Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 48: triple


Zhang Mian had already put a seal on Li Zhaodi's knowledge and did not report it, but now seeing Li Zhaodi's surprise, he just thought it was a person who was good at acting and did not have much patience, and said directly, "Yeah, such a big thing, our family is here. The person in charge doesn't even know it, and I have to hear it from the mouths of the people next to me, it's not funny!! Wait a minute, I have to go and tell my mother! It's time for my younger brother and sister to explain it."

What can Li Zhaodi have to say? Since she asked Yang Dalang for six taels of silver, she spent money in hiding. Now, hearing that Yang Dalang's house had built a blue brick house, for some reason, she had a bad premonition...

Then the two went to the old lady.

When this old woman heard that even the big blue brick house was built, her eyes lit up. You Qi listened to Zhang Mian again and said, "Thinking about the brother He who Dalang married before, he almost didn't give him a betrothal gift. At the beginning, we only saw the difficulties of his family. Now that people are prosperous, how many people can find someone It’s not too much to make up for it.”

Brother Li Zhao was in a cold sweat. This kind of reason, can't be used by herself!

The old lady nodded, "That's right. The third wife, just do as the second wife said. You are Brother He'er, it's up to you to say, it's appropriate."

But how dare Li Zhaodi say it! ! She still has two documents in Yang Dalang's hand! ! Immediately shook his head frequently, "Then, how did that happen!! A-Niang, no matter how many dowry gifts were, they were all promised by our family. Now, now that we are going to ask people for money, we can't say goodbye, and people will ignore us. Yes!"

Zhang Mian almost blamed Li Zhaodi on the spot for not wanting money and money, but wanting to swallow it privately! ! In Zhang Mian's mind, He Ge'er was raised at home, and if he didn't get the betrothal gift that should go back to the public, it would be reasonable to give the money back to the public, isn't it? !

Zhang Mian immediately sneered, "Is that so. If my younger brother and sister don't speak well, my second sister-in-law has to help the family run this trip even if I give up some face. Don't say it, I have to see with my own eyes what is said in people's mouths. The big brick house, is it real or fake, isn't it?"

Li Zhaodi's face was ugly, and he couldn't answer for a while. The old lady was decisive at this time, and said directly, "It's time to go. Since the third daughter-in-law doesn't want to run, the second daughter-in-law, it's up to you to go."

Zhang Mianchao smiled proudly at Li Zhaodi, "Okay, A-Niang. My daughter-in-law, I can definitely persuade Dalang to give out this money! With this money, A-Niang will be able to go to the teahouse where A-Xing works for her 60th birthday this year. It's done."

The teahouse where Miao He’s second uncle, Miao Xing, works is not as big as Yangshui Teahouse and Dahe Restaurant in the town, but it is also a medium-sized teahouse not far from the town street. It is quite honorable to be able to live there.

The old lady was satisfied and happy when she heard it.

However, Li Zhaodi was in a panic! ! "Well, then I'd better follow. I can help you to persuade Brother He."

The old woman lifted her eyelids, "No, no one does so many things at home. What are you running?"

Zhang Mian hummed. Without delay, he twisted his waist and went to He Ge'er's house.

Miao He didn't know that he would have a visitor today. After sending Yang Dalang out, he found that Dabai and Xiaomao were both awake and rolling around in the box. I made some eggs and rice left over from making the rice balls, and specially reserved diced bacon, and set aside a plate for Xiaomao to eat.

Miao He warned while feeding, "You are going to bite bad people in the future. Don't be like Dabai, eat only fruit, but eat more meat, you know!"

The little black cat didn't know that the little master spoke ill of him, and he completely regarded the Mao Maos as his subordinates. Quite stance.

Miao He looked at it funny, "If you can shoot mice like this in the future, that's fine."

After all, it still hurts. Miao He then went into the kitchen and took a plate of egg rice, not forgetting to put an extra tomato that Dabai likes. Dabai is the first gift that Dalang gave him. Even if he can't catch mice, he still loves cats.

After that, Miao He went to rubbing the soil again. There are too many things eaten during warm pot rice, especially rice, almost empty, and I have to make up for it when I have time. There are also pickled radishes and cucumbers and peanuts. Miao He himself loves them very much. This time, all the ones who are distressed are brought out to treat guests.

So I moved a small stool and chose a place that was ventilated and shaded by trees, and there was a beautiful bellflower field next to it, and Miao He sat and rubbed. After a long while, I saw the big white-collar collar also came out to stroll in the yard with four round hairballs.

The white pink butterflies shuttled up and down the middle of the bellflower field, and the five small animals were curious and attentive.

In the late summer, the sun shines through the shade of the trees. The cool breeze blows slowly under the tree. There is no shortage of insects and birds.

Miao He suddenly thought, did he sit quietly in his yard with Yang Dalang and rest? It seems that even the two rocking chairs, the two of them have not sat well a few times.

After moving in, the two have been busy. Those things outside made Yang Dalang even more busy. However, even if you are working hard for the future, you should occasionally stop and rest, calm down, and take a good look at the surroundings, and count the things that you already have that are not taken for granted, in order to cherish happiness and be happier.

With the wind blowing comfortably, Miao He squinted and decided to start tomorrow, and he would have to drag Yang Dalang to relax from time to time. Anyway, in his current state, everything is up to him.

After that, Miao He continued to relax slowly, thinking that it was supposed to be a peaceful and stable day, but another flash of white light suddenly flashed before his eyes! ! Clap! ! A scene similar to before reappeared.

This time, Miao He was not as surprised as the first time.

On the contrary, anyway, is it that Xi soil has been upgraded again!

Looking down at the palm of his hand, the white light flashed back to the soil, lying quietly in it.

The number has also increased from two to three! !

Miao He opened his eyes wide to observe, "It seems that there is simply one more? The appearance is the same."

After he finished speaking, a light flashed in his palm again!

I saw three small round clods, which turned into a slightly golden clod! !

The clod was still in Miao He's palm, and it moved slightly! ! It's like being a little squeamish.

! ? This is three in one!

Miao He was really surprised! If you can combine three of them to get one gold, it is very likely that there is a new function! ! Don't procrastinate, everything has to be tested to know! It happened that there was a medicine field on the side, and without thinking about it, Miao He threw a small golden clod into the medicine field.

And this loss, not only one or two plants are growing wildly, but a small area of Platycodon grandiflorum, all of which are growing at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye! ! Just like the effect of losing soil to a single plant in the past! !

Miao He's eyes widened, "This means that in the future, it will not be measured by quantity, but by range!?"

Go into more detail. In the past, the energy of one loam could only act on one plant. Two soils will act on two plants. The three-in-one version now seems to be able to merge the energy into a small area after increasing each other! As long as all the plants planted within the energy range, all have the quality that was previously planted with a single soil! !

"Wow, isn't that more convenient!? In the future, mung beans, rice, and wheat can be planted at the same time!! But, where is this range, you have to try carefully..."

When Miao He was about to feel it carefully, unexpectedly, something even more miraculous happened! !

Because in his induction, this energy area can still operate freely! !

That is to say, as long as he has a thought, he can instantly expand and expand the energy of the soil, and under the condition of thinning the energy, nourish more and wider plants! ! And if you want to narrow it down to the same intensity of energy as in the past, the area is about a dozen square meters.

This real new function makes Miao He's eyes bright! !

In this way, he can spread his energy to take care of more and more vegetable fields, even orchards! Because the soil is too powerful, it will not produce abnormal finished products whose quality exceeds the average level, which will cause suspicion! !

Since then, in addition to using the soil to feed the family, there is no need to use the soil to grow plants for fertilizer, and the act of fertilizing one by one! Because the large-scale AOE of the above trick can help him fertilize daily and add nutrients to the vegetable field! !

This is the degree of thinning of energy, how to control that degree!

Miao He's eyes were bright, and he planned to find a place to continue the experiment, but at this moment, the doorbell rang in the distance.

"Bell bell bell..." indicates a visitor.

Miao He tutted from the bottom of his heart, and had to take back the soil, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and went to answer the door. The four incomprehensible hairballs at the feet also followed Da Bai's curious footsteps, chasing one after the other to join in the fun.

After opening the door, Miao He saw the village chief with a stiff face.

"Hey, it's Brother He, is Dalang here now?" The village chief said hello with a pair of small eyes and wanted to look inside the fence.

However, when Miao He planned his own vegetable garden, he intuitively brought in the impression of many tourist farms. On both sides of the fence all the way in, not only are mulberry berries surrounded by shrubs, but fruit trees are also planted at intervals on both sides of the road. In addition to being beautiful, it will not be too hot to walk in the summer. So the line of sight was almost blocked. From the gate of the fence, it was difficult to see their new house clearly.

But Miao He and Yang Dalang never thought that the carriage of yesterday's guests could disturb almost half of the village. There are two roads leading to the new home in the town, one goes through the village and the other goes around the outside. The guests came yesterday, and the two were too busy to pay attention. It's even more unexpected now that the fact that his family has a distinguished guest has been known to all the villages.

So the village chief is definitely the one who is most anxious about this news! !

After all, the presence of so many nobles who ride horses and carriages means that Yang Dalang's relationship with the town's business is definitely deeper than he imagined! It's just that the Liang family who I know is good, and the owner of the Liang family can take a carriage to Yang Dalang's house to eat warm pot rice. What kind of friendship is that!

In addition, the village chief has inquired about it. The Liang family has a close relationship with the town officials, and his position as the village chief was not chosen by the town officials! ! In other words, if you want Yang Dalang and Liang Yuanwai to be really good to a certain extent, it is impossible to say that, with just a few words, Liang Yuanwai will be able to speak to the officials in the town, and unknowingly take down his position as the village chief! !

Thinking of this, how could the village chief be able to sit still! !

He previously cooperated with Miao Li to bully Yang Dalang's family; at Miao Jue's banquet, he also looked like he was standing on the other side, completely ignoring the invitation of Yang Dalang's family! This, this, if you want to be seriously hated by Yang Dalang, how can you do it!

You must know that although it is important to help Miao Gui find a job in the workshop, it is definitely not worth the position of the village chief!

Not to mention, the villagers still say that the new house built by Yang Dalang is a big house of blue bricks! ! Green bricks, even Mr. Miao's house can't be built. Yang Dalang actually built a building without saying a word! ! What good cards and chips does he have in his hand? The village chief found that he knew nothing! ! And in this case, he was foolishly offending people greatly!

Thinking of this, the village chief couldn't sleep last night. Definitely going to make this trip today.

He even brought a gift! Be sure to express your regret for not being able to come yesterday! !

Seeing the sweat on the village chief's forehead, Miao He didn't really want to invite anyone to sit in, so he said first, "The village chief came here on purpose, is there something to ask Dalang? But Dalang won't be back until late afternoon. If I have something to ask him, I will let him go to your village chief tomorrow?"

When the village chief heard the refusal, he felt a little cold, and smiled bluntly, "Also, it's not a big deal. That is, yesterday's hot pot rice at your house, the village chief and my family were in a hurry, and I really couldn't leave. I couldn't come. I'm really sorry, I came here today to give you a gift. Congratulations on the completion of your new home."

After speaking, he stuffed a corn cake made by his mother-in-law in his hand.

Miao He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head quickly, "How can the village chief be so polite? No, the village doesn't like this."

"No no no, Brother He, you must accept this gift!! If I say that you moved this house, the village and the village chief also have some responsibilities, how can I say that I don't have it at all! Be sure to accept it! I want to accept it! If you don't accept it, how can I, the village chief, feel at ease!!" The village chief almost took Miao He's hand and put the cake on it.

While the two were pushing and giving way, the second visitor also arrived.

"Isn't this the village head? There's brother He, why are you all staying at the door?" As soon as Zhang Mian appeared, there was no embarrassment at all, and he greeted him naturally.

The village chief's face changed a little, and he greeted Zhang Mian, "It's Aunt Mian. I'm here to give a gift of hot pot rice. It's a coincidence that Aunt Mian also came to look for Brother He."

Zhang Mian was stunned, "The gift of hot pot rice?" Do you need a gift to eat people's hot pot rice

"That's right. Did you have anything to do yesterday? You can't come over in time. I'll make up for it today, so I won't be rude."

Does this mean she doesn't understand etiquette? Zhang Mian twitched the corners of his mouth, "As expected of the village chief, he is really polite. In the end, it's different from us toilers. Brother He, I think you don't push it, just accept it. This is a gift from the elders, how can it be? Refuse." She said so, also for the sake of what she was going to say later, and wanted to put her seniority down on Miao He first.

Miao He didn't answer, just smiled, "I don't know what happened to the second aunt who came over? Dalang happened to be away today. If you look for him, you will have to wait for tomorrow."

Zhang Mian's eyes lit up when he heard that Yang Dalang was not there! He immediately smiled and said, "You're a real child, what are you saying, Second Aunt can't come over if she's okay? Yesterday, I couldn't come because I had something to do with the hot pot rice, so of course I have to come over today, don't let Second Aunt come soon in."

Before Miao He could answer, the village chief responded, "Yes, yes, Dalang's new house, I haven't seen the village chief yet. I have to see you really settle down before I can really feel at ease. ."

These two people, I'm afraid they are not mistaken, right

One is the second aunt who will never visit for ten thousand years, and the other is the village chief who bullied them very happily before.

Miao He thought, okay, it depends on which one they want to play.