Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 12: Go to town


Two days later, Miao He and Yang Dalang carried their own baskets and set off for the town early in the morning. After all, a single trip with legs takes about an hour, which is about two hours.

Although there are donkey carts waiting for people to carry people at the entrance of the village, and they are charged per head, but now they only carry medicinal materials, which are quite light. Even if Miao He has an extra bag of sliced Codonopsis that Yang Dalang does not know in the basket, it will not weigh much. When carrying heavy things. It is more cost-effective to save the fare for this trip when you come back. With Miao He's insistence, the two of them went on the road.

And not long after the journey, I ran into an acquaintance.

This road is the only way from Miaojia Village to the town, even if you can't do it, everyone often walks together.

"Brother He!" Miao Min, the former best friend, came over with a look of joy when she saw Miao He, "You are also going to town, that's great, I'm going with A-Niang too, we're going to the trial today. The cloth you like to use, if you have time, can you come to the cloth shop to help you with your palms and eyes?"

Not far behind Miao Min, walked the famous thin woman with fine lines, holding a six or seven-year-old girl in her hand. The woman was pursing her lips in dissatisfaction, staring at Miao He with some caution, as if she felt that Miao Min's proximity to her would jeopardize her reputation.

Miao He then replied, "Listen to your mother's words, what kind of vision do I have."

However, Miao Min was still happy, "I see that you look good in everything you wear. It's fine if you can. Come and help me. The cloth shop is not far from the town street, not far from other places. That is to say, He Brother entered the town today, why?" After speaking, he glanced at Yang Dalang behind Miao He.

"There is a shortage of seasonings at home, so Dalang and I will come and choose some."

"Then there should be time?" Miao Min still didn't give up.

However, Miao He thought that it was not bad to temporarily separate from Yang Dalang on this excuse, and turned to ask Yang Dalang, "Is it alright?"

Yang Dalang nodded silently.

Miao Min smiled excitedly, "That's great! After we arrive in the town, we will also go to the cloth shop to buy some things. Brother He, remember to come to the cloth shop to find me!"

After that, the person finally returned to his aunt's side, and a few words were immediately read. A few words of "disgrace" and "don't care" drifted over in the wind, and Yang Dalang, who was walking by the side, suddenly stopped.

"Get a kettle. Drink water."

Miao He originally thought, this is not just on the road. It can be seen that Miao Min and his mother are gradually walking away, and they know that this person is taking care of others silently again. Miao He watched in his eyes, and suddenly thought that the original body should be able to stay a little longer, and he would change his mind if Yang Dalang was quietly grinding him like this.

The two were back on the road later. Fortunately, there are many flats along the way, and there is a short break in the middle, and an hour is not too tiring. When my legs were slightly sore, the town also arrived.

Entering the town gate, it is a straight stone road. A quarter of an hour or so further, it is the busiest street in the town. Miao He was refreshed and watched the people passing by with great interest.

The town was bigger than Miao He had imagined, and there were a lot of vendors nearby. After searching in memory, Miao He realized that Miaoshui Town was the largest town in a hundred miles. The reason is that the former emperor opened a canal just past this town and connected to the larger county town downstream, making this place a faint hinterland of the county town.

That's why you can find them in common rice grain stores, condiment stores, pharmacies, cloth stores, iron shop jewelry and other stores, even in the county-level cultural, educational and entertainment businesses such as private schools, teahouses, restaurants, music halls, and casinos. Some.

Turning to the east side of Zhenda Street near a fork in the road, the lively market is located here. Fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood must be found here. If you turn to the west, there is a fork in the road, and there are many items that need big guys, such as iron shop, woodworker, rice warehouse and mill. On the straight town streets, there are only the best cloth shops, drugstores or tea restaurants.

Private houses are scattered all over the town, except in the north of the town. There are houses with the best conditions in the northern part of the town. Neighborhoods are clean, quiet, and there are regular patrols by fast-trackers. It must be a high-end residential area.

Comparing the memory in his mind with what he saw in front of him, Miao He couldn't help but think, if his vegetables are ready, how can he sell them? where to sell? What kind of customers should be sold again...

While thinking, Miao He followed Yang Dalang to the pharmacy. Yang Dalang is a familiar face of the pharmacy. As soon as he entered the store, the shop assistant didn't greet him, but the squat shopkeeper spoke up first.

"Hey, isn't this Dalang? What's in stock today. By the way, the snake currency you deposited last time was actually collected. An old doctor came to the store and saw it, he just grabbed it. Don't let it go. I'll count the money for you later, and if you still have it in the future, be sure to send it to us."

"Okay." Yang Dalang didn't say much, took off the back basket and took out the slices of Codonopsis that Miao He had wrapped in cloth, and opened it directly on the cabinet.

When the shopkeeper first saw it, he was a little surprised, "Hey, why are they all sliced? The store that slices them doesn't take them much. You don't always send whole plants before. After all, there is something wrong with slicing, which can easily affect the medicinal properties. "He said, picked up a tablet to examine it carefully, smelled it, and licked it again.

Miao He on the side opened his eyes wide and watched nervously.

He didn't want to slice it either, but he had an extra-large Codonopsis ginseng in his hand. If he took out some parts that were cut and some that weren't, it would be easy to see that it was weird. So Miao He simply cut it all, and gave Yang Dalang this bag, in addition to the ones dug in the mountains, also mixed with a few slices of extra-large Codonopsis.

"It also depends on how much you give it to me. Otherwise, this quality... wait, this, this quality is very good!!?? Doubt? This piece! This piece! And this, this, this piece!!"

The shopkeeper's eyes were really sharp, and he quickly picked out Miao He. "The color represents the year, and the dry flavor represents the purity!! These slices can be said to be of the highest quality!! You, you are really lucky, how can you meet such a good Codonopsis ginseng!!"

After speaking, the shopkeeper thumped his chest again, "That's why you cut it!! If you don't cut it, we can't even sell it as ginseng! It's definitely worth this price!!"

After hearing this, Yang Dalang frowned. Thinking back carefully, he did not remember that he had dug up the special-looking Codonopsis ginseng. Miao He quickly jumped out to condemn himself, blurring the focus, "It's all my fault! Better. What about this?"

Yang Dalang was interrupted as expected, turned his head to comfort, "It's okay. It can be exchanged for money."

"Yeah, yeah. It's okay, little brother. This price is definitely better than the previous one. In the same sentence, if there is such a thing in the future, you must come to us to sell it!! Also, don't cut it, remember not to cut it. !"

Yuanshen had few opportunities to come to town in the past, and there was no pharmacy. Seeing that he didn't know the original body, the shopkeeper treated Miao He as kindly as he did to ordinary people.

Miao He let out a sigh of relief, "That's right. Thank you, shopkeeper, I will work hard with Dalang to dig in the future."

After that, Yang Dalang took out other scattered medicinal materials such as raspberries, and asked the shopkeeper to calculate the total amount, plus the silver money handed over from the previous snake exchange, and finally there was as much as one or two or seventy cents of silver! ! It directly doubled the net worth!

Miao He's eyes widened, and he asked in a low voice, "Can you sell so much money for just these medicinal materials?"

The shopkeeper heard it and said with a smile, "Most of it is the money from the previous snake exchange. In addition, the quality of Codonopsis is really good, so if you say that your husband is lucky, I'm not talking nonsense from the shopkeeper. Just look at you like this. Little brother, hey, Dalang married you, isn't that the case?"

A brother who can talk to a man like this and take out the same back basket, don't ask, it must be Dalang's brother.

After a long while, Miao He found out that he was being teased by the bright and fair, so he could only hide behind Yang Dalang with a dry smile.

But in any case, when he stepped out of the pharmacy, Miao He felt a lot lighter on his shoulders. Even Yang Dalang looked at it. Although there was no smile on his face, it was rare to take the initiative to take Miao He's hand, "Condiment shop, go here."

And when you have money, you have confidence!

So in the seasoning shop, Miao He bought sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, and even a little honey. After that, I went to the food store and replenished a bag of white flour and a small bag of rice. In the oil store, in addition to the originally planned rapeseed oil, I also bought a small bottle of lard.

Buying in this way, one taels of seventy cents of silver immediately went to 60%. Although there was a pack of sliced Codonopsis ginseng hidden in the back basket, it could be seen that the money really couldn't help but be spent, Miao He was still very heartbroken.

But it was as if God was also helping. When the oil was being pumped, the rapeseed oil in the store was actually gone. The oil store had to ask the staff to bring it from a farther warehouse, and they had to wait in the store for a quarter of an hour or two. It takes a quarter of an hour to get the oil.

Seeing this, Miao He took the opportunity to say, "Isn't the cloth shop on this street? Or I'll go to the cloth shop to find Brother Min first, and come back when you're done. In this way, we can go home earlier, today. I have a lot of things to buy, and I need a ride, so it’s better to go earlier?”

The location of the store is exactly that. The cloth shop is just a dozen or so north of the oil shop, and the pharmacy is in the middle of the two! There are also two tea houses separated from the oil store in the middle. The tables, chairs and benches placed on the side of the road, as well as the cloth strips for attracting customers, are enough to cover the line of sight perfectly!

It's the best chance to steal the ginseng! !

Yang Dalang looked at Miao He's eager eyes, was silent for a few seconds, and finally responded in a low voice.

At this time, Miao He had long forgotten that the original body had done bad things in the town, that is, running a private school to entangle people. When Yang Dalang responded, he immediately turned around happily and left. As a result, Yang Dalang, who was left in the store, was not found, and there seemed to be a few complexities flashing in his eyes.

However, after the happy Miao He left the store, he cautiously looked back to see if Yang Dalang had left the store and stared at people. After confirming that there is no, I was nervous and entered the pharmacy again.

"The shopkeeper! Shh, I got it secretly. I still have sliced Codonopsis for sale. How much money do you see?"