Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 42


Bai Qingnian deliberately turned on the hands-free mode. It was hard for Bai's mother not to hear what Gu Xiefeng said.

During the time the two dads have lived with their little baby, they have imitated his tone of voice perfectly - this sentence sounds like something little Yuanyuan would say, so Bai Qingnian has no doubt about it, let alone Gu's mother.

Bai Qingnian silently praised Gu Xiefeng in his heart, and said, "Then you should comfort him. It's better to change the subject and don't make him sad."

"Don't worry, I didn't tell Grandma that he couldn't go. I just said something else and the little guy didn't think about it anymore."

When Bai's mother heard this, she clenched her fists.

What do you mean by not allowing? When did she say such a thing

But after thinking about it carefully, okay, maybe they really did say it. Bai's mother couldn't get over it, and always felt that if she allowed them to take the child out, it would be tacitly acknowledging this fact.

Bai's mother felt it was too fast and she was worried.

But now she was unhappy hearing Gu Xiefeng say this. Yuanyuan was such a good little baby, she really liked him.

Bai Qingnian was still talking to Gu Xiefeng: "That's good. Take good care of Yuanyuan these days and don't let him think about me all the time."

"Of course I missed you. I've been thinking about you all day." This wasn't a rumor made by Gu Xiefeng, it was just a bit exaggerated. "I cried so hard last night because you were gone. I thought about you when I woke up in the morning. I was thinking about you all the way to Gu's house. I was sleepy at night, otherwise I would definitely miss you again."

Gu Xiefeng also considered not to exaggerate, so he added: "But don't worry, children will be distracted if they have good food and fun. I will watch over him, so don't worry, just stay with your parents."


"Then I'll hang up first. My brother asked me to play cards."

"Well, go ahead."

"We'll set off fireworks later, and Yuanyuan will probably wake up, so we can video chat then."

"Okay, I'll wait for you then."

After hanging up the phone, Bai's mother pretended to ask him casually, "Why, when you came here last night, was Yuanyuan crying? Didn't you say he was very well behaved and didn't cry when you came here?"

Bai Qingnian: "So it turned out that he didn't realize it. He didn't know how many days I would be gone. When he realized it, he started crying. Xiefeng said he cried for a long time, fearing that I would not want him anymore."

It was Bai's mother who couldn't help but ask about the situation, and after asking, it was still Bai's mother who felt distressed.

She also understood that the child was innocent.

I began to wonder if it was too cruel to treat a child like this.

He was not allowed to come during the New Year. What if he doesn’t like me anymore in the future? Now I’m living in Gu’s house. I’ve lived in Gu’s house before, but they have never slept here for a single night.

Bai Qingnian took the opportunity to suggest: "Mom, Yuanyuan also remembers you and still wants to come here, so just let him come."

If Bai's mother refuses, and if Bai Qingnian stops asking, Xiao Yuanyuan will not be able to come.

But you have to agree and appear to want the little one to come - even if you feel that way in your heart, you can't show it on your face.

Finally, Bai's mother said, "When did I stop him from coming? I don't remember ever saying such a thing."

"Then I will tell Xiefeng now to bring Yuanyuan over on the second day of the Chinese New Year."

"Why are you here on the second day of the New Year? Don't push your luck and think I agree. Come back a few days later."

It's better to come a few days later than not to come at all.

Bai Qingnian sent a message to Gu Xiefeng, asking him to choose a feasible day.

Gu Xiefeng was playing cards with his elder brother.

The Gu family is large, and the New Year's Eve is always lively. After the children are coaxed to sleep, the adults can relax together. This year, fireworks are not banned in the city, and the Gu family prepared a lot of fireworks to be set off at midnight.

While drinking tea, smoking and playing cards, Gu Xiefeng became more and more excited, and in the end he even forgot that he now had a son.

It was past eleven fifty when he suddenly remembered that Xiao Yuanyuan was still sleeping in the room. The fireworks would probably wake him up, so he had to go over and watch.

Gu Xiefeng threw the cards and said, "No, no, I'm going to go check on the kid. I'm afraid he'll be scared if I wait."

When I returned to the room, fortunately Xiao Yuanyuan was still sleeping soundly.

It was unusual to have a good sleeping posture tonight. I didn’t move too much from my original position, but just buried my whole body under the quilt.

Gu Xiefeng gently patted the little guy's butt, trying to wake him up: "Wish, wish..."

Normally, it was impossible for Xiao Yuanyuan to be woken up by him like this, but Gu Xiefeng reeked of smoke and woke Xiao Yuanyuan up directly.

He woke up with a frown on his face. When he woke up, the stench became more specific. He twisted his body and backed away from his father, who looked down on him: "Stinky dad, go away!"

"Dad doesn't stink."

"Dad stinks, Dad go away!"

The little parrot was so horrified by the stench that it pinched its nose and refused to let Gu Xiefeng get close to it.

There was no choice but to rinse his mouth, wash his face and change his clothes.

The little guy is very clean. Not only does he like cleanliness himself, he also wants others to be as clean as him.

But when Gu Xiefeng came up, it was already late. He had just changed his clothes and went to rinse his mouth when it was midnight and the sound of fireworks exploding outside could be heard one after another.

Not only the Gu family, there were many people setting off fireworks tonight, and the sound was so deafening that it was no exaggeration to describe it as earth-shaking.

Gu Xiefeng was startled, fearing that the little baby would be frightened, so he quickly rinsed his mouth and walked out.

As a result, the little baby was not scared at all and was fine.

The angry little bird relied on its wings to fly to the window and stuck its head out to look.

It was not the first time for him to watch fireworks. He liked it very much the last time he went to the amusement park. Now, looking out the window, his eyes were shining and he was very awake.

Gu Xiefeng picked him up and asked him to retract his wings quickly.

Then they wrapped him in a down jacket and then completely covered him with a blanket, leaving only his head exposed.

After making sure that the baby wouldn't catch a cold, I moved the floor-to-ceiling window and took the baby to the balcony to watch the fireworks.


The distance was so close that the fireworks seemed to be blooming right above their heads. The little baby couldn't keep up and was extremely excited.

The fireworks lasted for five or six minutes before the most exciting first wave passed.

Gu Xiefeng carried Xiao Yuanyuan back to the house. It was cold outside, and although the little baby was wrapped up like a ball, he was still afraid that he would catch a cold.

Little Yuanyuan didn’t see enough: “I want to see more, Yuanyuan, I want to see more…”

"Yuanyuan, didn't you video chat with dad before going to bed tonight? Let's video chat with dad now."

Successfully diverted the baby's attention.

Between Bai Qingnian and Fireworks, of course Bai Qingnian is more important.

Xiao Yuanyuan agreed immediately: "Okay!"

Bai Qingnian was also waiting. As soon as the video was connected, he saw the baby was wrapped up like a dumpling, with only the head sticking out. He laughed, "Why did you wrap Yuanyuan like this?"

Xiao Yuanyuan didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The blanket was soft and he felt warm and comfortable.

Seeing Bai Qingnian, she said in a clear voice: "Dad!"

Bai Qingnian replied: "I wish!"

The little baby was indescribably happy and continued to shout, "Daddy! Daddy!"

Bai Qingnian also continued: "Wish! Wish!"

The little baby giggles, and when he calls daddy, his dad responds, which is a very happy thing.

He started to act like a spoiled child to his father: "Dad, I miss you. I miss you all the time."

Bai Qingnian's heart softened. The little guy was so adorable: "Daddy has been thinking about Yuanyuan too."

"Then you, then why don't you come to see me?" Xiao Yuanyuan asked innocently, "You, you guys are not getting married either, hurry up and get married."

The little parrot that urges marriage has not forgotten its mission. It has not urged for two days, but today it suddenly remembered that it must urge again.

Fortunately, Bai Qingnian was in his own room, so Bai's mother couldn't hear what was said.

Bai Qingnian said: "You will be able to see Yuanyuan in two days. The fathers will get married, Yuanyuan, don't worry."

"Then, when is that? I wish I could be with my dad, and never be apart from him."

If they were a family, they wouldn't have to separate tonight.

Although he still didn't know what Chinese New Year meant, tonight at Gu's house, he saw other children were accompanied by their parents. His father Gu returned to his parents, and his father Bai also returned to his parents. He could more or less understand that this was probably a day for the family to be together.

Only he is like a single child.

Bai Qingnian saw him pouting and wanted to hug him and coax him: "Dads will be able to get married soon, Yuanyuan, please believe in Dad, okay?"

Little Yuanyuan nodded again: "Yes, Yuanyuan believes Dad. Yuanyuan just misses you very much."

"Dad misses Yuanyuan too. We will be able to meet in two days. Then, in two days, dads will bring Yuanyuan to grandma's house together, okay?"

It doesn’t matter where the little ones go, as long as they can be with their dads.

The little baby agreed: "Okay, but you all have to be there."

"Don't worry, we are all here."

"Well, that's great!"

Little Yuanyuan also has his own plans. He decides to go to his great-grandmother's house and ask her why she doesn't let their fathers get married.

This is what Gu Xiefeng told him, saying that they needed the consent of the great-grandmother to get married, but the great-grandmother had never agreed.

Little Yuanyuan didn't understand why grandma didn't agree.

He hoped that his great-grandmother would agree quickly. Only if his fathers got married could they be a family and he could truly become his fathers' child.

Bai Qingnian didn't say much to him. Now that there were fewer sounds of fireworks, the child should go to bed early.

Coax him: "Then Yuanyuan go to bed, it's time for Yuanyuan to sleep."

Little Yuanyuan hadn't finished talking yet, and was reluctant to say goodbye to Bai Qingnian: "... No, Daddy is not here, Yuanyuan can't sleep, now Yuanyuan can only think of you."

Although he is young, he is very sweet-mouthed, and Bai Qingnian is in a good mood because of him.

"Daddy misses you too. I've been thinking about you all night. I wish I could kiss and hug you right now."

"Then you can, really come over." The little baby said seriously, "Willing to wait for daddy, come, give me a kiss and hug."

So cute.

Fortunately, he couldn't rub and kiss the little baby through the phone screen, otherwise he would definitely kiss this spoiled little parrot until it was bald tonight.

"Okay, it's time for Yuanyuan to go to bed. Good boy, go to bed early."

Even though he is reluctant, since his father said so, Xiao Yuanyuan still wants to be a good child.

"Okay, then, Yuanyuan, let's go to sleep." She pouted, "But Yuanyuan, I'm sure you won't be able to sleep, because you miss daddy very much."

"Yuanyuan has woken up, and we are closer to seeing our father."

After saying a lot of coaxing words to the child, Xiao Yuanyuan reluctantly hung up the video and went to bed.

Gu Xiefeng carried little Yuanyuan back to bed: "Yuanyuan, you are so sad, but Grandpa is still here, and he will always be with you."

"But I miss my dad, too. I want him to accompany me."

The little baby curled up in the quilt, blinking, not feeling sleepy.

Then he started to make things difficult for his father Gu.

"Dad, why doesn't grandma let you get married?"

How should Gu Xiefeng answer this

You can't say bad things about Bai's mother, nor can you say bad things about your past self.

I had to play dumb: "Dad doesn't know either."

"Why don't you know?"

Is there a reason for this too

"Only grandma knows this, dad really doesn't know."

"Then can I ask, Grandma?"

Gu Xiefeng quickly stopped him from having such dangerous thoughts: "No, grandma will be angry."

Little Yuanyuan was even more confused: "Grandma, why are you angry?"

Gu Xiefeng announced his surrender. He really couldn't answer this baby's question.

So he tried to avoid the reality: "Daddy is going to take a bath, Yuanyuan, be good and take a nap first, and Daddy will come and read you a story later."

But when Gu Xiefeng came out of the shower, Xiao Yuanyuan was already curled up in the quilt and sleeping soundly.

He laughed. This little thing had just told Bai Qingnian that he couldn't sleep because he missed him so much, but he fell asleep while taking a bath.

The author has something to say: *Irresponsible mini-theater*

After arriving at the Bai family.

Little Yuanyuan asked naively: Grandma, why don’t you let Dad get married

Bai's mother was so angry that she kicked Gu Xiefeng out of the house.