Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 141: Extra 1 My brother’s dream (Part 1)


Extra 1: My Brother’s Dream (Part 1)

After Gong Wangheng woke up, he realized that the situation was very different from usual.

After a few minutes, he realized that he was dreaming, and it was a lucid dream. He was not really awake, but he in the dream woke up from the dream, but he was still in the dream.

All the feelings in it are extremely real, almost indistinguishable from reality.

Being in a completely unfamiliar place, seeing scenes that had never appeared in his imagination, he believed that his memory was correct and it was not possible that he had traveled through time, but was just dreaming.

But even though he realized that he was dreaming, Gong Wangheng still had strong doubts about the scene before him.

Because the scene he saw was too unbelievable, he saw with his own eyes that he and the little baby actually had a... little little baby

A baby who looked only seven or eight months old was sitting in a child's chair, and Bai Yuan was feeding him.

Bai Yuan: "Baby, open your mouth—ah—"

The chubby little baby smiled and opened his mouth, revealing his two big front teeth: "Ah—"

Gong Wangheng rubbed his eyes again and again.

No, even if it was a dream, such a scene should not appear.

He and the little darling had a child? How is that possible

But after rubbing his eyes and closing them several times, Gong Wangheng looked again and the baby was still there. It was obviously their child, so there was no need to doubt it.

The child's nickname is Strawberry.

The name made the dream even more real, because this was the name Baiyuan would give, and the child really did look like a strawberry.

Little Strawberry looks so much like Bai Yuan when he was a child, they are basically identical smaller versions of each other.

Just as chubby, just as cute, and looks like a little sun when she smiles. The only difference is that the little strawberry's eyes are blue, just like mine.

—Anyone can tell at a glance that the child is their biological child.

Gong Wangheng was shocked to find out that their genes were so similar.

So how did this child come about

Since you are dreaming, why can't you dream it more carefully and clearly, starting from the birth of the child.

Was it the baby's

Little Strawberry, who has integrated them into one, can only be their child no matter how you look at it.

But how are babies born? Do they lay eggs? Do they need to incubate them

Gong Wangheng was stumped by this question. Was the child he and his little darling born from eggs or live birth? Was it a bird or a mammal

He stood there and watched, feeling a little nervous.

I dare not get too close, as if if I get too close, the images will be shattered.

Until Bai Yuan called him: "Brother, what are you still standing there for? Come over and eat quickly. It's noon. Aren't you hungry?"

Gong Wangheng walked towards them slowly after his name was called.

The little baby looks no different from how she looks in real life, still with that youthful innocence.

He cast his gaze on their child, a little baby who looked like a glutinous rice ball, white and chubby, with a face that looked extremely soft.

Her hair is a little sparse, but it has a tuft of hair sticking up, which is very cute. She has a longevity lock around her neck, her chubby feet are exposed, and she has a bell-shaped gold collar around her ankle.

Gong Wangheng sat down next to Bai Yuan, and Little Strawberry shouted at him: "Papa!"

The little baby voice instantly melted his heart.

It seems that even the tone of voice is the same as when the little baby was a child. How can they be so similar? This is definitely Xiao Xiaoyuan.

Bai Yuan was feeding him porridge: "Baby, eat your meal obediently, and talk to daddy after you finish eating, okay?"

Little Strawberry seemed to understand. She looked at Bai Yuan with her big grape-like eyes, pouted, but finally nodded: "... um, oh!"

Looks like a very well behaved baby.

It is true, he is also a serious little baby.

Little Strawberry is a big eater. He eats every bite that Bai Yuan feeds him. He probably inherited this from Bai Yuan. He opens his mouth wide when eating, and the speed at which he is fed is even slower than the speed at which he swallows.

It just gets distracting.

His eyes would occasionally fall on Gong Wangheng, and he would shout at him, "Papa! Papa! Pa!"

I can't tell whether he was shouting seriously or just joking.

As for Gong Wangheng, he had never been as stupid as he was now since he could remember. He just sat there stupidly, not moving his chopsticks, just looking at the little darling and the little little darling, not even able to utter a word.

"The baby is calling you, answer him." Bai Yuan looked at him, "What's wrong with you? You seem weird today. Did you not get enough sleep?"

"No, no, I..."

Gong Wangheng even stuttered when he spoke. He couldn't say anything and felt like he was dreaming. Everything in front of him made him at a loss.

"I know you've been busy lately and come back home in the early hours of the morning every day, but you still need to get enough rest."

"I, now, this..."

Gong Wangheng really didn’t know what to say, because it was too real, he even began to wonder if he had traveled through time.

Bai Yuan also seemed to notice his abnormality: "You are really weird today, did something happen?"

But then Little Strawberry shouted at him: "Papa!"

Gong Wangheng looked at this little glutinous rice ball and finally dared to respond: "... Yes, Dad is here."

Little Strawberry was obviously very happy to get the response. Her eyes were curved with a smile, revealing her only two front teeth. Her body swayed from side to side, and she raised her feet and hugged them with her hands.

Even this kind of movement habits are similar to Bai Yuan's when he was a child. Gong Wangheng couldn't believe it. Why would he have such a dream? Is there something wrong with him recently

The little darling's attention was drawn to the child. He didn't bother about Gong Wangheng's strange behavior and just asked, "Are you happy, baby? Why is daddy so happy to care about you?"

After feeding the porridge, the little baby wiped Little Strawberry's mouth, took off his bib, and picked him up: "Okay, let's go to bed. After eating, take a nap."

Gong Wangheng stood up quickly and walked over to them: "... Then, what, can I hold the baby?"

Bai Yuan looked at him curiously, his eyes saying, you are really weird today.

But she still gave the child to him.

Gong Wangheng carefully brought the child over. The child was soft and fleshy, and felt great, like a soft and sticky version of a pure meat ball.

Little Strawberry didn't resist his embrace, and was even used to it. She sat on his arms with her little head on his shoulder.

It has a very pleasant smell.

The sweet little baby and the sweet little little baby.

Gong Wangheng was holding the child stiffly, not daring to move. He began to wonder if all this was not a dream but real? Could it be that he had traveled through time

Little Strawberry lay on his shoulder. After eating, he soon felt sleepy. After lying there for a while, he yawned.

Bai Yuan carried the child over again: "Okay, go eat now. I'm going to take Strawberry to take a nap."

But he did not take the child to the room, but slept directly on the big sofa in the living room.

Gong Wangheng watched with his own eyes as Little Baby and Little Little Baby transformed into parrots in front of him. Two round, pink, fat parrots, one big and one small, both fell down on the sofa.

After turning back into a little parrot, Little Strawberry fell into a seamless sleep with its four legs up in the air and its little tuft of hair still sticking up.

The little baby jumped twice, spread its pink wings, and protected the little strawberry under its wings.

This scene is incredible.

Gong Wangheng couldn't believe it. Even in a dream, could he really have this for free

The author has something to say: Here I come, Little Strawberry reports late at night