Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 121


The baby's day is quite busy.

After school in the afternoon, I have to go to a vocal music class for an hour and a half to practice singing, and then go to a piano class for an hour the next day. After returning home, I have to continue practicing singing and piano. With a housekeeper or parents watching over me, I rarely slack off.

When he went to his piano lesson, he began to regret not taking an extra day off.

While practicing, he wondered why he chose to become a human being. Is the meaning of life just to play the piano? What can playing the piano bring to him? Can it lead him to the end of the universe? But where is the end of the universe? What if there is a piano at the end of the universe

In short, when the get out of class was over, he didn't want to stay even a second longer. He was always the first one to run into the elevator and left at the speed of light.

The piano training class is not far from his home, and the little baby sometimes chooses to walk back by himself.

Today was the day, he didn't let the driver wait, and decided to go back by himself, and by the way, he wanted to buy a cup of milk tea on the way to reward himself for a hard day.

As a result, when I opened the door and went out, I saw Gong Wangheng.

Gong Wangheng was standing at the door wearing a mask, and he didn't look like he was just passing by.

Bai Yuan was afraid that he had seen it wrong, so he blinked and asked stupidly: "...Brother, why are you here?"

Gong Wangheng looked at his watch and said, "I know you have piano lessons today, so I'm waiting here for you to finish class."

Gong Wangheng was wearing a mask, so when the little baby looked at him, he could only stare into his eyes. Their eyes met. When his brother said such words again, he became inexplicably nervous and his heart was pounding.

There must be something wrong with his heart. He might be a little parrot with a heart disease.

The little baby wanted to put his hand on his chest, but his hands were too nervous to move. He only asked, "...Did you come here specially to wait for me?"

"I just happened to pass by here, and I thought your get out of class was about to end, so I was curious about when you would come out." Gong Wangheng said, "According to my incomplete statistics, you always leave within 20 seconds after each piano class."

My heartbeat died, and I regained my composure in a second: "...Brother, are you laughing at me?"


"You laughed in your heart, I heard it!"

"Let's go, let's go back together." Gong Wangheng said, "I'll take you to drink milk tea."

No matter how old the baby is, he is easy to coax. When he heard about drinking milk tea, he smiled again: "I was just thinking about drinking milk tea today, so you can treat me."

"Well, I'll buy you a drink."

The weather was still a little cold, and the little baby was overly nervous just now. After he calmed down, the temperature of his hands subsided, and his fingertips and palms were cold. He subconsciously put them to his mouth and blew out a few breaths of hot air.

Gong Wangheng caught this tiny movement and asked, "Are you cold?"

The little darling was too embarrassed to say that he was inexplicably nervous just now, and nodded: "... Well, the air conditioner was on in the classroom, and I felt a little cold when I came out."

Then my hand was pulled over by my brother.

It was a very natural and reasonable action. Gong Wangheng took his hand and put it in his pocket.

What was a normal behavior when he was a child seemed somewhat intimate when he grew up. His brother's hand was wrapped around his hand. They grew up holding hands like this, but now it made him nervous.

"Is this warmer?"

“… Yeah, okay, much better.”

"What kind of milk tea would you like to drink later?"

The little baby's heart started beating again, but he said clearly what kind of milk tea he wanted: "... I want to drink strawberry Daifuku milk tea today, I want a large cup."

I looked up at Gong Wangheng. My brother is obviously very gentle, why can't everyone see it

It has been like this since he was a child. Although he has a bit of oppressive aura, it does not conflict with his gentleness.

The little baby doesn’t understand why others can’t see such a good brother.

When crossing the road, Gong Wangheng reminded him: "Walk slowly and be careful."

Bai Yuan jokingly asked: "Do you still treat me as a child?"

Gong Wangheng then asked back, "Aren't you?"

The tone was serious, the question was asked seriously, and the doubt was serious.

The heartbeat died again, and the little baby's heart was as calm as the surface of the water without any fluctuations for a second: "...Brother, I have grown up and am almost as tall as you."

They were more than 20 centimeters apart, and Gong Wangheng could rest his chin on his head when he turned around. How dare he say that they were almost the same height

But Gong Wangheng did not refute, and just said in a coaxing tone, "Yeah, yes, you have grown up."

The little darling decided to take back his previous thought. What a stinky brother. It’s true that he gets more annoying as he gets older.

Gong Wangheng could never guess what his brother was thinking. In his eyes, his brother was still just a child.

They grew up together, and since the little age the younger brother played the role of a child around him. He was spoiled by his parents and it seemed that only his physical age had grown older, but he was still the same little fool at heart.

But think about it again, he is not just a little fool anymore, now at least he is a versatile little fool who can sing, play the piano and draw well too.

There is still a lot of progress.

Gong Wangheng smiled, but the little darling with keen hearing noticed: "You are making fun of me!"


"I heard everything! You're just making fun of me!"

Bai Yuan pulled his hand out of his brother's pocket, and the violent bird arrived late but arrived, beating him repeatedly.

No matter how noisy it is, you still have to drink milk tea.

Later, as they walked home with a cup of milk tea each, Gong Wangheng said, "Uncle Gu came to see me today."

"Ah?" The little baby was startled, "Did dad find out about my going out last night?"

He knew that the housekeeper would complain. How could he not complain about such a thing

Gong Wangheng said: "Well, but this is one of them."

“… Is there anything else?”

"Uncle Gu told me to watch you and never let you fall in love too early."

The little baby thought that some other bad thing had been exposed, but he didn't expect it to be this. He was speechless on the spot.

Gong Wangheng also asked: "So you didn't fall in love prematurely?"

Gu Xiefeng came to see Gong Wangheng during the day today. He didn't call him, but just sent him a WeChat message, asking him if he took Yuanyuan out for a ride last night.

When making this decision last night, Gong Wangheng wanted to just take the baby for a short ride, but he didn't manage his time well and it was too late when he sent him back.

When Gu Xiefeng asked, Gong Wangheng honestly admitted: [Sorry Uncle Gu, I got home a little late last night. I will pay attention next time.]

But Gu Xiefeng trusts Gong Wangheng very much.

The two children grew up together, and Gong Wangheng has taken good care of the little baby since they were young. This is a brotherly relationship certified by their father. Gong Wangheng is definitely a good brother.

The housekeeper reported that Gong Wangheng took the baby out for a ride last night. He didn't think it was a big deal. Gong Wangheng has always been reliable and would never let Yuanyuan be in danger.

Gu Xiefeng: [It’s okay, it’s not a big deal. You’ve always been prudent in doing things, uncle is assured]

Gong Wangheng thought about how he accelerated to full speed last night and stood like a restless little bird, and felt a little ashamed of Gu Xiefeng's word "safe".

But he certainly wouldn't blow himself up, he just asked: [Uncle, is there anything wrong?]

Gu Xiefeng: [It’s like this, it’s not a big deal, I just suddenly thought of something that I want to trouble you with]

Gong Wangheng: [Hmm]

Gong Wangheng: [It’s related to Yuanyuan, right?]

Gu Xiefeng: [Yes.]

Gu Xiefeng: [I would like you to help me keep an eye on him and not let him fall in love too early]

Puppy love

At that time, Gong Wangheng thought this was ridiculous. His younger brother was only fourteen years old. Wasn’t Uncle Gu’s worry a little too early

Gu Xiefeng: [Children nowadays mature too early. They dare to have their first love at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and even sixteen or seventeen cannot stop them.]

Gu Xiefeng: [When I turned 18, I dared to do anything.]

Gu Xiefeng: [Of course I know you are not among them, you are a reliable child]

Gong Wangheng didn't know how to respond. He thought Uncle Gu might be worrying too much. He kept deleting and typing, but couldn't press the send button.

Gu Xiefeng: [When Yuanyuan was in the first grade of junior high school, someone stuffed a love letter into his pocket. Can you believe it?]

Gu Xiefeng: [At first he would tell us and give us the love letters he received, but now he doesn’t do that anymore. I suspect he is unwilling to tell us]

Gu Xiefeng: [Children of this age have begun to rebel and are unwilling to tell their parents some things, so please help pay attention to this aspect. If Yuanyuan has a tendency to fall in love early, you must tell uncle]

But Gong Wangheng knew nothing about this. If Gu Xiefeng hadn't suddenly told him, he wouldn't have known about it.

Seeing Gu Xiefeng say this, Gong Wangheng silently deleted the sentence "Yuanyuan should not worry" in the dialog box.

Maybe you still need to worry about it.

Gong Wangheng: [Okay, I will ask him and I will also keep an eye on him]

Gu Xiefeng: [Yes, if you ask, he should tell you. This is what I am most worried about right now. Uncle, I’ll leave it to you.]

Gong Wangheng: [Well, I will try my best to watch him]

Gu Xiefeng: [Uncle knows you are reliable and has the best way to manage him since he was a child]

Gu Xiefeng: [Yuanyuan is too simple-minded and has not been around many people since he was a child. Your uncle Bai and I are most worried that he will be deceived by bad people]

What Uncle Gu said is very possible.

If this little bird is about to be cheated, it will probably help count the money.

Gong Wangheng: [Okay Uncle Gu, I understand]

Gu Xiefeng: [Well, nothing else, uncle won’t bother you anymore]

Perhaps there were other more tactful ways to ask, but Gong Wangheng chose the most direct one, which was to ask in person.

The result was that the little baby was so angry that he spat at Dad Gu in his heart. What kind of dad is this? He worries about this all day long. Who is he going to have a premature love affair with

Then he answered Gong Wangheng with displeasure: "He is just worrying about nothing. Who would I go into a premature love relationship with?"

Angrily: "You are helping him to ask me, I also want to ask you, are you also in a relationship?"

Gong Wangheng said calmly: "Of course not."

"You don't fall in love when you're eighteen, so how can I fall in love when I'm fourteen?"

“We are different.”

"What's different? Did I grow horns on my head, or did my tail pop out again? Why do people have to worry about such problems at the age of fourteen?"

"You are cute and have been loved since childhood."