Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 135


Looking at the message sent by Gong Wangheng, the little baby laughed. He didn't believe that his brother didn't understand that he was joking. But it seemed to be like this since he was a child. No matter whether he made a serious request or an unintentional joke, Gong Wangheng would take it seriously.

He was brought up by Gong Wangheng, and if this continues, he will probably be spoiled.

Little Baby replied: [Just kidding, my brother promised to keep it a secret for us and not tell my dad]

Gong Wangheng guessed that the little darling was just joking because there was no need for them to elope.

But his brother's words gave him a new way of thinking.

He who keeps company with vermilion becomes red, and he who keeps company with flatterers becomes skin.

Gong Wangheng was led astray by the little baby, and joked with him: [I am serious, I want to elope with you]

Because Gong Wangheng rarely joked, and words could not show his true thoughts, Bai Yuan doubted for a few seconds and fell into deep thought - this is fake, it should be fake, brother wouldn't say such a thing, right? But brother doesn't seem to be a joker about such things, right? So is it true or false

Bai Yuan: [Where do you want to elope to?]

The little darling asked cautiously. If his brother was serious, he would take responsibility and help his brother change his mind. Because their situation was far from the point where they needed to elope, at most Gong Wangheng would be beaten up by Gu's father.

Gong Wangheng: [I’m kidding]

Gong Wangheng: [But since you said you wanted to elope, I wanted to take you on a trip]

The little baby breathed a sigh of relief, luckily it was just a joke.

Damn it, he should have been convinced that it was a joke just now. It seems that he still doesn't understand his brother well enough.

Bai Yuan: [Going on a trip?]

Bai Yuan: [Where to go?]

Gong Wangheng: [Let’s go somewhere farther away]

Gong Wangheng: [Let’s find a place where no one can recognize us and have a good relationship]

Bai Yuan was moved.

Is this a love talk? How can this be considered a love talk

Moreover, going to a place where no one knows them and having a good relationship really meets their current needs.

Bai Yuan calmed down for a moment before replying: [Okay, but how do I tell my dad?]

Gong Wangheng: [You choose the place first, and I will tell uncle when the time comes]

Bai Yuan: [What are you going to say? Will we be suspected if we go with just the two of us?]

Gong Wangheng: [No, don’t worry, leave it to me, you choose the place]

Bai Yuan said he was worried but his body was being honest. He picked out a city he wanted to go to that night. The distance was extremely far, and the flight would take about four hours. If he could still meet anyone he knew, it would mean that God was against them.

Gong Wangheng had no objection to his young lovers' choice of destination, and they decided on a date, which would be a week later. During this time, he would find a suitable opportunity to win the favor of Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian.

This was not difficult for Gong Wangheng and he completed it easily.

But the little baby and the two parents of the Gong family experienced several heartbeats and almost died on the spot.

That Sunday night, the two families had a barbecue in the Gu family yard. This has been a regular activity for the two families for many years, although it happens less often now that the children have grown up.

It was at this time that Gong Wangheng proposed to take the little baby on a trip, and he gave a good reason. He said that he was free recently and his younger brother was about to start school, so if they hurried they could go out and play again, otherwise they would miss the chance when school started.

When he said it, the little baby was a little nervous, worried that Dad Gu or Dad Bai would not agree.

Gong Suicheng and Zhong Anjia can no longer look at this world directly. Their audacious son really scares their father.

But Gong Wangheng behaved very normally and calmly, just like in the past. He had been raising his younger brother this way since he was a child, and judging from the surface, no one would suspect anything.

Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian had no objection. It was normal for the child to want to go out more during the summer vacation, and since he was with Gong Wangheng, they had nothing to worry about.

Bai Qingnian smiled and said, "Yuanyuan was half raised by Hengheng, and he has always been very nice to Yuanyuan."

Bai Yuan tried hard to control the corners of his mouth. He couldn't let them rise. If they showed a suspicious arc at this moment, then this trip would be over, and his brother would also be gone.

Gong Wangheng still said the same thing: "I should."

Mr. Gong and Mr. Zhong felt that his "should" was not simple. What kind of "should" was it? It seemed to have deeper meaning no matter how they listened to it.

Gu Xiefeng continued, "What should or shouldn't you do? Don't spend all your time taking care of your brother. You can find a partner and fall in love at your age."

As soon as these words were spoken, the little darling and the two members of the Gong family fell silent. Bai Qingnian was eating and didn't say anything. The atmosphere suddenly became a little cold.

Gu Xiefeng was puzzled and looked at Gong Suicheng: "What's wrong? You don't allow him to have a relationship? Why are you silent all of a sudden?"

Gong Suicheng had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "We won't stop him from dating, but it depends on him. We can't control it."

Gong Wangheng continued: "Uncle Gu, I'm actually dating someone."

Gong Suicheng almost bit off his tongue and Zhong Anjia choked on her drink.

The little baby had been keeping his head down quietly, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but stretch his neck to look at him.

The three of them had surprisingly similar thoughts at this moment - what does this guy want to do, does he know what he is saying

The little baby was so nervous, afraid that Gong Wangheng would tell the truth directly, because that was how his brother would do things. But he absolutely couldn't say it now, the pace was too fast, and the little baby's heart couldn't bear it.

The two heads of the Gong family were worried about each other. If Gong Wangheng told it out, Gong Suicheng was worried that Gu Xiefeng would throw the charcoal fire from the barbecue grill onto his face.

Bai Qingnian was indeed surprised, but after taking a closer look at the little darling, he unexpectedly discovered that his expression was not surprised or calm, but nervous - this was very strange, Gong Wangheng had a partner, why was he nervous

Gu Xiefeng didn't pay attention to these details. He was very surprised by this incident: "You have a boyfriend or girlfriend? When will you bring them over for us to see?"

"These are kept secret for now." Gong Wangheng said, "When his parents agree, I will bring it home and ask the uncles to see it."

Gu Xiefeng heard this and said, "What kind of person is that? Even you don't like them?"

"Maybe I'm still a little bit short, and they're not too sure about letting the child stay with me."

"That's because their family is short-sighted. They don't want the blessing given to them for free." Gu Xiefeng encouraged him, "Don't be discouraged."

Gong Suicheng pinched his thigh hard, trying to use the pain to distract himself.

If Gu Xiefeng knew that the object was their little darling, would he still persuade Gong Wangheng not to be discouraged? He would probably just grind Gong Wangheng to ashes.

But Gu Xiefeng wanted to embarrass Gong Suicheng: "Such a serious problem, as a father, why don't you help the child?"

Gong Suicheng wanted to help, but he might not survive.

Gong Wangheng answered himself: "My family can't help me, and I also hope that the other party's parents can recognize me, not because of my family conditions."

Gu Xiefeng recalled the past when he dated Bai Qingnian but the Bai family didn't want to see him. He felt so involved that he thought it was not easy for Gong Wangheng. "That's true, but uncle thinks that with your conditions, it will be successful in the end. Come, uncle wishes you the best."

Gu Xiefeng picked up the wine glass and was about to clink glasses with Gong Wangheng.

"Thank you, uncle." The other three people present knew that this was Gong Wangheng's sincere words, "After hearing what uncle said, I feel much more confident."

"This kid." Gu Xiefeng laughed, "Hey, you already have a partner, why are you taking Yuanyuan out for a trip next week? Don't spend your time on your brother, spend more time on your partner."

"It's okay. Between the two, my brother is definitely more important." Gong Wangheng said, "Besides, Yuanyuan will start school soon. Now is the last time she can go out and play."

Bai Qingnian's eyes moved around among everyone and finally landed on the little baby. He seemed fine, but there was something odd about him.

After the dinner, Gong Wangheng was scolded by his two parents when he returned home.

They scolded the child so many times that they couldn't count on five fingers, which showed that they were really scared by Gong Wangheng's audacity this time.

But nothing happened even though they had said it. They were extremely nervous, but Gong Wangheng acted as if nothing had happened and just carried on as usual.

Bai Yuan was also quite frightened. Gong Wangheng started talking without even saying hello, and he was worried until the end.

I wanted to call him and scold him at night, but I was too worried that his parents would hear me, so I ended up sending him a message: [How could you do this today! You didn’t even say hello! How dare you say such things! You almost scared me to death!]

Gong Wangheng rarely responded immediately, probably waiting for his lover to settle the score: [Isn’t it all good in the end?]

Baby: [Not good at all, what good is there? If my dad finds out, you might be dead tonight!]

Gong Wangheng: [I just think that I can slowly prepare Uncle Gu mentally so that he won’t be too surprised when he finds out in the end]

Baby: [If you continue like this, I will be the one who gets hurt]

Baby: [Died at the age of 18 from a heart attack]

Thinking about the parents' scolding and then seeing the little baby complaining, Gong Wangheng finally realized that everyone's ability to withstand pressure was so weak.

Gong Wangheng: [I understand. I won’t do that again.]

Gong Wangheng: [Baby is not angry]

The little baby looked at this line of words and couldn't help but arch his back on the bed: [I'm not mad at you, I'm just really scared by you]

Gong Wangheng: [Now that you say that, I want to come over and coax you right now]

Gong Wangheng: [Can I kiss you tonight?]

The little baby blushed: [No kiss for you]

Baby: [I’m going to look up travel guides, I’m not going to talk to you anymore]

Gong Wangheng: [Go ahead]

After watching for about ten minutes, Chen Shuying sent me a message: [Are you asleep? If not, help me choose a photo.]

Bai Yuan: [Not yet, you send it]

Chen Shuying sent two ID photos: [I will use them for registration, which one do you think is better? ]

Chen Shuying looks very well behaved in his ID photo, and that silly look he had as a child comes back, completely different from the feeling when he plays the drums.

Baby: [The left one looks more flexible, the right one is a bit dumb]

Chen Shuying: [Okay, then I’ll choose the left side]

Chen Shuying: [By the way, how are you and Brother Xiaogong doing recently? Have your parents found out?]

Baby: [Of course not]

Baby: [We are going to travel next week, our parents have agreed]

Chen Shuying: [Going on a trip? Just the two of you?]

Baby: [Yeah]

Chen Shuying: [Are you guys progressing too fast? Although you have known each other since childhood, you haven’t been dating for long.]

Little baby is puzzled: [What’s wrong with traveling together? Can’t we travel together when we just started dating?]

Chen Shuying paused for a moment: [You two going on a trip means you'll be spending a lot of nights out, right?]

Baby: [Yes, of course, we are going to H City]

Chen Shuying: [So are you guys sleeping in the same room? Sleeping in the same bed?]

Baby:[… ]

Baby: I forgot about this.

Chen Shuying: […]

Little Baby: [My brother said he would make the arrangements, so I didn’t care]

If Chen Shuying hadn’t reminded him, the little baby might not have realized this.

Will I sleep with my brother then? They are a couple now, so they should sleep together, right

But the little darling believed Gong Wangheng: [Don’t worry, we have slept in the same bed before, don’t put other dirty thoughts on us]

Chen Shuying: [You guys were in the past, it was a long time ago, it was all when you were little, right?]

Chen Shuying: [You are both grown up now, and you are still dating. Doesn’t that mean something?]

The little baby thought for a while and said: [Then I will go to the adult world]

Baby: [I’ll go first]

The author has something to say: *Irresponsible mini-theater*

Baby: To be honest, I have been craving my brother's six-pack abs for a long time.

Brother: Calm down.

It will be finished next week. This should be the last time I suddenly update late at night.