Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 126


The little baby had never seen Uncle Zhong act so out of control.

Not only did she get drunk and vomit all over Uncle Gong, she also refused to change her clothes afterwards. Instead, she took Gong Wangheng's hand and started nagging about other things. Sometimes she was worried that he wouldn't be able to find a partner in the future, and sometimes she said that it didn't matter if he didn't have a partner.

Gong Wangheng avoided this drunkard and just wanted to escape. The two of them even staged a chase. Later, Uncle Gong went to pull Uncle Zhong, but Uncle Zhong complained that he was smelly and didn't want to touch him.

The scene was very chaotic for a while, but it was also a good time for the little baby to take the opportunity to leave.

If it was just his brother, he wouldn't mind staying a little longer, but Uncle Zhong and Uncle Gong were both there, and his identity couldn't stand the risk of being exposed, so he took the opportunity to sneak away.

He arrived home at a coincidence, as Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian had also returned.

The little baby didn't eat at home today, so the two adults went out to eat, but brought some midnight snacks. When they came in, they called him, "Yuanyuan, are you back? Come out for a midnight snack. Daddy brought your favorite fried chicken."

The little baby was changing clothes in a panic, and responded from the room: "I'm back - I'll be down to eat right away -"

He casually put on his home clothes and hurried out. Although no one would notice, the little baby just couldn't control his guilty behavior.

Fortunately, his parents didn't notice it. They just opened the midnight snack they bought and asked him to eat with them.

Gu Xiefeng said: "I feel like I've gained some weight recently. Do you feel like I've gained more fat on my belly?"

Even though he asked this, his hands showed no sign of stopping as he was trying to eat.

Bai Qingnian continued: "You are getting older, it's normal for your figure to start to change."

"What do you mean by age is right there? What age am I? I'm just over 40, in the prime of my life, but I've been a little careless about my figure lately." It was obvious that Gu Xiefeng was very unhappy with Bai Qingnian's words, "You're complaining about my age now, what will I do in the future?"

"I'm just telling the truth, don't be so sensitive."

"Humph, you just think I'm not young enough."

Ever since Bai Qingnian accepted a young apprentice, Gu Xiefeng often lost his temper for no apparent reason, just to make a presence felt.

Middle-aged boys also have a strong sense of crisis.

Bai Qingnian didn't want to pay attention to him and continued eating.

But Gu Xiefeng was unyielding: "Speak up, why aren't you speaking? Did I get it right?"

Bai Yuan looked at them quietly.

Gu Xiefeng looked like he was looking for trouble, but essentially they were just showing off their affection. The little baby was eating fried chicken silently. I hope this parental couple can realize that it is not very kind to do this in front of their adolescent son.

Sure enough, Bai Qingnian began to coax Gu Xiefeng: "No, why would I dislike you."

The little baby suddenly felt that the fried chicken in his hand was tasteless. That’s enough, having a dog at home is enough, he doesn’t want to eat such dog food.

Bai Yuan chose to go back to his room, turned on his mobile phone, and saw the message sent by Gong Wangheng a minute ago.

Brother Hengheng: [Little parrot, was that you just now?]

Just with this line of words, the little baby's face instantly turned red.

Little parrot.

His brother had never called him that.

But he subconsciously chose to deny it. What happened from the time he showed up to the time he left Gong's house could only be described as outrageous. He didn't want to recall it, as it would be embarrassing to recall it.

Bai Yuan: [What little parrot? I don't know what you are talking about]

Gong Wangheng smiled when he saw his brother's message. It was just text, but he seemed to be able to see through his expression, which was really the same since he was a child.

Gong Wangheng: [A feather fell on my head]

Gong Wangheng: [Pink]

Bai Yuan: [What does that have to do with me]

Bai Yuan: [(`へ)You can’t just see a parrot and say that’s me]

Gong Wangheng: [It would be a pity if it wasn’t you]

Gong Wangheng: [Such a cute little parrot, there's actually a second one nearby]

The little baby looked at the screen of his mobile phone and regretted it so much. Is it too late to admit that it was him now? He wanted to hear his brother praise him like this.

Brother Hengheng: [If you know him, please tell him for me. He is the cutest little parrot I have ever seen.]

The words were so precise that even if Bai Yuan did not admit that it was him, there was no way to find fault with it.

He still regretted that this cute little parrot was him and he should have admitted it just now.

Bai Yuan: [Okay, if we have a chance to meet in the future, I will tell him]

As a result, the little baby didn't sleep well at night because of Gong Wangheng's teasing.

I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep until after one o'clock. Then I made a bold decision, turned into a little parrot again, and went to see Gong Wangheng.

This time he was much more cautious and didn't dare to fly directly into Gong Wangheng's room so high-profile. He took a detour and entered Gong's house first, and only flew in after making sure that the lights in Gong Wangheng's room were turned off.

His brother was asleep, and the room was dark, with only some moonlight shining through the curtains.

The little baby didn't know what he was here for, or maybe he didn't want to do anything at all. What bad intentions could the little parrot have? He just liked his brother, so he couldn't help wanting to look at him more.

The little baby flapped its wings, flew gently to Gong Wangheng's pillow and landed, then fell backwards, and collapsed on Gong Wangheng's hair with its four legs up in the air.

Gong Wangheng was sleeping soundly with his breathing even, and he didn't notice the little parrot sneaking in.

The little baby lay there peacefully for a while. He couldn't fall asleep in his own bed, so he felt safe lying next to his brother. After a while, he felt sleepy.

But he couldn't sleep here. If his brother woke up first tomorrow, he wouldn't be able to explain himself.

After lying there for a while, the little baby got up, picked up a feather from its wing with its mouth, and put it in its brother's hair - just as a return gift for the little parrot's bookmark, this was a small token of appreciation from the cute little parrot.

Young love is like this. You are afraid of being discovered by the other party, but you also hope that the other party will discover it. You are afraid that it is one-sided, but you can't help but hope that it is mutual affection. When you meet, you are timid and pretend to be calm, but you deliberately leave seemingly inadvertent clues where the other party can't see.

The next day, Bai Yuan woke up very early.

It is impossible for him to do nothing during his summer vacation until college starts. Not only does he still have to take piano and vocal lessons, but he also has to take a language class.

He wanted to get to Gong's house before Gong Wangheng left, and then ask Gong Wangheng to take him to class, so that he could have more time alone on the way.

The plan went smoothly, and the arrangements were perfect.

But before going out, he would touch Eleven's head as usual.

Eleven is already fourteen years old, and is really an old dog. Compared with Seventeen who is still lively and active, Eleven is obviously old. He no longer likes to go for walks, and now he likes to lie at home the most. His teeth are loose, and he can't eat anything too hard.

Fortunately, he is in good spirits and still in good health. The doctor said his physical condition is better than most old dogs and as long as he keeps it up, he can live for many more years.

It has dedicated its entire life to this family and is the family's most loyal guardian. To the little baby, they grew up together and Eleven is an even more important member of the family.

He was particularly afraid that Eleven would suddenly leave them, so the first thing he did every morning was to make sure Eleven was still alive, then comb its hair and prepare to feed it various supplements.

Sometimes I have to talk to it, like now, stroking its head: "You must eat well every day and stay with us all the time."

Eleven understood. He was always smart. When the baby said that, he wagged his tail and whined, as if to indicate that he understood.

After completing this, the little baby jumped to Gong's house to intercept his brother before he left.

The Gong family's nanny came to open the door. The time was almost right. The three members of the Gong family had just finished breakfast and were getting ready to go out.

Gong Wangheng saw him and said, "Yuanyuan, what's the matter?"

Bai Yuan said bluntly: "… It's nothing serious. I'm going to a language class later and I want to take your car. Are you free?"

With such a good opportunity coming right to your doorstep, only a fool would ask why you should take his car.

Even if he is not free, he must be free immediately. Gong Wangheng said, "Of course I am free, but you have to wait a moment."

The little baby smiled: "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, take your time."

Zhong Anjia forgot what she did last night. She woke up with a hangover and still had a headache. When she saw the little baby, she greeted him reluctantly.

The little darling asked considerately: "Uncle Zhong, are you feeling better? You were very drunk last night."

The innocent little baby asked whatever he thought of, and even after asking, he didn't realize immediately that something was wrong.

Gong Wangheng stood beside the little darling, watching him say these words, and he wanted to put his hand over his mouth but it was too late. He had seen people forced to confess under torture, but not many were like this little guy who was so eager to blow himself up and give himself up.

Zhong Anjia didn't think anything was wrong at first: "Yeah, I haven't drunk so much in a long time, and now I still have a headache."

Then the smile gradually froze: "... But Yuanyuan, how did you know? Were you here last night?"

When Zhong Anjia asked, the little baby's smile froze.

Not only was he here last night, he also stood on Gong Wangheng's head and watched the whole process.

Now this is the consequence of talking too much. You said things you shouldn’t have said. There’s no hope now. You’re going to die.

Gong Suicheng added another stab: "Yes, Yuanyuan was not here last night, Yuanyuan, how did you know?"

The little baby quickly looked towards Gong Wangheng for help.

Gong Wangheng spoke up to save the situation: "I told Yuanyuan that."

He admitted it, and Zhong Anjia and Gong Suicheng had no doubts, but Zhong Anjia felt very embarrassed and said, "How could you tell others about such a thing? It's too embarrassing."

Gong Wangheng said calmly: "Yuanyuan is not an outsider."

Gong Suicheng randomly echoed in the middle, with a strange stance: "Yes, Yuanyuan is not an outsider."

Zhong Anjia glared at Gong Suicheng and had to dig into Gong Wangheng's secrets: "You are still talking about me, what were you wearing on your head last night... It seemed to be a pink ball, so round..."

Zhong Anjia gestured with her hand to show the little baby a very round circle: "I can't believe he would wear something like this, it's really pink."

Gong Suicheng added: "It looks like a bird, but I didn't see it clearly. Anyway, it's very round, like a ball."

Gong Wangheng couldn't help himself and burst out laughing: "Poof."

The little baby was almost broken by this family of three. When Gong Suicheng said that it looked like a bird, his heart was beating like a drum. He felt so guilty that he didn't know what expression to use to respond.

But Brother Hengheng was still laughing?! He couldn't help but laugh?!

What a stinky brother, just throw him away, don’t keep him anymore.

The author has something to say: Gong Wangheng: Pick up the discarded brother and wash it and it can still be used