Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 115


After supporting her little baby, Mother Gu led her group of sisters to retreat.

She wanted to take the baby with her, but the Gong family said they lived nearby and would be responsible for sending the child back, so Mother Gu let them do it.

They did not go back to the library to study in the afternoon. This time they finally understood how Mr. Gong usually made things difficult for Gong Wangheng. The two parents of the Gong family decided to go home first and have a good talk with their child - although the child did not seem to have this need, it was obviously the parents who could not stand it.

The little baby was sent back home. There was no one at home. His uncle and brother had something to talk to, so he had to do his homework by himself.

This incident did not have much impact on the little baby's mood.

This is what a carefree little bird is like. He gets angry when he is angry and sad when he is sad, but it will pass and he won’t mind too much.

Moreover, just now in the car, he had filed all the complaints that needed to be filed and successfully completed the task assigned to him.

He told his two uncles very seriously that they should protect his brother, saying that his brother couldn't even complain, which was a big worry for them.

Rather than Gong Wangheng's silence to conceal the truth, even if they were angry and sad, they hoped that Gong Wangheng would speak out instead of being sensible and not saying anything.

It was like that at the birthday party a few years ago, and it was the same this time. Thanks to the little baby being there, both times it was because of him that they were able to find out what happened.

Although the little guy acted like a little adult and gave them suggestions, Gong Suicheng and Zhong Anjia accepted them humbly.

Gong Suicheng and Zhong Anjia still don't know about his feat of knocking down Mr. Gong with one head. Before Gong Suicheng got out of the car to send him to the door of his house, he rubbed his head and said, "... Thank you Yuanyuan for always protecting my brother."

The little darling was calm and composed: "... I, there are always times when I can't protect you, so it's up to you guys. Don't let others bully your brother."

Mr. Gong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This little guy, at such a young age, spoke like an old man.

He replied: "Okay, uncle got it, uncle will definitely try his best to do it."

But after thinking about it, the little baby asked innocently: "By the way, uncle, why doesn't your father like my brother? He doesn't want such a good grandson, he is so weird?"

Gong Suicheng didn't know how to answer. The reason was probably something the child couldn't understand, nor was it appropriate for him to understand.

He had no choice but to say, "Yes, he is such a strange old man, different from others."

The little baby nodded: "... He is different from other grandpas. I have never seen such a fierce grandpa."

The little baby blinked his big eyes. As a child, he said whatever he thought of: "... Actually, he is really too much, but he is your father, so I won't say anything bad about him."

Gong Suicheng chuckled and looked at him: "Thank you for considering your uncle."

"You're welcome, because uncle is also good to me." The little baby waved to Gong Suicheng, "Then goodbye uncle, I'm going home."

But when he got home, the little baby suddenly became extremely lazy. He didn't want to do his homework or read books.

After writing a few math problems in a distracted manner, I collapsed on the sofa and took a nap, and slept until my fathers came back.

Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian later learned about his great achievements today.

When they heard him call to ask Gu's mother for help, they were surprised but not so surprised - they always felt that this was something their little darling would do.

When they got home, the parents saw the baby sleeping soundly on the sofa with his limbs spread out.

Such a wanton sleeping posture shows his domineering and unruly character.

Gu Xiefeng walked over and poked the domineering little parrot's chubby cheek, but the little baby did not respond and continued to sleep soundly.

Gu Xiefeng especially likes to look at the sleeping baby. He can look at him for a long time and never gets tired of it.

I continued to poke with my fingers, and this time the baby showed some reaction, humming and moving my fingers.

Bai Qingnian glanced at him and said, "Do you want to wake him up or not? Can you please stop teasing him like this?"

No, that's how you play him.

The sleeping little baby is an angel. Dad Gu kissed the little angel hard and woke him up immediately.

The half asleep and half awake little baby struggled subconsciously and slapped Dad Gu on the face with a crisp sound.

Bai Qingnian was drinking water and was about to sit down, but when he saw this scene, the water spurted out and he couldn't stop coughing.

Gu Xiefeng paid the price for his bad behavior and bad words, and Bai Qingnian was the innocent person implicated.

The little baby slowly woke up and stared at the two parents curiously with confused eyes, not knowing what they were going to do.

Later, at the little darling's place, the two parents learned the whole story—including the part where he knocked Mr. Gong down with his head.

How to explain this? They couldn't say that the little darling was wrong. The cause was caused by the old man of the Gong family. The little darling was trying to protect Gong Wangheng and himself.

But we can't say he is right. After all, we can't support or encourage him to do something like bumping into his elders, right

The little darling complained to Uncle Gong and Uncle Zhong, and mentioned it in front of his father, but he still couldn't help but use a complaining tone, not understanding why Grandpa Gong treated Brother Hengheng like this.

After not getting an answer from his brother or Uncle Gong, the little baby asked his parents: "Dad, why doesn't my brother's grandfather like him? Shouldn't grandfathers like children?"

This is a good question, and it stumped two adults.

They had some doubts about Gong Wangheng's background before, and they were even more suspicious now.

But adults always avoid these questions in front of children, and instead say: "... Let's not talk about this for now, anyway, don't hit others with your head anymore, especially the elderly, understand?"

"Why? If he's a bad guy, can't I hit him?"

"… Precisely because he is a bad guy, if you hit him and he uses it to accuse you, you will have no way to defend yourself."

"I bumped into him because I wanted to hurt him!" the little darling said confidently, "Besides, he was the one who was wrong, why are you blaming me?"

I just experienced something like this today, and my little baby felt so involved that he continued to be angry.

—It’s not an attack if it doesn’t hurt! He is also a passionate little parrot!

There is no way to explain this. How can I tell him that if I hurt someone, even if I was right, I would become wrong.

Mr. Bai tried to explain patiently: "We can't use this method for this situation."

"I want to use this method. Otherwise, he will bully me, and I don't want it!" The little baby threw himself on Father Gu and continued to complain, "Dad, that old man is so mean, he asked people to catch me, I fled to the windowsill, and he still asked me to jump down, he is so mean, it's so high up there, we are on the 30th floor!"

After hearing this, Mr. Gu immediately changed his attitude.

The old man from the Gong family was too cruel. He only hit her once, and later on, Mother Gu didn't care too much about it. It was all easy for him.

"Next time you meet him, just go find dad right away, okay?"

The little baby nodded: "Today, I wanted to find my dad, but I also wanted to show him what real grandparents look like, but I don't have grandpa's contact information, so I asked grandma to come..."

There is really nothing wrong with calling her grandma.

Not only is there no problem, it's also very cool.

Not only does it show off, but it also has the style of a little baby, and you can tell at first glance that it is something he would do.

"If you encounter something like this in the future, call daddy if you can, but don't rush in on your own." Father Gu rubbed his head, "If you can't beat him, will you be at a disadvantage? Will you be bullied? So you have to find daddy, because daddy has a strong fist and is fierce in a fight."

I directly told the little baby not to bump into others, but the little baby didn't accept it.

But when Dad Gu put it another way, the little baby was able to accept it. Yes, when it comes to beating people, you still have to look at Daddy's fist. It looks like he can kill him with just one punch.

Next time he sees this man bullying his brother, he will ask his father to come over and beat him up.

The little baby nodded: "Okay, I get it! Next time I will call daddy first!"

That's how the matter passed.

Although she was still a little angry when she thought about the little baby being treated like this, but she and her sisters made Old Man Gong lose face because of Gu's mother's weird attitude. After this incident, she never went to Gong Suicheng to say anything.

Time flies by, and the final exam is waiting for the little darling not far away.

After the final exams comes the winter vacation, and when the winter vacation comes, the New Year arrives.

In order to motivate his little baby, Mr. Bai said that he would buy him new clothes for the New Year only if he got good grades this year.

Children are creatures that attach great importance to rituals.

In the past few years since coming to this world, every New Year, the little baby has to change everything from underwear to socks. I have become accustomed to it and feel that this is a necessary step in the New Year.

It wouldn’t be a New Year without new clothes this year.

Therefore, the little baby decided to study hard, get good grades, and buy new clothes.

But the goal was set by the little darling, and the effort was also put in by Gong Wangheng. The exam was getting closer and closer, and after class every day, Gong Wangheng was responsible for tutoring and correcting homework for the little darling, acting like a little tutor.

That day, the little baby brought Chen Shuying with him.

Chen Shuying, whose grades were worse than his, had just "run away from home", so his parents were very strict with him and had unprecedentedly high expectations for his grades, requiring him to get above 95 points in each subject at the end of the semester.

Chen Shuying had her own reasons for running away from home last time, but this time when she heard her parents' request, she really wanted to run away from home.

When Chen Shuying heard the little baby bragging about having a smart brother next door who would tutor him, he asked if he could go along, because his tutor was very fierce and would scold him at every turn.

The kind little baby did not refuse. She asked brother Hengheng first. After brother Hengheng agreed, he let Chen Shuying come to his house to do homework.

The relationship between the two children is still very good.

After all, they have been desk mates since kindergarten and are different from other children. They don't need to be too defensive in front of each other and can get along more easily.

When Chen Shuying came to the little baby's home for the first time, she brought gifts with her and put them in her schoolbag. She took them out and gave them to the little baby when she arrived.

It is the skin he shed during his first growth period.

Although the main body is a small black snake, the shed skin is transparent and well preserved, with clear scale patterns. It is packed in a transparent plastic box, like an exquisite handicraft.

"It looks good, right? This is part of my tail. I'm giving it to you."

"Wow, it's really beautiful, but why did you give it to me? Didn't you keep it for yourself as a souvenir?"

"I will have to shed my skin many times in the future, so this little bit won't make a difference."

"Thank you... But your body is so small, and your tail is so thin."

"Keep it well. If I become a powerful snake in the future, my power will definitely be reflected in it."

The little baby looked at him and said, "You should watch less anime in the future."

The nanny brought them some snacks, which were small alphabet cookies and fruit tarts just bought from the pastry shop. They were all freshly baked and still had a fragrant aroma.

Chen Shuying picked up the letter cookie and said, "Don't be fooled by its appearance, it may be a sealed cursed thing. If you eat it, you will die."

“… You should really watch less anime.” People were stunned.

Gong Wangheng arrived late.

They had all done their homework at Gong's house before, but Gong Wangheng would never accept a strange child to go to his place, so today the location was set in his brother's small study.

The little darling introduced them first: "Brother, this is my deskmate, his name is Chen Shuying."

Chen Shuying greeted: "Hello, brother Yuanyuan!"

Gong Wangheng nodded, but his eyes fell on the two children's pencil cases.

—The decorations on their pencil cases are all little penguin pendants, and you can tell at a glance that they were given by Xiao Yuanyuan.

Gong Wangheng couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Are they very good friends? He had never heard his younger brother mention this person.

The decorations were given to Chen Shuying by the little darling, but there were a dozen or so classmates around, so he shared them all with them.

He couldn't even count the points he accumulated from buying the little penguins. One thousand points could be exchanged for a small pendant, so he exchanged all of them for the little treasures at once and gave them to his classmates.

This was not the first time Gong Wangheng and Chen Shuying had met. They had met a few years ago, but neither of them had any impression of each other.

Gong Wangheng sat down and calmly opened their textbooks to see where to start.

Every time the little baby saw Brother Hengheng like this, he would get nervous and stand up: "I'm going to the bathroom first, wait for me!"

Only Chen Shuying and Gong Wangheng were left in the small study.

Chen Shuying was munching on biscuits and only looked at him when Gong Wangheng asked him a question.

Gong Wangheng asked: "Do you have a good relationship with Yuanyuan?"

Chen Shuying thought about it and tried to leave a good impression on the little brother: "Well, we are very good. We have been together since kindergarten. We are probably the people who know each other best in the world."

His words sounded exaggerated like anime, but strictly speaking, there was nothing wrong with them.

Not many people know Xiao Yuanyuan's secret, and no one else knows his secret.

But when Gong Wangheng heard this, he was silent for a while, then slowly said: "So you two have such a good relationship."

Chen Shuying suddenly felt a little cold here.

The author has something to say: Character profile

Name: Gong Wangheng

Specialties: (crossed out) study (crossed out) jealous

My elementary school wish will probably be over tomorrow. If not, just treat it as a joke.