Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 139


Gong Suicheng added fuel to the fire and was number one.

Before he came, Gu Xiefeng was just angry, but after he came, Gu Xiefeng exploded.

Before Gong Wangheng was actually beaten, Gong Suicheng almost got beaten first.

In the end, Bai Qingnian and Xiaobaobei worked together to carry Gu Xiefeng back. Bai Qingnian advised the Gong family to go back first. It was not appropriate to meet now. When Gu Xiefeng saw them, he looked like a fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Gu Xiefeng was carried back by Bai Qingnian and Xiaobaobei, his feet still kicking: "Gong, you have no shame! Who calls you a relative? You bastard! I'll break both of your legs!"

"Alright, alright, calm down and stop scolding." Bai Qingnian dragged Gu Xiefeng back home and pressed him on the sofa. "Why are you so angry? You even scared Yuanyuan."

After hearing these words, the furious Mr. Gu calmed down a little.

Looking at the little baby, his complexion was indeed not very good, his nervousness and fear were obvious, and his eyes were a little red.

Gu Xiefeng calmed down, sighed, and sat down on the sofa.

Bai Qingnian poured him a glass of water: "Drink some water to calm your nerves."

Gu Xiefeng looked at him and suddenly asked, "... Why are you so calm? You're not surprised at all to hear that these two kids are dating?"

Bai Qingnian looked at Gu Xiefeng, then at the little darling: "You are already so excited, I just tried to stop you, why are you still excited?"

In fact, he had already guessed this.

Some things cannot be hidden, such as the look the little baby gave Gong Wangheng.

The little baby has a simple mind and will not hide it. If he likes something, he will show it.

They used to be very natural together, just like brothers should be.

But I don’t know when he became deliberate, or if he was deliberately avoiding it. When Bai Qingnian noticed it, he felt something was wrong.

Later, when the two families were having a barbecue and preparing to go traveling, it was obvious that the little baby had a special feeling for Gong Wangheng.

Bai Qingnian was more receptive than Gu Xiefeng in this regard. Children would always grow up, and it was normal for them to fall in love. He respected the child's choice, and the object was not someone else, but Gong Wangheng, who he had watched grow up and knew well. He was the most reassuring.

Gu Xiefeng's chest was full of air, and he held it in for the entire afternoon.

He couldn't vent his anger in front of his wife and children, and he couldn't digest it himself either. He could only take the water that Bai Qingnian poured and drink it in one gulp.

The little baby sat next to Gu Xiefeng, thought for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Dad, you, don't be so angry..."

It's impossible not to be angry.

Gu Xiefeng asked: "How long have you two been together? How far has it progressed?"

Thinking about the fact that they had traveled together some time ago, Father Gu was so angry that smoke came out of his head: "Did he bully you when you were traveling?"

Bai Yuan shook his head quickly, even faster than a rattle.

This was the first time she lied so naturally: "Of course not! My brother and I just, at most..."

"What at most? A kiss at most?" Gu Xiefeng's chest felt like smoking when he thought of the scene he had witnessed with his own eyes, and he asked bluntly and rudely.

How could they say such words in front of their parents without any hesitation? If Gu Xiefeng knew that they did what they should do and also did what they shouldn't do, Gong Wangheng would be really finished.

Bai Yuan was determined not to say it, even though he felt embarrassed by what Gu Xiefeng said: "… What's wrong with a kiss? I just like him."

Gu Xiefeng's soul scattered into the sky.

Bai Qingnian grabbed his soul and slapped him back, then stroked Gu Xiefeng's chest: "Alright, alright, a child shouldn't be in such a relationship, you're overreacting."

Father Gu, who would never admit that he was too radical, said excitedly: "… How was I too radical? Where did I say something wrong? What is Yuanyuan's identity? Can you let others know? Have you considered this?"

Bai Yuan almost said it out loud, his brother already knew his identity and he didn't need to worry - but since Gu Chen was involved, he couldn't just say anything, so he had to be a frustrated little mute.

In this regard, Gu Xiefeng's words made sense, and Bai Qingnian remained silent.

The identity of the little baby is a secret that cannot be revealed. If you have to choose between love and life, life must be more important.

Bai Yuan heard this and could only explain: "No, it has been hidden for so many years, and it will never be exposed in the future..."

"How can you absolutely guarantee something like this?" Gu Xiefeng said, "Be safe from the worst. Hengheng is so smart. If he finds out, you're done!"

"No, I've been fine all these years." The little darling's way of thinking is always different. He muttered softly, "Besides, there's a saying that wealth and honor are sought in danger. I'm going to seek them in danger..."

Gu Xiefeng: “…”

Bai Qingnian: “…”

Gu Xiefeng: "Dad, listen to what you are saying, you should take care of him."

Bai Qingnian had no choice but to say, "Okay, Yuanyuan, go back to your room first. I'll talk to your father."

There's nothing much to say now. The way the little darling is talking is simply stabbing Dad Gu in the heart. It's better to stay away from him for the time being and let Dad Gu calm down first.

Bai Qingnian first sent the little baby back to the room, and then went downstairs to talk to Gu Xiefeng.

"Okay, don't be angry." He sat down next to Gu Xiefeng. "Children will always grow up. When they grow up, they want to fall in love. This is just like people want to eat when they are hungry. It's all very natural."

Gu Xiefeng collapsed on the sofa. He was too angry just now. He was too angry. Now he was in a state of emptiness, with a desolate look in his eyes as if he had seen through the world.

He sighed, "Yuanyuan is still young. How old is Hengheng? He is only 22. They are both children. How can two children talk about love and play house?"

Bai Qingnian took a sip of water and said, "When you were chasing me, I was about the same age as Hengheng."

Gu Xiefeng paused, then said in a very hypocritical manner: "That's different, we are different, how can this be the same! Yuanyuan is so innocent, he has never suffered any hardship since he was a child, and his identity is also special, he must not be exposed!"

"But you can't stop him from dating for the rest of his life just because of his status," Bai Qingnian said, "and you know Hengheng well. You've watched him grow up since he was a kid. He really treats Yuanyuan well, so there's nothing to worry about."

How could Gu Xiefeng not know how good Gong Wangheng was to the little baby

It's just that this matter happened too suddenly. He trusted Gong Wangheng so much and entrusted Yuanyuan to him with confidence, but in return he got such a result. Who can bear it immediately

Listening to Bai Qingnian's words, Gu Xiefeng had no words to refute for the time being: "... Why do I feel like you seem to support them being together?"

"I'm not supporting it, I just respect the child's choice." He patted Gu Xiefeng's shoulder, "When my mother didn't support us, I felt bad being caught in the middle, so I can understand Yuanyuan's feelings to some extent."

Hearing this, Gu Xiefeng fell silent, but unlike Bai Qingnian, he now stood on Bai's mother's side.

I finally understand how my mother-in-law felt about me back then.

"It has already happened. No matter how angry you are, it will only make the child sad." Bai Qingnian comforted him, "You have to make the best choice for the child. Calm down first."

"But I just..."

"I know you can't bear to let go of Yuanyuan, and you always think Yuanyuan is still a child. But he will grow up sooner or later. When you are calm tomorrow, you might as well listen to the child's own thoughts."

Mr. Bai has an excellent soothing ability. With just a few words, he was able to smooth out Mr. Gu's standing hair.

Father Gu nodded: "...Okay, I'll settle accounts with the Gong family tomorrow."

Thinking of what Gong Suicheng said about in-laws, it clearly showed that they had known about it for a long time. Damn it, this family of immoral people actually hid it from them. It really makes me angry.

The consequence of being too angry was that Mr. Gu was unable to settle accounts with the Gong family the next day.

He got so angry that he became sick. His fever reached 39 degrees Celsius and he collapsed in bed, feeling dizzy and weak all over.

Bai Qingnian had never seen anyone like him. No matter how old he was, he could still make himself sick from anger.

Feeling distressed and helpless, I took a leave of absence to take care of him at home, but I also had the urge to strangle him to death.

Bai Yuan felt very guilty about this. He had almost never seen Gu Xiefeng sick. In his memory, Father Gu, who was always capable and strong, actually became sick because of the matter between him and his brother. How angry must he be

The little baby didn't go out anymore. He stayed at home obediently to accompany Dad Gu. He didn't dare to mention anything about him and his brother, for fear that Dad Gu would fall seriously ill.

Bai Qingnian saw that the older one was half dead, and the younger one was worried and sad. He tried to comfort everyone and became the busiest person.

"Don't worry. Your dad is getting less aggressive as he gets older. He'll be fine after a few days."

Bai Qingnian's consolation had no real effect, and the little baby still felt guilty: "... Dad, you are against my brother and I being together, but we..."

Bai Yuan didn't sleep much last night as he couldn't fall asleep when he thought about his parents' opposition.

He had already imagined a situation where the parents would ask him to choose between the two options. He was so overwhelmed with anxiety that he planned to try his best to persuade Gu Xiefeng. However, he didn't expect that Gu Xiefeng fell ill the next day, so he had to keep all his words of persuasion to himself.

"No, Dad just can't bear to leave you." Bai Qingnian comforted him, "He needs some time to figure it out, he'll be fine in a few days."


"How could I lie to you?"

The little baby blinked: "... Dad, don't you object to my relationship with my brother?"

"Why should I object? Is this a bad thing?"

Bai Yuan thought about it and said firmly: "… I like my brother, and my brother likes me, so we are dating. I don't think this is a bad thing."

"Since it's not a bad thing, why should I oppose you?" Bai Qingnian rubbed his head, "Actually, your father is the same. We just hope that you can live a safe and happy life... But this happened too suddenly. You have to give your father time to react and accept it. Just wait for him to figure it out."

"Dad, you have already guessed it..."

Bai Qingnian pinched his nose and said, "You can't hide your thoughts. I noticed it before, but your father is slow and didn't notice it. Before you went on the trip, you said you had something to tell me. Is it this?"

Bai Yuan had doubts at the time, but he didn't expect that Bai Qingnian really guessed it.

He nodded: "… Well, actually I didn't want to hide it from you. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid you wouldn't be able to accept it, so I couldn't help but postpone it."

"Silly child, if you had told me earlier, maybe your father would have been better off. Being caught by him in private is different from admitting it voluntarily. Half of the reason why he is so angry is because of this."

Bai Yuan had thought about it before.

But at that time I felt that if I took the initiative to confess, my parents would be angry, and if I found out passively, they would also be angry, so I should try to delay the time as much as possible, facing it one day later would be one day later.

The little baby felt guilty: "I won't hide it from you anymore. I will tell you everything that happens in the future."

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Just give it a few days, apologize sincerely, and coax him. Dad will forgive him."

As it turned out, what Bai Qingnian said was right.

Gu Xiefeng rested at home for a few days, and then gradually accepted this matter.

At first he was angry. When did this brat Gong Wangheng have such thoughts about his baby? He trusted him so much and entrusted the baby to him so confidently and even let him take the baby on a trip.

But after getting angry, he thought about it again. In fact, he might not be able to be so reassured if he changed someone else. He watched Gong Wangheng grow up and knew his character best. Apart from them as parents, only Gong Wangheng was good to Yuanyuan.

He just couldn't accept this change in identity for a while.

The good young man in his eyes suddenly turned into a stinky wild boar that was trying to steal his emerald cabbage - who could accept this without any hesitation

The next day, Gu Xiefeng's fever subsided, but he stayed at home feeling sad and depressed.

On the fourth day, he still refused to get out of bed, and Bai Qingnian gradually lost his patience.

This old guy becomes more and more childish as he gets older. Even a four-year-old child is not as difficult as him.

Bai Qingnian entered Gu Xiefeng's room and found him still hiding under the quilt with his head covered.

—There are so many things to complain about that I don’t know where to start.

What's wrong, does he think of himself as a teenage girl

Gu Xiefeng's cell phone was placed next to the pillow. Bai Qingnian picked it up directly and clicked on his WeChat to check.

The latest one was the record with Gong Suicheng, and he pulled it up to take a look.

Gong Suicheng: [Brother, don't be angry, it's not a big deal, it's normal for children to fall in love]

Gong Suicheng: [From now on, we are relatives, even closer than relatives]

Gu Xiefeng: [Go away]

Gu Xiefeng: [You old wild boar, take your little wild boar and get out of here]

Gong Suicheng: [Come on, let’s talk it over.]

Gu Xiefeng: [Talk about bullshit, I will assassinate you tonight]

Gong Suicheng: [We heard that you were ill, so we came to see you and apologize to you]

Gu Xiefeng: [Do you think I didn’t die early enough?]

Gu Xiefeng: [Climb as far as you can]

Gong Suicheng: [I don't understand why you are so opposed]

Gong Suicheng: [What’s wrong with my son? Is he not handsome enough or can’t make money or is he not good to Yuanyuan?]

Gu Xiefeng: [It is unfortunate that your son no longer has a father like you. You should commit suicide immediately to apologize]

Gong Suicheng: [If you don’t want Yuanyuan to marry into our family, we can marry into our family too. It’s all the same.]

Gu Xiefeng: [I think you are just like a wild boar, you should return to the forest as soon as possible]

Gong Suicheng: [That’s enough. I’ve been angry for three days. Are you going to do it again?]

Gu Xiefeng: [We can be enemies]

Gong Suicheng: [Not really]

Gong Suicheng: [It is normal for children to fall in love when they grow up, you should relax your mind]

Gu Xiefeng: [Go away]

Bai Qingnian was speechless, but even more speechless was yet to come.

Gu Xiefeng went to tell Gu's mother.

Gu Xiefeng: [Mom, Yuanyuan is in love]

Mother Gu: [Yo]

Mother Gu: [Whose child is this?]

Mother Gu: [When will you come out so I can see you?]

Gu Xiefeng: [? ]

Gu Xiefeng: [Mom, Yuanyuan is only eighteen, don’t you think it’s a little too early?]

Mother Gu: [It’s already late at 18]

Mother Gu: [You should act quickly while you are still young. It is popular to marry young now.]

Gu Xiefeng: [That's someone else. How can Yuanyuan do that? He's still young.]

Mother Gu: [Young love is different]

Mother Gu: [Very beautiful]

Mother Gu: [When your father pursued me, I was only seventeen]

Gu Xiefeng: [The times were different from now. You all got married early back then.]

Gu Xiefeng: [People are different now. Aren’t you afraid that the other person is a bad person and is after our family’s financial situation?]

Mother Gu: [Don’t we have you as our father?]

Mother Gu: [Children have little experience and may not be able to tell good from bad. You need to have a keen eye.]

Mother Gu: [If the other person is not good, you should let him know how powerful you are]

Not only are there those with Gu's mother, but also those with Bai's mother.

Gu Xiefeng: [Mother-in-law]

Gu Xiefeng: [I now suddenly understand how you felt when you looked at me back then]

Bai's mother: [? ]

Gu Xiefeng: [I did have many faults back then. Thank you for finally handing Qingnian over to me.]

Bai's mother: [If you are sick, take medicine immediately]

The author has something to say: The main text can be finished in the next chapter

Currently scheduled extras:

1. Strawberries

2. Yuanyuan turned into a bird and was caught by her brother (4 years old)

3. Women's Hanfu Yuanyuan (4 years old)
