Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 129


It is easy to get sick if a young boy keeps these thoughts to himself. The little darling really wants to ask someone with experience, but unfortunately there is no suitable person around him.

Asking the parents is a way to commit suicide. Father Gu will definitely go berserk if he knows, and he might even burn my brother to ash with fire. Father Bai is more reliable, but telling Father Bai is the same as telling Father Gu, there is no big difference.

In the end, the only person he could choose to confide in was Chen Shuying, the little ballet snake.

After all, they grew up together and they are not human beings. Compared with other classmates and friends, it is easiest to talk to Chen Shuying.

Before going to bed at night, Bai Yuan sent a message to Chen Shuying: [Please show up as soon as possible, playing the flute and dancing with snakes.gif]

Chen Shuying quickly replied: [What's wrong? The chicken takes off.gif]

Bai Yuan: [I have something I want to discuss with you]

Chen Shuying: [You speak]

Chen Shuying: [By the way, there is a new escape room in the xx shopping mall. Let’s go there when we have time.]

Successfully lead the baby: [Okay, how many people do you want? ]

Chen Shuying: [Four people are enough. I will find a smart one to lead us to play]

Chen Shuying: [You can also eat pizza there. I wanted to eat the double cheese bacon pizza again.]

Bai Yuan: [I want to eat this too. We ate it together last time.]

Chen Shuying: [Yes, I haven’t eaten there since then]

Bai Yuan: [Okay, that's fine, tell me when you set a time]

Chen Shuying: [Let’s go to the bar tonight! You haven’t been to the bar where my band is!]

Chen Shuying finally fulfilled his long-cherished dream this summer and formed a band—he didn’t form one himself, but he joined others and started performing in bars.

But there is no way the little darling can go to a place like a bar; Mr. Gu won’t let him.

Bai Yuan: [I can’t go. My father won’t let me go.]

Chen Shuying: [Squeamish]

Chen Shuying: [I am an adult and he still won’t let me. My dad is the best]

Bai Yuan: [Don't talk nonsense, my dad is the best in the world]

Chen Shuying: [My dad is the best in the universe]

After the comparison, I felt it was outrageous. The two of them were over 30 years old together, and they were still comparing themselves with their fathers.

Bai Yuan: [You are already 18 years old, but you still compare yourself to your father. Do you think you are being decent?]

Bai Yuan: [It’s time to talk about something that only adults can listen to]

Chen Shuying: [No, I don’t want to listen]

Bai Yuan: [It’s my business]

Chen Shuying: [put the ears in place]

The little baby finally brought the topic back: [I have someone I like]

Chen Shuying: [? ? ? ]

Chen Shuying: [Who is it???]

But the little darling was too easy to guess, and he kept following Gong Wangheng all day. The next second Chen Shuying guessed it: [Could it be Gong Wangheng?]

Little Darling didn't expect Chen Shuying to guess it right at once: [… Yeah.]

Chen Shuying: [? ? Is it really him? ? Isn’t he your brother? ? ]

Bai Yuan: [He's just the brother next door, we're not related by blood, we're called childhood sweethearts]

Chen Shuying: [Hey, since they are both brothers, why don’t you like Gu Chen?]

Bai Yuan: [? ? Gu Chen is my real brother!!]

Chen Shuying: [But you and Gu Chen are not related by blood]

Bai Yuan: [Shut up, this is not the point]

Bai Yuan: [This is a matter between me and my brother. Please respect me and don’t change the subject.]

Chen Shuying: [Okay, then what, Brother Xiaogong doesn’t like you?]

Bai Yuan: […]

Bai Yuan: [Can you say something good?]

Chen Shuying: [He declined you?]

Bai Yuan: [… Why did he reject me! Can’t he just like me too!]

Chen Shuying: [Does he like you? Wait, if he likes you too, then you are dating?]

Bai Yuan: [There’s no need to speed up this process]

Bai Yuan: [I haven’t said it yet. I think my brother might like me too, but I’m not sure and I don’t dare to ask for now]

Little Baby told Chen Shuying what happened during the day, as well as the abnormality in the car, and added his own reasonable guess: [Later I thought, could it be because I kept talking about the painter that my brother was jealous? ]

Dog-headed military strategist Chen Shuying is online: [I can’t imagine this brother being jealous. Don’t you think this word doesn’t quite fit him?]

The little darling was just guessing, and after hearing what Chen Shuying said, he immediately became uncertain.

Bai Yuan: [But it is true that he did not attend the defense in order to accompany me to the exhibition, and he also took me to meet the painter. It is impossible for my brother to forget the defense. When I asked him in advance, he agreed directly.]

Chen Shuying: [This brother has done this before, right? I remember you said he was someone who would give up the competition for a hamburger]

This is also true.

When Bai Yuan was in the first year of high school, Gong Wangheng participated in a national mathematics competition. He easily made it to the finals with a crushing score, which brought great psychological pressure to all the contestants.

But because a seasonal burger was going to be taken off the shelves in the afternoon of the final, Gong Wangheng gave up the competition for the championship without hesitation and turned around to eat three burgers.

Later, when reporters interviewed him about this matter, Gong Wangheng said nothing. He just gave them a look that said, "Mind your own business as a genius."

Uncle Gong and Uncle Zhong were surprisingly calm about his behavior. They didn't think it was a pity at all and just said they were used to it.

Gong Wangheng really likes that burger. Even now, he has to eat it a few times every year when it is put on the shelves.

Sometimes it is difficult for the little baby to judge whether his brother is too free-spirited or very persistent in his own ideas. Whether studying or doing business, he never does it for a diploma or money. His purpose is very simple and there is only one, that is, to be interested in it and to get pleasure from it.

If he doesn't find the thesis defense interesting, it is very likely that he will not attend it, because this is what Gong Wangheng can do, with his own strong personal style.

Seeing that the little darling didn't reply for a long time, Chen Shuying comforted him: [Don't be sad. It's normal for someone like Xiaogong to not be tempted by worldly desires.]

Baby typing: [No, after saying this, I feel more confident]

Little baby: [This proves that being with me is more fun than defending thesis, accompanying me to exhibitions is more important than defending thesis, and to him, I am more important than studying]

Chen Shuying: [Okay, it’s not wrong to understand it this way, little chicken scratching its head.gif]

Chen Shuying: [Then why are you still hesitating? Just ask directly. If it is true, your relationship will undergo a qualitative change tonight.]

The little baby is very honest: [Although, I am a coward and I dare not ask]

Baby: [And there are other things that make me lose confidence]

Chen Shuying: [What is it?]

Bai Yuan: [He has been calling me baby since we were very young, but now he doesn’t call me that anymore. He only calls me by my name in private.]

Bai Yuan: [And my brother has always been very good to me. He has done things in the past that were more thoughtful than today. I don’t think today’s things alone are enough.]

Chen Shuying finally spoke human language: [Is it possible that he has liked you from the beginning, so he treats you well silently?]

Whether it was true or false, this guess made the little baby feel extremely happy.

Why didn't he think of it? This is very possible.

Chen Shuying: [And the Xiaogong brother in my eyes and the Xiaogong brother in your eyes are completely two different creatures. Is it possible that he is just very kind to you, and is different from others?]

Little baby: [To be honest, my brother is very kind to me]

Baby: [That’s why I can’t help myself!]

Chen Shuying: [Stop howling]

Chen Shuying: [I think it’s pointless to guess here, I’d better ask directly]

Chen Shuying: [If you want to date him, this is a necessary process]

Dating with my brother.

It’s exciting just thinking about this kind of thing.

He was able to hold back before because of the age barrier of learning. Now that the two major obstacles have been cleared, he would not believe himself if he said he did not want to.

He is a greedy little parrot, of course he would want to take a step further with the brother he likes. If he was not afraid of destroying their existing relationship, he would have wanted to fly over overnight to confess his love.

Baby: [But I really don’t dare to ask directly. I’m afraid of being rejected. It doesn’t matter if my heart is broken or not. It will be so embarrassing and shameful to meet in the future.]

Chen Shuying: [Then think of a hint to ask]

Baby: [How do you ask?]

Chen Shuying: [Sing a little love song with strong hints? Or play a song suitable for confession for him? Or ask him tactfully why he doesn't call you baby anymore?]

Chen Shuying: [Xiao Gong is so smart. If you do it, he will definitely understand. In this way, even if he rejects you, he will be more tactful, and you can also argue that you didn’t mean it that way.]

Little Baby: [But our relationship will never go back to the way it was]

Chen Shuying: [There is no such thing as having the best of both worlds in this world, dear, I suggest you don’t be too greedy.]

That's true. If he wants to maintain the current relationship, he should just keep it to himself. But if he wants to make some changes, he has to speak out boldly.

Little Baby: [I see. I'll go ask.]

Chen Shuying: [Okay, remember to broadcast it live for me]

Bai Yuan ignored him, and the little scum bird threw away the person after using him. He exited the dialog box with Chen Shuying, found Gong Wangheng, took a deep breath, and then typed: [Brother, are you asleep?]

Gong Wangheng replied after two or three minutes: [Not yet, what’s wrong?]

The little baby was still nervous and typed slowly: [I suddenly have something to ask you]

Gong Wangheng: [Well, you ask]

My heartbeat started to throb, fear and courage coexisted, my fingers were shaking a little, but I successfully pressed the words: [Why don’t you call me baby now? You used to call me that.]

The moment I clicked send, my heart seemed to stop beating.

Such questions seemed to be more embarrassing than confessing - would he not hint enough and his brother not understand what he meant? Or would he hint too much and his brother simply misunderstand what he meant

And as soon as it was sent out, the little darling regretted it.

Because of fear.

Only after he actually did it did he realize that what he feared most now was not that his brother didn't like him, but that he would lose his brother.

He wanted to press withdraw, hoping to remedy the situation.

But Gong Wangheng replied: [You are grown up now, it is not appropriate to call me that]

Gong Wangheng: [Be good, no need to mind such trivial matters]

The little darling didn't know that his question also troubled Gong Wangheng.

Why doesn't he call him that? Because his mind is impure and he feels guilty. He not only wants to call him baby, but also wants to call him darling.

But Gong Wangheng did not expect this question to have other meanings. Not to mention that he did not understand, even the emperor would not understand. He just thought his brother was just acting like a spoiled child as usual, so he coaxed him out of habit.

The result was that the younger brother on the other side pounded the bed while looking at his phone.

—That’s not the case! This answer is different from what he thought!

The author has something to say: Little baby: He didn’t choose A or B, he chose C