Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 145: Extra 3 Four-year-old wish 2


Extra 3: A day trip with my brother (4 years old)

After working as a tool for two days, Gong Wangheng came to the conclusion that his younger brother had really good physical strength.

The four-year-old parrot is like a tireless perpetual motion machine, a physical monster with infinite energy.

The story begins two or three days ago.

Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian had their wedding, and the baby’s birthday was also celebrated.

Because the little baby's birthday was not made public and was celebrated privately by the family, and their family was particularly tired during those days, Gong Wangheng didn't see his brother until several days later.

He didn't prepare any gifts, so he wanted to ask his brother what he liked and wanted before preparing anything.

Gong Wangheng asked him, "Is there anything you want?"

The little baby has no shortage of anything. His dad will give him whatever he wants, food or toys.

But he said, “Of course there is.”

Gong Wangheng asked: "What do you want?"

Xiao Yuanyuan pointed at her mushroom head and said, "I want this hair to grow longer quickly!"

Gong Wangheng: …

This is the problem of two different worlds. He has no magic and cannot help his brother fulfill his wish.

"It's something." Gong Wangheng added, "Like a toy or something."

That's all.

The little baby shook his head: "There are a lot of toys at home. I don't need them. They are new toys."

Gong Wangheng thought for a moment and said, "Then is there anything you want to do?"

Then he got himself into trouble.

The little baby's eyes lit up when he heard him ask this, and then he quickly slapped a piece of promotional paper in front of him: "Yes, yes! I want to go, here! Brother, take me there!"

Gong Wangheng picked it up and took a look. It was a promotion for an ancient building complex scenic area. There were many activities in it and it was indeed very popular recently.

But there is a requirement that all tourists entering on that day, regardless of whether they are adults or children, must wear Hanfu.

The little baby actually had no specific idea of what there was to do in this place. He was simply attracted by the promotional photos and thought the buildings were very beautiful, so he wanted to go and see them.

He had already asked the two parents for help, and they agreed verbally but had not taken any action as they had been tired in recent days.

Today, my brother asked me what I wanted to do, and the little baby told me this.

Gong Wangheng had no interest in these scenic spots, but looking at his brother's bright eyes, he couldn't say no, so he had to agree.

With Gong Wangheng's consent, the little baby felt more confident in urging his two parents to take him there quickly.

The two tired and unreliable fathers shirked the responsibility to each other, and finally the task fell on Father Gu, because Father Bai's reason was that he had to stay in the hospital to save lives and heal the wounded, and Father Gu could not hinder him from being an angel in white.

The reason was ridiculous, but it left Mr. Gu speechless and he dared not do anything else.

After confirming the date, Mr. Gu took the two children to buy Hanfu.

The first time Gong Wangheng went shopping for clothes with his younger brother was Hanfu. At that time, he didn’t know what he would experience.

When the little baby went with his parents to take wedding photos, he had a special liking for skirts. This time when he went shopping for clothes, he went to the skirt section as soon as he entered the store and clamored for his father to buy him a nice skirt.

He is good-looking and has a sweet voice. Although he has short hair, he fell in love with her skirt as soon as he came in, and successfully confused the clerk's judgment of his gender.

The clerk introduced enthusiastically: "The little girl is so beautiful, the skirt must be very suitable for her. We also sell wigs and headdresses here, all in sets."

I feel so sorry for her. How could her parents have the heart to cut her hair like a mushroom ball when she is so beautiful

Before Mr. Gu could say anything, the little baby pouted and said, "I'm not a little girl! I'm a boy!"

The clerk was stunned and immediately replied, "Is that so? I'm sorry, little friend. Because you are so pretty, I thought you were a girl."

The little baby was very happy to be praised for his good looks, but he may never change his habit of liking to hear nice things.

The little darling said: "... I am good-looking, a boy!"

The clerk was immediately touched by his words.

If an adult says this kind of thing, it may seem a bit annoying, but when a sweet-looking child says it, it is particularly endearing.

The clerk said, "Then do you want to try on the skirt?"

The little baby nodded: "Yeah! Let's try it!"

Then she pointed at Gong Wangheng and said innocently, "Brother, try it too!"

The clerk glanced at the tall and strong eight-year-old boy and said, "Okay, this kid can go over there and choose. We have the most styles in our store. We have whatever you want."

But the little baby said something surprising: "... No no, brother, let's wear skirts together!"

Shop assistant: “…”

Gu Xiefeng: “…”

Gong Wangheng: “…”

Because these words came from Xiao Yuanyuan's mouth, no matter how outrageous they are, people would feel that this is what he would say.

But Gong Wangheng was asked to wear a skirt? This was too outrageous.

Gong Wangheng refused, of course: "I won't wear it."

The little baby pouted: "… Why not wear it? The skirt is so pretty."

Of course it would look good on the little baby, but with Gong Wangheng's physique, no matter what he wears, his gender cannot be concealed.

Gong Wangheng said: "It doesn't look good, I won't wear it."

Baby: “… Let’s wear them together if they look good!”

Father Gu quickly came out to save the situation and said to the little darling, "Okay, Yuanyuan, you choose what you like, and your brother chooses what he likes too. You can't force your brother, understand?"

have no idea.

The little darling said willfully: "... I want to force my brother."

He is such a bossy little parrot.

Gu Xiefeng was speechless after hearing what he said. He actually said the word "force" so confidently. Apart from their little parrot, there was probably no one else who could do that.

"You can't do that." Gu Xiefeng said, "Okay, Yuanyuan, choose the dress you like first."

"... Well, okay then." The little baby rolled his eyes, "Let brother choose first. After brother has chosen, I will choose."

"That's fine." Gu Xiefeng wasn't curious about his purpose. He had to choose anyway. "Then let's choose for brother first."

Then Gong Wangheng suffered.

He is a casual clothes buyer, most of his daily clothes are bought by his parents. When he occasionally attends formal occasions, he will have a professional stylist, so he rarely spends time on these things.

There are a lot of clothes in the store, divided by color and hung densely in countless layers.

Gong Wangheng took a fancy to a grey suit, which looked clean and simple overall. He tried it on and found it looked pretty good.

But the little baby thinks it doesn’t look good. He likes red and wants to wear red clothes, so he hopes that his brother will also wear red. He wants to wear the same thing as his brother.

So for the next period of time, Xiao Yuanyuan ran around looking for clothes. There were too many clothes here, and Gong Wangheng was forced to try on seven or eight sets before he found one that satisfied the little darling.

At this time Gong Wangheng was tired.

I feel tired.

After choosing his clothes, the little baby went to choose his own clothes.

Both Mr. Gu and the baby are still full of energy, especially Mr. Gu, who is very excited.

Just now he was persuading the little baby not to wear a skirt, and that she could wear the same one as her brother this time. But as soon as the little baby put on a bright red skirt and a wig, Dad Gu's expression changed on the spot, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and kept taking pictures of the little baby.

"Come, Yuanyuan, look at daddy here and smile."

"Yuanyuan is holding onto this chair. Yes, that's it. It looks great."

"Put the headdress on him and see how it looks. It looks so good. It makes us feel so good."

The little baby wore a red dress and a wig, and looked like a cute little princess.

Gong Wangheng stood aside, just an emotionless background board.

But Gu Xiefeng did not intend to let him go. He just changed back into his own clothes and was asked to put on Hanfu, and then stand with his brother to be photographed by Gu Xiefeng.

Both of them were wearing red clothes and hair accessories of the same color. They looked like childhood sweethearts, like a little princess and her little prince consort.

The clothes here are not cheap, but Gu Xiefeng was generous and bought two sets for Gong Wangheng, and he didn’t know how many sets he would buy for the little darling.

The clerk was beside him, his eyes sparkling and full of enthusiasm: "We have other beautiful headpieces here, would you like to try them, kid?"

I don’t know how long I stayed in there, but when it was finally over, Gong Wangheng was so tired that he fell asleep instantly.

But this was nothing. What really cost him his life was the next day when they went to the scenic spot.

The summer heat had not yet completely dissipated, so they agreed to go there in the late afternoon and come back in the evening.

But the little darling was full of anticipation. She got up early that day, asked the makeup artist to dress her up, and then went to find Gong Wangheng, dragging her long skirt and swinging her golden hairpin.

It was the first time that Zhong Anjia and Gong Suicheng saw him dressed like this, and they were both so adorable.

Their reaction was not much better than Gu Xiefeng's. The two of them took turns holding the baby and taking photos, which took a long time.

Gong Wangheng wanted to stay away from them, but in the end he was cannon fodder. Because the little baby was so adorable, the adults naturally wanted them to take a photo together, so Gong Wangheng changed his clothes and put on makeup a few hours earlier, and acted as an emotionless tool at home, being photographed by the adults in various ways.

He was already tired before he even set out.

It was even worse when we arrived at the scenic spot.

It was the busiest time, and all kinds of stalls were set up. Gu Xiefeng and his baby ran around everywhere, taking photos everywhere, acting like tourists seriously.

Gong Wangheng couldn't take a break while the unreliable father and son were playing, because only Gu Xiefeng was with them this time, and Gong Wangheng also had to take pictures of the father and son.

Gu Xiefeng is surprisingly suitable for ancient costumes. When he puts on Hanfu, his aura of a handsome knight emerges.

He also let the little baby sit on his neck, eager to show off his beautiful little princess to the whole world. The father and son together attracted 100% of the attention.

Later, Gu Xiefeng went to buy food, and Gong Wangheng and the little baby stood beside him.

There were a lot of people here and the little baby was so cute. Gong Wangheng was afraid that he would be caught in the strange aunt's sack, so he held his hand and wouldn't let him out of his sight.

By this time, the little baby was a little tired and acted coquettishly to his brother: "Brother, I want a hug."

Gong Wangheng was even more tired. He had never been so tired before. As soon as he touched the bed, he could fall asleep immediately.

But his brother wanted to be hugged, so Gong Wangheng still picked him up: "Yes, I'll hug you."

The little baby clung to his brother like a little bear, with his chin on his brother's shoulder, in a good mood: "Brother, we are the same today!"

"Hmm?" Gong Wangheng asked, "What's the same?"

"The clothes are the same color!" the little baby said happily, "I like my brother. I like to wear the same clothes as my brother. I am so happy to go out and play with my brother like this!"

"Brother, how about you? Are you happy?" the little baby asked, "Are you happy too?"

Gong Wangheng rubbed his little bird head and said helplessly: "Well, I am very happy too."

The author has something to say: On the way back in the car, Gong Wangheng just tilted his head and fell asleep

The little baby saw this and said: Brother is so useless

Finished writing!

This time I have really finished writing it all!

Thank you all for accompanying Yuanyuan in his growth over the past few months. The little baby has grown up successfully. With a father and brother who love him so much, he will always be happy and blessed in the future!

Finally, I hope that all the friends who have subscribed can give a five-star praise qaq

Such a cute Yuanyuan, I can't bear not to give him five stars qaq

Just give it five stars, okay, okay? (The strong man twists and acts like a spoiled child.gif

The next book about cute pets is "Give Me Back My Tail", and you can also come and rub the little fox!

I will probably write more articles about raising cubs later, so if you’re interested, please bookmark my column!

Muah! See you in the next book!

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