Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 127


Zhong Anjia and Gong Suicheng didn’t know that the “ball” on Gong Wangheng’s head last night was exactly Xiao Yuanyuan’s ball. They talked for a long time until Gong Wangheng was able to go out, and then they took Bai Yuan away.

The baby is not happy.

It wasn’t because Uncle Zhong told Uncle Gong that he looked like a pink ball, but because Gong Wangheng laughed at him.

His brother couldn't hold back on his expression and actually laughed. Bai Yuan didn't dare to imagine what he was thinking - even if it was a birdie, it was a face-saving birdie.

Moreover, Gong Wangheng's ridicule directly brought the little baby back to the embarrassing moment when he appeared on the stage last night. Thinking about it any further, he wanted to find a piece of cloth to suffocate himself.

But I can’t say anything.

Because he denied it in front of Gong Wangheng last night, saying that it was not him.

I was so angry that as soon as I stepped out of the Gong family gate, the little baby couldn't hold back: "I don't want you to send me off, I'll go by myself."

Gong Wangheng saw that he was angry, like a little pufferfish: "What's wrong? Why are you losing your temper for no reason?"

"I have to lose my temper for no reason." The little darling said, "I don't want you to send me there. I want to go by myself."

She was seriously angry and was not joking with Gong Wangheng. After she finished speaking, she walked towards home.

But Gong Wangheng would never let him go, and he reached out and pulled his brother back.

Years of living together have made their relationship more like that of an older brother and younger brother. Sometimes they feel restrained because they are alone, but at other times they can express this intimacy very naturally.

Gong Wangheng relied on his height and size to pick up the baby and held him in his arms. He had been holding him like this since he was little, but now that he was older, he did it much less often.

But the body's memory is still there, a tacit understanding that does not need to be expressed in words, the little baby was pulled over by his brother and given a bear hug, just like when they were little.

Gong Wangheng carried him to the garage and said, "If you want to lose your temper, just do it. I've always tried to comfort you."

The little darling snorted childishly and ignored him.

"And we were talking about the parrot that looked like a ball, not you. Why did you lose your temper?"

The tone was full of deliberateness, almost overflowing.

How could his brother not guess that he was just acting with him and now he was bullying him? Bai Yuan said angrily: "Who told you to laugh? You are not allowed to laugh!"

"Why am I not allowed to laugh?"

The bossy little parrot said: "There is no reason, you are not allowed to laugh!"

Gong Wangheng just couldn't help laughing a little bit, but now he really wanted to laugh: "Then can you be more careful in the future, and don't rush to give yourself away before others say anything."

Well, the little parrot was in the wrong in this regard, so he lay on his brother’s shoulder and could only accept it silently.

Gong Wangheng carried the little parrot to the garage and did not notice that Zhong Anjia and Gong Suicheng were standing at the upstairs window and watching them secretly until they entered the garage.

Zhong Anjia pressed her temples, her head still aching, and guessed: "… these two kids are not in love, are they?"

They knew that Gong Wangheng had been good to the little baby since she was young, but they were both grown up and not children anymore. Such a hug seemed too intimate and very suspicious.

Gong Suicheng said: "It shouldn't be. If it was true, Hengheng probably wouldn't hide it. Besides, isn't it normal for them to do this?"

"It's normal when you're young, but it's not normal when you grow up."

"But their situations are special. Yuanyuan seems to have not grown up, and let alone Hengheng... If he can have a relationship, I think it's a good thing."

Although, that's true.

Zhong Anjia nodded: "That's true, but the target is Yuanyuan, and I feel guilty."

"Child brides, I understand." Gong Suicheng bluntly said what Zhong Anjia was embarrassed to say.

"If it's true, since you can guess it, then your good friends can guess it too."

Thinking of this good friend, Gong Suicheng was silent for a moment: "It's okay, it's not up to him. And I don't think they are that kind of people, they should just be an older brother and a younger brother."

Brother Gong Wangheng quickly sent his younger brother Yuanyuan's ball to the place where he was having class.

Once they entered the enclosed space of the car, they were alone again. The little baby felt embarrassed and didn't say much on the way.

After arriving at the place, I mustered up the courage to say, "… By the way, brother, I want to go to an art exhibition the day after tomorrow, but no one is with me. Can you go with me?"

The art exhibition was real, but the fact that there was no one there was fake. Apart from Gong Wangheng, Bai Yuan had not asked anyone else.

After all, waiting is not a solution. Only by taking action can there be hope. It would be good to take the initiative to make the birdie shot and spend more time with my brother.

Gong Wangheng thought about it and decided that he would not be free the day after tomorrow as he had a very important thesis defense to do, and his absence might affect his graduation process.

The little darling was afraid that his brother would refuse: "... Of course, if you don't have time, then forget it, I can find someone else to accompany me."

But finding someone else is not an option for Gong Wangheng. The thesis defense is not important at the moment. Anyway, he never needs to use academic qualifications to prove himself.

Gong Wangheng agreed: "I'm free, when?"

The little darling instantly relaxed: "We can go over there after lunch from one to three in the afternoon."

Gong Wangheng quickly said, "Then I'll pick you up at noon and have lunch together."

"Okay." Free lunch, what a good thing, "Then I want to eat Japanese food."

"Sure." Gong Wangheng agreed, "But what kind of art exhibition is it? Can you show it to me?"

The little baby found the ticket from his schoolbag and handed it to his brother: "This is a painter I like very much. He held an exhibition two years ago, but I missed it, so I must go this time."

Gong Wangheng took a few glances at it, memorized the text information on it, and returned the ticket: "Okay, I understand. Keep it well and don't lose it."

"Yeah." The little baby was in a good mood, "Then I'll get off first. Goodbye, brother. See you the day after tomorrow."

"Well, see you the day after tomorrow."

The little baby got out of the car happily, and suddenly felt that taking the initiative was very useful.

Although he didn't know how his brother would view him, the thought of him being with his brother, even if they had no other identities, just being an older brother and a younger brother, being able to go out and play together like this was enough to make him happy.

The little baby is good at singing because he was born with a talent, he learned to play the piano out of necessity, and only painting is his real hobby.

But he is the least professional in painting. He has always thought about painting since he was a child and wanted to learn it. It is a pure interest and hobby, not for anything else. Therefore, this love has been preserved the longest. Although his painting is not as good as that of professional art students, it is within the range that he is very satisfied with.

The artist holding the exhibition this time is a painter he has paid attention to in the past two years. His painting style is colorful and mysterious. He is best at combining beauty and gloom. He also has a cool, free and easy personality, and has earned himself the nickname "Painter" in the circle.

The little darling has wanted to see the painter's exhibition for a long time, but he didn't have the time in the past two years because he was busy studying. Now that he finally has the time, he can't let it go.

And this time I’m with my brother, which makes me happy just thinking about it.

The day agreed upon to visit the art exhibition soon arrived, and that day Gong Wangheng came home to pick up the baby.

Gu Xiefeng is most at ease with Gong Wangheng. When the little guy wants to go out with other classmates, Gu Xiefeng still has to worry about what they will do and whether they will not study well.

Only when he is with Gong Wangheng can Gu Xiefeng completely let go of his worries and boldly let his little baby play with him.

Gong Wangheng successfully picked up the baby, first took him to eat Japanese food, and then to the art exhibition.

This exhibition is only for communication and appreciation. The painter's new and old works are included. There are many people coming and going, and they all come because they really like the works.

The little baby stared at the painter's new work for a long time and wanted to buy it home for collection, but unfortunately it was not for sale.

Seeing him both admiring and lamenting, Gong Wangheng asked, "What's wrong? What is it about this painting that resonates with your soul?"

"… Not really, it's just a pity." The little darling sighed, "I can't buy the painting, and I can't meet the painter. It would be great if I could meet him, so I can ask him to sign it for me and make up for the regret of not being able to buy the painting."

"You want to see him?"

"Of course I do." The little darling lowered his voice, "But he has a very strange personality and doesn't seem to meet people very often."

“I see.”

"Yes, it is like that."

This Tiangong Wangheng was serious about doing the three things - accompanying her, eating, watching and strolling with her, until the little darling was satisfied and ready to go back, he said: "You must be tired, I see there is a rest room in the back, go in and rest for a while."

The innocent and gullible Birdie followed his brother and said, "Okay."

But when he arrived at the so-called lounge, he realized that his brother had prepared a big surprise for him, and the painter was inside. The little baby had seen his photo on the Internet and recognized him at a glance, and couldn't believe it.

There was not only the painter in the lounge, but also two or three other people who were obviously fans as well, and the painter was signing autographs for them.

The little baby didn't dare to make too much noise, and excitedly grabbed the corner of Gong Wangheng's clothes: "Why didn't you tell me in advance..."

Gong Wangheng said: "I want to give you a surprise."

So I wrote down all the information on the ticket that day.

As luck would have it, the painter happened to be the boyfriend of one of Gong Wangheng's senior classmates, so he successfully helped the little guy open the back door.

It was a great surprise, but the little baby was not prepared at all, not even a piece of paper, and he couldn't let someone sign on his hand.

After the others had left, the little darling walked up and pulled his clothes directly: "Painter, please sign an autograph for me!"

Fortunately, he was wearing a white T-shirt today, which was perfect for writing.

But this behavior made Gong Wangheng feel a little uncomfortable.

When the little baby pulled up his clothes, a part of his belly was inevitably exposed, and the delicate and fair skin that belonged to a young boy was eye-catching. This was not a part that should be seen by others at will.

But the painter actually signed the dress, using a black marker to write the word "painter" on it, and also sketched a peach next to it. The painter said, "Little friend, thank you for your love. You look like a peach."

The little baby couldn't hide his excitement, maybe because he was a little hot, or because of excitement, his white and tender cheeks were red. His hair was a little wet with sweat, but his eyes were sparkling, full of admiration and joy.

After looking at the signature on the clothes and then at the painter in front of him, he said, "I'm not a kid anymore. I'm an adult. I've liked you for years!"

Gong Wangheng was listening from the side and suddenly regretted asking his senior to open this back door.

He doesn't like it when he hears his little baby say he likes others, no matter what the meaning of that is.

The author has something to say: Gong Wangheng: As long as you are happy, don’t worry about my life or death :d