on the left was Gu Xiefeng, and on the right was Bai Qingnian. He was sleeping between the fathers, and his whole body was warm.

Little Yuanyuan blinked his eyes and saw his fathers' sleeping faces in the darkness. His desire was so strong that it was about to overflow. He wanted to be their real child so much. He was so happy to be with them. He wanted to be so happy forever.

He turned over and knelt down. He couldn't help but kiss Bai Qingnian first, then kissed Gu Xiefeng, and finally shrank back to the middle and continued to sleep.

The little parrot closed its eyes, hoping that the happy dream would continue and that the dream would come true.