Little Birdy Pampering Manual

Chapter 8


Bai Qingnian and Gu Xiefeng have never been to an amusement park together.

To be exact, the two of them hadn't been able to go out on a date for a long time.

They were both busy with work and Bai Qingnian's rest time was unstable, so it was difficult for them to get together.

It was a rare opportunity like this, no boring work, no complicated interpersonal relationships, and there wasn't even a driver this time, just the two of them - plus the Wish-Wish baby that fell from the sky.

Bai Qingnian was in a good mood and spoke to Gu Xiefeng in a gentle voice: "Are you tired? Let me drive when we get to the service station."

"Why are you tired? Don't you know how energetic I am?" Gu Xiefeng's ears were half numb from his talking. He held the steering wheel with one hand and held Bai Qingnian's hand with the other, their fingers interlocked, looking very leisurely.

Bai Qingnian pinched his fingers and said, "Can you be more serious? There are minors in the car now."

"Oh, I accidentally forgot. I am in a good mood today."

Because Yuanyuan baby is very quiet, sitting in the child safety seat at the back, peeling his chocolate candy patiently and carefully. The baby loves sweets and loves candy like his life. Although he thinks brother Gong Xiaoheng is scary, he likes the candy he gave him very much.

Silky milk chocolate, sweet and fudgy.

It has to be the sweetest, most greasy, and yet have a choking milky flavor.

The little parrot was eating so happily that it didn't pay any attention to what the parents in the front row said.

The little kid refuses dog food and eats candy seriously.

When Bai Qingnian turned around, Yuanyuan had already eaten half of the box of chocolates.

Bai Qingnian was frightened by the rapid eating speed, and he quickly leaned over to take the chocolate - the little guy was quite violent when eating candy, and there were some candies that he couldn't tear open the wrapping paper, so he just bit them open with his teeth.

But one of his beloved chocolate candies was accidentally taken away, and Yuanyuan baby became anxious: "... Ah, give it to me, it's Yuanyuan's, it's Yuanyuan's..."

The cute eyebrows are wrinkled together, and the whole face looks like a Q-like cartoon character.

But no matter how cute Bai Qingnian was, he couldn't be soft-hearted and said, "Yuanyuan, you can't eat so much candy. It will cause tooth decay and pain. You can't."

I wish baby Yuanyuan wouldn't feel any pain, because he is a magic little parrot and he won't get cavities.

“…Sugar, sugar, give it to me, woo woo woo, give it to me…”

He actually started crying.

Every move of Little Yuanyuan has the ability to touch adults' hearts.

When he is cheerful, the atmosphere at home is very good and the adults are in a good mood. When he cries, the atmosphere in the car becomes very low and both adults feel uncomfortable.

There was no other way, so Bai Qingnian gave the candy box to Xiao Yuanyuan.

But while Xiao Yuanyuan couldn't see what was happening on his side, Bai Qingnian took out all the candies and only left one and returned it to Yuanyuan.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. Here's some candy."

When Xiao Yuanyuan saw Bai Qingnian return the candy box to him, he stopped crying. In fact, he didn't shed any tears, and his eyes didn't even turn red. The clever little parrot learned bad things after coming to the human world, and learned the trick of human cubs to fake cry and make a scene to win sympathy.

When his father returned the candy to him, the little baby immediately became happy again, as if little flowers of joy were blooming on his head, and he happily opened the lid.

Without noticing that there was only one candy left, Xiao Yuanyuan directly peeled the last one and ate it.

After eating, I touched it and found that there was no sugar left.

—How could this happen? Is the end of the world coming

The little parrot couldn't believe it and turned the candy box upside down several times: "Candy, candy... candy..."

Bai Qingnian pretended to come with him and said, "There's no more candy. Yuanyuan ate it all."

The little parrot still couldn't believe it.

Did he really eat it all? He didn’t eat much, so how come it was gone in an instant

“…More, more!”

"But there is no candy in the car. Can you buy some for Yuanyuan when we get off the bus later?" Bai Qingnian coaxed the child.

The innocent child was easily hooked, and the little parrot would not have thought that Bai Qingnian might be lying, so he nodded seriously: "... Roar!"

But without candy, Yuanyuan baby felt bored.

There was nothing to do. My body was restrained in the baby safety seat and I couldn't change my position. I could only turn my little feet, touch my chubby hands, touch everything I could touch around me, and then sigh in my heart - it's not easy for human cubs. They can't even fly.

His eyes fell on the direction of the parents in the front row, and Xiao Yuanyuan became unhappy when he saw Bai Qingnian still holding hands with Gu Xiefeng.

How could the fathers leave him behind and hold hands secretly? He also wants to hold hands with the fathers.

A flash of panic flashed through Xiao Yuanyuan's mind. She remembered that she had to make her fathers accept her within half a year. Now they didn't even hold her hand. So when would they truly accept her

Xiao Yuanyuan was very sad.

Using secret magic that no adult could detect, he unfastened the safety buckle on the baby chair, then carefully climbed down and then struggled to crawl to the front.

The chubby little hand was placed on the fathers’ clasped hands, unable to say “Don’t leave me, hold my hand and take me with you”. The little parrot could only make a series of random sounds, da da da da da da.

After that, I have to wait and see what response the fathers will give me.

—The natural response was that the two adults were frightened.

This is a highway, the car is moving steadily but at a very high speed, the child must be in the baby seat to be safest. Fortunately, they just entered the service station, Gu Xiefeng quickly stopped the car and checked with Bai Qingnian whether the baby seat was broken.

Bai Qingnian looked left and right: "It's really strange, it's not broken, how could the button come loose? I checked it several times before leaving."

This is the first time we have raised a child, and today we are taking the child on a long trip. Both of us are very careful and considerate of every detail, so it is impossible for such mistakes to occur.

This brand of safety seats has always been known for its high quality, and no consumers have reported this situation.

That's really strange.

At this time, Xiao Yuanyuan was lying on Gu Xiefeng's shoulder pretending that she knew nothing. She didn't use any magic, the button just loosened by itself.

A pleasant aroma of food wafted in the air. Xiao Yuanyuan sniffed, looked around, and fixed his eyes on the Kanto stall not far away.

He stretched out his little hand: "Ba ba! I want it! I want it!"

If it smells good, it tastes good. The little parrot baby will eat it.

How could Gu Xiefeng refuse such a cute baby? "Okay, okay, let's go buy some and eat them."

Bai Qingnian followed him over. Little Yuanyuan lay on Gu Xiefeng's shoulder, half hiding her face and smiling at him with her bright and crescent eyes.

Bai Qingnian felt a warmth he had never felt before.

The little one has only been in their home for a short time, but they have gradually become accustomed to this way of getting along and do not feel uncomfortable at all, as if they should be a family, already are a family, and this is their child.

Bai Qingnian poked his soft face: "Little glutton."