Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 68


Bai Qingnian just found it funny when he heard Gu Xiefeng say these words.

The two children are four and eight years old. It was just a joke, but he was so angry

Bai Qingnian said, "Is it really too early for you to worry about this now, brother?"

Gu Xiefeng held the sleeping little Yuanyuan tightly in his arms and said, "Look how cute she is when she's asleep. It's right to worry about her in advance, okay?"

Bai Qingnian was too lazy to pay attention to him and asked him instead: "How was the party tonight? Did Yuanyuan have a good time?"

Speaking of this, that's another matter: "Don't mention it, you won't believe it even if I tell you, he's arguing with someone!"


Bai Qingnian really didn't believe it. How could this little guy who couldn't even speak clearly actually go and quarrel with others

Gu Xiefeng told Bai Qingnian exactly what happened at the banquet, how he was naughty at first, turned around and said a word and then disappeared.

Later, he saw how he talked when he was arguing with others, how loud his voice was, and how fierce it was. He hated himself for not being able to imitate it, otherwise he would definitely let Bai Qingnian feel it.

Bai Qingnian felt a little regretful that he couldn't go.

He had never seen such a little wish before, but just hearing Gu Xiefeng talk about it made him feel it was very fresh.

Touching the sleeping little guy, Bai Qingnian said with a parental filter: "So, Yuanyuan is quite brave. Don't be fooled by his small size, he is standing up for Hengheng."

"That's right. That kid is so much bigger than him, and he just speaks harshly to others. He's very wild." Although he said that, his tone was actually very doting.

The more Dad Gu looked at her, the more he liked her. How could she be so cute and so likable

He will definitely be careful to screen out this precious little treasure of gold, jade, emerald and cabbage in the future when she looks for a partner, and will never let some wild boar take her away.

The noble cabbage Xiao Yuanyuan didn’t know what happened after he fell asleep. He slept very comfortably.

At around five o'clock the next morning, he opened his eyes brightly and sat up in bed.

Something is not right. Xiao Yuanyuan sat on the bed and scratched his belly. When did he come home

Why didn’t you sleep among the dads today, but in the corner

The sunshade was thick and it was gradually getting brighter outside, but the light inside the house was still dim.

Little Yuanyuan stood up, but walked unsteadily on the bed. After a few steps, he fell on Gu Xiefeng. Then he saw that the fathers were sleeping soundly, hugging each other.

He was just a poor little cabbage, and he had to sleep in the corner.

Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian were still asleep. After sleeping together for so long, they would open their eyes at the slightest movement of the child at first, but now they were used to it and would not wake up unless the child made a big fuss.

Xiao Yuanyuan didn't think of waking up their parents. His intuition told him that it was still early. Usually his father would wake him up, but today he got up first.

The little baby climbed out of bed and started to change his clothes by himself, getting ready for kindergarten.

I feel heavy in my heart. Alas, I have to go to school again. I have to go to school every day. When will this day end

He can now dress himself well. The most important thing taught in the kindergarten is life skills, such as asking children to dress themselves, tie shoelaces, brush teeth and wash face, and put toys away.

Little Yuanyuan’s little head is very smart about these things. He has learned very well and now dresses neatly.

He got dressed and went to wake up his father.

Then he climbed back onto the bed, squatted beside Gu Xiefeng, and whispered, "Dad, Yuanyuan, get dressed and go to school..."

Gu Xiefeng was awakened in a daze.

When he opened his eyes, there was a child squatting next to him. After seeing this scene several times, he became numb to it.

Without seeing clearly that Xiao Yuanyuan had changed her clothes, Gu Xiefeng took out his cell phone and looked at it. It was five twenty-five, which was not necessarily the time when the roosters would crow.

Gu Xiefeng chose to close his eyes: "Yuanyuan, it's still early, you can sleep a little longer, don't rush to get up."

But Xiao Yuanyuan was very awake and couldn't fall asleep.

Seeing that Gu Xiefeng fell asleep again, he sighed and said, "Oh, Dad is so lazy, how can this be possible?"

Xiao Yuanyuan did not force his father to get up. He thought his father must be very busy too, because the teacher said that it is not easy for parents to work and they should be considerate of the parents.

So Xiao Yuanyuan didn't disturb his father and played by himself. He climbed down from the bed and tiptoed out of the room.

It was still early and the nanny hadn't gotten up yet. The house was quiet and no one knew that this little ancestor had come out alone.

Eleven was sleeping downstairs. When he heard the noise, he raised his head and looked at Xiaoyuanyuan while wagging his tail.

Xiao Yuanyuan looked at it and said, "Well, I decided to let you play with me, my good friend!"

Although Eleven is not yet an adult, his 70-pound body should not be underestimated. He exudes the aura of a bodyguard, and is steady, reliable, and full of a sense of security.

But steadiness and playfulness are not in conflict, they coexist harmoniously in it.

It usually doesn't act naughty on its own initiative, but if someone teases it, it can't help but act naughty.

Just like this morning, Xiao Yuanyuan got up first. Not knowing what he could do alone, he took Eleven to the courtyard to play.

Both of them were naughty and neither of them was sensible, and the situation got out of control for a while.

They chased and played for a while, then Eleven dug a hole in the flower bed, and the dirt was all over the ground. When Xiao Yuanyuan saw the hole, he took the initiative to sit in it, and Eleven started to cover the dirt again, making the little baby covered in mud.

Flowers and plants suffered wherever it went, several pots of succulents fell over, and the flower stand was broken by Eleven and flew into the small pond.

The scene finally calmed down until Xiao Yuanyuan brought the ball and before he could hit it twice, Eleven bit it and the ball burst.

The little baby has always been careless, always thinking about the first thing and not the last thing. He calmed down only when he stopped playing with the ball. But before he could even take a look at what he and Eleven had done, he was overcome by sleepiness. He yawned, climbed onto the big swing and went to sleep.

You can imagine how the two fathers felt after seeing this.

It was past seven o'clock when Bai Qingnian woke up first.

The parents’ trick is to feel where the child is without opening their eyes when the child wakes up.

He touched the left side but didn't find anything. He touched the right side but didn't find anything either. Bai Qingnian opened his eyes and asked, "Where's Yuanyuan?"

Gu Xiefeng was still dreaming: "… I guess it's here."

Bai Qingnian turned on the light. There was no baby on the bed and the door of the room was slightly open - what was there? It was obvious that he had gone out.

Bai Qingnian got out of bed immediately. The nanny had already gotten up and was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

There seemed nothing wrong with the picture at first glance, but Bai Qingnian soon discovered that the dog was also missing - bad, there would definitely be no good when these two little guys got together.

It is safer to make some noise when playing, but if the house is as quiet as this, there is a high probability that something bad has already happened.

Bai Qingnian looked for the children and the dog with great anxiety. The two children had grown up these days, and their ability to destroy the house together was getting stronger.

When he saw the mess in the courtyard, the two little guys sleeping on the swing, and Little Yuanyuan covered in mud, Bai Qingnian wanted to faint on the spot.

There is no escape from being scolded.

The two little guys stood in a row and were scolded together.

"Why did you mess this up? Look at this place, the mud is all over the ground, and the flowers have all been killed by you. Who did this?"

It is a biological instinct to avoid responsibility. The little baby wanted to shift the responsibility to Eleven: "...Yi Yi said that he wanted to play with me."

Eleven understood and looked at the little baby in disbelief. His ears, which had stood up high, folded back and his expression looked aggrieved.

He let out a howl: I am not a human, and you are not a human either.

Bai Qingnian was so angry that he laughed: "... Yi Yi told you? Yi Yi told you right away?"

The little darling even dared to admit: "... Yeah."

"Then how did Yi Yi start talking to you? Baby, try to learn it."

"… "

This is making things difficult for his baby.

After exchanging a glance with Eleven, the little darling couldn't get past his young conscience and finally admitted, "... Yes, I brought Yi Yi out."

Then he tried to get away with it by walking up to Bai Qingnian and hugging his legs: "Dad, I know I'm wrong... Dad, don't be so mean... I'm scared."

How could one be angry and teach him a lesson? Bai Qingnian's heart softened when he heard his trembling little baby voice.

I squatted down and looked at him: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that dad will be angry now?"

The little baby pouted, and his pink little face was still cute even with mud on it: "… I'm afraid of my dad, I'm angry, I don't want to make a wish anymore, I threw it away…"

It’s not necessary to throw it away. If a baby like this is really thrown away, I’m afraid it will be picked up by someone very soon and it will be impossible to get it back even if you try to snatch it away.

"Dad won't throw away Wish, but Wish can't mess things up and make the garden look like this again. Do you hear me?"

The little baby nodded immediately: "... Yeah, I heard it."

He shook his head again: "... From now on, never again."

"Tell me again, do you know you are wrong? Will you do it again in the future?"

In fact, some things are not done by children intentionally, they just don’t have a sense of right and wrong, and don’t know what they can and cannot do.

Adults told them not to touch shoes in the shoe rack randomly, and they remembered it. But they didn’t know the same about the closet, and they would still rummage through the clothes or other things in the closet.

This is not because children are not smart enough, but because the way they think about problems is still very straightforward and they cannot think flexibly. They need patient education and guidance from adults.

Little Yuanyuan is still naughty. New mistakes are made from time to time, but he rarely makes the same mistakes again.

As soon as Mr. Bai got angry, he actually realized that this was wrong: "… Well, Yuanyuan was wrong. I shouldn't have messed this place up with Yiyi. Yuanyuan, I promise I won't do it again in the future!"

Looking at the little baby's eyes begging for forgiveness, Bai Qingnian sighed helplessly and could only accept his fate.

Seeing that his father was no longer angry, the little baby cautiously tried to test: "... Dad, please buy another small ball for Yuanyuan. Yiyi bit it and broke it."

There was still a punishment. Father Bai said, "This is the punishment for Yuanyuan's mischief. Your little ball is gone and we won't buy you a new one."

Xiao Yuanyuan is dull, this punishment is too heavy.

Woo woo woo, he is a baby without a ball.

Xiao Yuanyuan couldn't catch the school bus in the morning, and was covered in mud, so he needed to wash himself clean.

Bai Qingnian would be too late for work, so this task would have to be given to Gu Xiefeng.

The unreliable Gu Dad was not as serious as Bai Dad, and he found it more funny to hear what Xiao Yuanyuan did with the dog.

He was more open-minded. Little boys are naughty at this age, and it wasn't a serious matter. Bai Qingnian had already educated him, so he didn't say anything.

I just teased him: "Yuanyuan got into trouble and got scolded by his dad, right? His little ball is gone too, right?"

The little baby sat in the bathtub, squeezing the rubber duck, and responding to his annoying dad with silence.

After taking a bath, Dad Gu drove the sweet-smelling little baby to school.

Gong Wangheng on the opposite side was also about to go to class. Since he was not going to school, he had free time and rarely met Xiao Yuanyuan.

The master of the Gong family was not there, so he followed the housekeeper out and was about to get in the car.

It was a rare chance to meet them, so Gong Wangheng took the initiative to greet them: "Uncle Gu, Yuanyuan, good morning."

Gu Xiefeng said casually: "You go to school too."

"Well, I have to go first."

Xiao Yuanyuan waved to his brother: "Goodbye, brother!"

Gong Wangheng smiled at him faintly: "Goodbye."

Seeing Gong Wangheng leave first, the little darling suddenly said: "Brother is different today!"

Gu Xiefeng couldn't see the difference. "Hmm? What's different?"

I can’t put it into words, but it’s just different.

My brother's aura is not usually like this. Today he looks gentler than usual.

"Exactly, it's different!"

Gu Xiefeng liked listening to his little mouth chattering. Anything he said was fine, it was just cute and interesting.

But after glancing at the time, I realized I was going to be late for school, so I quickly stuffed the baby into the car and said, "Okay, let's go to school."

Return to reality in a second.

Oh, go to school, go to school, go to school every day.

However, after this period of time, the little baby has basically adapted to kindergarten life and gets along well with his classmates.

He was late for one day, and the children sitting around him all came over to show their concern for him. Of course, the most active ones were those who wished him a happy new year.

Now the two twins are much more well-behaved in school. Apart from occasionally causing trouble for the teacher, they basically do not engage in any other dangerous behavior.

Henian secretly brought a tablet to school, still thinking of persuading Xiao Yuanyuan to be a model. He unscrupulously exposed his father's confidential information and showed him the clothes inside.

During the break, he stayed beside Xiao Yuanyuan and refused to leave: "Look, isn't this dress beautiful? It will look great on you."

Xiao Yuanyuan took a look and felt something was wrong, frowning: "… This is a dress!"

"Yeah, this dress is the cutest and it only looks good on you."

"I'm a boy!"

"Boys can wear dresses, too."

"… Really?"

This seemed to be different from what Xiao Yuanyuan knew, and he was full of doubts about the New Year greetings. There was no dress in his closet, and his father had never bought him such a dress.

Chen Shuying interrupted: "… Boys can wear it too, but why don't you wear one yourself? Tomorrow, wear a dress!"

"Just wear it. I look good in a skirt, too."

A group of little kids chattered and attracted the teacher's attention.

When I came over, I saw a tablet placed among a few children. Without a doubt, I knew it must be New Year's greetings.

The teacher felt that his bottom line had been lowered. When he saw that it was a tablet, he thought it was not so bad, at least it was not some other strange or dangerous object.

"Niannian, you can't bring these kinds of things to school. The teacher will confiscate them."

"Teacher, the law protects citizens' legitimate private property from infringement. You can't confiscate my things."

"… Just return it to you when you get home from school. The teacher is taking it away now. Don’t do anything that violates school rules."

"Wait wait wait! Teacher, let me show you another piece of clothing."

The interface shows the photo album, and each piece of children's clothing is indeed cute and beautiful, all summer styles.

Little Yuanyuan said, "... I don't want to see it, teacher, please take it away."

I am heartbroken and petrified on the spot.

The teacher couldn't bear it anymore. The picture of the little devil's broken heart was too pitiful. She said, "Then show it to Yuanyuan."

Henian was instantly resurrected and regained his human form.

He found a small off-white suit: "Look, isn't this suit nice?"

The teacher watched from the side and thought that children's clothes are becoming more and more formal and exquisite.

But Xiao Yuanyuan has no aesthetic sense and doesn’t know what looks good or not. After all, he looks good in anything he wears. His father always says he looks like a little angel and a little cutie no matter what he wears, and he gives him a lot of compliments.

Until Henian said: "This dress is very suitable for formal occasions, such as banquets and weddings. Do you like it? I will ask my father to give you a set. When it is my birthday, you can wear this dress to attend my birthday party hehehe."

I didn’t hear what he said about his little wish afterwards, the focus only stayed on the word “wedding”.

“…Is this really a wedding dress?”

Henian replied: "Yes, it is also suitable for weddings."

Little Yuanyuan was so excited that he asked his father to buy it for him!

Although we don’t know when Dad’s wedding will be held, he wants to dress like this at the wedding!

In fact, the time for the two families to meet and discuss wedding matters has already been set.

The call was from Gu's mother. Bai's mother was very easy-going on the phone and said that the time and place could be determined by the Gu family and they were available at any time.

Even though he had already obtained the marriage certificate, Gu Xiefeng still did not dare to neglect his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

He chose the meeting place because he was afraid that if it was too high-end, his mother-in-law would suspect he was showing off, but if it was too ordinary, it would not be classy enough.

After looking at many restaurants and asking Bai Qingnian to review them, they decided to go to a quiet, elegant and unique private restaurant.

The price is a little expensive, but it is said to taste good and has a good reputation.

That day, Xiao Yuanyuan was entrusted with an important task by his old father.

Starting from the night before, Gu Xiefeng began to "brainwash" the child - this is a very critical night, and your help is needed. If the atmosphere is not good, Dad will pat your legs and ask you to speak quickly. You can say anything, even sing a song, in short, you have to divert the attention of grandparents.

Little Yuanyuan agreed very well and reacted quickly during rehearsal. As soon as Gu Xiefeng patted his leg, he stood up quickly and recited his lines. Yuanyuan learned a new song and wanted to sing it for his grandparents.

After practicing repeatedly several times, Gu Xiefeng seemed to be training the muscle memory of a little baby, and he did not dare to go out until he was satisfied.

Then when they met officially, Xiao Yuanyuan performed an amnesia act in front of his father and remembered nothing.

The atmosphere at the beginning was neither good nor bad, just normal.

After all, it was the first time that the two families met formally, and they were discussing marriage, so their attitude was naturally serious.

Xiao Yuanyuan's performance was still very good at this time. He was the baby of both families and would call people sweetly when they met.

I remembered what Father Gu had taught me. Although I didn't know the use of these words, I passively flattered them and praised the grandparents on both sides first. He created a great atmosphere.

Gu Xiefeng was secretly happy. He had raised his son for a hundred days just for this day.

When the food was served and they started to eat, the adults on both sides talked more, but there didn't seem to be any problems.

After being together for so many years and even getting their marriage certificate, Bai's mother's mentality has changed a lot. Now she just hopes that Gu Xiefeng will be nicer to Bai Qingnian and not bully him.

Regarding the wedding date, Bai's father and mother did not have much objection and said that it would be fine for the Gu family to decide.

Both families have sons, and they had agreed beforehand not to discuss things like betrothal gifts and dowry.

But after hearing where Bai's father and mother lived, Gu's mother said naturally that she would give them a house. The place where they lived was an old neighborhood, and she heard that the security around it was not very good.

Gu Xiefeng felt like an arrow piercing through his heart.

Gu's mother didn't mean to look down on them. She just thought that they would be relatives in the future, so she would help them if necessary.

As a wedding gift, a house is nothing, but it is also reasonable to help them improve their living conditions.

But these words did not make Bai's father and mother feel comfortable, as they felt like they were being looked down upon.

Bai's mother was more direct: "We are not greedy for your house."

Mother Gu knew that she had said something wrong: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Different class backgrounds inevitably lead to clashes in world views. At first, Gu Xiefeng and Bai Qingnian also had clashes, but the clash of the two mothers' world views made Gu Xiefeng feel suffocated.

What is the baby doing sitting next to his father? He is eating king crab fried rice.

I ate king crab once at the ski resort, and my baby couldn't forget the taste.

When he ate it again today, he was attracted by the delicious food in a very unpromising way. He returned to the group of the little parrots eating and ate seriously.

He didn't hear what the adults said, all he had in his eyes and in his heart was meat.

Delicious crab meat, delicious chicken, and delicious braised pork.

Seeing that he was eating his rice seriously and enjoying it so much, Gu Xiefeng reached down and patted the little baby's leg - it's your turn, come and ease this tense atmosphere and show a talent for your grandparents.

But the little baby cut off the telepathic communication with his father and buried his head in eating.

Fortunately, both Gu's mother and Bai's mother are adults, and on days like this, they won't hold on to a single word.

Mother Gu changed her mind and praised Bai Qingnian: "Qingnian is a very good child. He is very careful in his work and behavior. He has helped Xiefeng to become a better person over the years. No wonder Xiefeng can't do without him."

Bai's mother went down the stairs and joked, "If you're not careful, you can't be a doctor. His carefulness is very important."

"Yes, speaking of which, Qingnian's work ability is also excellent. His father knows the chief surgeon of their hospital. Occasionally, he always says that Qingnian is the best apprentice he has ever had."

Bai's mother was in a better mood. For a mother, praising her son was better than praising herself, which gave her a greater sense of accomplishment.

But then Mother Gu said, "The day they were going to get the marriage certificate was only the eighth day of the first lunar month, and the New Year had just passed. I told him that it was okay for you to go a day or two later, but he insisted, as if he was afraid that someone would snatch it away if he was a day late."

Gu Xiefeng: “…”

Bai Qingnian: “…”

Okay, this is where things go wrong.

At first, Bai's mother didn't react and just smiled. Gradually, she came to her senses and looked at Bai Qingnian with a puzzled look - something seemed wrong. It didn't match the time she knew when they got their marriage certificate.

When Gu Xiefeng saw the look in Bai's mother's eyes, he felt that something was wrong. He had planned everything, but he didn't expect to fail at the hands of Gu's mother.

The dinner party was like a battlefield, only the little baby was outside, and the meal went on as usual.

Gu Xiefeng's hand went down again and patted, pat, pat - stop eating, Dad is going to die, come and save Dad quickly!

The author has something to say: Gu Xiefeng: Breathe oxygen.jpg

Wish: Useless adults

Sending out a hundred red envelopes today, sob!