Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 33


Xiao Yuanyuan doesn’t know that he is losing hair.

Fortunately I didn’t know.

His ability to deal with situations on the spot is poor. If he had seen the feather in Bai Qingnian's spoon, who knows what expression he would have.

Bai Qingnian looked at the feather again and again.

I tried several reasons to convince myself, but none of them worked.

This is not down. The restaurant does not have any decorations of this kind of feathers, and there are no other diners at the nearby tables.

The only living creature besides him was Little Wish.

The memory of touching the feather on Xiaoyuanyuan’s head last time came back to me.

He was fooled by Xiao Yuanyuan's innocent eyes that time. If he hadn't seen it again this time, he probably wouldn't have remembered it.

Once is an accident, twice is not, and this is the third time he discovered it.

The previous two times were both related to Xiao Yuanyuan - so this time, Xiao Yuanyuan was naturally suspected.

This feather is exactly the same color as the little parrot before.

Could it be that Xiao Yuanyuan was really the little parrot transformed

Bai Qingnian thought about this when he was joking, but he hesitated when asked to prove it.

Is it possible that such absurd things could really happen? How could a parrot turn into a human

Xiao Yuanyuan is watched by an adult 24 hours a day. He also took Xiao Yuanyuan for a physical examination and did not find any difference between Xiao Yuanyuan and ordinary children.

If there was any suspicious point, it was that on the night Xiao Yuanyuan appeared, their little parrot disappeared... No, no, how could this be possible? Doctor Bai, who believed in materialism, denied himself again. Such a thing could not happen in modern society, absolutely impossible.

I thought so in my mind, but this time I didn't throw the feather away.

Carefully dry it with a tissue, wipe it, then wrap it in the tissue and put it in your pocket.

Anyway, I'll go back and find out what creature this feather belongs to first. It won't be too late to make further guesses after I get the result.

After the meal, the baby's spirit was basically restored.

He originally planned to go to bed after dinner, but after dinner he was full of energy and just wanted to go out and play.

When Bai Qingnian met Xiao Yuanyuan's clear and flawless eyes, he couldn't bear to doubt him.

Although they didn't spend a long time together, he already had deep feelings for the little baby.

This is his child, he cannot doubt Yuanyuan without solid evidence.

Especially something so weird and absurd.

After dinner, Bai Qingnian took Xiao Yuanyuan to play in the ice and snow theme park next to the hotel.

Ride a sled, build a snowman, experience an igloo, and watch an ice ballet show.

Obviously, Xiao Yuanyuan was happier than skiing outside with Gu Xiefeng. Children love these new things, and he had never experienced them before. He had a lot of fun in it for the whole afternoon.

It was dark when Gu Xiefeng limped back.

I haven't skied for a long time and my skills have deteriorated a little. The experienced driver also overturned and fell, leaving two huge bruises on his legs.

Bai Qingnian got so angry when he saw him like this that he wished he could break his legs on the spot.

"Didn't you say you'd be back before dark? What time is it now? Do you have to wait like this before you come back?"

Gu Xiefeng took the scolding obediently and comforted Bai Qingnian at the same time: "It's okay, it's okay. It was just a small accident. I will be fine in two days."

"Every time it happened, it was an accident. The last time was also an accident. What if the next accident takes your life?"

“I bought insurance.”

Bai Qingnian's eyes turned cold.

Gu Xiefeng immediately said seriously: "There won't be a next time. I promise to put safety first next time."

Then he changed the subject and said, "By the way, did my mom talk to you about anything else today?"

Bai Qingnian calmed down and said in a slightly better tone: "He didn't say anything else, just a few words, asking us to go back."

Gu Xiefeng was quite calm: "Then I'll go over there when I get back. My mom said it's a good thing, so it must be a good thing. She won't play tricks on us."

"Is it possible that your mother's words mean consent?"

"Isn't it normal for her to agree? We've been together for so many years, and it's useless for her to object." Gu Xiefeng said, "I've already told my family that I can't be with anyone else except you in this life."

This sentence made Bai Qingnian feel a little better: "Stop saying such nice things."

Gu Xiefeng pulled Bai Qingnian's hand and kissed him: "This is not just a nice word, this is the truth."

Bai Qingnian looked at Gu Xiefeng, and the other's eyes were full of him.

The atmosphere is just right.

Little Yuanyuan suddenly came out from the middle, looked up and asked loudly: "Where is Yuanyuan?"

The dads said they wanted to be with each other, so what about him? How could they leave him behind? He also wanted to be with the dads forever.

The two fathers got intimate and temporarily forgot about the little baby.

Bai Qingnian smiled and hugged him, kissing his cheek: "Of course Yuanyuan is here too, and Daddy will always be with Yuanyuan."

The little baby is very easy to coax. He was angry because he was left out the last second, but the next second he was coaxed by Bai Qingnian and was smiling.

"That's good." He nuzzled into Bai Qingnian's arms, "No, forget about Yuanyuan."

"Okay, don't forget your wish."

"Always, always remember this, wish."

"Of course I will remember you forever." Bai Qingnian rubbed him, "Okay, Yuanyuan, be good, it's time to go to bed."

"Sleep with daddy!"

"Okay, let's sleep together."

The next morning, they said goodbye to the ski resort and went home.

It was not easy for Bai Qingnian to rest for two days. After arriving home, he drank some water, changed his clothes and went to work.

There was nothing serious wrong with Gu Xiefeng's leg, just the bruise was a little painful. He didn't go to work and stayed at home to accompany the baby.

After not being at home for two days, Xiao Eleven was stunned when he saw them, then he recognized them and ran around them excitedly.

Underage German Shepherd babies are particularly lively and clingy, just like human children. If no one pays attention to them, they will just howl and cry, and their howls are obviously filled with grievance.

Xiao Yuanyuan forgot about his puppy at home when he was outside, but as soon as he saw it, he became his best friend again.

I hugged it happily and talked to it: "Yi Yi, we are back. Are you okay at home? Do you miss us?"

The German Shepherd grew very fast and is much larger than when it first came home.

But the naughty puppy was always very cautious with Xiao Yuanyuan. After being held by him, even if his neck was strangled, he dared not move and let him hold him as he pleased.

They also have parent-child clothing.

Because the weather is cold, parents think that puppies also need to wear clothes.

When I went out to walk the dog before, the baby was wearing the same clothes as the puppy, which was cute and cool.

Xiao Yuanyuan couldn’t pronounce the word “逛” correctly, and it was different every time, so later he used “玩” instead.

Now holding Xiao Eleven: "Wait a minute, let's go out and play."

Little Eleven is most enthusiastic about going out to play and already understands what this means.

He immediately wagged his tail and woofed excitedly.

Once back, life returned to its previous pace.

I was planning to go to Gu's house, but I never found the time.

The main reason is that Bai Qingnian’s schedule is difficult to adjust.

It's not that they didn't have time to rest, but when he rested, Gu Xiefeng was busy. When Gu Xiefeng was not busy, he worked overtime so hard that they could never get together.

Half a month later, Gu's mother called Bai Qingnian again.

Bai Qingnian had just finished a meeting and walked to the end of the empty corridor to answer the phone.

Still feeling guilty: "Aunt Gu, hello."

"You've been busy lately, haven't you?"

Bai Qingnian smiled awkwardly: "Yes, there have been a lot of things going on recently."

"I know you're busy. Xie Feng has also been busy lately and didn't even answer the phone." Mother Gu said slowly, "Since you're all busy, there's no need to come here specially. We can talk about these things over the phone."

Bai Qingnian said hurriedly: "You go ahead."

"It's about you and Xiefeng." Mother Gu said, "You have been together for several years. I think it's time for the parents of both sides to meet. Why not take advantage of the New Year? What do you think?"

Bai Qingnian had thought so, but he was still shocked when he heard Mother Gu say it so directly.

“… What are you doing?” You’re not against us anymore

Mother Gu understood what he meant and said with a smile, "I was against you two being together at first, mainly because I didn't know you well enough to be sure what kind of influence you would have on Xie Feng. But over the years, I've seen that he has indeed become more mature, more stable, and more responsible. Since you can make him a better person, I have no reason to oppose you two."

This was a very high evaluation. Bai Qingnian had never thought that he would hear it from Gu's mother one day.

"At first, I thought you adopted a child just to get us to agree with you, and I didn't agree with it. But these days, I've seen that Yuanyuan is very cute, and you've raised her very well. Xiefeng's attitude is also serious and responsible. So his father and I have no objection to you being together, nor do we object to you adopting this child."

Bai Qingnian was so excited that he didn't know what to say. After a long pause, he managed to utter: "... Thank you for agreeing with my uncle."

"You did a good job. Xiefeng was spoiled by me and his father. I know his personality best. You have changed him a lot." Mother Gu said, "That's it. You two should discuss it with your parents and see when is the right time?"

"Okay, I understand. We'll discuss it."

"Then I won't bother you anymore, go and do your work."

"See you."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Qingnian breathed a sigh of relief.

The sense of unreality is strong.

He pinched himself and it really hurt, then he quickly called Gu Xiefeng.

Gu Xiefeng naturally already knew about this, how could his biological mother not tell him about her plan in advance.

But Bai Qingnian was happy about this, and Gu Xiefeng was even happier: "Maybe Yuanyuan is a lucky fish. Don't you think that with him, our things will go much more smoothly?"

The metaphysics of the Wishing Cards has no basis but is very convincing.

It seems to be like that.

They have been together for so many years but there has been no progress in either family. But when Yuanyuan appeared, the relationship between the two sides eased and melted a lot.

Now the Gu family has agreed, and the Bai family's attitude is no longer as strongly opposed as before.

"I can get off work on time today. Shall we take Yuanyuan out for dinner tonight?"

"Okay, then I'll get off work on time too. See you at home."

"Well, see you at home."

The feeling of "home" is different now.

Now, in addition to my lover, there is also a child and a puppy at home.

But when the two parents returned home in a very good mood, they found that their little baby Yuanyuan was in a bad mood.

He slumped passively on the sofa, losing interest in picture books and animations, his eyes revealing a desolate look that was unusual for a child of his age.

The babysitter nervously explained, "… I don't know what happened. I woke up like this after taking a nap. It's like I lost my soul."

He was indeed lost, and even adults' suggestion of going out for dinner did not move him.

When the fathers are not at home, Gu's housekeeper will come to take care of him, and there are also two nannies at home.

The little baby is very well behaved and easy to take care of. During the day, he basically plays games with Xiao Shiyi at home, draws, watches cartoons, takes a nap, and eats.

But this afternoon, Xiao Yuanyuan saw a giant crane that he hadn't seen for a long time.

He still takes his nap in his little room.

The nanny and housekeeper were not with us, they usually came to check on us at certain times.

He usually sleeps very soundly during his nap and rarely wakes up.

But today he slept well and woke up with a start, then he saw a big crane that had not appeared for a long time, standing outside his window.

Xiao Yuanyuan became much more sober. This was the first time he saw a giant crane in the daytime.

Normally, giant cranes cannot appear during the day.

Little Yuanyuan quickly flew up, opened the window, and communicated with the big crane in bird language.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

—It’s very cold outside, please come in quickly.

Little Yuanyuan had long forgotten the last time he made the big crane angry.

But the big crane was still angry. It had lost patience with the stubborn little parrot and did not appreciate it and did not go into the house.

Just then he said to Xiao Yuanyuan on the windowsill: "I came here today because I have a news to tell you."

"Chirp? Chirp!"

—What's the news? Oh, I have something to ask you!

"What's the matter? Ask first."

"Choo Choo Choo?"

—Now that I have a household registration, can my father know my real identity

The big crane said coldly: "The true identity cannot be exposed. Once it is exposed, you will not disappear, but they will lose their memory of you, and you will have to leave them - I told you this the first time, have you forgotten?"


Xiao Yuanyuan felt depressed, he had indeed forgotten about it.

If only dad could know his true identity. Even though he is a little bird, he is the little bird that loves dad the most.

"Besides, you don't have a household registration. I'm here to tell you that today is exactly halfway through your time. Now there are only three months left."

Little Yuanyuan was shocked: "Chi?! Chirp chirp!"

—How is this possible? I already have a household registration! I am the fathers’ child!

"You've been deceived. You are not yet a family recognized by the human world."

After the giant crane finished speaking, six eggs appeared around him. He smashed three of them, leaving only three.

Little Wish: “!!!”

The scene was too cruel for the little parrot to bear.

If it were before, the big crane would have carefully told him what the conditions were for becoming a family, but now the big crane didn't want to persuade the little parrot anymore.

If you always want to be with humans, you will have to bear the consequences yourself.

"See? There are still three eggs left. I will come back when these three eggs are gone."

Little Wish was frightened.

If these three eggs were to disappear as well, then when the giant crane reappeared, he would be the one to disappear.

Xiao Yuanyuan couldn't believe it: "Chirp, chirp..."

—But I really have a household registration, and my fathers won’t lie to me…

"My statistics cannot be wrong. You are not a family yet."

After saying this, the big crane ignored Xiao Yuanyuan, flapped its wings and flew away.

After that, Xiao Yuanyuan became paralyzed and remained paralyzed until his two fathers came home.

The fathers took turns coaxing him, kissing him, hugging him and making him laugh.

Xiao Yuanyuan was very sad. His fathers were so good to him, how could they possibly lie to him

She asked aggrievedly: "Dad, Yuanyuan, is this your child..."

"Of course Yuanyuan is our child. Didn't we agree to stay together forever?"

Xiao Yuanyuan was about to cry.

Dad has clearly admitted that he is the dads' child, so why does the big crane say he is not? What went wrong

Bai Qingnian kissed his forehead lovingly. The child had never done this before.

"What happened today that made Yuanyuan unhappy? Yuanyuan, can you tell daddy?"

I don’t dare to say it.

If only I could tell Dad, but he can't.

But he didn't just lie there in sadness, he was a little parrot who could use his brain.

After being paralyzed for the entire afternoon, he thought of his brother Chenchen.

Brother Chenchen was also transformed from a parrot, maybe there is a way to help him.

Staring at Gu Xiefeng with a faint look in her eyes, Xiao Yuanyuan said cautiously: "... Dad, I want to play with Brother Chenchen."

What's so difficult about this

The little baby said this, but I just thought he was like that because he was lonely at home.

Gu Xiefeng readily agreed: "Okay, Dad will go talk to uncle tonight and ask Brother Chenchen to come play with you."

The author has something to say: Xiaoyuanyuan's IQ is online

Here are some additional points:

Little Yuanyuan will not be bald! How could he be bald? He is a little Jiujiu with lush feathers!

It is normal for him to lose hair, and only a few hairs will fall out. Because he is a magic parrot, some of the hair he loses will turn into feathers (I mentioned it before).

About Xiaoyuanyuan not eating eggs.

He doesn't eat boiled eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, or steamed eggs.

One reason is that he was hatched from eggs, and he thought that there were babies in the eggs and he couldn’t eat them.

The second reason is that he had been hit in the face with eggs, which left a trauma.

He eats cake because he doesn’t know there are eggs in it, and he eats meat because in his eyes meat is meat and eggs are eggs.

Regarding the previous names of Little Eleven German Shepherd and Blackback.

I only looked this up on Baidu, and Baidu told me that German Shepherd Dog, also known as German Blackback and German Wolfhound, all three names refer to the same kind of dog.

Some friends in the comment section said that the Blackback is the offspring of the German Shepherd and the Chinese native dog, but I don’t know that. Baidu says that this kind of dog is called the Chinese Blackback, also known as the Kunming dog.

In the article, I assume that German Shepherd = German Shepherd. If anyone is sure about the relationship between the two, you can also tell me in the comments.

If you have any other questions, you can leave a message. I will answer them if they don't involve spoilers.