Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 39: Little chick


Yang Dalang's final thoughts in his heart, let's not talk about it for the time being. The next day, he went to Aunt Qing's house to announce the good news. This time, let the little brother rest at home, knowing that Qiangzi's attitude towards others has not changed, Yang Dalang naturally does not want to let Miao He be wronged again.

After Aunt Qing heard it, she was as happy as Second Aunt Yang, and even tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She felt more guilty in her heart than Second Aunt Yang. When she heard the good news, she became nervous when she was happy. "So brother He's in good health? You should tell Aunt Qing now, is there any hindrance? Hey, customs have to be hidden for three months. You should pay more attention to these details... "

Yang Dalang said, "It doesn't matter. It's full."

After all, after a little calculation, it is easy to know when Miao He won the lottery. Without a doubt, it was the first time that happened between the two. This was what the little brother muttered when he was sleeping a few days ago. Saying he was rude and domineering that morning, no wonder it made things big.

Knowing that the little brother was complaining about his strict control of people, but in Yang Dalang's ears, even the hand holding the fan for the little brother stiffened for a moment. The taste in my heart was sweet and hot, and it burned from the inside to the outside. But what can he do, now that he is afraid to put people in his mouth, he can still touch people

The thoughts that flashed for a moment made Yang Dalang bring an unconscious softness.

It was so conspicuous, how could Aunt Qing not see it, she was both pleased and sighed. "Aunt Qing is really happy that you can do this. I hope Qiangzi can do the same in the future, but now he just rejects it, alas, I don't know what to think."

It was quite a coincidence that she just said this, and there was movement outside. Miao Qiang, who had just gone out, came back.

As soon as Miao Qiang stepped in the door, he saw that Dalang was there and he didn't see the annoying brother, indicating that Dalang came alone, and the previous unhappy parting with others was forgotten in an instant, and his face immediately brightened.

"Dalang is here!? He came to see me, just right, I want to ask how your house is built? No matter what the other side is, if you have anything, my brother will definitely help you! I'll stay here for dinner later. Ah, you didn't eat at our house all the time before, you don't know when the last meal was, auntie, remember to get more vinegar and potatoes, Dalang loves this dish!"

Aunt Qing is helpless to her son's ignorance. "As long as you keep saying it, don't ask if there is anything at home. Brother He is just pregnant, so Dalang should go back to take care of him. Dalang, you should be more careful during this period, and let Brother He be more careful. Son. With his physical condition, occasionally his temper will be bigger, don't be surprised, be more patient. Do you know?"

"I know." Yang Dalang nodded. Uncle Lin and Doctor Ji have explained this.

The smile on Miao Qiang's face seemed to be frozen, "Yes, pregnant?"

"Yeah. So you have to be careful when you talk to Brother He in the future. You know, if something goes wrong, Auntie will never forgive you!" Aunt Qing didn't know Qiangzi's attitude towards Miao He.

But Miao Qiang didn't listen to it, he was full of thoughts, in the future, between himself and Miao He, Dalang would not be on his side even more! Without thinking about it, he rushed out, "Ha, who can be sure, that child is Dalang..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Dalang's face changed, and he hit the ground! !

The firm fist hit Miao Qiang's face without hesitation! !

Even Aunt Qing stood up from the table and spoke sternly! !

"What nonsense!!! Strong son!! What the hell is going on with you!!"

Covering his bruised mouth, Miao Qiang was also stunned, and only remembered to ask, "You, you hit me?"

Clenching his fists, Yang Dalang asked angrily, "Isn't it supposed to?"

Miao Qiang opened his mouth. But he really couldn't say a single reason, and there was no regret in his heart. To his brother, he could say such vicious words, and he didn't know what was wrong with him... The next moment, he just remembered to turn around and grab the door! ! Nobody cares! !

Yang Dalang looked at it coldly and did not regret it. If he didn't take his stand seriously, Miao Qiang would only go on like this.

Seeing this, Aunt Qing had to smile bitterly. "He hasn't been brought by his father since he was a child, you are just a brother like a big brother. I also spoiled him too much. Everything follows him too much, and I always want people to focus on him. I wanted him to get married sooner, So mature. It seems that there is still some grinding. You don't need to pay attention to it, the one who said the wrong thing is him, let him reflect on his own, and make amends in front of you. "

Yang Dalang wouldn't tell Miao He about the episode that happened at Aunt Qing's house. Miao He only knew that after Yang Dalang went out, he came back and brought back a box of Huang Chengcheng's super cute chicks! Each is fluffy, innocent black bean-eyed, wobbly walking, squeezing the other.

Miao He's eyes lit up, holding the chicken and said, "Is this for raising?"

Dabai also slipped out. The cat's eyes were round and round, as if the highest alert was slowly approaching.

Yang Dalang directly picked up the little black cat's neck and stuffed the collar, "En. Raise and eat."

Miao He's eyes changed and condemned immediately, "This, such a cute chick..."

Yang Dalang was silent, "The backyard pheasant, cute?"

Miao He choked instantly.

It has to be said that the last time Yang Dalang went hunting in the mountains, in addition to selling the live deer, and getting a couple of silver coins, the most caught were pheasants. In addition, there are three males and four females from the top of Qingshan, and they are all raised in the backyard. Hit the makeshift chicken coop.

Yang Dalang knew that the chicken he ate when he was injured was raised on the soil for a while. Very replenishing. Today, although Miaohe has rich soil to grow vegetables and rice, meat is lacking. Raising batches of chickens with loam, even if it is not easy to hunt in winter, I will not worry about the chicken soup supplements for my little brother in the future.

"Raise it yourself and make up for it. Buy sheep another day, produce milk, and raise pigs," Yang Dalang continued.

When Miao He heard this, he knew Yang Dalang's plan. Raising with loam does not have to worry about keeping the chicks alive, and maybe even without worrying about chicken plague, it can also make Yang Dalang's task of hunting in the mountains easier. Thinking of this, he immediately strongly agrees.

"But we don't need pigs. Cooking pigs is too tiring, and we don't grow crops, so it's not cost-effective. Besides, if you want to raise enough to eat every day, you have to have as many pigs as you want. Most of them have to be bought outside, so don't do it. Toss," Miao He quickly added.

Yang Dalang thought it was okay, he didn't find it troublesome, but seeing that Miao He was quite persistent, he finally gave in.

So the breeding business in Xinditou also started.

Yang Dalang bought fifty chicks this time, estimating the number of premature deaths. Miao He directly told him not to use it, so the new chicken coop must also be prepared. Seeing Yang Dalang carrying the wood to nail to the open space at the back of the house, Miao He couldn't help thinking of the method of raising pheasants that was introduced on TV.

That is, in an orchard or a hillside, a large area is surrounded by chickens. It only needs to feed and water at a fixed point. After the chickens are guaranteed to eat, they often run and jump on this hillside, which can not only help catch insects and inhibit the growth rate of weeds, but also their excrement will not be too smelly. Being fertilizer and cultivating soil strength can be said to serve multiple purposes.

And choose a suitable place in the middle of the orchard to build a chicken coop, and strangely, these roosters and hens can go home to sleep at night, and the egg production is concentrated, and the chickens are not too easy to run away! The only trouble is that the wall work is a bit big.

"However, think about it, this hillside is blocked by streams on three sides, and the only side is also fenced by us. Maybe it's not necessary. Unless you can't catch chickens in the future, it should be feasible?" Miao He said hesitantly.

When it comes to catching chickens, how could there be a problem. Yang Dalang nodded immediately, "Just do it."

Miao He hurriedly stopped the person, "But the chicks still have to be raised in the house first. When they are older, they will be raised like this."

"Well. I will buy this batch of mountains."

After the two of them said this, Da Bai finally seemed to be unable to bear it, and suddenly jumped from Yang Dalang's collar into the box of chickens placed between the two! The posture of the standard hunter is very beautiful, but as soon as he entered, he was immediately curious by the chicks who were not afraid of tigers.

what is this? Tweet, peck! Tweet!

Fluffy, chirp! Hot, chirp! ! It's so comfortable to squeeze! ! Tweet! !

I'm coming too! ! Do you want to peck first? ? Tweet!

Immediately, the white and soft hair was pulled from east to west, and it fell out! !

But the little black cat was so frightened that it stretched out its claws and struggled, but it was defeated by the chirp chicks crowded by the bees! !

Seeing this, Yang Dalang stretched out his hand and rescued the embarrassed little black cat.

"You can't scratch it." Yang Dalang explained.

The little black cat meows in grievance.

It said, just, just now, my lord, I just accidentally fell down, meow! !

While the two were busy nailing the chicken coop, Miao Li's newly built earthen house was almost ready.

Their earth house was started a month later than Yang Dalang and the others. Because they had to catch up with Miao Liang's wedding date, they planned to build a big house. They also called many men from the village to help with this house building. At this time, it is not busy with farming, and some people are willing to help because they can make a delicious meal.

Miao Li's family didn't care about this link. Even if Aunt Li was very distressed about the cost, it was Miao Li and her eldest son Miao Liang who were in charge, and she had no part in speaking. Not to mention the reason for building this house, most of the reason is that Aunt Li made the wrong thing on the day of handover, which made the villagers laugh at their family's desire to greedy the house.

This makes Miao Liang, who is now working in the workshop and has a good face, unbearable after listening to it too much. Even Miao Li was a man who actually cared about what others said in his heart. The father and son negotiated, gritted their teeth, asked Miao Yuan to borrow money, and built an earthen house with six rooms and a compound on the newly acquired land! ! This means that if it weren't for the big house, their family wouldn't be enough to live in, how could they be greedy for Yang Dalang's house!

It's just that the roof is so big, the soybean thing must be yellow. People in the village who have good things come across naturally sour and ask a few questions, why don't they plant beans and build houses instead? Miao Liang was not polite to the outside world, and he pushed it to his second uncle's mother-in-law like an aunt, saying that people felt that it was easier to live separately from their family, and the final decision was whether to move first.

Although this is also true, it is not kind to talk about the friction between relatives in an open and honest way, but it can be like an auntie.

Yes, she thought that she should move if she had new land, but the wrong person should not be Miao Li's family who had new land and didn't plan to move, and insisted on crowding people's yards! ? Now, Miao Li's family is still dragging his family into the water. When he is laughed at, he never forgets to bring a sentence or two, saying that he is jealous of relatives. If the aunt heard it at the time, she pointed to the sky and said to her old man angrily, If you want to help your third brother again, you won't be my mother-in-law! !

So all in all, Miao Li's house looks pretty bright from the outside.

No, it costs money to buy new land! It costs money to build a new house! Miao Liang then wants to marry his brother and invite him to have a drink, which is even more money! ! The above expenses are not considered as a betrothal gift for my brother. If you add them up, at least a dozen or two can't escape.

But Miao Li's family was able to keep blooming like this without blinking!

It seems that Miao Liang, who works in the workshop, has so much oil and water!

Gee, that's really enviable!

For a time, the ridicule of Miao Li's family was really less.

And in this atmosphere, the day for Miao Liang and Miao Min to get married has come.