Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 62


The pajamas that Xiao Yuanyuan wears at home are all specially made.

Because when he relaxes too much, his tail and wings will come out uncontrollably.

His tail was fine before, it was soft and limp, at most it would just bulge out from his clothes. But now it is no longer like that, the tail has a certain lethality, when it bulges out it will directly squeeze through the pants - this is the case with the tail, not to mention the wings, he has ruined at least three sets of pajamas if not four.

Even if you have a mine at home, it can't withstand his attitude. It has become a disposable pajamas.

So his parents ordered pajamas with holes on the back and coccyx to prevent him from damaging the clothes again.

Little Yuanyuan got out of bed, wagging her pink bird's tail. She was in a good mood, and the bird's tail was wagging from side to side.

He didn't know what was going on, and he walked down with his back to Gong Wangheng, fearing that his brother Hengheng couldn't see it.

The little baby walked to Gong Wangheng and complained repeatedly: "... Why did you come to see Yuanyuan just now!"

He stayed at home and couldn't go out, waiting for his brother to come and play with him.

Gong Wangheng couldn't help but look at his bird's tail rising and falling. It was his first time to observe it up close.

However, eyes never reveal emotions, so Xiao Yuanyuan could not detect it.

Before he could speak, the housekeeper knocked on the door outside: "Master Gong, Young Master, I brought some snacks."

After saying that, he opened the door.

Gong Wangheng was close to the door of the room. When he heard the door open, he kicked the door shut without thinking.

With a "bang", the door was closed with great force.

Little Yuanyuan was startled and didn't know why Brother Hengheng kicked the door of the room, so he took two steps back.

The housekeeper was stunned at the door: "… What happened?"

Gong Wangheng looked at Xiao Yuanyuan and said, "Just stand here and don't move at all."

The kick scared the bird, and it nodded obediently: "... OK, OK."

Gong Wangheng then went to open the door. The door was not open wide, so the butler could not see Xiao Yuanyuan's perspective.

"Master Gong, what happened?"

"It's okay, I was just joking with my brother." He saw the tray in the butler's hand and took it. "Thank you, Uncle Butler, I'll take it."

The housekeeper was not suspicious of him. The two kids often played together, so what could possibly happen

After handing the things to Gong Wangheng, the butler left.

Fortunately, Gong Wangheng is a calm and steady person, and he was able to deal with this situation without changing his expression. Otherwise, Xiao Yuanyuan's big heart would have been exposed just now.

When he went back, Xiao Yuanyuan had tucked up his tail and was pulling his pants up.

Xiao Yuanyuan only realized that his tail was exposed after he stood still obediently.

He was jumping and dancing in the room by himself, and his pants fell down a lot. It was uncomfortable for him to stand up straight, so he wanted to pull them up, but he ended up touching his bird's tail. The little baby was so frightened that he almost cried out, and quickly put his tail away.

He pulled up his pants and looked up, and saw Brother Hengheng standing in front of him with a calm expression, no different from before.

Not knowing that his brother had helped him solve a crisis, Xiao Yuanyuan still dared to secretly breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his brother probably didn't notice.

The butler brought cookies and hot milk.

Gong Wangheng didn't like to eat it, so he put it aside and asked Xiao Yuanyuan first: "Uncle Bai said you were sick, are you feeling better now?"

Xiao Yuanyuan felt more relieved. With his brother saying so, he definitely didn't see his tail and definitely didn't know what had just happened.

“… Yeah, I wish for it!”

He has long since returned to being the healthy and lively baby parrot he was: "Yuanyuan, I want to go out and play, but dad won't let me."

I wanted to climb back into bed, but I saw the feathers on the bed.

No, no, no, no, stop, stop.

I absolutely cannot let Brother Hengheng see these feathers. He is so smart, maybe he can guess my identity through the feathers?!

It is very likely that his brother is such a smart person, he can't give his brother any chance!

So I pulled my brother to sit on the sofa.

The weather is nice today, the sun is warm, and it's a perfect time to bask in the sun.

But Gong Wangheng saw the feathers on the bed when he passed by it.

The quilt cover is black with a few pink feathers on it, which are very eye-catching.

The little darling couldn’t see because he was short, so he thought Gong Wangheng couldn’t see either.

Gong Wangheng did not expose it, nor did he hint that he already knew it.

He knew it was his own business, and if he told it out loud, it might scare the little baby half to death.

Gong Wangheng was pulled by Xiao Yuanyuan to sit on the sofa. Watching his brother coming and going, he knew that he was doing well now and was fine.

Xiao Yuanyuan has had a lot of complaints in her heart these past two days.

Daddy wouldn't let him go out to play, wouldn't let him play with Eleven at home, wouldn't let him drink cold water, and gave him light food, and made him lie in bed to rest every day. How could he rest like this? The little parrot baby was tired of resting, he just wanted to go out to play.

Finally, a brother came to play with him. He was very talkative and kept chattering: "… Yuanyuan is always at home, unable to go out, and can't watch cartoons! Yuanyuan wants to eat ice cream, but dad won't let her! Yuanyuan wants to play with Yiyi, but she can't!"

"You are sick, you need to rest well."

“… But Yuanyuan, it’s fine now!” The little baby stood up and jumped on the sofa, “Yuanyuan, it’s really fine now, let’s go out and play!”

Gong Wangheng thought he was doing well, full of energy and vitality, and didn't look sick at all.

Xiao Yuanyuan jumped twice and sat down again, pouting and looking at Gong Wangheng: "… Why didn't you come to see me earlier?"

Gong Wangheng replied: "I thought you didn't want to reconcile with me."

Little Yuanyuan was puzzled and tilted her head: "We are reconciled... You apologized to the little penguin and gave him a gift, so we are reconciled..."

Gong Wangheng looked at Xiao Yuanyuan's sincere and innocent eyes, and suddenly realized that there are some things that just cannot be answered.

He also wanted to know what information he had mismatched or missed, which led to his and his brother's completely different conclusions.

But what his brother said was still in a style that he couldn't understand.

Are all children of this age like this? Or is this little bird's brother special, and it's hard to find any logical reason? What's wrong with this little head? There's nothing wrong with what he said.

As he spoke, Xiao Yuanyuan got up from the sofa again and took the two little penguins placed at the head of the bed to show Gong Wangheng.

"Look, it's clean!"

Gong Wangheng handed the gift to the housekeeper as soon as he came in, and was unable to give it to Xiao Yuanyuan in person. He looked at the little penguin in front of him, and it was still ugly. Even after washing it, it was still a clown penguin. He didn't understand why his brother liked it so much.

But Xiao Yuanyuan said again: "I won't give you the wishes this time. You didn't take good care of them."

This was indeed something he had not done well. Gong Wangheng apologized again: "It's my fault. I promised you to treat them well. I should have done it."

However, Xiao Yuanyuan didn't say this because he minded. He just expressed it clearly because he had such thoughts in his heart.

Although when the two of them are together it's a collision of imagination and reality, and of reason and ignorance, but they are surprisingly good at communicating through conversation.

Xiao Yuanyuan doesn't know how to be tactful. She can't hide her thoughts and will just say it out loud if she's unhappy about something.

Gong Wangheng is a person without emotions, good words and bad words sound the same to him.

In comparison, it is naturally better to be more direct. Gong Wangheng can know more directly what his brother is thinking.

Xiao Yuanyuan said she was unhappy, so Gong Wangheng apologized.

Gong Wangheng apologized, and Xiao Yuanyuan forgave him.

He said: "But you have to tell me why it is like this, to the little penguin..."

Gong Wangheng told the truth: "I don't like this kind of little penguin."

The little darling can handle the blunt truth; he's not old enough to be hurt by it.

Gong Wangheng said this, and he didn't think twice before adding: "... So that's how it is! Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The reaction was different from what Gong Wangheng had imagined - he accepted the two little penguins out of common courtesy and not wanting to upset his brother.

Gong Wangheng asked: "Will you be unhappy? Because I don't like little penguins."

Little Yuanyuan shook her head: "... No, why would Yuanyuan be unhappy?"

The little parrot baby said seriously: "... If you had told me earlier, I could have told you earlier how good the little penguin is!"

Sure enough, it was completely different from what Gong Wangheng thought.

Would a normal child react like this? Would they give such an answer? Is there something wrong with this

But Xiaoyuanyuan continued to speak alone: "Really, after you listen to the little penguin's story, you will like the little penguin too!"

There is confidence in the words.

Gong Wangheng looked at the two ugly little penguins in his hands, and he was sure that he would not like their story before he even listened to it.

Little Yuanyuan doesn't care whether brother Hengheng wants to listen or not. His little parrot wants to talk now and the man has to listen whether he wants to or not. He has no choice but to listen.

The freedom-loving little parrot baby has been locked up at home for the past two days. In addition to having a strong desire to go out and play, he also has a strong desire to speak. He finally caught a Gong Wangheng and will definitely not let it go.

As if she was afraid that Gong Wangheng would run away, she sat down in his arms and began to tell him the story of the little penguin.

This is his standard posture when watching cartoons with his father.

Whether it is Gu Xiefeng or Bai Qingnian, when watching cartoons, he must sit in his father's arms like this—of course not because he is clingy, but because he takes care of his father.

He is a very caring little parrot. He is afraid that his father doesn't know what the cartoon is about, so he does this to make it convenient for him to tell his father the progress anytime and anywhere.

Now Gong Wangheng was very honored to enjoy this treatment. Xiao Yuanyuan held the two little penguins, sat in his arms, leaned his head close to his shoulder, and began to tell the story of the penguin family.

Although these little penguins look the same, they only have different colors. In fact, they all have their own names, identities, and backgrounds. It's hard for Xiao Yuanyuan to remember the pinyin. He forgets all the animals he recognizes every day, but he remembers these things very clearly.

It's just that his storytelling skills are really not that good.

How could someone who couldn't even speak fluently tell a good story? No matter how carefully Gong Wangheng listened, he couldn't help but feel like a little bird singing a lullaby in his ear.

“…Brother, are you listening?”

"Well, listen." My eyelids started to droop.

"So do you like Youyou, Huahua or Caicai?"

Gong Wangheng randomly picked one: "Cai Cai."

"Wow! I like Cai Cai the most too!"

The little baby was very happy, and he knew that his brother would also like these little penguins.

"Yuanyuan also thinks that Caicai is the prettiest. She is very pretty, Miss Penguin!"

It turns out that these penguins that look the same are divided into male and female

Gong Wangheng saw through the essence of the matter at a glance. The adult world is too dirty. They make up such little stories to deceive children, and then the deceived children buy a dozen little penguins that are identical in every way except for the color.

The little baby talked for a long, long time.

Brother Hengheng was the first person who listened to his stories so patiently, listened carefully, and interacted with him.

Xiaoxiao's heart was filled with emotion, perhaps because he had finally found someone who shared the same passion with him. He thought to himself that now his brother also liked little penguins, and it was great to have a brother who liked little penguins with him.

The little baby spoke with great interest and joy, stumbling but talking incessantly.

After he had nagged Gong Wangheng so much that he couldn't open his eyes, he also felt sleepy. Children are creatures that follow instinct. He felt sleepy and thought that he could only tell his brother next time, and then he fell asleep.

On the other side, Gu Xiefeng was holding a video conference in the study and had no idea that Gong Wangheng had come to see Xiao Yuanyuan.

The housekeeper didn't know Xiao Yuanyuan's situation and thought the two children were close, so he let him in.

When Gu Xiefeng found out, he was shocked and hurried to see their situation.

These past two days the little guy couldn't control his wings and tail very well, and they were exposed from time to time without him realizing it at all.

The adults were terrified and didn't dare let him see anyone.

Sure enough, when Gu Xiefeng walked in, he saw two children sitting on the sofa - on little Yuanyuan's side, a section of soft tail feathers was clearly visible.

Gu Xiefeng felt that sooner or later he would be sent away by this little guy. This was too reckless. If he was discovered, he would be left with nothing.

Fortunately, the two children were sleeping together. Gu Xiefeng walked over quietly, pulled over a blanket, carefully covered the little baby, then wrapped him up and picked him up.

Gong Wangheng was still alert enough. When he felt the space next to him become empty, he immediately opened his eyes.

Seeing that it was Gu Xiefeng, he came to his senses: "Uncle Gu?"

Gu Xiefeng was in a critical moment, but he managed to keep his calm expression and said, "Hengheng, thank you for coming over to see your brother."

Little Yuanyuan was still sleeping soundly and didn't react when his father picked him up.

But his tail has been completely wrapped, so there is no need to worry about it being exposed.

Gong Wangheng looked at the time and was surprised to find that he had slept here for more than an hour.

Gong Wangheng stood up quickly: "Uncle Gu, I'm going back first."

Gu Xiefeng looked at his usual calm expression, recalled his reaction when he found out Xiao Yuanyuan's identity, and felt that Gong Wangheng should not have noticed.

After all, even a mature adult can't stand it. No matter how emotionless he is, he is still a child. He should not be able to accept such a ridiculous thing, right

Gu Xiefeng thought about it again and again and decided that it should be okay, otherwise the bird that could speak human language would definitely have flown over.

"I'll ask the butler to take you back."

"No need, it's just a few steps away, I can go back by myself."

He looked again at Xiao Yuanyuan who was sleeping soundly in Gu Xiefeng's arms. His tail was not exposed, but a feather was slowly floating down.

The clever child immediately figured out Gu Xiefeng's intention of wrapping the baby in a blanket, but he could only remain silent. This careless father and son, it's okay that the younger one is unreliable, but are the adults so useless too

Gong Wangheng kept his complaints to himself: "Goodbye, Uncle Gu."

Gu Xiefeng held the little baby in his arms: "Okay, then be careful."

Gu Xiefeng sent the child to the stairs. The housekeeper saw him and led Gong Wangheng out.

Gu Xiefeng breathed a sigh of relief and put the baby back on the bed.

I immediately glanced at the feathers on the bed and counted about six or seven. Although there were not many, there had never been such a thing before, and it was not a good idea to let them fall off like this.

Gu Xiefeng was worried. If this continued, the little baby would not only become bald, but completely barren.

After the first day of being locked up at home, the little baby who was about to go bald couldn't stand it any longer and had to go out to play.

When his parents saw that his voice was full of energy when he cried out, they believed that he had really recovered and finally let him go out.

But on the first day of regaining his freedom, Xiao Yuanyuan was sent to the kindergarten he hated the most.

Alas, he was so sad that he didn't even want to carry his backpack. Xiao Yuanyuan carried his backpack in one hand and his thermos cup in the other, and listened to the housekeeper instructing the teacher to let him drink warm water and not to drink even a sip of cold water - he entered the kindergarten dejectedly.

It was the first time that I began to doubt the human world.

Is this place really worth his visit? Is it right for him to survive as a human cub? What is his mission? Where is the end of the world? Is there a necessary connection between the existence of birds and the universe

Alas, he has started to think about things that only Brother Hengheng would think about.

The Devil Twins have returned.

She looked not much better than Xiao Yuanyuan, also looking downcast. But she looked incredibly well-behaved, actually quietly attending the craft class, cutting paper and making stickers.

Kindergarten is really terrible!

The two little devils have become like this. If he stays here, he will soon become like this too!

When Xiao Henian saw him coming to class, his eyes lit up and he took off his pacifier: "Yuanyuan, you're back!"

Little Yuanyuan nodded listlessly: "... Well, I'm back."

There is also someone who is happier than before, Chen Shuying.

This little bad snake seemed to have picked up something bad, with a smile on its face and looking in a good mood.

Looks like he's got some bad ideas.

Xiao Yuanyuan sat down in her seat and asked him quietly, "Chen Shuying, what are you doing? Why are you laughing like that?"

Chen Shuying was happy to share the twins' embarrassing stories with everyone, and said happily: "... He Xian and He Nian were beaten by their father because they blew up the classroom last time."

Xiao Yuanyuan was a little more interested and it was obvious from listening to the gossip that the class was interesting.

This was the first time he heard of a parent who actually spanked his child, so he asked, “…Did they really spank him?”

Chen Shuying nodded happily: "... Yes, spanking, piapiapia, spanking them until they scream."

They lived in a residential complex. That day, his sister took him to buy snacks. When they passed by the He family, they saw the duck children running around in front of their gate.

The twins failed to escape and were caught by their father at the door, who pinned them on their knees and beat them.

Whenever Chen Shuying recalled that scene, he felt relaxed both physically and mentally.

He even added fuel to the fire: "The beating was really fierce!"

Xiao Yuanyuan looked at the twins. No wonder they were so well behaved. It turned out that they were beaten.

The morning in kindergarten passed by boringly again, and soon it was lunch time.

Having not seen Xiao Yuanyuan for quite some time, He Nian kept moving closer to him and generously gave him the steak strips from his bowl: "Yuanyuan, beef is nutritious, you should eat more."

But the little parrot baby has decided to quit the team of eaters.

He has become so fat that he can't fly anymore. How can he continue to eat indiscriminately? He must at least recover to the point where he can fly.

He returned the steak to Henian: "... I don't need it, you can eat it yourself."

"I just want to give it to you." Henian took another bite and gave it to him, and also gave him the fried shrimp, "I will give you all these delicious foods, and I will give them to you in the future."

When Xiao Yuanyuan returned, he could no longer fly and could not eat so much anymore.

But the steak smells so good, and the fried shrimps smell so good too, and they look so delicious, woooo.

After returning it, Xiao Yuanyuan protected her lunch box: "Okay, if you don't want it, give it to me and eat it yourself."

Henian didn't give him any more cards, but said, "Yuanyuan, my company will hold a children's fashion show in a while. How about you be a model? You will definitely be the most beautiful model among them."

The little parrot baby was puzzled: "Little model, what is that?"

"This is an acting job that only good-looking kids can do. You're so good-looking, you can't let it go to waste."

Xiao Yuanyuan still didn’t understand, mainly because he didn’t come into contact with these things in his daily life. He shook his head and showed no interest.

I rejected it myself: “No.”

"Don't refuse so quickly. You can go home and discuss it with your parents first, and then decide whether to be a model." Henian tried hard to persuade, not missing any opportunity to get close to Xiao Yuanyuan. "Really, I told Dad to let you wear the most beautiful dress that day."

Xiao Yuanyuan was not interested, but Chen Shuying was interested: "... I want to go. Uncle He said that I can go this year, too."

Henian despised him: "Don't come this year. You didn't leave well last year."

"… You, you are talking nonsense. Last year, Uncle He said that it was fine for me to leave!"

"That's just to comfort you, don't take it seriously."

The little black snake was naive and fragile at heart. After being attacked by the New Year greetings, his eyes were filled with tears and he was about to cry again.

He Xian quickly put down the spoon and slid to Chen Shuying's side: "Don't cry, you must not cry."

If they bully Chen Shuying again, He's father will really beat them brothers' butts to pieces.

Chen Shuying couldn't hold back: "... You guys are bullying me again. I'm going to tell Uncle He."

In fact, the only one who bullied him was Henian, and He Xian came to make amends, but no matter who did the wrong thing, they would all be punished together when their parents saw them.

He Xian quickly took a tissue to wipe his tears: "Don't cry, I won't coax you, I can only give you steak, don't cry."

Chen Shuying sniffed: "… Then give me the poached eggs too, I want to eat eggs."

He Xian slid back to his seat, and not only passed his own fried egg to him, but also passed He Nian's fried egg to him.

"You have three poached eggs now, stop crying."

The crybaby Chen Shuying was bribed by Hebaodan and stopped crying.

When Xiao Yuanyuan saw this scene, he silently passed his fried egg to Chen Shuying. He couldn't eat eggs, so it was nice to have someone to share.

He Nian saw his behavior and asked, "Yuanyuan, don't you like fried eggs?"

“… Um, I can’t eat balls.”


“Because I can’t eat it.”

He Nian was confused: "Then why can you eat cake pudding?"

"That's not an egg!"

"But these are all made of eggs." Henian revealed the cruel truth, "Cakes, puddings, egg tarts, all have eggs in them."

The author has something to say: Yuanyuan: You are not a human, you are a devil