Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 134


In the corner of the restaurant, three people sat at the same table.

Gong Wangheng and Bai Yuan sat on one side, and Gu Chen sat opposite them.

The atmosphere was strange, silent and awkward. The food was served, but no one started eating and no one spoke. The little baby sipped the Coke in front of him, looked at Gu Chen opposite him, then looked at Gong Wangheng beside him. He wanted to speak, but finally chose to remain silent.

His ill-fated love.

They just started dating last night, Gong Wangheng told his parents this morning, and were caught by Gu Chen at noon. At this rate, they will probably be discovered by Gu Xiefeng in the evening, and then be strangled, and end tomorrow.

Although he knew that happy times would pass faster, this time it passed too fast and was over before it even began.

No one spoke. The little baby didn't dare to speak and could only sip Coke to relieve the embarrassment.

As he sipped, the cup of Coke was almost empty. The crisp sound of the empty cup broke the deathly silence at that moment.

Gong Wangheng spoke first and asked him, "Did you finish the Coke so quickly?"

Is this what he wanted

He had no choice but to sit here and drink Coke.

The little darling was looking for something to do and scanned the code again to order: "... Well, I'll order another Coke."

He glanced at Gu Chen secretly, and their eyes happened to meet, so the little darling lowered his head quickly out of guilt.

Gu Chen sighed inwardly, looked at his brother for a while, and finally returned his gaze to Gong Wangheng: "It hasn't been long since Yuanyuan's adult birthday."

Gong Wangheng continued: "I know."

"He is still young, it is not suitable for him to fall in love so early." Gu Chen said, "My uncle would not agree if he knew."

He hit the nail on the head right away. If Gong Wangheng hadn't known that Gu Xiefeng would not agree and was afraid that Gu Chen would tell others, he wouldn't have sat at the same table with Gu Chen.

Bai Yuan heard this and explained naturally: "Brother, I am not a child anymore, I am an adult, I know what I am doing."

Gu Chen was very direct: "You don't know."

From the perspective of a real brother, Gu Chen's feelings were somewhat similar to Gu Xiefeng's, and he felt that the little baby was still a child. Falling in love was something that was difficult for them to accept, and when Gu Chen saw that the object was Gong Wangheng, it was even more difficult to accept.

Bai Yuan was so angry at Gu Chen that he shut up and dared not speak.

Gong Wangheng was unhappy: "You can't talk to him in that tone."

So Gu Chen was unhappy: "When my uncle comes to talk to you, his tone will definitely not be as nice as mine now."

The situation is tense.

Bai Yuan felt that if they left the dining table, the two of them would start fighting.

The second cup of Coke he ordered was quickly delivered. This time, the little darling took a sip and tried to speak: "... Well, why don't we eat first, or the food will get cold."

No one paid any attention to him.

How could Gu Chen possibly eat with Gong Wangheng? Gong Wangheng couldn't eat when he looked at Gu Chen.

The little baby knew that the two brothers were not very friendly to each other and it had been like this since they were young.

When he was little, he could act cute and coquettish and make requests to his brother, hoping that they could get along well. But this trick is no longer applicable when he grows up. He is embarrassed to use it carelessly, mainly because it may not be effective even if he uses it now.

Unable to bear such a weird atmosphere, the little baby couldn't help but said: "... Stop it, let's talk it over."

Gu Chen took a look at the picture of them sitting together, and Gong Wangheng's crime became more serious in his mind: "I have nothing to say to him."

Gong Wangheng was unhappy, but not angry. He didn't want to embarrass the little darling: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

—Brother Hengheng is still the best, he deserves to be the one he likes.

The little baby looked at him, with pink love bubbles in the background, which was unstoppable. This was what young couples in love were like, their love was engraved in their eyes, and no one could stop it.

Gu Chen just wanted to burst these bubbles one by one and tell his brother to calm down.

And Gong Wangheng is too good at pretending. It’s not like we haven’t seen his true face in other occasions. Who is he pretending to be for now

Okay, I just pretended for my brother.

Looking at his brother’s expression just now, Gu Chen knew that Gong Wangheng had succeeded.

The little darling withdrew his gaze from Gong Wangheng and said to Gu Chen, "...Brother, don't be like this. We are dating seriously, not just playing around. We will tell Dad about it after a while."

Gu Chen didn't think they were fooling around.

He couldn't stand Gong Wangheng, but he knew that Gong Wangheng was reliable. It was just that this feeling made him inexplicably uncomfortable, as if he had grown up with Bai Yuan with a purpose, just to be like this now.

The little darling continued: "… And why on earth do you dislike each other? I still don't understand. You don't see each other very often, so why is it like this when you meet?"

The reason for not liking it was planted when I was a child, but it has become so deeply rooted that it continues to this day. If I were to look back and carefully examine the reasons, no one would be embarrassed to say it.

At that time, Gong Wangheng was jealous that Gu Chen was the little darling's favorite brother. He was so childish that every time Gu Chen acted like a brother, he would get upset. He even battled with him at the horse farm and took the initiative to create a grudge against him.

Gu Chen was angered at the horse farm. He lost face and his self-esteem was hurt. From then on, he could no longer stand Gong Wangheng.

Later on the volleyball team, all parties secretly competed with each other, determined to fight to the death.

The situation didn't get better even after growing up. When other people competed, at least their slogan was "Friendship First", but when the two of them faced off online, the one who went against me would die.

No one paid any attention to him, so the little baby insisted, "So why is that? I didn't see you two doing anything when you were little, so why did it become like this?"

Okay, let’s not talk about our childhood.

Gong Wangheng thought it would be better not to mention his childhood thoughts.

Gu Chen's self-esteem had been hurt when he was a child, so it was impossible for him to talk about it. As a result, the atmosphere remained silent and no one was willing to answer the little darling's question.

Finally, Gu Chen said, "Forget it. If you want to date, I can't interfere. But if my uncle asks me, I won't hide it for you."

He had other things to do, so he didn't actually have lunch with them. He just left after saying that.

After Gu Chen left, they were the only two left.

The good mood of holding hands and talking about love just after getting off the car could not be restored for the time being. The little darling looked at Gong Wangheng: "... So why are you two like this? Is it really a grudge from childhood?"

Gong Wangheng didn't tell the truth: "It's probably because we don't get along well. He has never liked me since he was a child, and he doesn't like you playing with me either."

This is true. When he was a child, Gu Chen was afraid that Gong Wangheng would discover his identity, so he always told himself to stay away from Gong Wangheng.

But thinking of this, the little darling suddenly remembered that he had also hidden something from Gong Wangheng.

Gong Wangheng still doesn’t know that Gu Chen actually knows his identity - and because this matter involves Gu Chen’s identity, the little darling may have to keep it a secret for the rest of his life.

Bai Yuan had a headache. Their complicated relationship could only be resolved by getting along well with each other.

Otherwise, if the situation worsens, he is afraid that Gu Chen will die.

Still sucking on the Coke, he almost finished the second cup: "...Brother, can't you really get along well with my brother? I hope you can get along well."

If time could go back, when he was eight years old and had predicted that he would be with his younger brother in the future, Gong Wangheng would probably choose to get along well with Gu Chen.

At least this way, if he is discovered, he won't have to worry about him telling Uncle Gu.

Gong Wangheng looked at his lover beside him and said, "Of course, I can, but can you tell me something first?"

"What's up?"

Gong Wangheng asked calmly: "Who is your favorite brother now?"

The little darling didn't expect Gong Wangheng to ask such a question, but answered without hesitation: "Of course it's you."

"It's just as a brother, nothing more."

The little darling answered too quickly, Gong Wangheng still didn't believe it and added some conditions.

But the little baby still answered firmly: "It's you."

They grew up together and spent every day together. Gong Wangheng was not only his favorite person, but also his favorite brother. There was no need for any hesitation about this.

Hearing the little baby's affirmative answer, Gong Wangheng felt much more comfortable.

In this regard, he has never been generous. In fact, he is a little narrow-minded. He has been concerned about it since he was a child, and only now can he ask about it directly.

But the little baby asked: "Why do you ask that?"

Gong Wangheng got the answer he wanted, so he didn't care about the reason: "When you were little, you said that he was your favorite brother."

Bai Yuan's eyes widened: "...Ah? I said such a thing, when did I say that?"

"… "

Gong Wangheng looked at him. He had been remembering it for so many years, but he actually forgot it

"... Isn't this the reason why you don't like Brother Chenchen?"

"… "

"…Just because I said he's my favorite brother?"

"… "

The little darling felt that he had discovered something remarkable. This reason was something he had never expected. He tried his best to touch Gong Wangheng's sore spot: "Then why didn't you tell me? You didn't tell me when you were a child, and you didn't tell me when you grew up. Why are you telling me now?"

Gong Wangheng reached out and pinched his face. His face was as soft as glutinous rice skin and felt great. He immediately pinched his brother's mouth into a "mouth" shape, making him unable to speak.

Gong Wangheng said: "Even if we are in love, I still have to be your favorite brother, understand?"

It turns out that my brother also gets jealous. This old vinegar has been there for who knows how many years.

The little baby pouted and spoke inarticulately: "... I know, I know."

Gong Wangheng then let go of his hand. The little darling pinched his face, wanting to tease Gong Wangheng but holding it back.

A jealous brother seems to be quite cute.

That night, Gong Wangheng thought for a long time and took the initiative to add Gu Chen on WeChat.

He asked his little baby to push the business card to him. He puzzled over the reason for the application for half an hour, and then typed: Hello, I have something to say to you.

Then click Send.

Gu Chen’s first reaction when he saw the friend request was to reject it. He didn’t want to listen to Gong Wangheng. They had nothing to talk about.

But the little darling also sent him a message saying that Gong Wangheng wanted to add him as a friend, so he pushed the business card over.

Gu Chen gave face to his younger brother and finally accepted Gong Wangheng's friend request with reluctance.

That's fine, let him see what Gong Wangheng can say at this moment.

Five minutes after the friend passed the message, Gu Chen received a message from Gong Wangheng.

Gong Wangheng: [Brother Chenchen]

Gong Wangheng: [Sorry to bother you]

When Gu Chen saw this name, he got goosebumps all over his body and didn't even want his cell phone anymore.

Gu Chen is not polite: [Don’t yell]

Gong Wangheng didn't scream willingly.

But the relationship is there. Gu Chen is Bai Yuan's brother. If you want to improve the relationship, there must be a starting point.

To be honest, Gong Wangheng didn't want to waste his time on Gu Chen, but the little darling said that he was his favorite brother and his favorite person now, so Gong Wangheng felt that he didn't need to care too much about Gu Chen and should be more generous.

Gong Wangheng: [Yuanyuan calls you that, I should do the same as him]

Gu Chen: [He is my younger brother, so call me brother]

Gu Chen: [What are you to me]

Gong Wangheng: [I am your brother’s boyfriend and future husband]

I’m so angry, Gu Chen is so angry.

There is no excessive tone in these words, but why do people feel so uncomfortable when they read them

Gong Wangheng: [We should get along well, so that Yuanyuan can be happy]

Gong Wangheng: [Do you want to eat hamburgers? XX has a limited edition XX flavor hamburger in summer. It’s delicious. Let’s go together if we have a chance.]

Gu Chen just wanted to smash the phone, no one would go eat hamburgers with him.

Gu Chen: [No need, I won’t go]

Gong Wangheng also anticipated the answer that Gu Chen would give.

After thinking about it, I decided to apologize to him, as I had targeted him before.

But Gong Wangheng’s ability to get along with others is really not that good, and when it comes to taking the initiative to apologize, he is the worst.

Gong Wangheng: [We didn’t get along well before, and it was half my fault]

Gong Wangheng: [Let’s all look forward]

When Gu Chen saw these two sentences, he deleted Gong Wangheng as a friend without hesitation, for fear that he would be angry to death if he said one more sentence.

Gong Wangheng's handshake emoticon had not been sent out yet. When he did, the system prompt in the dialog box told him that he had been deleted as a friend by the other party.

Gong Wangheng stared at the phone screen for a while, then combined their entire conversation and forwarded it to Little Baby, with a note: [Your brother may just not like me]

Bai Yuan lay on the bed, and after reading the chat history between the two, he remained silent.

From Gong Wangheng's perspective, taking the initiative is very difficult.

Standing in Gu Chen's position, he could also understand Gu Chen's desire to delete friends, but some things were not meant to be said that way.

Bai Yuan sent a message to Gong Wangheng: [Let me try]

Then he opened a dialog box with Gu Chen: [Gif of the little chicken poking its head out, is the big parrot here? Do you want to see the little parrot?]

Gu Chen looked at them, one after the other, and knew they must have discussed it.

Gu Chen: [The big parrot is dead]

Bai Yuan: [It's time to come back to life]

Bai Yuan: [Watch me do it online]

Gu Chen couldn't get angry with him. After all, he was just protecting his little parrot. What could be wrong with that little parrot that had just grown up

Gu Chen: [You came to me for what happened during the day?]

Bai Yuan: [I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep]

Bai Yuan: [Brother, please don’t tell my dad (ノへ ̄、)]

Gu Chen: [What? You guys are not serious? Are you afraid that your parents will find out?]

Bai Yuan: [I may not be afraid in the future, but I am still afraid now]

Gu Chen: [Is he the one pursuing you?]

The little baby thought for a while and said: [No, I forced him to do it]

It would be strange if Gu Chen believed it: [Tell the truth]

The little baby bites to death: [I really forced him to do it, I like him so much]

Gu Chen held his forehead with his hand, this child is hopeless.

The little baby typed: [Brother, I know you two may not get along so well, but I like him very much, I have liked him for a long, long time, and I am an adult, I can be responsible for my own actions, I know what I am doing]

Little Baby: [We will tell our parents when we find a suitable opportunity. We are dating seriously, and we are not joking.]

Baby: [But now is not a good time to tell my parents. My dad will definitely not agree.]

The little darling bullied Gong Wangheng who couldn't see: [You are my favorite brother, please give us a little more time, please]

Since he had already said the words "ask for help", there was no way Gu Chen could say it badly.

After deleting and typing a line of words, I finally got what the little guy wanted.

Gu Chen: [Okay, okay, I get it]

Gu Chen: [I won’t tell my uncle. I will keep it a secret for you]

Gu Chen: [If you can always be happy and contented, I won’t object to you]

It seems that being a spoiled child at this age is still useful, the little baby is relieved: [hug and kiss fiercely.gif, I know that my brother is the best]

After getting Gu Chen's confirmation, Bai Yuan wanted to quickly tell Gong Wangheng the good news.

But after typing "My brother promised to keep it a secret", she suddenly became naughty and deleted it silently, typing "It looks like we are going to elope" and sending it, curious about how Gong Wangheng would react.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Gong Wangheng's message finally came.

The little baby clicked it to take a look, and found that Gong Wangheng sent him a world map.

Gong Wangheng: [Pick a place you want to elope to]

Gong Wangheng: [I will take you away tonight]

The author has something to say: Baby: People can die, but the messages in the phone cannot be leaked