Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 54: Square


After the Mid-Autumn Festival, people who are busy with farming continue to go to farming. The life of Miaohe's family, who grow vegetables, has not changed. It also saves a lot of fertilization time. Whenever he has time, he will plant saplings on the back mountain. For this reason, Miao He also asked Yang Dalang to drive a donkey cart to run outside, and said that he would bring the sapling back, so as to cover up.

And having a car is much more convenient. Delivering vegetables and cakes is now the two places of Paoliang Mansion and Tea House, and it is not tiring. The new member Xiaobai is also good. As long as he prepares his favorite carrot, he will go east to the east, run and run, and he will not have the least bit of temper.

But, maybe that's the reason. The fact that Miao He's family sent food to Yangshui Teahouse was finally noticed by Miao Liang. One day, Miao Liang saw Yang Dalang driving a donkey cart past Zhendong Street, and couldn't help but keep up, and finally confirmed this!

"Could it be that the teahouse is really a dish offered by his family!? My guess at the beginning was correct!?" Miao Liang bit the meat in his mouth, secretly resentful in his heart.

But now even if he informs Dahe Restaurant, there is no reward.

Some time ago, Yangshui Teahouse launched a series of new seasonal dishes, iced mung bean cakes, and chicken. The taste was praised as first-class. In addition, Renbing seems to be used without money! Bingguo iced ice tray, all the guests are flocking to it, and it has already overwhelmed the front and business of Dahe Restaurant!

It just depends on the more high-end and refined the route of the restaurant, but the restaurant has to reduce the price of tofu flower and bean curd, and the style gap is widening. Now, no one will mention Yangshui Teahouse and Dahe Restaurant at the same time. The owner also seems to have lost this ambition, and just wants small profits but quick turnover. This thin profit will be found in the workshop.

There is now more work to do in the workshop, but no more wages! The restaurant has been keeping the price down. Relying on the signing of the contract on both sides, the finished products of the workshop can only be sold to the restaurant, and the Miao family did not dare to easily break the contract and offend the restaurant. It must have some background to open such a large building in the town. , So this loss, the workshop had to swallow it silently.

And now I have discovered this fact, how can Miao Liang's heart be at peace! !

If he had been ruthless and told the shopkeeper about the food offerings blindfolded, maybe everything could have been different...

Watching people become more and more rich, thinking about the opportunity to slip through his fingers.

Miao Liang's heart became dark, even if he could not gain any profit, he also couldn't look down on Yang Dalang's family!

I don't know that the Miao He family, who is so jealous of others, is planting vegetables and trees steadily day by day.

Together with Miao He's stomach, it gradually grew up like a balloon. The four hairs grow equally fast, and within a month they are about the same size as Dabai. However, the little black cat still has an absolute status. If you see Maomao being naughty, it is not polite to shoot it with one palm.

Among them, Yang Dalang also entered the mountain several times. Autumn is the most fertile season for prey. Although the number of chickens raised in the back mountain has increased to 100, most of them are still half large and not small enough to be fed. Yang Dalang called his second aunt to take care of the people, and he found Miao Ping and the others to form a team into the mountain. He also carried an extra-large wild boar down the mountain recently.

Because he wanted to keep the best part, Yang Dalang hunted the pig and didn't plan to sell it in the town, so he killed it in the village.

So on the day of slaughtering the pigs, everyone in the village came to join in the fun.

Not only did the village chief take the initiative to accompany Yang Dalang and the others all the way, saying it was the town. Many aunties also took pots to buy pork. It is quite rare to be able to eat cheap meat outside of the Chinese New Year. Yang Dalang used to do this often, and when he got the back mountain vegetable garden, he sold less of the prey. As soon as I heard this opportunity, how could I not grab it.

Even the original mother, Li Zhaodi, also came. Don't even forget the rules to bring money. Seeing He Geer, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, with a bulging belly and a chubby baby, as the villagers said, Li Zhaodi had complexities and regrets in his heart, but more of it was his determination.

After the dowry incident broke out, the couple was very sad at home.

The old lady and the people from the second room would just stare at them all day long, and they all said quite sarcastic words. Li Zhaodi did not refute, but he endured it. All the money in the original room was taken away, and there was really no surplus left. If you want any flowers, you have to go to the old lady to ask for them item by item. These days, the husband and wife have fully tasted the pain of their relatives for money calculations, and they have also reflected on things that they would not reflect on in the past.

Besides, she has to help Xiaobao think about it. In the future, the brothers on this side of the family may not be able to look forward to it. If they have to polish their relationship with Miao He, how can Xiaobao find someone to help him in the future? Thinking of this, even if she heard that Brother He was doing well, she didn't go to anyone else.

Looking at his bowl now, in addition to the meat bought with the money from her second brother, there was also a piece of meat and a few spare ribs. Li Zhaodi lowered his head and hid his sore eyes.

"Brother He, A-Niang thought wrong things in the past. In the future, you and Dalang will have a good life. The family will definitely not be the same as before."

The village chief immediately helped, "Yes, auntie, if you can think clearly. Just look at today, if you come to cheer with money, Dalang will give more meat without saying a word. When relatives move around, they have to communicate with each other. That's the long-term way."

Miao He didn't say much, just nodded in response to Li Zhaodi's words. Li Zhaodi's face was tense, so he loosened up a little, then turned his head and asked Dalang a few words about Miao He's condition. However, just as he spoke, he saw Miao Liang approaching with a delicate expression, followed by Miao Min who also came to buy meat.

He heard Miao Liang say a little loudly, "Dalang's hunting skills are really capable, he can shoot such a big wild boar, it's really good! It's such a good wild boar, why don't you sell it at Yangshui Teahouse? Isn't it better price!? It's like you didn't sell vegetables to Yangshui Teahouse before, and then you even made a profit for the blue-brick house."

After speaking, the surroundings were silent. Miao Liang sneered in his heart.

He deliberately chose this one to open up this matter, and then he would say a few words to guide him a little later, so he was afraid that those who planted soybeans would not blame him. Not to mention, the village chief who strongly supports the workshop is still there, isn't it? And if the business of Dahe Restaurant is not good, of course, the soybeans will be less. This responsibility, the Yang Dalang family, who supplies food to the competitor, can't escape.

However, before the villagers could react, a man came running from a distance, shouting scum from his mouth. "News!! Big news!! Well, the recipe for the tofu flower is said to have been leaked!!! The restaurant in town is arguing!!"

As soon as the village chief heard the news, his face changed greatly, and he rushed to this person! !

"What did you say!! What's going on!! Make things clearer!!"

Before anyone could say anything, the auntie hurriedly shouted, "Fang Zixie!? Oh, my family has only grown soy beans this season! Then, that workshop will continue to collect soy beans!?"

With that said, the slow response now also knows that the matter is serious! Noisy. "My family is too!!" "Didn't you all say that you will definitely accept it!!? Then you will not accept it!?" "What does Mr. Miao's family say!! Is there anyone from his family today!?"

The village chief was immediately surrounded by a group of people, and after trying hard to maintain order, he finally asked the truth.

It turns out that there is a second shop selling bean curd in town! And according to the owner of this shop, the recipe of tofu flower is indeed from the ancient book, and they have found it, but the taste of his house is slightly different, and it is definitely more intense than that made by the restaurant! !

As soon as this story spread, all the guests who were curious about tofu flower all went to that shop to eat! ! This meal is really more delicious and cheaper than the Dahe Restaurant! ! It’s just that the number is not large, and the amount that can be supplied in one day is limited, I am afraid that it has not yet been mass-produced in the workshop.

As a result, whether this recipe was found in the book or a mystery leaked from the workshop was immediately rumored! The shopkeeper Zhang of the Dahe Restaurant was almost black, and he immediately went to the private school to find someone to quarrel, regardless of Miao Yuan's upcoming exam! ! According to the deed, if the recipe is to be leaked, the restaurant can demand a large amount of compensation from the workshop! !

Miao Yuan, who received the news at that time, was also shocked! ! Only he knows how the recipe came from, but Minchun has no reason to leak the recipe out! ? Could it be that someone peeked into Minchun's work and learned it secretly!

Holding a stomach full of anxiety and doubts, after temporarily appeasing Manager Zhang, Miao Yuan immediately sent someone home to inform Miao Jue. But that shop has been selling bean curd for a few days. After all, the villagers who went to the town heard the wind. It was no coincidence that they chose this place to report it today!

The village chief is also anxious, whether the workshop is better, although he is not directly related, but the support he said earlier is not a joke! ! Yes, the person who wants to grow soybeans turns back and asks him to be in charge of soybeans, so what!

The village chief stomped his feet, "Hey! Why doesn't Mr. Miao ask me to discuss such an important matter!! Well, I'll go to his house right now, you guys stay safe first!! I'll talk about everything after I figure it out! Don't make trouble, don't make trouble in the workshop, and no one will collect your soybeans, you know!!"

Abandoning these harsh words, the village chief ran away immediately. Leaving the villagers who were shocked, worried, or staring at each other, looked at each other.

Naturally, Miao Liang's previous "good intentions" were also forgotten by everyone at this time.

However, Yang Dalang glanced at Miao Liang one more time and happened to meet someone. Miao Liang immediately averted his eyes guiltily.

But what is this person's intentions, Yang Dalang can see clearly now.

Looking back at Miao He, who was also frowning slightly, Yang Dalang touched his head, "Don't think about it. It's fine."

What if they were actually mentioned as the opposite of the workshop? They are now the shareholders of the restaurant, and their relationship is even closer. What's more, when the workshop encounters this, I am afraid that it will be overwhelmed for a long time. Whether you have the will to find them, is the question.

Maybe God also has eyes, and let these bad-hearted people suffer first.

When Miao He and Yang Dalang slowly planted small pieces of fruit trees in the Houshan Mountains, the outside world became more violent because of the leak of the tofu flower recipe. I heard that the restaurant wanted the workshop to pay a large sum of money, but the workshop insisted that it was not them leaking the secret, so they must have read it from an ancient book.

That said, let's put the blame first.

That’s okay, that new stall selling tofu flower was smashed by some land gangster one day. After that, the brothers at the stall seemed to be on fire, and they said directly to the outside world that those who are willing to learn can buy money with money. Son, it looks like everyone is making money! ! It made Dahe Restaurant so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven! ! Every three days, a group of tall and strong men would go to Mr. Miao's house to have a theory.

This matter even affected Miao Yuan's exam in mid-October.

Some people said that when he came out of the examination room that day, his face was pale and swaying, and he was afraid that it was not good.