Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 144: Extra 2 A four-year-old boy with a small head of millet


Extra 2: Pretty Bird, Running Naked Online (4 years old)

Xiao Yuanyuan accidentally broke his knee.

The reason was that Gu's father bought him a new scooter.

The dark pink scooter has a plain and classic design, but Mr. Gu was fooled and bought it at a price of 699. He took it home excitedly to show his wife and children, but when Mr. Bai searched online, he found that the same model only cost 199. Mr. Gu was ripped off.

Mr. Gu, who had been ripped off, was in a bad mood. He took his anger out on the innocent scooter and wanted to throw it away.

But the little baby fell in love with this scooter at first sight.

Children are simple-minded, and they think everything they have never seen is good. The tricycles immediately fell out of favor, and the fat kid who loves new things and gets bored with old things only loves scooters. He scoots around the doorstep several times every day, and thinks scooters are very cool and he is very cool.

I was sliding like this in front of my house on the day of the wrestling.

Wearing a pair of small sunglasses, with his hands on the handrails, and a pair of short legs, one of them was kicking and sliding.

The little baby was very proud and happy, and felt that he owned the whole world.



The car hit a trash can and turned upside down.

Xiao Yuanyuan knelt on the ground, his knees were bleeding, and his palms were also scratched from supporting himself with the ground. He looked very pitiful.

The delicate little baby rarely did not cry. Although he was in great pain from the fall, he was so frightened when he knelt down that his brain went blank and he forgot about crying.

Finally, he limped home, dragging his scooter.

When Mr. Gu saw his little baby was injured, he was heartbroken. He didn't like this scooter in the first place, and now this broken thing had been broken by his little baby. He decided on the spot to treat it like a pile of scrap metal and hid it in the warehouse.

The baby's injury was not serious, and with the help of magic, he recovered in two days without leaving any trace.

Xiao Yuanyuan forgot the pain after his wound healed, and his interest in scooters returned as soon as his wound healed.

But Father Gu wouldn't let him slide: "If you fall again, you'll have to report to the hospital to see your father."

The little baby said innocently: "Well, that's great!"

"What's good about it? It's not good at all." Father Gu said, "You can't go skating. You will get hurt."

But what can you do at this age that won’t get hurt

The little baby thought of a time in kindergarten when Chen Shuying did nothing but walked by quietly and was knocked away by the swing.

There are dangers everywhere in the world, and they should train themselves to face risks instead of avoiding them.

—This sentence was said by Brother Hengheng. Although he didn’t understand what it meant, he felt that what his brother said made sense.

While dad is not at home, the little baby decides to steal the scooter.

Although some things are difficult to do with the housekeeper and nanny around, Xiao Yuanyuan will never give up easily.

He transformed into a little parrot, flew to the warehouse, and hid the scooter in his magic space. Then he flew to the community park, found a hidden corner, and prepared to play there.

At this moment, Xiao Yuanyuan was very arrogant and felt that he was very powerful. He could even steal the scooter. He was probably the most powerful little parrot in the world.

But his arrogance lasted only three seconds. Before he even landed on the ground, he was grabbed by a hand.

Little Fatty:!!!

Who is it!! Where did this unruly person come from!! He actually secretly plotted against him!!!

The little darling struggled with all his might. He had magic, and if the other party didn't let go, he would peck that hand - but when he turned around, he saw clearly that the person pinching him was none other than his brother Hengheng.

Xiao Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief first. Fortunately, it turned out to be Brother Hengheng and not someone else.

But a more difficult choice also appeared. If it was a stranger, he could peck at him until he let go, and then he could fly away. But he couldn't peck at Brother Hengheng, even though Brother Hengheng didn't know it was him.

The little baby, who didn't know that he had lost weight so much that his pants were gone, was very troubled. He was held in brother Hengheng's hand and dared not move. He could only hope that his brother would let him go as soon as possible.

Gong Wangheng stared at the little pink bird in his hand, and it took him a while to realize that this might be his younger brother.

He happened to pass by here and saw a pink bird flying.

Seeing a bird with this kind of color combination for the first time in real life, Gong Wangheng was also curious. He acted quickly and accurately and grabbed the bird in his hand in one go.

He didn't intend to do anything, just take a look and then let it go.

But the more I stared at this little pink ball, the more I felt that he looked like a person. Finally, I suddenly realized - isn't this Xiao Yuanyuan? With this expression, this figure, this color combination, and this coincidence, there is no other one except this little parrot.

So what is this little parrot doing

Are you too full to do anything but go flying around

Wait, wait, wait, this is the nth time he has done something like this, it can’t be that this happens all the time

Gong Wangheng stared at the bird in his hand, feeling helpless.

Because he was not 100% sure it was the baby, Gong Wangheng decided to test it first and rubbed the bird's feathers: "Your feathers are so beautiful."

Although he was nervous, Xiao Yuanyuan still puffed out his chest when his brother praised him for his good looks.

Of course he is handsome, he is the best looking little one.

Xiao Yuanyuan shook the bird's claws, forgetting that he shouldn't give any interactive response: "... Chirp, chirp."

Although he is in the shape of a bird, Gong Wangheng feels that his smug little expression is exactly the same as his younger brother's.

How did they achieve such a similar look? Was it magic

Gong Wangheng continued: "You look a lot like a younger brother I know."

It turned into a horror movie in a second, and Little Yuanyuan became stiff in his brother's hands.

Gong Wangheng was amused again by his self-confessing reaction. Could it be more obvious? People who didn't know would know the answer by looking at his reaction.

Gong Wangheng: "I'm going to grab you and show you to him."

Gong Wangheng deliberately said: "I will keep you in my house from now on. What color cage do you like? Is pink okay?"

The little baby froze like a stone: "... Chirp, chirp, chirp."

How could he know that his brother did it on purpose? He was almost scared to death when he heard such words. He only thought that his identity must not be exposed. He forgot that he had magic and was not afraid even if he was locked up.

After Gong Wangheng finished saying these words, he looked at the little fat boy with a hard lump in his hand. He poked it with his fingers but there was no response, so he finally loosened his grip.

He didn't want to scare his brother. It was good enough for him to know it was his brother. He couldn't really lock him up.

So he deliberately let the baby have a chance to escape.

The little baby was slow to react at this time, and did not immediately realize that his brother's hand had been loosened. It was only after a while that he realized it and quickly flapped his wings and flew away.

Flying back home is the best option at this time. Gong Wangheng has already let him go and will definitely not chase him.

But after being frightened, Xiao Yuanyuan's parrot couldn't turn its head around. He just wanted to avoid being caught by his brother again, so he hid in the bushes nearby and quickly turned back into human form.

He just needs to change back into human form and think of himself as playing here, so it's normal for him to run into his brother.

But he forgot to transform from a parrot back into a human, and he had no clothes to wear. His magic was not enough to turn him into clothes, and at most he could turn him into a diaper.

What kind of magic is this!

Since it can be changed so many times, why not give him one more piece of clothing!

The naked little baby was speechless and dared not make a sound for a moment. He could only look through the gaps in the flowers and bushes to see if his brother had left.

After his brother left, he turned into a little parrot and flew back home.

But when Gong Wangheng saw that he was flying in the opposite direction and hadn't reacted yet, he certainly couldn't be at ease and walked over to take a look.

Then I met my naked brother.

Gong Wangheng: …

He found that he could never guess what the little bird would do.

Gong Wangheng was speechless at this scene. He was stunned for a while and could only play along with him: "... Yuanyuan, what are you doing here?"

The smooth little wish looks like Cupid in an oil painting.

But now this Cupid was very embarrassed and turned away: "... I, I am not, you are wrong, you are wrong, brother."

The Yuanyuan-style confession is happening again.

Gong Wangheng pretended not to hear and tried to pave the way for the little parrot: "If you are not Yuanyuan, who are you? Are you playing here?"

The little baby still denied: "... No, no, I'm not, I'm willing."

"then who are you?"

"... I, I am, I am... Anyway, I am not Yuanyuan."

The little baby was so anxious that he was about to cry, and his whole body was shaking. If his identity was exposed, he would have no chance of being a little bird.

When Gong Wangheng heard him crying, he stopped asking and took off his coat and put it on him.

The little baby was short, and Gong Wangheng's coat could cover him from shoulders to feet. After putting the coat on, Gong Wangheng walked in front of him and buttoned up the coat for him.

The little darling tried his best to turn his face away so that brother Hengheng wouldn't see him.

It seemed that as long as Gong Wangheng couldn't see it, he would insist that he was not Yuanyuan.

"I don't know what you're doing here, but you'll catch a cold if you don't wear any clothes. You should put on some clothes."

The little baby didn't say anything and clenched his lips. Anyway, he didn't want to say anything, no matter who asked him.

Gong Wangheng thought about it and decided that he would have to use a simple, rough and outrageous method to treat this little bird, so he asked, "Did someone steal your clothes? This person is really bad. Where did he go after stealing your clothes? Tell me and I will get them back."

Xiao Yuanyuan really took the bait.

He immediately nodded frantically, indicating that his clothes were stolen.

Having been frightened just now, he finally found a reason to relax with a slightly aggrieved expression. The little baby looked at Gong Wangheng pitifully: "... Yes, someone, a bad guy, stole my clothes!"

The little baby couldn't lie, so he lied haltingly and exaggeratedly: "… after the robbery, the bad guys just ran away!"

Gong Wangheng squatted on the ground and continued to act: "Where did he run to? I'll go get your clothes back."

"... But I, I don't know where I ran to." Xiao Yuanyuan's eyes rolled around, unable to look her brother in the eye, "... But my clothes were really stolen by the bad guys."

After using this outrageous method to calm his brother down, Gong Wangheng said, "Then I'll take you home first. You can't stay outside like this."

Although the little baby hoped that his brother would go first so that he could turn into a bird and fly back home, he couldn't say it out loud and could only nod.

Gong Wangheng was very skilled in taking care of children and he picked up his little brother directly.

The little baby is used to hugging his brother. When his brother picks him up, he clings to him like a little bear.

Gong Wangheng carried the little parrot home and continued to act on the way: "This bad guy is so bad that he didn't even leave you socks."

"… Yes, yes, it's bad! I'll go home and tell Dad to catch the bad guys!"

"Well, then you must tell your uncle and let him catch the bad guys."

The author has something to say: It’s so easy to write the wishes of a four-year-old!

There is one last extra chapter, where my brother and Yuanyuan go out to play wearing Hanfu

Thank you all for your messages and support, especially those who have been following the updates. Your company has given me a lot of motivation and confidence. Thank you very much.