Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 31


Gu Xiefeng chased over and saw Gong Wangheng sitting on the ground. Xiao Yuanyuan was standing there brushing snow off him and saying, "Brother, don't cry."

I was shocked, thinking that he really made Gong Wangheng cry.

This little darling has a criminal record.

The eight-year-old Jiang Tong could be made to cry by him, and Gong Wangheng was only seven years old, and was a size smaller than Jiang Tong.

Gu Xiefeng hurried over and said, "Yuanyuan, did you make your brother cry?"

Gong Wangheng: “…”

He really didn't cry.

He turned his head calmly and looked at Gu Xiefeng: "Uncle Gu, I'm fine."

Then he climbed up from the snow.

Gu Xiefeng breathed a sigh of relief, luckily he didn't cry.

Otherwise the situation would be awkward.

He went over and picked up the parrot baby who was pretending to be a bear. "Okay, Yuanyuan, stop running around. Have you said sorry to your brother?"

Wishing Bear shook his head.

Although he didn't say sorry, he did coax his brother.

"Yuanyuan wants to say sorry to her brother."

Yuanyuan Bear listened to his father and apologized obediently: "Brother, I'm sorry, Yuanyuan didn't do that. I did it on purpose."

Of course Gong Wangheng wouldn't mind such a small matter. After all, it was impossible for the little guy to bump into him on purpose.

"I'm fine." He adjusted his helmet and put on his goggles. "Uncle Gu, I'm going over there."

His two fathers have disappeared and no one knows where they have gone.

Gu Xiefeng asked: "Are you okay by yourself?"

Gong Wangheng was obviously used to this situation: "It's okay, Dad will be back soon."

"Then please be safe, we are right here."


Gu Xiefeng went back carrying the baby bear in both hands.

Little Yuanyuan was not very cooperative and kept kicking and swaying.

When Bai Qingnian saw them coming over like this, he wanted to ask Yuanyuan what happened, but his hands were honest and he took a video first.

The baby bears in the snow are so cute. This scene is worth remembering and should not be missed.

Little Yuanyuan was forcibly caught by Father Gu: "Okay, Dad will teach you how to ski."

But Xiao Yuanyuan still had no interest. He was wearing too many equipment, including knee pads, wrist guards, a helmet and goggles. He felt like he was restrained. He staggered while running in the snow and even knocked down brother Hengheng.

Sitting on the ground with his buttocks, pushing up his snow goggles, Xiao Yuanyuan frowned slightly and looked at Gu Xiefeng: "Scared!"

He was just scared. He was just a baby under four years old.

Gu Xiefeng squatted down and looked at him: "Dad is here, Yuanyuan, don't be afraid."

The little baby had a serious expression and said confidently: "I'm just afraid!"

It was snowing, the snowflakes were not big or dense, but soon some small snowflakes fell on the baby's face. The baby's eyelashes were long and curved, which were delicate and exquisite. After being touched by the snowflakes, it seemed like a snow doll.

This little guy is pretty no matter how you look at him.

Gu Xiefeng couldn't help but want to pinch the tip of his nose, but he was wearing gloves.

He asked, "Then Daddy will take you for a skate first, okay?"

Xiao Yuanyuan tilted her head to look at him.

Gu Xiefeng fixed his snowboard, helped Xiao Yuanyuan put on his goggles and pulled up his face protector, then picked him up from the ground.


Little Yuanyuan screamed and subconsciously hugged her father's neck.

"Don't be afraid, Dad will take you to experience the joy of skiing."

The experienced ski driver Gu Xiefeng held his little baby in his arms and set off in a cool and elegant manner.

The slope of the beginner road is not steep and the ground is flat, so it is no problem for an experienced driver to hold a child in his arms.

Xiao Yuanyuan was still a little surprised when he rushed down.

But after a few seconds, I got used to the slight feeling of weightlessness in my heart area.

He is a little bird, and his nature longs for spaciousness and freedom.

After Gu Xiefengxuan held him and spun him around a few times, Xiao Yuanyuan began to feel happy.

Wuhu, take off.

Realizing that the little baby accepted it, Gu Xiefeng changed the way he held him.

Experienced skaters have their own ideas and creativity. Gu Xiefeng changes blades smoothly and skates in an S-shape easily. His hands are also sharp, changing from holding the child to holding the child like a gun.

Xiao Yuanyuan was a little resistant at first because she was afraid to struggle, but fortunately she adapted quickly.

This kind of action is indeed very dangerous, and only an experienced driver can do it.

But the little baby is ignorant and fearless, and has never suffered any harm. He just feels safe as long as his father is around.

The wind whistled past his ears. Gu Xiefeng changed his speed and even squatted down in the middle, almost as if he wanted to put him to the ground.

The stimulating and tense feeling makes the little parrot baby excited.

His breathing quickened and his heart beat faster, and he opened his arms to feel the wind rushing towards him.

The beginner's trail here is not very long, but by the time you finish it, it's long enough for little kids to understand the special joy of skiing.

He couldn't stop, hugged Gu Xiefeng's neck and shouted: "Come again! Come again! Come again!"

Gu Xiefeng agreed lovingly: "Okay, let's do it again."

Bai Qingnian slid down with them. Although his hands were still honestly filming the video, he did not allow them to do such a dangerous thing.

The main reason was that he didn’t know what Gu Xiefeng was planning just now. If he knew, he would have stopped him from the beginning.

"Still coming? Do you know how dangerous this is?"

Gu Xiefeng said: "It's okay, I'm very stable."

Little Wishful patted his father's shoulder and parroted, "It's okay, Big Daddy is very steady."

"Have you forgotten where you broke your leg?"

Gu Xiefeng: “…”

Xiao Yuanyuan didn't understand: "… What did you break?"

Gu Xiefeng: "Hahahaha, it's nothing. Yuanyuan, let's go up and dad will teach you how to ski."

Gu Xiefeng hurriedly picked up Xiao Yuanyuan and rode the magic carpet back.

The magic carpet is a snow conveyor belt, similar to an airport elevator, which is flat.

The speed is slow but safe, suitable for players like them who bring children with them.

After being taken sliding by his dad for the first time, the little baby no longer resisted his dad's teaching.

But after the skis were buckled, the baby was still stiff and dared not move while holding the ski poles.

Gu Xiefeng threw the snowboard aside and came over to instruct the child. Seeing the child's stiff look, he found it funny.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay. Daddy is here."

Of course Xiao Yuanyuan was afraid. How could he not be afraid? Skating by himself and skating in his father's arms are two completely different feelings.

He also wanted to be as cool as his father, but when he saw the long snow trail below, he couldn't move.

“… No, I’m not afraid!” He said stubbornly, his voice trembling.

The adults held back their laughter and dared not laugh out loud, for fear of undermining the little baby's self-confidence.

"Would you like to move first and slide forward gently?"

"… good!"

He responded, but his body remained stiff and unable to move.

after a long time.

Gu Xiefeng said again: "Don't be afraid, Yuanyuan, try moving gently first."

Xiao Yuanyuan was holding her breath: "… I'm moving, but my feet won't obey."

Gu Xiefeng turned his head and smiled for a while, but he didn't move at all, he just stood there stupidly.

But when he turned back, Xiao Yuanyuan seemed to understand how to use the ski poles. He pushed back and slid a short distance.

It is so easy to obtain children's happiness.

After sliding out a short distance, he seemed to have won a great victory, and turned to look at Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian: "Dad, look! Dad, look!"

Gu Xiefeng quickly encouraged him: "Dad saw it, Yuanyuan is awesome! Yuanyuan is amazing!"

His father's encouragement gave him great confidence, and he finally overcame his fear of skiing.

Because my hands and feet were equipped, I dared not move and could only twist my butt to express my inner joy.

Gu Xiefeng also changed into double boards, and then fastened the leash around Xiao Yuanyuan's waist: "Come on, Yuanyuan, go to the front, Dad will follow you from behind."


Although it is fun to play with dad in his arms, it is also nice to try it slowly by yourself. Besides, with dad right behind him, Xiao Yuanyuan feels very safe.

Unfortunately, the skis under his feet did not cooperate well. Before he could get very far, the front end turned inward, and Xiao Yuanyuan had to brake to stop.

But at this time he was no longer afraid or resistant. Even when Gu Xiefeng came to guide him, he dared to try.

After sliding around twice with his father, Xiao Yuanyuan was a little out of breath, so the family sat in an area with thicker snow to rest.

Little Yuanyuan is small in stature. His whole body is lying on the snow, paddling with his limbs, looking very comfortable.

His body became warm after the exercise and he wasn't so cold anymore. He felt a little tired but very excited.

The skiing itself was actually okay, mainly because I was having fun with my dad and he was very happy.

Gu Xiefeng looked at the little baby paddling in the snow and felt like playing with the child again.

Ask Xiao Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, shall we have a snowball fight?"

The little baby didn't know, so he asked curiously: "What is a snowball fight?"

"That's how you play a snowball fight. First, make a ball out of the snow." Gu Xiefeng had big hands. He easily scooped up a ball of snow with both hands and roughly made a ball. "Then, throw it at the other person."

The snowball that Gu Xiefeng made was loose and fell apart when it touched something.

But little Yuanyuan didn't know how to play, and just as he sat up, his father threw a snowball at him and knocked him back to the ground.

Gu Xiefeng only dared to do this because he was wearing snow goggles.

The kid was too playful and he couldn't control the devil in himself.

Bai Qingnian shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene. He quickly pulled Xiao Yuanyuan up and brushed the snow off his body.

Educating Gu Xiefeng: "How old are you? Are you only three years old this year?"

Xiao Yuanyuan took off his snow goggles and brushed the snow off his face.

I was confused again.

Is this called a snowball fight? Why is it called a snowball fight

It was clearly his father hitting him with snow.

But Mr. Gu is a fair parent: "Come on, Yuanyuan, try to throw the snowball over here like Dad did just now."

The little parrot was not polite.

He sat up and used his small hands to make a solid snowball, his voice still soft: "Like this, throw it over here?"

"Yes, just like this, throw it over here."

Just throw the little wish over.

Go ahead, magic snowball.

The magic snowball flew straight towards Gu Xiefeng. Gu Xiefeng didn't wear snow goggles and didn't hide, thinking how painful a snowball made by a child could be.

He also felt that the snowball might not hit his face. How strong could a child be? So he just stood there without trying to avoid it.

Then the snowball came towards him and hit Gu Xiefeng directly in the face, causing half of his face to hurt slightly.

Mr. Gu paid a real price for playing with and looking down on his children.

Little Yuanyuan also asked: "Dad, is it right to throw it like this?"

Gu Xiefeng covered half of his face: "Yes, that's right."

The little parrot stood up and said, "Okay, then, I got it!"

He made another small snowball and threw it at his father.

Gu Xiefeng dodged this time.

Another half of the face is not acceptable. It's so painful when the little guy hits someone with a snowball.

But that's how kids are. The more adults hide from them, the more excited they become.

Gu Xiefeng dodged and ran, and his whole enthusiasm was ignited. He chased after him with a smile, making snowballs and throwing them while chasing, having a lot of fun.

Bai Qingnian wanted them to be careful. Gu Xiefeng was a man who didn't think ahead and might take the children to do something dangerous again.

But this scene is very warm.

They have been very busy recently and finally have some time to hang out as a family.

Bai Qingnian didn't say anything in the end, and took out his mobile phone to silently shoot a video.

After having a child, the photo albums on my mobile phone are almost entirely occupied by the child. If I don’t clean them up for a few days, there will be hundreds of photos and videos.

Bai Qingnian has a lot of other video files in his mobile phone, but he rarely cleans them up because he is not sure which one of them will be used where.

Therefore, after having children, memory is often in short supply.

He couldn't bear to delete Xiao Yuanyuan's photos, even the photos of the little baby were vivid.

In the end, they had no choice but to delete all the videos and photos related to Gu Xiefeng or the two of them to make room for the little baby.

This time when I went out, I checked several times to bring my camera.

As a result, I realized when I got on the plane that I had left my camera at home, and now I have to delete the old photos to make room for the new ones.

The whole afternoon passed by playing like this.

When it was past four o'clock and it was getting dark, the group returned to the hotel.

I plan to take a shower, change clothes, and then go to dinner.

The hotel suite has its own hot spring with moderate water temperature. After skiing, you will feel refreshed by soaking in the hot spring.

It was Xiao Yuanyuan’s first time to go skiing and soak in a hot spring.

Although he had fun going back and forth on the ski resort, he seldom exercised so much and was so tired that he felt a little sleepy.

Once you enter the hot spring and soak in the hot water, you will instantly relax.

I felt like my body, which had been restrained by various protective gear for an entire afternoon, was finally released.

He was small, and sitting on the top step he could just lean on the back and put his hands on it.

So An An lay there calmly, and at such a young age he sighed like an old man: "Huh, hush..."

It looks very comfortable.

Bai Qingnian was a very competent photographer today. While taking a break in the hot spring, he sorted out and selected some videos and photos, sending some to Gu Xiefeng and some to Bai's mother.

Both the Gu family and the Bai family knew that the two of them were avoiding reality.

This is indeed a difficult problem, but neither company wants to give in, as if whoever gives in will lose momentum.

But when the video and photos of Xiao Yuanyuan were sent, Bai's mother was still very happy. She replied with a voice message full of joy: "Don't let such a small child get frozen. Give him more clothes to wear."

"Ouch, why did you fall? Are you hurt? Please don't get hurt."

"Stop running around, watch out, you're still filming, the kids are going to tear you two apart."

"This little thing is so fun to take a hot spring bath. Oh, this pure meat ball has gained weight."

Bai Qingnian ignored the above words and picked the last one to answer: "It's been cold recently, and he's been sleeping in and eating a lot every day, so he's gained a lot of weight. I bought him clothes before, thinking he could finally wear them, but I found out a few days ago that they were a little too small."

Gu Xiefeng also forwarded some of the messages to the Gu family group, and Gu's mother responded quickly: "I've been asking you where you were for a long time, but I just saw it now."

"How can you do such a dangerous thing with a child? Let's see what you will do if he falls."

"Baby is skiing. Wow, he skis really well."

"Why are you carrying a child like this? You can't carry a child like this! You're going to break him!"

Gu Xiefeng typed back: [It’s okay, Yuanyuan is very happy, let’s go eat now.]

In fact, I just threw my phone away and continued to soak in the hot spring comfortably.

It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed something like this, and this is the first time I’ve brought my children along.

He had never thought of having a child before, but now the lovely son he found for free was in front of him. This was the first time for their family to go skiing.

Gu Xiefeng walked over to Xiao Yuanyuan and started kissing the baby's face fiercely.

After the kiss, he asked, "Are you happy today?"

Daddy pinched his face and kissed him until his saliva came out. There was no way he could be happy.

The clean-loving little parrot scratched its face with its hands in disgust.

But he still patted the water and answered honestly: "Happy! I'm with my dad! I'm very happy!"

Gu Xiefeng was in a good mood: "Dad will bring you here again in the future, okay?"

I happily responded: "Okay!"

"When Yuanyuan grows up a little, Dad will take you to play other things."

"With dad, when we are together, whatever we want can come true! We are all happy!"

Gu Xiefeng felt better after hearing what the little darling said: "What would you like to eat later?"

The little baby's eyes lit up and he thought about it seriously.

“… I want to eat chicken legs! Big chicken legs!” He looked at Gu Xiefeng expectantly, “Last time, I ate those big, crunchy ones!”

Gu Xiefeng had bought him fried chicken before, and Xiao Yuanyuan couldn't forget it after eating it once.

But this kind of food is not suitable for children. It is okay to eat it once in a while, but eating it too much is not good. Later, Xiao Yuanyuan kept talking about wanting to eat it, but Gu Xiefeng didn't buy it for him.

It’s okay to eat it once today, just keep an eye on this little ancestor and don’t let him overeat.

Unexpectedly, the little ancestor wanted more than that: "... And, sweet milk tea, I want it!"

Mother Gu took the little guy to drink milk tea.

Gu's mother is quite fashionable in this regard and likes to follow the trends of young people. She knows much more about where delicious food is than her sons and daughters.

I came to see Xiao Yuanyuan and took him out for a walk.

On the way, I bought myself a cup of hot milk tea, and couldn't resist Xiao Yuanyuan's pitiful and pleading eyes, so I gave him a few sips.

The baby who loves sweet food quickly became addicted to the taste and later often asked for a drink.

But this really cannot be given to him to drink. Last time he drank just a few sips, and as a result, his eyes were still as big as bells in the early hours of the morning, and he couldn't fall asleep.

It is probably because the caffeine content is too high, which is not good for children.

Bai Qingnian was afraid that Gu Xiefeng would agree immediately, so he said first, "You can't drink this."

"Why? I want to drink."

"Because this is something that only adults can drink, and Yuanyuan is still too young." Bai Qingnian rubbed his head, "We have to wait until Yuanyuan grows up."

"Wish is already very big!"

The parent couldn't help but say: "You are not even four years old."

“…That’s huge!”

It seems that the little guy has no concept of age.

"Let's have fried chicken tonight. Let's have this first, okay?"

Xiao Yuanyuan was still very obedient. Since Bai Qingnian didn't let him eat, he had no choice but to accept his fate.

“… Well, okay, eat the chicken drumstick!”

There is a very lively night market at the foot of the hotel, and tonight is also the public New Year's Eve party, so it will be even more lively than usual.

After taking a relaxing bath in the hot spring, they changed their clothes and prepared to go down the mountain.

The snow had stopped by then, but because there was snow on the mountain road, cars were not allowed to pass, so they could only walk down.

The road up and down is flat and only two kilometers, which is not far, but a little cold.

Xiao Yuanyuan must wrap herself up tightly, with a hat, scarf and gloves.

The little bear has changed out of his ski suit that he wore during the day and is now wearing a red dinosaur jacket with a long tail design on the hem that sways when he walks.

Gu Xiefeng originally wanted to carry him down, but the little baby insisted on walking for a while by himself.

He was in a good mood as he was going to have something delicious.

Holding Gu Xiefeng's hand in one hand and Bai Qingnian's hand in the other, she skipped and walked between them.

The adults slowed down their pace to cooperate with him, and occasionally worked together to let him "swing".

Xiao Yuanyuan felt that this was the happiest moment of the day and sang happily all the way.

He can sing more songs now, and his voice is clear and childish, which brings people a good mood.

Bai Qingnian joked, "We all hope to become singers when we grow up."


Xiao Yuanyuan doesn’t know what that is.

He refused quickly: "No, I wish I wouldn't, be this."

"What do you want to be then?"

Little Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Be a baby! Yuanyuan wants to be daddy's baby forever!"

The author has something to say: Today's update is here! Thank you all for your likes! Kiss everyone!

200 red envelopes will be given out in this chapter!

The update will also be in the evening tomorrow, and it may be in the evening in the next few days. I will find a way to make it regular in a few days, mua!