Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 37


Gu Xiefeng fainted as soon as he said that. Bai Qingnian was stunned. What a useless thing.

Fortunately, there was a bed behind him, so Gu Xiefeng did not fall on it, otherwise he would have been in trouble.

Bai Qingnian held the egg in his arms, not knowing for a moment whether he should continue holding it or put it down and go check on Gu Xiefeng's condition.

Xiao Yuanyuan’s egg is very big, about one-third of his normal body size.

It is very light, and holding it in your arms feels like holding a ball of cotton, giving you the feeling that it is empty inside.

But the eggshell was quite hard. He touched it carefully and found that it felt different from common chicken eggs and duck eggs.

But they were afraid of squeezing the egg, so every detail mattered because their little treasure was inside.

Bai Qingnian put the egg on the pillow first, then found a small thin velvet blanket to wrap the egg, and then put it on a chair beside him. He was afraid that the egg would roll off, so he put two books next to it to block it.

He had never hatched an egg in his life, and he was helpless when looking at this egg.

He couldn't make a decision on these matters by himself, and Gu Xiefeng couldn't continue to be unconscious.

Bai Qingnian decided to wake him up mercilessly and slapped his face: "Xiefeng, Xiefeng... Wake up, wake up quickly!"

I won’t tell you why I fainted, but being in a coma for a long time is not good.

Even for Gu Xiefeng's safety, Bai Qingnian had to wake him up.

If you can't wake him up, you'll have no choice but to call an ambulance.

But this time Gu Xiefeng didn't faint too deeply.

After falling down, he still had some perception of the outside world, but the things that happened today were too absurd and shattered his worldview. His body tried to temporarily avoid reality by falling into a coma.

He woke up after being shaken by Bai Qingnian.

As soon as Gu Xiefeng opened his eyes, Bai Qingnian pinched his chin.

"You can't faint again! You bastard! Is this the time to let you faint?!"

Gu Xiefeng himself felt that he could not faint. It was such a serious matter and he should think carefully about what to do.

But his forehead still felt empty and he had no strength.

He finally sat up from the bed, and after seeing the pink wishing egg, he suddenly started to hiccup again and again, looking particularly useless.

Bai Qingnian was truly impressed by him.

Gu Xiefeng's reaction forced him to calm down, even though he should have been shocked and unable to accept it.

He poured a glass of water for Gu Xiefeng: "… Here, have a drink to calm your nerves."

But Gu Xiefeng didn't think he was so useless. Everyone is afraid of something, and he just couldn't accept something that would shatter his worldview.

After drinking the water handed to him by Bai Qingnian, he slowly said: "... I still feel like I'm dreaming."

Yuanyuan was transformed from a little parrot.

A bird that can speak human language appeared in the house.

Yuanyuan is now in an egg and needs to be hatched.

Gu Xiefeng looked at the wishing egg and said, "Do you know how to hatch eggs? I have no experience. This is the first time I hatch eggs in my life."

Still an unusual egg.

"Besides hatching the egg, other things are also very important. The housekeeper and nanny must not know about this egg, and we need to prepare documents to prove it for Yuanyuan... You calculate the date, twenty days, can we get married?"

The requirements are all stringent, but getting married is the hardest.

It was indeed unlikely that they would get married within 20 days. Bai's mother had never been able to accept Gu Xiefeng after so many years, so how could she suddenly change her mind within the next 20 days

"Steal it." Gu Xiefeng said seriously, "Your household registration book can only be stolen."

I've said it so many times before, but they were all just jokes and tests.

This time Gu Xiefeng was serious. He had no confidence in Bai's mother, and even less confidence in himself. Instead of trying to influence Bai's mother, it would be better to commit another crime. Anyway, he could do no harm in Bai's mother's heart.

"But even if we can really steal it, time is very tight. If you calculate again, there are only ten days left until the Spring Festival. If we miss these ten days, the Civil Affairs Bureau will be closed for seven days, and we will only have thirteen days in total."

This makes me feel like I don't have enough time.

Even if they could sneak it out during the Spring Festival, they didn't dare hide it for too long. Bai's mother would be angry if she found out. Explaining the truth would expose Yuanyuan's identity, and there was no perfect solution to this problem.

"And how can we conceal the fact that Yuanyuan is missing? We don't know how many days it will take for him to hatch. If grandma wants to see him during this period, what should we do..."

The tasks they had to accomplish in a short period of time were of low difficulty, and Gu Xiefeng had no time to remedy his broken worldview.

He drank the water poured by Bai Qingnian and said, "Let's do this first. There is always a feasible way."

After all, waiting is not a solution. Only by taking action can there be hope.

The first thing Gu Xiefeng did was to give the housekeeper and nanny a holiday.

Until Xiao Yuanyuan is successfully hatched, no one else can stay in this house except him and Bai Qingnian.

The second thing is to prepare an incubator for hatching eggs.

Ordinary incubators could not accommodate the size of the eggs, and using a professional incubator seemed exaggerated and suspicious. Finally, Gu Xiefeng asked his assistant to send an incubator, and searched the Internet for all kinds of information on incubation.

This information is not easy to search.

Is this little baby of theirs a small parrot or a large parrot

In the past, it was a small parrot, no bigger than the palm of your hand. But now the eggs it lays are bigger than ostrich eggs, not even small at all.

Temperature control stumped the two fathers. How high should it be controlled, especially since the eggs of this little baby have their own temperature - if it is too low, will it be useless to him? If it is too high, will it burn him

I'm so worried.

I fiddled with an incubator for a long time, but in the end I still didn't dare to put the eggs in it.

This is their darling little baby. Can they really put him in this instrument and wait for him to hatch on his own

It seems too cruel. Although it is just an egg now, the temperature on it seems to be telling them that there is life inside, which is their little wish.

Putting eggs into an incubator is like putting little wishes into an incubator.

They couldn't bring themselves to do such a cruel thing.

Gu Xiefeng said: "It's better to put it next to us. I feel unsafe if it's out of sight."

Bai Qingnian agreed: "I think so too."

In this case, it is impossible to keep the eggs alone at home.

Bai Qingnian has no choice but to take leave at his job. It's hard to even ask for it, and it's not easy to take a day off.

Only Gu Xiefeng made more sacrifices and stayed at home to work. Although he was extremely busy during this period, compared with the little darling, his sacrifice was just to earn less money.

The chaotic day passed like this, and when it was time to go to bed at night, the parents carried the egg into the bedroom.

It was impossible to stuff them into the bed to sleep, so after thinking it over, I decided to wrap them in a small blanket and put them on the soft chair beside me.

Without the little baby, the room seemed particularly deserted.

Bai Qingnian and Gu Xiefeng lay down under the quilt, not feeling sleepy.

"… What a quiet night. Is it usually this quiet?"

"I don't know. I think she would sleep as soon as she lies down, and she wouldn't talk in her sleep."

Their little baby automatically goes into sleep mode at a certain time.

Every time he goes to bed, he sleeps soundly and quietly. Apart from his awful sleeping posture, he has no other sense of existence.

"I feel so tired and should go to sleep, but I can't sleep..."

"I can't sleep either."

Gu Xiefeng sat up, reached out to turn on the light, and finally carried Dan to the bed.

He felt that he must look very stupid, but he couldn't help wanting to talk to Dan.

He tapped the eggshell with his fingers: "Yuanyuan, are you in there? Daddy is talking to you, can you hear me?"

It's very stupid.

Who can talk to an egg

Not only talking, but even wanting to get a response from the egg.

"Yuanyuan, when can you come out? Daddy doesn't know how to hatch you. I'm so worried."

"Can you please come out earlier? Dads will get married, and Yuanyuan will have a household registration book and truly become our child."

"Yuanyuan can't taste delicious food while in the egg. Come out quickly, Yuanyuan. Daddy will take you to eat fried chicken and drink milk tea, okay? Yuanyuan likes milk tea, right? Children can't drink it, but Yuanyuan is not an ordinary child, so she should be able to drink some..."

Gu Xiefeng kept nagging and talking more and more, but Dan was quiet and didn't respond.

Alas, hatching eggs is not easy, Dad sighed.

But Bai Qingnian's hand had been covering the egg, and he suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "It moved! There was a movement inside!"

Gu Xiefeng immediately became excited: "Really? It really moved?"

He put his hand on it, but the egg didn't react.

"Can you try talking like you did just now?"

There was really movement inside just now, just like a heartbeat. It couldn't be Bai Qingnian's illusion.

Gu Xiefeng tried again: "... Yuanyuan, do you want to eat some delicious fried chicken? Do you want some milk tea?"

Boom boom boom.

There's quite a lot of movement inside the egg.

Both fathers were stunned.

It's funny and makes people cry for no reason.

This little glutton, how come he is still greedy even after being in the egg? No matter how much I talk to him, he only reacts to food.

"Yuanyuan, there's more than just fried chicken and milk tea. There's also hot pot, barbecue, cake, and pudding... Doesn't Yuanyuan like cream and fruit cup very much? Daddy has prepared it for Yuanyuan. Can Yuanyuan come out and eat?"

Boom boom boom boom.

The eggs rolled excitedly, left the fathers' hands, and rolled directly to the edge of the bed at a very fast speed.

That's scary.

Fortunately, Gu Xiefeng was quick-witted and stopped the egg before it rolled down, then picked it up again.

Gu Xiefeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Yuanyuan should come out earlier, not rolling around everywhere. Yuanyuan can hear daddy, right? Promise daddy to come out earlier, okay?"


He moved a little, as if agreeing, and it touched Gu Xiefeng directly in the heart.

The baby can hear them talking and will respond to them, and may also be trying hard to come out.

Gu Xiefeng was deeply moved.

But in fact, Xiaoyuanyuan in the egg can't hear any sound from the outside world at all.

After he was completely wrapped in the eggshell, he lost consciousness. When he woke up again, his vision was unclear and he felt a white blanket all around him. He thought he was dead and his soul had floated to heaven.

He couldn't move. His body felt tired and heavy, and he had no strength. His eyes opened for a moment, then slowly closed again.

It was a very long time before the strength of his limbs recovered a little. He opened his eyes again and made sure that he was back in the egg.

The temperature and humidity inside were just right, and he slept soundly and comfortably.

I stretched, turned around, and felt a sense of security. My body and mind relaxed, and I quickly curled up and wanted to go back to sleep.

The eggs of the magic parrot are very special. The eggshell is used to protect the parrot, and it is an extremely solid barrier.

So the little parrot will get a great sense of security when hiding inside, and feel that it has returned to the safest place in the world.

Little Wish is no exception.

After I knew I was back in the egg, my thinking became very slow. I couldn't remember anything that happened outside and all I wanted to do was sleep.

Until the voices of Bai Qingnian and Gu Xiefeng reached the egg and woke him up.

He was confused for a while, thinking to himself, what a familiar voice, who is this? Why is it calling him Yuanyuan? Is Yuanyuan his name

The sound is muffled.

Apart from the sporadic "Dad, wish, eat, come out", nothing else can be heard.

Xiao Yuanyuan felt that she had forgotten something very important and tried hard to recall it.

What is dad? Why do we need to ask him to go out? He doesn’t want to go out. He just wants to hide in the egg.

On one hand, there is the instinct to just sleep peacefully, and on the other hand, there is the persistence to understand the truth.

The two thoughts collided violently in the baby's little head, and faint sounds from the outside world kept coming in, making it impossible for him to fall asleep.

Who is it? Who is Dad? Who is Yuanyuan

Why did he go back into the egg

He twisted around in his eggs angrily, unable to remember anything, feeling very uncomfortable.

The egg rolled due to his twisting. After little Yuanyuan rolled several times and 360 degrees inside, he suddenly woke up and realized that Yuanyuan was him and the person outside was his father. How could he forget that!

The little baby finally remembered.

Memories came flooding back. He didn't disappear, the crane didn't crush him, he just went back into the egg.

He is still with his fathers, and he can hear his fathers' voices!

Little Wish moved excitedly.

Great, great, great, great, he wants to hurry out, he wants to peck through the eggshell and go see his fathers.

The little baby fumbled around inside, and touched the inner wall of the eggshell based on instinct and the memory of having broken out of the shell before.

Just as he was about to peck him, he discovered that he was not in the form of a little parrot, but in the form of a human child.

He was naked, without even a piece of clothing on.

The little parrot has a sharp beak and can easily peck through the eggshell from the inside.

But the human cub's limbs were weak and limp, and the little baby stretched out his feet to kick, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

After kicking for a while, the little baby was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes and was about to fall asleep again.

He encouraged himself, it's okay, it's okay, Yuanyuan is just sleepy, just take a nap first, and then he can kick it out when he wakes up.

Three days passed like this.

Little Yuanyuan couldn't hear clearly what the fathers said, but he got excited when he heard his fathers' voices. He just wanted to go back to his fathers, sleep and wake up, and kick his balls hard.

Bai Qingnian and Gu Xiefeng mistakenly believed that Xiao Yuanyuan could understand what they said and would respond, so they insisted on interacting with Xiao Yuanyuan across servers every day.

Time is short, there are many things to do, and there is no time to think about what will happen if you fail.

They don't want to fail, they just want to succeed, and they firmly believe that the baby will come out safely.

But on the fourth day, Gu's mother came to ask about the baby's condition.

It’s all because Gu Xiefeng is too high-profile in normal times. After having a little baby, he has to show off every day.

At first, in order to make the Gu family accept Yuanyuan's existence, Gu Xiefeng often sent cute videos and photos of his baby to Gu's father and mother. Later, it became a habit, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't show off for a day.

This time, I didn't show off for three whole days, and I didn't let the housekeeper go over again.

Mother Gu was worried, so she called Gu Xiefeng directly.

"What's going on these days? The housekeeper doesn't want him anymore, and Xiaobao doesn't send him anymore. Is there something wrong with Xiaobao?"

Xiao Yuanyuan is the youngest among the Gu family's children, and later on, Gu's mother simply called him Xiaobao.

Gu Xiefeng knew this would happen and there was no way to avoid it, so he had already prepared an excuse: "It's okay, it's okay. I'll be fine."

"I'm glad you're alright. Let Xiaobao talk. I miss him, too." Gu's mother nagging at him. "And you, what's wrong with you these days? You didn't even go to the company, and you bothered your elder brother. What kind of day is this? Your elder brother doesn't have anything to do. You're going to tire him to death."

This was unexpected.

I cursed Gu Zhexuan in my heart. He is so old and yet he goes to tell his parents about such a small matter. What kind of brother is he

"I have some other important things to deal with recently. I will be back to the company in a few days."

"Okay, you can handle these things yourself. Now let me see Xiaobao. I haven't seen him for several days. Is he eating well these days?"

Gu Xiefeng said: "He is not at home. He was sent to Bai's house."

Gu's mother remained silent.

After a long while, he asked slowly, "Oh, so, why did you send him to the Bai family?"

Gu Xiefeng could tell that Mother Gu was a little bothered.

But there is no other way. Gu's mother can't go to the Bai family to ask for someone. This is the best solution.

"I wish I could go."

He thought that if he put the blame on Xiao Yuanyuan, Gu's mother would have nothing to say.

But Mother Gu was silent for a while. Her tone seemed nonchalant, but she actually cared a lot: "Does Xiaobao like the Bai family more?"

Gu Xiefeng said hurriedly, "Same, same, the last time I went to Bai's house, I saw a few pots of strawberries there, he liked them very much and said he wanted to go over and watch them grow, so that's why I went over."

Mother Gu said sourly: "Oh, no wonder, I was wondering why the housekeeper is no longer needed."

Gu Xiefeng comforted him: "I will be back in two days."

Just as Gu Xiefeng and his mother were trying to mediate, the doorbell rang.

Bai Qingnian had just got home from get off work and hadn't changed his clothes yet, so he went to open the door first.

When the door was opened, it was Gong Wangheng.

He came over alone with two boxes of chocolates in his hands.

Gong Wangheng said, "Uncle Bai, these are the chocolate candies my younger brother likes. My father asked someone to buy them from abroad. These two boxes are for him."

Bai Qingnian was pleasantly surprised and took it with a smile: "Thank you, my brother will definitely be very happy."

Gong Wangheng glanced inside the house indifferently, and felt that it was indescribably deserted this time.

"Where's my brother? Is he home? I want to hand it over to him in person."

Bai Qingnian should have said that he was not at home and that he had gone to his grandmother's house.

But when Gong Wangheng mentioned it in person, Bai Qingnian got nervous and blurted out, "My brother is sick and is resting in his room. He can't come out."

Gong Wangheng's eyes were emotionless, and he asked bluntly, "Will he get sick too?"

Bai Qingnian was stunned and didn't understand what he meant.

But then Gong Wangheng asked: "Can I go see my brother?"

Bai Qingnian was confused and wished he could turn back time and answer the question again.

Fortunately, facing the child was not that stressful. Bai Qingnian said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Hengheng. I can't let you get infected, so I can't let you see your brother."

Gong Wangheng could tell that this was Bai Qingnian's excuse.

He is best at observing human facial expressions. It cannot be said to be 100% accurate, but 70% to 80% of the time he is not wrong.

He looked at Bai Qingnian for a while, but didn't expose him. He said, "I hope my brother recovers soon. I'm going back now."

"Well, thank you for the chocolates."

After closing the door, Bai Qingnian hadn't even taken a breath when his mother called again.

Bai Qingnian didn't dare not answer: "Hello, Mom."

Bai's mother sounded in a good mood: "Are you off work?"

"Yeah, just got home."

"Come over here for dinner tonight. Didn't Yuanyuan want to eat braised prawns last time? I'm going to make it tonight. You can bring Yuanyuan over."

Bai's mother took the initiative to invite him over for dinner and even used the word "you guys", which was a complete surprise.

But Bai Qingnian couldn't agree, so he had to watch such a good opportunity slip away: "... But Yuanyuan is not at home."

"Not at home? Where did he go?"

"Yuanyuan has been staying at Gu's house these days." Bai Qingnian said hurriedly, "But Xiefeng and I are free, let's come over."

Bai's mother's good tone disappeared instantly: "Why do I want you to come here? I'm not doing this for you."

Bai Qingnian: “…”

"How many days are you going to stay there? When will you be back?"

"I'll be back in two days."

Bai's mother said sourly: "Is that so? There is nothing we can do. The Gu family is a big family, so it must be better than our place."

"No." Bai Qingnian hurriedly comforted him, "It's just that the Gu family has a little brother who is about his age, and he wanted to play with his brother, so he went over to stay for a few days."

"Okay, I know."

After saying this, Bai's mother hung up the phone.

Bai Qingnian felt helpless. The phone was hung up and all he could do was sigh.

I just hope the little baby will come out soon. This situation is really unbearable for dad.

But they didn't expect that even more shocking scenes were still to come.

On the sixth day after the baby turned into an egg, he was still lively and active in the egg, kicking and stroking.

Finally, a few cracks appeared on the surface of the eggshell, which brought great encouragement to the two fathers.

Similarly, on the same day, they received calls from both sides' parents.

Gu's mother called Gu Xiefeng and asked directly whether Xiaobao had returned home. She built a strawberry shed at Gu's house so that the little baby could go there at any time to see how the strawberries grew.

Gu Xiefeng was shocked. In his mind, Mother Gu was not the kind of person who would do such a thing.

I didn't dare to say that I was still at Bai's house, for fear that Mother Gu would be even more jealous, so I said, "I am back, but I caught a cold. I need to rest at home for the next two days."

Mother Gu felt distressed: "How is it? Is it serious? Why didn't you say anything?"

"It's not serious, it's just a minor cold. It's normal for children to have a cough or a cold. I told you so because I was afraid you would worry. It's okay. When Yuanyuan gets better, we'll bring him here. We'll definitely bring him here."

"Oh my, you guys are really... unreliable! Let me see!"

Of course Gu Xiefeng couldn't show it to her: "He just went to bed, I'm afraid to wake him up, I'll send you a message when he wakes up."

"Okay, fine." Gu's mother complained to him, "You guys! You really need to take good care of the children!"

"I know, I know."

Gu Xiefeng hung up the phone after some persuasion and prepared to find some old videos and photos to fool people first.

The situation beside Bai Qingnian was not good either. When Bai's mother heard that Xiao Yuanyuan was sick, her reaction was even greater.

"Aren't you a doctor? Why did you let the child get sick? How did you take care of him?"

“… Mom, I’m a surgeon, and colds are treated in the internal medicine department.”

"Every subject is medical, you are studying medicine!"

"… Well, it's true that I didn't take good care of the child, but don't worry, it's not serious, it will be fine in a few days."

"I came to see you all, you don't know how to take care of children, so I came to take care of Yuanyuan."

"No need. We have a nanny at home and we've seen a doctor. Don't run back and forth in such a cold weather. We'll bring him here when he's better. I told him last time that grandma made him braised prawns, and he said he must come and eat it."

Bai's mother's tone became better: "Okay, you should be more careful. Yuanyuan is so greedy, don't feed him carelessly."

"Okay, I know. We won't feed them randomly."

After finally hanging up the phone, the two fathers collapsed together, holding the eggs.

It’s too difficult, it’s really too difficult.

Moreover, both grandmothers agreed very well on the phone, as if nothing had happened, but the reality turned out to be more difficult than the other.

An hour later, Gu's mother arrived first.

When Bai Qingnian opened the door and saw that it was Gu's mother, he was so panicked that his jaw dropped.

"... Uncle, Aunt, why are you here?"

"I heard from Xiefeng that Yuanyuan is sick. I would be worried if I didn't come to see him." Gu's mother went straight to the point and didn't bother to be polite. "Which room is he sleeping in? Take me to see it quickly. I also brought some supplements, and the driver will bring them over. When he recovers, give him a little every day, but don't overdose. It can strengthen a child's physique."

Bai Qingnian put his hands behind his back and pinched his arms wildly.

Don't panic, don't panic, stay calm, stay calm.

When Gu Xiefeng saw Gu's mother, his reaction was similar to Bai Qingnian's.

"...Mom, why are you here?"

Mother Gu glared at him and said, "You guys don't know how to take care of children. The house is so warm, but you still let the child get sick. I came here specially to teach you a lesson. Let me take a look at Yuanyuan first, and then I'll teach you a lesson."

Before Gu's mother sat down, the doorbell rang again and Bai's mother came.

When Bai Qingnian opened the door and saw Bai's mother, his legs went weak.

"...Mom, didn't you say you didn't need to come over? Why are you here?"

Bai's mother snorted and raised the insulated box in her hand: "I specially made sugar-water eggs to bring here. Your mouth must have tasted bad when you are sick. I brought these to Yuanyuan to eat."

Bai's mother entered the house and wanted to ask Yuanyuan where she slept, but she saw Gu's mother first.

Bai Qingnian and Gu Xiefeng have been together for several years, but because both sides' parents do not agree, the two sides have never met officially.

Gu Xiefeng quickly introduced: "Mom, this is Qingnian's mother."

Then he said to Bai's mother in a gentle voice, "Aunt, this is my mother. She is here to see Yuanyuan as well."

The author has something to say: Yuanyuan: Dad, wait for me, I will come out to save you right away!

Mr. Gu is giving out 200 red packets to everyone today. Please praise him for being very manly.