Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 122


Gong Wangheng spoke very naturally, but the little baby's heartbeat seemed to explode in an instant.

What is this? How can Gong Wangheng say such a thing as a matter of course

“… You, what are you talking about?” Bai Yuan, who was furious the previous second, stuttered the next second.

He must be having a heart attack, otherwise why would his heartbeat be so severe? Is it too late for him to go to the hospital now

Gong Wangheng continued walking forward, not noticing the change in his brother at that moment.

He was convinced by Gu Xiefeng's words. His younger brother had been spoiled by his parents like a little flower in a greenhouse since he was a child. He had a simple and innocent character. If he was really cheated by some bad guy, he was afraid that he would not notice it or discover it.

Uncle Gu's worries are not unreasonable. He should really help watch over his brother and not let this happen.

Gong Wangheng said: "Uncle Gu said that someone gave you a love letter. Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Bai Yuan caught up with Gong Wangheng and followed him, whispering, "How can I tell you this..."

Gong Wangheng stopped and looked at him: "You always tell me how many bowls of rice you eat every day, but you don't tell me this?"

Bai Yuan calmed down instantly.

He felt that his brother did it on purpose. How come the words coming out of this mouth always made his heart beat fast one second, and then he recovered quickly the next second: "… What? How come you made me sound like I only know how to eat?"

"I'm just giving you an example."

"Then find a better example!"

"It doesn't make much difference." Gong Wangheng said, "Anyway, tell me later."

"… Why should I tell you?" His heartbeat was starting to stutter. He was really worried that it might break down. "If I tell you, will you tell my dad?"

"I won't tell Uncle Gu." Gong Wangheng said, "I just want to know."

Gong Wangheng did have selfish motives. This was his younger brother, whom he had raised personally, and he didn't want to see Bai Yuanzhen fall in love with someone prematurely.

Previously, he just thought that there was no need to worry about this, but if his brother really had a secret relationship with someone, he would probably chop off the other person's pig's trotter like Gu Xiefeng did.

Bai Yuan's heart was beating fast and he didn't give any answer.

Should I tell my brother? Why should I tell him about this? What should I do once he knows

An unfamiliar emotion was transmitted from his heart to his brain, making him excited and nervous. He wanted to determine exactly what it was called, but he had never experienced this kind of emotion in many years, so he couldn't put it into words.

Gong Wangheng saw that his brother was silent and realized belatedly that he was afraid that he was angry.

After all, this is a willful little bird with a temper, and it will get angry if you don't do what it wants.

Gong Wangheng was not sure if he could say those words just now, but he felt that he could say them and there was nothing wrong with it. But his brother did not respond, so he rubbed his little baby's head and said, "Don't be angry with me, I just care about you."

Shut up now!

My heart is about to jump out of my chest!

"... Got it. I'll tell you later." Avoiding Gong Wangheng's hand, the little darling walked forward quickly, "Okay, let's go home soon. I still have to practice the piano..."

Too stressful.

The nervousness made him timid and he wanted to hide.

That night, Bai Yuan collapsed on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, his mind full of what Gong Wangheng had said during the day.

No matter how slow you are, you will gradually realize that this is what is called heart-throb.

The little baby was wrapped in the quilt and twisted like a worm on the bed, with complicated feelings. He had no idea when it started, but it was not his fault that he had a crush on his brother - it was all his brother's fault, he had been so good to him since he was a child and seduced him all day long.

It seems that young people are always more easily attracted to mature and outstanding older people, and Gong Wangheng does have all the elements that can make people fall in love with him.

But compared to strong love or possession, this is more like a simple and pure longing.

Even after realizing what this was, the little darling had no idea what to do.

He just accepted and adapted to living in this body with these strange emotions, and at this age, there were many other things to do.

The little baby tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so he took out his cell phone and sent a message to Gong Wangheng.

Bai Yuan: [Brother, are you asleep?]

Gong Wangheng replied quickly: [Not yet, I’m writing a paper]

Little baby has nothing to say: [Is it difficult to write?]

Gong Wangheng: [Not bad, not too difficult]

Bai Yuan: [Will I disturb you?]

Gong Wangheng: [No]

Gong Wangheng: [What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?]

Bai Yuan: [Yeah, can’t sleep]

Gong Wangheng: [If I can’t sleep, I get up and read]

The heart rate value instantly returned to zero.

What on earth is going on with this brother

The little baby threw the phone to the other side of the bed and said, forget it, forget it.

But after a while, he came back and typed: [Is learning really that important?]

Gong Wangheng: [Of course it is important]

The little baby thought for a while: [Then I will study hard too]

Bai Yuan: [I want to get into a very good university and be as good as my brother]

The heartbeat of youth is beautiful and pure. It has nothing to do with possession and desire, and not even too much greed. Instead, it has the motivation to drive oneself to strive for progress. Just following the other person's footsteps will make you happy.

Gong Wangheng is too outstanding, and the gap between them is too big. The little baby doesn’t want to be left behind by his brother. He wants to grow up quickly, be the same age as his brother, become smart, become outstanding, and become a better person.

Gong Wangheng quickly replied: [That’s great, you can do it]

Bai Yuan: [Can you still tutor me like before?]

Bai Yuan: [Until I was admitted to university]

Gong Wangheng has been providing free tutoring since he was a child, and he thinks his younger brother's question is unnecessary. He is still in charge of this project and has never stopped.

Gong Wangheng: [It’s no problem for you to take the postgraduate entrance exam]

The little baby looked at his brother's reply and said shyly: [That's not certain. If you fall in love and get married, you may not care about me anymore.]

Gong Wangheng: [No]

Gong Wangheng: [Don’t just think about these]

Tsk, baby is unhappy, who knows what I am thinking: [Words are not enough]

Gong Wangheng: [Does this kind of thing require a written guarantee to count?]

Bai Yuan suddenly had an idea: [Yes, please write it down as proof]

Gong Wangheng: [.]

But after a few minutes, Gong Wangheng really sent a picture over, which was a handwritten letter of guarantee.

The handwriting was neat and tidy, slender and powerful, and it clearly stated that the guarantor was Gong Wangheng, and that Bai Yuan would never fall in love or get married before he was successfully admitted to university.

He still coaxed his brother like a child: [Is this enough?]

Bai Yuan was satisfied and pressed on: [Please make two copies and treat them with a professional attitude. We will each have one tomorrow and I will frame them.]

Gong Wangheng let him do whatever he wanted, looked at his phone and smiled helplessly: [Well, I'll give it to you tomorrow]

Bai Yuan looked at the dialog box and typed: [Brother, you must not abandon me. I will study hard and get into a good university.]

Gong Wangheng didn't know what was wrong with him. He suddenly burst into enthusiasm for learning in the middle of the night: [Okay, I will accompany you to study]

Bai Yuan: [I will also work hard to grow up, and I will become as tall as you in the future]

This is nonsense, but Gong Wangheng still let him do it: [Okay, I will watch you work hard to grow up]

Bai Yuan: [Brother, I love you the most]

When Gong Wangheng heard this, his heart softened.

Even at this age, she still likes to act like a spoiled child, as if she hasn't grown up yet, so pampered.

Gong Wangheng: [Yeah, good boy]

Gong Wangheng: [Okay, it’s time to go to bed. Go to bed quickly.]

Bai Yuan: [Okay, I’m going to sleep now]

Bai Yuan: [Good night, brother]

Gong Wangheng: [Good night, baby]

Putting down the phone, the little baby wrapped himself in the quilt and arched his back on the bed, and this time he fell asleep quickly.

The next day was the day when Mr. Gu returned from a business trip. He would arrive during the day and said he would pick up the baby from school in the afternoon.

But the little baby was unilaterally angry with him and didn't want to pay attention to him. She decided to refuse his pick-up and drop-off, and didn't want to get close to him when she got home.

But when he arrived at school, he learned about an unexpected incident: Chen Shuying had a fight with Shen Ye.

The reason was that Shen Ye, the little gossiper, said that he saw him dating someone outside the school yesterday, walking hand in hand on the street, and his behavior was very intimate. What he said was not very nice, saying that he was pretending to be a good boy and a good student, but in fact he had been having an affair with someone outside the school.

Many people knew that Shen Ye wanted to pursue Bai Yuan, but many people also laughed at Bai Yuan for avoiding him. Perhaps out of the vicious mentality of slandering when one cannot get the result, this matter spread from the high school department to the junior high school department that morning.

Chen Shuying heard it before the baby arrived at school.

The grumpy little snake beat people up online, which alarmed the Academic Affairs Office, which was busy contacting both parents early in the morning.

Bai Yuan knew that he was confused and dazed at first, and then angry and aggrieved.

He was protected too well by Father Gu and Father Bai, and rarely encountered such inexplicable and unreasonable malicious harm.

My first reaction was to call Gu Xiefeng. Father Gu would definitely protect him, but Father Gu was still on his way back and would not be here until noon.

Bai Qingnian had a major surgery in the morning, so he tried to call, but Bai Qingnian didn't answer.

In fact, he could beat the housekeeper or the Gu family. If something like this happened, Gu's mother would come and sew the other person's mouth shut.

But in the end, she was beaten by Gong Wangheng. She told her brother about it feeling aggrieved and subconsciously sought protection from her brother.

When Gong Wangheng arrived, Chen Shuying's parents had not arrived yet, but Shen Ye's parents had already arrived.

Because it spans across grades, the deans of junior high and high school were also there.

Shen Ye refused to admit that he was wrong because he was only slightly injured and did not fight back. He used this as an excuse to say in front of the teachers and parents that it was Chen Shuying who started the trouble first.

After seeing Gong Wangheng coming in, he became even more excited: "Look, it's him. They were walking hand in hand on the road yesterday. I was right."

Gong Wangheng came in and glanced at everyone, then pulled the little baby behind him: "I'm his brother, are you dissatisfied with this?"

Shen Ye knew that everything was caused by his words. After all, he could only hold on to it: "... You, are you his biological brother? Of course you won't admit it."

Parent Shen Ye defended him: "Anyway, our child was beaten at school. It was just a few words. Even if he said something wrong, you can't just hit him."

"Insults and rumors are not trivial matters. Although he is a minor, you are not." Gong Wangheng said coldly, "I have contacted a lawyer and he is on his way. I will sue and hold the guardian responsible depending on the circumstances."

The Dean of Studies certainly didn't want to make a big fuss. This kind of thing could be best resolved privately: "... There's no need to make such a big fuss. We'll handle it."

"Then you guys can handle it now." Gong Wangheng came to support the little darling, with an aura of two meters and eighty, "Deal with it now, I'll watch you handle it."