Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 29


The Gu family knows Jiang Tong's character best.

He is the classic type of naughty kid who is spoiled by his parents.

Relying on the love of his parents and being the eldest brother among the children of the Gu family, he has been arrogant and willful since childhood.

Father Gu couldn't stand it anymore and said he wanted to educate him.

But Sister Gu protected and spoiled him, saying that he was still young and would become sensible when he grew up. But it was impossible for a child to become sensible when he grew up. As he grew up, Jiang Tong's personality became worse and worse.

When Mother Gu heard him say that Xiao Yuanyuan knocked him down, she refused to believe it even if he took off her head.

How old is Xiao Yuanyuan? With those tiny arms and thin legs, can he knock down the strong Jiang Tong

When Sister Gu saw Jiang Tong crying and Mother Gu was blaming him, she immediately defended him: "Mom, listen to what's going on first. Tongtong is crying."

Pulling his son to his side, he said, "Tongtong, what's wrong?"

Jiang Tong stared at Xiao Yuanyuan fiercely: "He bumped into me and knocked me down."

Xiao Yuanyuan was still holding dog food in her arms. When she heard Jiang Tong was the first to complain, she got angry and wanted to cry.

His aggrieved expression, coupled with his ill-fitting long sleeves and long trouser legs, made him look even more pitiful - how could a child like this go and bump into someone? No one would believe it if I told them this.

Xiao Yuanyuan ran to Gu Xiefeng's feet and defended herself aggrievedly: "… It was him, he stole Yi Yi, the dog food."

Xiao Yuanyuan was angry at herself for not being able to speak clearly.

If only he could speak clearly, he could tell his father everything that happened and let his father make the decision for him.

Jiang Tong immediately lied in rebuttal, relying on his loud voice to speak fluently: "I didn't! He's talking nonsense! Why would I go and grab dog food!"

Xiao Yuanyuan couldn’t raise his voice, nor did he know how to quarrel, so his voice was much weaker in comparison: “It was you, you lied, you robbed…”

"I didn't! You're talking nonsense! You hit me!"

Father Gu stopped them: "Don't quarrel, it's not a big deal, don't quarrel."

Only then did it quiet down.

Father Gu said slowly, "My brother knocked you down. Do you believe this? My brother's two legs combined are not as thick as your arm. You are still young, but you are still making trouble."

Sister Gu continued: "Dad! You can't just blame Tongtong, Tongtong is crying!"

"What's wrong? The child didn't cry when he was bullied." Father Gu glared at his eldest daughter, "I can see clearly how you raised your son. We were originally in a friendly relationship today, and I don't want to teach you a lesson because of this matter."

Father Gu looked at Jiang Tong and said, "Apologize to your brother."

Jiang Tong refused: "I don't want it, he was the one who hit me, he was the one who knocked me down!"

Mother Gu couldn't bear to watch it any longer: "How could your brother hit you? What did your brother use to hit you? Did your brother hit you with his head?"

Xiao Yuanyuan, who had knocked Jiang Tong down with her head, was now in Gu Xiefeng's arms.

He did knock the person down, but he didn't think he was wrong. It was Jiang Tong who bullied him first. He simply stayed silent in his father's arms, looking at the adults with blurry tears in his eyes.

Little Su Ruirui came over silently and offered another assist: "It must be my brother's fault."

The adults focused their attention on her, but the little girl was not afraid. She knew she had to cling to her father's thighs. She walked to her grandfather's side and took the opportunity to avenge her personal grudge: "Brother Tongtong stole my candy last time, and he also stole the jade that grandma gave to brother Chenchen! Now he's bullying his brother again, what a bad guy!"

Mother Gu caught the key words: "What jade? What jade did he steal from Chenchen?"

Su Ruirui blinked her eyes: "It's the Bodhisattva's jade, which grandma gave to Brother Chenchen, but was snatched away by Brother Tongtong!"

Before Gu Chen was going abroad, his mother couldn't bear to let him go, so she gave him a piece of jade that had been blessed with prayers to keep him safe and healthy.

The adults all knew about this. That day, during dinner at home, Gu's mother gave it to them in front of everyone.

Upon hearing this, the eldest sister of the Gu family weakened: "...Tongtong, did you really steal Chenchen's jade?"

Unexpectedly, his past was exposed suddenly, and Jiang Tong panicked: "... No, I didn't, Chenchen wanted to give it to me himself."

Su Ruirui said loudly: "No, it was you who stole it and told Brother Chenchen not to tell Mom and Dad, or else I would beat him."

Brother Gu and Sister-in-law Gu's faces immediately turned ugly.

Obviously they were not aware of this and the child had not told them.

The atmosphere suddenly became stiff and awkward.

Sister Gu hesitated: "… The kids were just joking with each other, how can you take what they said seriously?"

Father Gu said in a deep voice: "That's enough, Tongtong, come here and apologize to your brother first."

Jiang Tong pretended to be completely dumb and hid beside his mother, acting cowardly.

Sister Gu didn't dare to really make Father Gu angry: "... Listen to Grandpa and go apologize to your brother."

Jiang Tong was extremely reluctant.

He was used to being the little devil in the family, and this was the first time he was humiliated by Xiao Yuanyuan and had to be forced to apologize by being pressed on his head.

But grandpa was angry, and mom also asked him to apologize.

He was reluctant: "...Brother, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Father Gu's tone suddenly turned fierce: "Do you still feel wronged? Apologize sincerely!"

Jiang Tong was frightened by Gu's father and almost cried again.

He became much more honest: "... Yeah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone to grab the dog food, I was wrong."

"Apologize to your uncle and aunt again."

Jiang Tong didn't dare to move. No matter what his grandfather said, "...Uncle, aunt, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken my brother's jade... When my brother comes back, I will return it to him immediately..."

Father Gu still looked dissatisfied: "You guys should go back tonight."

"dad… "

Father Gu glanced at his daughter and said, "Our Gu family has never raised such a barbaric and rude child in three generations. I don't know how you taught him. Take him back and bring him back when you have taught him well."

Sister Gu panicked: "Dad... he is still young, he..."

Father Gu ignored him and said, "Xiao Zhang, send the young lady and her family back home."

Father Gu was angry and Mother Gu did not try to persuade him.

This grandson is really unreasonable. He even snatched the jade that she gave to him. She felt distressed and angry.

My eldest sister and her family left.

The atmosphere in the house was still bad.

Now Mrs. Gu and Mother Gu are feeling upset, Xiao Yuanyuan is nervous and uneasy, and Bai Qingnian is embarrassed.

In the end, they parted unhappily and went home.

Xiao Yuanyuan felt the cold atmosphere and began to doubt whether he had done something wrong.

I pouted on the way and made little sound, and I felt listless when I got home.

The parents naturally coaxed him: "Yuanyuan was wronged tonight, tell daddy how your brother bullied you?"

Xiao Yuanyuan thought about it carefully and realized that Jiang Tong was just trying to steal his dog food, but he really knocked Jiang Tong down.

In comparison, it seemed that he had caused more harm to Jiang Tong.

Can I tell my dad? Will he be angry and think he is wrong

Xiao Yuanyuan didn't dare to say anything and shook her head.

Just now at Gu's house, Father Gu was the one in charge, so they didn't say anything.

Now I want to ask carefully: "It's okay, tell Daddy everything that happened, if your brother is really bad, Daddy will take care of it for you."

Little Yuanyuan then raised her head: "...Brother, grab Yiyi's dog food."

"Well, then what?"

“… Then, I knocked him down.”

Gu Xiefeng: “…”

Bai Qingnian: “…”

Gu Xiefeng: "...Did you really knock my brother down?"


"How did you knock him down?"

Xiao Yuanyuan patted his head and said, "Use it here."

Magic attack.

"… "

Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian looked at each other. They didn't expect that the facts were exactly as Jiang Tong said.

"Yuanyuan, is this wrong?" The little baby really didn't know.

When the bad brother bullied him, he was very angry and wanted to bully him back, so he hit him with his head. But was this wrong? Why did everyone get unhappy in the end

"This is certainly not Yuanyuan's fault. Yuanyuan is not at fault."

“… But grandpa and grandma are not happy anymore.”

"That's because my brother did something wrong and made grandpa and grandma angry. It has nothing to do with Yuanyuan."

Once the parents comforted him, the baby felt much better: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. Yuanyuan is right. It will be the same in the future. If someone bullies you, you fight back. If you can't beat them, come and tell daddy, and daddy will fight back for you."

The little baby opened his eyes wide and tilted his head. Is this really possible

This tilted head was so adorable that Gu Xiefeng immediately hugged him in his arms and rubbed him.

"We are sorry for the injustice we suffered today. Daddy, give me a kiss."

First he fell into the water, then he was bullied by his eldest sister's son, mainly because he was in Gu's house, where his father made the decision. If it were in their house, Gu Xiefeng would have beaten Jiang Tong's buttocks to pieces today.

Little Yuanyuan lay on Gu Xiefeng's chest obediently and shook her head: "No, Yuanyuan is not feeling wronged now."

Because dad said he was not wrong and dad kissed him.

Once his father comforted him, he felt that everything was fine.

"Really? Then our wish is a generous baby."

"Well, I'll do it, generous baby."

Every time I hear a little one call himself baby, it is so interesting. He is so soft and lovable.

"Good boy, give daddy another kiss."

The next day, Gu Xiefeng learned from Gu's mother that Jiang Tong was still caught by Gu's father and educated.

Everyone was there the night before, and Mr. Gu took the child's self-esteem into consideration and did not say anything too harsh in public.

But he was captured again that night.

Now he is locked up in Gu's house, and his father is watching him, determined to set some rules for him.

Mother Gu sighed as she spoke: "I always thought he was just a naughty child, but I indulged him too much. Now he really doesn't know any reason. Yesterday, Yuanyuan fell into the water and was wronged. Is he okay today? Is he okay?"

Xiao Yuanyuan is fine and wakes up in the morning feeling full of energy and vitality.

Instead, it was Gu Xiefeng who caught a cold. He was sneezing and coughing in the morning. Bai Qingnian took his temperature and gave him a cup of hot water.

Gu Xiefeng thought about it and decided not to tell anyone about Xiao Yuanyuan knocking Jiang Tong down.

What a great opportunity, I should seize it and make grandma feel so sorry for her.

Gu Xiefeng began to talk nonsense: "It wasn't a big deal, but the child was wronged and felt a little uncomfortable. He cried for a long time when he came back last night."

Gu's mother was indeed distressed: "Alas, we should have been happy yesterday. Let me ask the chef at home to make some delicious food for the little one and send it over. You can coax him more."

"Of course that's good. If he knew that grandma sent him food, he would get better immediately."

Little Yuanyuan had no idea that Father Gu was "spreading rumors" behind her back, and was quite happy to eat the braised pork sent by her grandmother that day.

He is a little parrot who can bring happiness to humans. He is not willing to remember unhappy things by nature. Everything was fine after being coaxed by his father last night. He will never be in a bad mood overnight.

When I woke up the next day, the baby parrot was lively and energetic again.

And the little parrot baby now has something to focus on.

He developed a strong curiosity about Gu's brother Chenchen.

After coming to the human world these days, he realized for the first time that there might be people like him here.

And they are quite close, he is his older brother.

He really hopes to meet this brother soon. He wants to be friends with this brother Chenchen.


It was not until more than ten days later that Xiao Yuanyuan finally met Brother Gu Chen.

Xiao Gu Chen came back from abroad and rested at home for a few days.

When he heard that he had a new younger brother, he took the initiative to ask to go to his uncle's house to see his younger brother.

He bought a lot of gifts abroad and said he would give one to his younger brother as a gift.

Gu Xiefeng thought this was a good idea. Yuanyuan was already their child, and it was time for children to get to know each other and get along well.

So Gu Xiefeng decided to warmly welcome his elder brother Gu Zhexuan and his family - to eat hot pot at their house.

Gu Zhexuan was not very satisfied with this and asked him if it was necessary to eat hotpot at noon

Gu Xiefeng was right, his little baby wanted to eat hotpot recently.

Gu Zhexuan asked again, isn’t it better to eat hotpot outside

Gu Xiefeng said no, the little baby just wanted to eat at home.

Gu Zhexuan almost said goodbye to him, but little Gu Chen, who was listening nearby, said that he also wanted to eat hotpot, and it would be nice to go to his uncle's house to eat hotpot, so they decided to do so.

The meeting was at noon on the weekend, and Bai Qingnian happened to be on vacation.

The moment the two children met, they recognized each other's identities at first sight.

Little Yuanyuan blinked his eyes, unable to believe that there really was another little parrot.

Little Gu Chen was also surprised because Xiao Yuanyuan had worn his clothes before and left a mark on them. He was curious about this, so he took the initiative to come to his uncle's house to confirm it with his own eyes.

The magic parrots are all very friendly and love each other.

After confirming each other with one look and sniffing each other, and accepting each other's scent, they soon rolled together and started playing.

The eldest sister-in-law of the Gu family is called Ruan Xuan. Seeing this scene, she was in a very good mood and said, "I said that they are very similar and will definitely become good friends. Don't you think so?"

In fact, they don’t look alike, but their auras are very similar, and they are both very family-friendly.

The two little guys huddled together, looking very warm and loving both from the back and the front, making the adults watching them smile unconsciously.

Before the meal officially started, the two little ones were rolling around on the carpet, hugging each other, and then they rolled to a corner to whisper.

Although they are of the same kind, little Gu Chen has a special aura, different from Xiao Yuanyuan.

After asking, I found out that little Gu Chen is the biological child of Gu Zhexuan and Ruan Xuan.

At first, he was just like Xiao Yuanyuan, coming to the human world because of being naughty. After being picked up by Ruan Xuan by accident, he became their pet parrot.

At that time, Ruan Xuan was pregnant and in poor health, so the chance of miscarriage was very high.

Little Gu Chen couldn't bear to see her sad for the baby, so he volunteered to become the fetus in Ruan Xuan's belly and became their child.

This method ensures that little Gu Chen does not have to undergo the same test as Yuanyuan.

His parents were originally husband and wife, and he was treated as a member of the family while he was still in the womb.

But again, his soul magic was trapped inside a human body.

Even though he could sense his own kind, he could no longer use magic, nor could he turn back into a bird.

But little Gu Chen doesn't mind. Being his parents' child is the happiest thing for him.

He now wants to be an ordinary human child and doesn't want to be a little parrot anymore.

Xiao Yuanyuan almost turned into a lemon parrot after listening to what Brother Chenchen said.

—I’m so envious! Why can’t his father get pregnant? Then he can become their biological child!

Little Gu Chen has a gentle personality and acts like an older brother at a young age.

Listening to Xiao Yuanyuan's nonsense, she smiled and touched his head: "Boys can't get pregnant, but you are already their child, which is also good."

However, at first, neither the Gu family nor the Bai family agreed to adopt him.

If he were also the fathers' biological child, he wouldn't have to face these things.

I'm still so envious.

Parrots are more and more parrots, making the little parrot angry to death.

Little Gu Chen did not forget to remind him and whispered: "... But you must be careful not to let the uncles know your true identity, otherwise you will disappear."

Xiao Yuanyuan knew that, and he was also very careful about this: "... Yeah, I know, I will be very careful."

"Another point… "

But little Gu Chen was interrupted by an adult before he could say anything.

Bai Qingnian called the little darling: "Yuanyuan, Brother Hengheng is here to see you."

Brother Hengheng

Little Yuanyuan climbed up from the carpet in a daze, holding his favorite little penguin doll in his arms, and ran over.

Then I saw Gong Wangheng standing at the entrance with a stack of books in his hand.

Gong Wangheng came alone, specifically to deliver a book to Xiao Yuanyuan.

The last time the little baby didn't even know pinyin left Gong Wangheng with a great shock.

He felt that this was not a good idea, so he dug out all the pinyin cards and pinyin story books he used when he was a child. Today, he gave them to Xiao Yuanyuan, hoping that he could study hard.

Gong Wangheng is smart and has a good memory, so he can learn these things after reading them once. So the book is still new, and Xiao Yuanyuan can use it again.

But Xiao Yuanyuan obviously couldn't do it, and asked in confusion: "... What is this?"

Bai Qingnian stood aside and took the thing from Gong Wangheng's hand: "This is the book that Brother Hengheng gave you. Hurry up and thank Brother."

Xiao Yuanyuan took a glance and saw the twisting letters on it, recalling the fear of being dominated by the Demon King Hengheng that day.

His expression was a little distorted, and there was some disgust.

Gong Wangheng could at least judge a person's mood by his facial expressions.

Xiao Yuanyuan's expression was so obvious that he noticed it and asked directly, "Don't you like it?"

Xiao Yuanyuan was also straightforward and shook her head: "I don't like it."

Fortunately, Gong Wangheng was a child who lacked emotions and could not hurt him directly, so he asked: "Then what do you like?"

Little Yuanyuan was very honest: "I like my brother's chocolate candy."

That chocolate candy was delicious and he still misses it.

Gong Wangheng said expressionlessly: "If you learn Pinyin, I will treat you to a meal."

Xiaoyuanyuan: “…”

Never mind. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t eat it.

You won't die without chocolate.

Learning pinyin may cost you your life.

He shook his head: "... I don't want it."

Gong Wangheng asked: "Why not?"

“… I, I don’t understand!”

Xiao Yuanyuan is about to lose his temper. He doesn't like these things.

Bai Qingnian stood aside and listened, not disturbing them for the time being.

The conversation between the children was so interesting that he was curious about what would happen next.

“You don’t know how, I can…” teach you.

He didn't finish his words.

Little Gu Chen came over and interrupted curiously: "What are you talking about?"

In his arms, he was holding a little penguin doll from the same series as Little Wish, but in a different color.

This is Xiao Yuanyuan's favorite doll, there are several of them in the series, and Gu Xiefeng bought them all for him. Today, brother Gu Chen gave him a gift, and he also gave his favorite little penguin to his brother.

But when Gong Wangheng looked at them each getting a little penguin and thought of the penguin that his little Yuanyuan had given him at home, he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Yuanyuan looked at Brother Chenchen and shook her head: "... Yuanyuan doesn't understand, Yuanyuan doesn't understand."

Gu Chen had already learned these. Although he was not as smart as Gong Wangheng, he had already mastered pinyin.

After taking a look, Gu Chen said, "I can teach you."

Little Yuanyuan didn't want to learn and continued to shake her head: "... Yuanyuan doesn't like it."

Gong Wangheng had the same expression throughout the whole process. After hearing what Xiao Yuanyuan said, he took the book back from Bai Qingnian's hand and said, "Forget it. If Yuanyuan doesn't like it, I'll take it back."

Bai Qingnian was afraid that Gong Wangheng would be unhappy, but the child's light blue eyes were calm, and adults could not tell his mood or guess his emotions.

I had no choice but to say, "I'm sorry, Hengheng, my brother is still too young and doesn't like these. I'm sorry for wasting your kindness."

Gong Wangheng said calmly and indifferently: "It's okay. I didn't think enough and disturbed Uncle Bai."

"Don't bother me. You are welcome to come and play with your brother again in the future."

Gong Wangheng went back with the books.

Some strange and unfamiliar emotions emerged, like anger.

He always thought that Xiao Yuanyuan was very special. He listened to his father and treated him as his younger brother. He was willing to be friends with him and wanted to teach him.

You should know that many children in the class came to ask him for advice on study methods, but he was unwilling to tell them.

As a result, I wanted to teach my younger brother, but he didn't want to.

Not only that, he felt that his younger brother was special, but he seemed very ordinary to his younger brother, and he could even give the same little penguin to others casually.

Gong Wangheng didn't like this feeling, it made his already unbalanced emotions even more unbalanced.

Forget it, friends are really hard to teach, so I’d better not make any.

He also didn't want to be friends with that little idiot who couldn't even spell Chinese.

The little fool Yuanyuan had no idea what brother Hengheng was thinking.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't learn pinyin.

He just wants to eat hot pot now.

The little baby loves hot pot so much.

Hot pot is the winter sun, even warmer than the winter sun.

The winter sun always disappears, but the hot pot is always steaming hot.

He likes the feeling of eating hotpot with his fathers, and he likes the various ingredients in the hotpot even more.

The little baby thinks that hot pot is a treasure trove of food. You can put anything in it and everything that comes out is delicious.

His favorite dish in hotpot recently is baby cabbage.

It is soft, sweet, juicy and very delicious.

The little baby held the small bowl and stuffed the food into his mouth, smacking the food. The food was hot and sweet, and he felt extremely happy.

Of course I still like meat.

My favorite dish in the hotpot is the marbling pork rolls. It tastes delicious with one bite.

After lunch, the baby felt sleepy and was held by his parents to take a nap.

Gu Zhexuan's family did not stay long. As long as the children got along well, they agreed that Gu Xiefeng and his family would be the guests next time.

But when getting on the car on the way back, little Gu Chen remembered that he had forgotten to remind his younger brother of something very important.

He hurriedly asked Ruan Xuan, and his question was very advanced: "Mom, are Uncle and Uncle Bai a legal couple?"

Ruan Xuan had no idea, so she turned to look at her husband and asked, "Have they registered?"

Gu Zhexuan was not sure either: "Probably not. It seems that the Bai family hasn't agreed yet."

Little Gu Chen was shocked, it was over.

Brother, do you know about this important matter

The author has something to say: Today is also very long hehehe!

I received so many comments yesterday, so happy! And a lot of nutrient solution!! Thank you everyone!!

We will continue to give out 100 red envelopes today!! (≧v≦)