Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 25: Tofu flower


A few days after the village meeting, Miao He had to deliver food again, so he chose this day to go to the town with Yang Dalang to transfer the title deed.

On this day, they delivered the food first, and then went to the medical center to give gifts to Second Aunt Yang. Dr. Ji loved the tomatoes he sent, so he couldn't bear to accept them, so he also checked the injury for Yang Dalang again. The conclusion given this time is better than the previous one, and ordinary tasks such as chopping wood and hoeing are basically no problem. It's about going up the mountain to hunt, it's better to wait a little longer.

Miao He was really happy when he got this good news, and his face was a little hot. Thinking of the nonsense a few days ago, fortunately, Yang Dalang was not injured. After that, the two went straight to the government.

Originally, Miao He had prepared a small purse with a few corners of silver in it, for fear that the kid would be difficult to deal with. However, the Liang Mansion was thoughtful. After they took out the title deed, the land officer in charge of transferring the property touched his beard and said, "Just waiting for you, Mr. Liang may have said hello earlier."

Those who listened were really relieved. After all, the people have to fight with the officials, and they can't basically fight.

Miao He also didn't want to fight for fame for this. Even if there may be advanced knowledge that can be used as a shortcut, if you have a position, you have to maintain it, and you spend your energy on it unconsciously. He has a lot of interest, and he can definitely live better than the average person, so he should be content. What's more, they have land! Little days will definitely get better.

So when the two stepped out of the official mansion, the owner of Sanbi Land became Yang Dalang's infallibility.

Among the three lands, two of the fields outside the town had already been explained to the tenants above when the Liang family sent the title deed, saying that they had changed their owners, and there was no need for Yang Dalang to do anything extra. Come.

Since the mountains in the southwest of Miaojia Village were not used before, Yang Dalang had to go to the Miaojia Village head, who was in charge of the land, with the certificate of the successful household in his hand. After they use the land again, they won't be mistaken for having no right to use and occupying the land as king.

That's why the most uncertain part was completed. Miao He's thoughts fell to the ground, and he couldn't help but want a good meal to celebrate.

"Since the village chief said tofu flower, how about we go to Dahe Restaurant to try it?" Miao He was very excited.

Yang Dalang naturally has no objection.

Dahe Restaurant is located in the center of the most lively town street. The decoration is dizzying, and you can come as it is lively and festive. It has the style of a modern wedding banquet venue. The Yangshui Tea House, which it regards as its opponent, is more remote, not because it can't afford the lot, but because it has a canal view on the other side, the scenery is good, and it takes a quiet and elegant route.

When the two entered the Dahe Restaurant, there was a scene full of friends and business. The second shopkeeper warmly greeted the two of them to take their seats. Fortunately, there are still seats in the building when it is not meal time. After Miao He and Yang Dalang sat down, they ordered a bowl of sweet and salty tofu.

A bowl is not cheap, and the asking price for eight strings of money is almost the price of half a chicken. Although there is sugar or oil in it, it is still quite expensive for food that uses all soybeans and no minced meat at all.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Miao He looked around curiously. Seeing this, Miao He blinked, "It seems that bean curd is really popular, and everyone orders almost everything on the table."

Yang Dalang looked more closely, "I didn't see anything else."

Miao He said optimistically, "Maybe it's because it's time to eat now."

After a while, the tofu flower was served.

The sweet ones are served with ginger juice boiled in sugar water, and the salty ones are seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil and chopped green onion.

Miao He himself likes sweets, so he took a sip first. The soft taste is good, but the soy taste is a little light, with a bit of beany, and the sugar water is also thin, which is a bit different from expectations. So I took another sip of Yang Dalang's bowl, which was salty enough, and the seasoning was still more eye-catching than the tofu flower itself, and it was not too balanced. The only thing that can be praised is the novel taste.

Miao He smacked his lips and was a little disappointed. He leaned in and whispered to Yang Dalang, "I made it more delicious. If I have a chance in the future, I will make it for you." If there is brine, the port of the county town will be able to connect to the sea, so there should be a way to get it.

"En. Waiting for you." Yang Dalang scooped out another mouthful of salty food for Miao He.

Miao He bent his eyes and swallowed it, but the voice in the next room became a little louder.

To say that Miao He and the others are sitting in the cheapest lobby, but they are also near the wing. The wing room here is made into a semi-loft, and you have to climb a few steps to get to the wing room facing the street. These rooms require a certain amount of tea and water, and are for the wealthy.

It is this design that people at a higher position have to speak louder, and the guests sitting under the lobby can easily hear it.

"I thought it would be delicious, but that's it. Soft and rotten stuff, tasteless and tasteless, what's so delicious." A young boy dressed in cyan silk with a piece of jade tied around his waist disliked it. Get out of the room. He has long eyebrows, and he looks like fourteen or fifteen years old, with the temperament of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

The family members around him seemed to have good family backgrounds, and they were quite flattering to the young master. One of them quickly said, "That's because Young Master Xu has a lot of knowledge and is not uncommon. I also saw this novelty before recommending it to Young Master Xu. Yes. If you are not satisfied with the food here, there is still Yangshui Teahouse in our town! The dishes of Yangshui Teahouse are really worthless, and there has been a special prize recently, which will definitely not disappoint Xu Gongzi!"

"I hope so," the young master frowned, "then let's go."

"Alright, Mr. Xu, please!"

A group of people followed the little boy's words, some rushed to pay the bill, and some were responsible for leading people out. With such a big movement, the guys who have been around the restaurant don't know how. Seeing that everyone was dressed in expensive clothes, he didn't dare to go up on his own, so he hurriedly called the shopkeeper to come to the rescue.

"This son, I see that you seem to have misunderstood the dishes in the illegal restaurant. Please allow Xiao to explain a few words to you." Before the people went out, the shopkeeper Zhang and Yan Yuese of Dahe Restaurant appeared near the group of people.

Young Master Xu kept walking, "No need. Let's go now." The food was not delicious, so it was just a change of time.

But shopkeeper Zhang couldn't let him go. Didn't you see that many pairs of eyes in the hall were staring at this young man!

If these people were dressed in normal clothes, he would have scolded them long ago that they were here to make trouble. But a group of people are dressed in gold and jade, and must be treated with the highest standards.

Shopkeeper Zhang had no choice but to bow again and block the way.

"I'm afraid you don't know, the tofu flower you just used, but the precious recipe found in the ancient book is unique in the world! And it is so flavorful, unique, light, and timeless, and it is as smooth as silk. The smooth taste needs to be tasted carefully. Therefore, the seasoning of the shop is not as good as the other ones, and what I want is a good thickness!"

Shopkeeper Zhang explained confidently. The little boy raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and said bluntly, "It's better to say that I don't know the goods. But if I don't think it's delicious, it's not delicious. If someone thinks it's delicious, just keep eating it. Even if you block me, I still don't think it tastes good. Is it possible that this restaurant has to be told that it is delicious and can't leave?"

In the past, the unfavorable remarks hit the wall, and the shopkeeper Zhang immediately sweated, "No, no, of course that's not what it means. I just hope that this young master will not have any misunderstandings about the reception staff of the fraud shop. This bean curd flower, it is It really is this taste, it is written like this in ancient books, and it is definitely unique that cannot be found in other places..."

The young master couldn't bear to interrupt, "Could it be written in ancient times? I want to tell you that the reason why this kind of food can't be found anywhere now is that it is unpalatable and bland, so the ancients didn't eat it! What's the novelty? "Master, I only like to eat what I think is delicious, it's that simple!"

Shopkeeper Zhang was stunned, unable to find a reason for that. "This, this can't be said like that..."

Manager Zhang didn't realize that there were more customers in the restaurant at this time, and he looked down at the plain-flavored bowl of tofu flower in front of him with a subtle expression. I thought to myself, with spending so much money, are I here to eat the name of this ancient book, or to eat delicious food

One of the companions on the side should be the young master who lives in the town, and maybe he is a regular visitor here. Seeing that something is not right, he immediately winked and asked others to crowd the young man outside the store, and then he turned his head and said a few words to the shopkeeper Zhang. .

"This gentleman Xu from the capital is just speaking straight. Let me tell you, shopkeeper Zhang doesn't need to be nervous. Just like what Mrs. Xu said, some people like sweet and some like salty, whether their personal tastes are different, it's not a big deal. It's inevitable. Well."

The words are gentle, but the meaning has not changed! Shopkeeper Zhang smiled ugly.

But personal tastes are different, and this is true. Can he really force everyone to say it's delicious? The loss of being rejected by the public was unpalatable, and Shopkeeper Zhang could only swallow it with anger. Uneasy, he has not noticed the strange atmosphere in the restaurant.

And when I saw Miao He from the beginning to the end, I sighed in my heart, no matter ancient or modern, whether the quality of things is really good, after a long time, someone can naturally detect it.

According to Miao Jue's statement at the village meeting, the recipe for the tofu flower was in his hands. In other words, the tofu flower itself was sold by the village workshop. I just hope that the workshops in the village can really maintain the quality and retain these customers for a long time.

But this is not about Miao He. Under the circumstances of having grievances with Miao Yuan's family, he did not cooperate with the village's plan to sell soybeans to Miao Yuan's family. Miao He immediately threw the matter away.

He then took Yang Dalang to the seed store again, and this time he bought seeds of grains such as rice, wheat, and corn. Since there is more soil in the hand, the rice noodles that I usually eat can also be grown, which can be healthier and save money!

When the two were happily shopping in the town, the young master just now had some scenes.

After leaving the Dahe Hotel, because there was nothing to eat in their stomachs, a group of sons and brothers who were with him pulled people up to the Yangshui Tea House. Yangshui Teahouse recently came up with a new trick in order to fight against the tofu flower of the Dahe Hotel. It's a lottery draw!

This lottery is not expensive, it is a side dish that comes with it. However, the dishes that appeared randomly were all very delicate and delicious. For example, freshly fried three vegetables, Baojiao with meat, or the most popular plum-pickled tomatoes!

According to Yangshui Teahouse's external statement, because there are not many good dishes of this quality, even the limited supply cannot be satisfied, so the teahouse is very sincere and simply made a fortune. Get a chance to draw lots. This is to be drawn, only to eat!

With this little gift, the winning guest will undoubtedly have a feeling of uniqueness, luck and surprise. In other words, the tofu flowers in Dahe Restaurant are novel, and the side dishes in Yangshui Restaurant are all about luck! Strategy versus strategy, I have to say that Yangshui Teahouse's move has gradually recovered a lot of performance.

Hearing this, Young Master Xu was not interested in the first time, "Why is it such a trick, can you come up with something real?" This Young Master Xu should be regarded as a sophisticated foodie if he wants to be modern.

A few of his friends surrounded him to comfort him, "No, no, I will definitely not disappoint Xu Gongzi this time! Besides, the food at Yangshui Teahouse is the best in town!"

"Forget it, I'm hungry right now, so just do whatever you want." The group of them went out to play today, and it was only late for lunch. It's early for lunch.

Seeing that Young Master Xu was disgusted, one of the companions winked at the other. The man went to the back to find the shopkeeper Jin of the teahouse with a tacit understanding.

"Treasurer Jin, don't say I didn't warn the restaurant. If there is no luck at our table today, you know that opportunities will only be reserved for those with wisdom! Do you understand!?"

Shopkeeper Jin's eyes lit up and he nodded again and again. What about Caitou, when necessary, there is definitely room for manipulation.

So after ordering enough dishes for three taels of silver, immediately a lottery box full of "red lottery" was brought up! Undoubtedly, Young Master Xu was very lucky today, and he won a coveted plum pickled tomato!

When the sweet and sour tomatoes with plum aroma slid down his throat, the flesh was full and the juice was full, Xu Xiaogong finally lit up his eyes, patted the table and said, "Okay! It's really good! Next time my eldest brother travels south. , definitely ask him to come to this tea house to try!"

The young masters in the company are all in high spirits!

What does this represent? On behalf of the head of the Xu family, who is qualified as a royal merchant, he can also come to Miaoshui Town in the future! And as long as he is willing to take a trip, is he afraid that he will not have the opportunity to sell his key products!