Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 24: Village meeting


Miao He didn't wake up until this evening. He was tossed all morning, and in the end he said no with red eyes, only in exchange for heavier breathing and aggression. Originally, he still cared about the injury and didn't dare to struggle too much, but Yang Dalang was like a mountain, and his soul flew away under pressure.

Thinking of all kinds of things before going to bed, Miao He only felt that people were burning again. It was only later that he was slow to realize that he was refreshing and refreshing now, without the stickiness of sweating profusely before, and the bedding under the bed seemed to have been replaced by the older one. That means just now... Miao He blushed again and shrank into the quilt.

The door was pushed open, and Yang Dalang was holding a bowl of Gong, who happened to meet Miao He's eyes, and paused, "Boil the porridge. Eat something."

At this time, Yang Dalang was calm and reticent again.

It's not at all the domineering and impatience of earlier, and the stubbornness of calling his name in a low voice.

Holding the quilt, Miao He asked uncomfortably, "What's wrong?"

Yang Dalang didn't answer, he just put the porridge on the table first, and then when he went to the bedside and bent over to pick up Miao He with the quilt, he felt that his whole body was stiff. In the line of sight, I saw a little mark on the exposed person's white neck, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, but he still lifted Miao He and sat against the wall.

"I'll feed you." Yang Dalang turned around and brought the porridge.

Miao He stared blankly at Yang Dalang, but he was actually not angry. He has long thought about this day, and since the day he promised Yang Dalang, he has been preparing silently in his heart. With a little curiosity and a little fear of the unknown.

Now, it can't be said that it's a matter of course, he just feels it suddenly.

He didn't expect Yang Dalang to have any confession or love words. The concept of marriage at this time, as long as it is safe, it is almost a lifetime thing. And he could always feel Yang Dalang's care and care, for Miao He, that was enough to make him tempted.

He also wanted to give Yang Dalang the same feeling. The talented Dalang was obviously a little impatient and uneasy.

Just like he had occasionally felt the anger and depression in people's touch. Why

Miao He stubbornly asked again, "Why?" The voice was warm, without questioning, just puzzled.

Yang Dalang looked at him suspiciously, and lowered his eyelids for the first time to escape.

He scooped the porridge, put it to his mouth to cool it, and then gently fed it to Miao He.

Miao He sighed in his heart, this person is as expected as Second Aunt said, a stuffy gourd. And people don't say it, they have to think for themselves.

Being fed one bite at a time, Miao He tried hard to recall the possible fuse.

Yes, before being thrown into bed, didn't he just find out about Xi Rang's change

Sorrow... Sorrow? Rest in the soil!

After a flash of inspiration, Miao Hedeng was speechless.

This Yang Dalang, will not think that he is going to become an immortal and leave. But with his temperament, he doesn't usually look like an irrational person.

Although Xiyang is the opposite of rationality, could it be that the ancients really couldn't accept a little weird setting?

Look at the man in front of him, who is as motionless as a mountain.

Why, it's kinda cute. Miao He tilted his head and was stuffed with another mouthful of porridge.

After the people finished feeding the porridge quietly, went to wash the bowl and came back, Miao He looked up at him in the same sitting position. The silent Yang Dalang finally had some cracks, and said with some uncertainty, "Take a rest?"

This time it was Miao He's turn not to answer. After hesitating for a moment, Yang Dalang decided to bend over and hug the person to lie down. With this action, Miao He slipped out of the quilt with both hands. The slipping sheets thus reveal more bruises on the white, which is the mark of the passion just now. He wrapped Yang Dalang's neck again just as he had done before.

"I won't leave." Miao He said.

When Yang Dalang heard the words, he really hugged him tightly. Miao He felt the strength of the slight pain, and knew that he seemed to have solved the exercise correctly. Miao He still didn't understand. Incomprehensible, but equally touching. Because this person cares about himself.

"... Your wound doesn't hurt."

Yang Dalang's voice was muffled, "It doesn't hurt."

"Come on, don't do this next time. Be brave."

Yang Dalang released the last tense nerve.

The little brother in his arms, at this time, also misses him.

The next day, Miao He walked like an old man, and Yang Dalang escorted him to rest on the bed for a day. The next day, except for the pain in his limbs, Miao He felt that his body was fine, so he pulled Yang Dalang to study the two groups. Seeing that Yang Dalang was vigilant about Xi Rang, Miao He felt that it was necessary for people to know more clearly, so that they would not think wildly.

After many experiments, each of the two groups has the same function as the previous group, but there is one more. Just like a vegetable farming game, the fields will gradually increase? It's a pity that the two groups cannot be merged into a more powerful one. The advantage is that the utilization efficiency is doubled.

However, Miao He is still unclear about how Xiyang was upgraded. How often is the species? Or are there more species? The frequency of other species in the previous life is not low, but there is no such situation. Could it be that there is such a big difference between planting a flower pot and planting the ground

In any case, if there is more soil, it means that their vegetable garden can be expanded and expanded. The "fertilizer" grown in the soil is really useful, and even larger orchards can be prepared. First of all, it is to enter the town and transfer the title deed sent by the Liang family.

However, on the day when the two decided to go to town, they encountered a baby boy from the village chief's house calling the door early in the morning, informing them that the village would hold a village meeting at the Miao ancestral hall in the afternoon. Let those who can go go as far as possible. The transplanting season has passed, and the work in the fields is to weed and fertilize, so it is not too busy. At this time, there is a meeting, and it is time to announce something.

The transfer of ownership was not in a hurry for one or two days, so he did not enter the town. In the afternoon, Miao He and Yang Dalang went to the Miao family ancestral hall for a meeting.

When we arrived, seven, seven, eight, eight people were already here. There is a row of chairs in the open space in front of the ancestral hall. Miao He recognized the person. In addition to the main village chief, he also sat beside him several seniors with high moral character. These old people are from several large families in Miaojia Village, and the village chief likes to use them as background boards when announcing something, so as to show that this is not what I mean but what most people in Miaojia Village mean.

Miao Jue was naturally among the old people. He was sitting next to the village chief, dressed as a scholar in a dark blue robe, with a slightly arrogant expression. The village chief kept leaning over to chat with him, his expression very warm.

Miao He moved to the side after seeing it, but was slightly taken aback.

Yang Dalang turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?" He paid attention to Miao He's movements.

Miao He shook his head. He just saw the brother who was walking with Miao Yuan on the street last time behind Miao Jue.

Second Aunt Yang came over and greeted, "You two are here too. Just in time, Brother He, Auntie forgot to ask you what you wanted to make of the cloth you sent last time."

"Just do what you normally wear. I'm all in, Dalang is all in." Miao He looked at the ancient costumes the same.

Second Aunt Yang waved her hand, "But the fabric is really good, it's a pity to make it casually. Otherwise, Auntie will make you a long coat. There are some days at the end of the year, you have to dress neatly."

Before Miao He could realize what the long coat was, Yang Dalang agreed.

Second Aunt Yang nodded in satisfaction and changed the subject, "That's right, your second brother's work on the reclining chair, and then there were several more orders. It was also introduced by Dr. Ji. When you go to town, come to Second Aunt's place. One trip, the second aunt wants to give a gift to thank others."

Before Yang Dalang responded, Miao He hurriedly said, "Second aunt doesn't need to pay more. Dr. Ji likes to eat tomatoes grown in the yard. I will send him more some other day, and I will say what the second aunt wants. He also promised to help me and Dalang tailor clothes, just right."

"How about that? It's too thin to only send tomatoes, although yours is really delicious. Second Aunt wants to get more eggs and meat, and the hospital can definitely use it!" Second Aunt Yang waved her hand.

Miao He wanted to persuade again, but the village chief got up and spoke.

"My fellow villagers, I am very grateful to the village chief Miao Huosheng for letting the villagers come over during their busy schedules! I don't waste the villagers' precious time. It's a good thing to invite everyone here today, and I want to inform the villagers."

Speaking of good things, the surrounding villagers began to talk about it.

"Good thing!? Can we reduce taxes? Wasn't there a snowstorm in Yuanjia Village last winter? Did our village exempt them together?"

"Aunt Yu, Yuanjia Village is far away, and you think it's too beautiful. If I had to guess, it was the county magistrate who changed, and the tax collectors in the future will not be those two bastards!"

"How can this be a good thing? Don't be a more ****, God bless!"

The village chief hurriedly pressed his hands down, "Fellow folks, don't be impatient! Please be quiet and listen to me!!"

He continued to say loudly, "I must say, this good thing is actually the beginning of Mr. Miao's family! Presumably all the villagers also know that Miao Yuan from our village is a talented person. He passed the Tongsheng test last year and went to Miaoshui Town. Accept the teacher's teaching. This child is also very good, and he reads when he reads, and a while ago, he found a precious recipe from ancient books, which is called tofu flower!"

Hearing this, Miao He couldn't help but be surprised.

It turns out that the tofu flower in Dahe Restaurant actually came from Miao Yuan's family

But is tofu flower recorded in ancient books... Why is this statement a bit familiar

"Those who have been to the town recently know that this bean curd flower has become the signature of the Dahe restaurant, and it is quite expensive! The raw material of the bean curd flower is soybeans, and the amount is also very large! Mr. Miao has a good heart and wants to benefit the village. Previously, I found a yard in the village to open a workshop, specializing in making bean curd. Now I not only want to recruit more people, but also want to buy soybeans from the villagers! This price is definitely higher than that in Yunzhen!"

As soon as the words were finished, great enthusiasm erupted from below! Villagers scrambled to ask.

"Recruiting? Sure enough, it's a good thing! What conditions and how much is the salary? How many people are you recruiting!?"

"Do you really collect soybeans? How many bags are there in my house! I'll move over there when I wait, how much does it cost per pound!?"

"I just asked, does recruiting take care of the meal? How many meals does it take, and the breakfast!? Is it alright for my big bull to go?!"

Of course there are different voices mixed in.

"I just said that Mr. Miao's family seems to have posted it recently, so there is still this one. Tsk, it's really good to hide it!"

"I know the place of the workshop! Some time ago, someone walked in and out mysteriously, and he didn't let me ask. It turned out to be a closed door to make a fortune!"

"Yeah, think about that Miao Liang, the clothes on her body are all good, I'm afraid he entered the workshop early to work!"

"Hey, collect soybeans from us? It sounds nice, isn't it also that you want to live alone and earn your own money?"

The village chief pretended not to hear this, he respectfully turned to Miao Jue and said, "Mr. Miao, your family is the protagonist in this matter, so please say a few words to the villagers."

Miao Jue nodded solemnly and stepped forward with his hands behind his back. He still has a certain status in the village who can read and teach characters.

When he stood there, he became much quieter immediately.

"As a member of Miaojia Village, I, Miaojue, will definitely enjoy the blessings of the villagers and the neighbors. Some people may say that my Miao family wants to monopolize this recipe and want everyone to marry us. However, fellow villagers, Have you ever thought that if the recipe is spread out, other villages can also grow soybeans and make tofu! At that time, what will be the interests of our Miaojia Village?"

Speaking of this, Miao Jue deliberately paused and glanced at everyone with a stern expression.

When he saw it like this, some discordant voices did not dare to come out.

Miao Jue then continued, "For this reason alone, I, Miao Jue, are willing to take on this responsibility, protect this recipe well, and use it as a reliance for Miaojia Village to make our village rich! This also requires the understanding of the villagers. With your support, I hope you can do your bit for this village just like me!"

Some villagers below were persuaded and applauded. "Okay! Mr. Miao said it well! Sure enough, those who study are different from those of us who are muddy! This is the reason!" "Let our village become rich! This is a good thing to say! After that, I will plant less. Instead of corn, plant soybeans! Absolutely respond to support!"

Seeing that the scene warmed up, Miao Jue flashed a reserved smile, and her back stiffened. "With the participation of all the villagers, I believe that our Miaojia Village will definitely be better than other villages in the future!"

After speaking, there was another round of applause.

Seeing this, the village chief was also very satisfied, and added with a smile, "Nowadays, there is still some wasteland around the village, which can be used to grow soybeans. As long as it is planted, not only this year, but also Mr. Miao's workshop can be harvested every year! This is a long-term income. Money business! If this is not a good thing, how can it be a good thing!?"

After that, there was another burst of cheers and heated discussions.

The inspiring rally ended when everyone ran around Miao Jue and the village chief to ask for details.

After listening to the whole thing, Miao He couldn't help but wonder if someone came here from modern times just like himself

The stalk of bean curd flower and making the village rich are all familiar routines.

And if they meet in the future, should he recognize him...

Seeing that Miao He had not spoken for a long time, Yang Dalang took the person's hand and asked with concern with his eyes.

Miao He naturally couldn't say anything. Shake your head.

Aunt Yang stood beside them. At this moment, I saw Miao He's hand being held up, and the mole on it had faded and almost disappeared.

Alas, it's no wonder that the eyeballs are inseparable from people.

Aunt Yang was overjoyed.

Thinking about it, this brother He'er asked him to cut his own clothes, and he had to work hard to figure it out.