Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 64: Neighbor


It turned out that Xu Ming, a serious foodie, turned back to his eldest brother Xu Huan and mentioned the matter of moving to the next door. Or, in terms of their family background, it is just building another villa outside the summer and winter.

However, Xu Huan is not a dummy who says he wants to build and spends a lot of money, and he still manages many industries. The main reason was that the few urns of pickled plums that Xu Ming had brought back by the ship had really improved his wife's bad appetite, which was really tempting.

Therefore, Xu Ming introduced it to both sides in a proud mood. Xu Huan was more cautious and thoughtful, and deliberately asked Mr. Qu, who knew both sides, to introduce him, so as not to make people feel that the sudden visit was too rash and casual.

Elder Qu is also happy to do this. Today, the Xu family, who has a royal business card, is also one of their big buyers of ice. Thinking that Brother Yang and Brother He'er are also wonderful, the Bingfangzi sold will eventually benefit them.

After the introduction from both sides, Xu Huan was indeed a veteran in business for many years, chatting and talking, and quickly made the atmosphere relaxed and happy.

Miao He had a pretty good impression of Xu Ming as a kid. When he saw people chatting back and forth, he didn't ask about the crispy plums on the table, so he took the initiative to say hello, "Just so, the crispy plums we just pickled are on the table, and soon Later, it will be sold in the teahouse, or if you don't like it, Xu Xiaogong will help you to try it and see how it tastes."

Xu Ming's eyes lit up when he heard it. Xu Huan hurriedly apologized for his brother, "He's a kid who eats a lot and makes Brother He laugh. Don't see the outside world in the future, just call his name Mingxi, just remember to give an extra piece to eat."

When he said that, Xu Ming just reached out to get the plums, and he didn't want to eat or not, so he glared at his brother, making everyone laugh.

However, the crispy plums quickly conquered all the guests present. Even Mr. Qu couldn't help taking the third one. Xu Huan, who had just made fun of people, also coughed and said that he wanted to order a few jars first, because in the future, everyone will definitely buy the goods.

Miao He smiled brightly, "What's the use of ordering, we will all be neighbors in the future, just bring a few urns back later." Not to mention, people come to the door with courtesy.

Xu Huan was a little curious, and pointed to the urn that was sealed on the table, "Brother He said that he was selling consignment before, so he planned to use this small urn to contain it."

"Yeah. That's how it can be put on for a long time. Just now, I was still worried about Dalang. What price have to be set."

Xu Ming, who had been busy all the time, answered first this time, "I think one or two is fine, and it can be even higher!"

Xu Huan then knocked on his brother's head, "I asked you to go out alone before, but I didn't think you were so reckless. Did you ask about the weather, quantity, and harvest?"

"I don't talk about business with my brother. I just said, I'm definitely willing to buy and eat this crisp plum blossom for one or two silver!" Emotions are the opinions of foodies.

"Haha, thank you brother Mingxi for showing love so much, I'll just say this to you, and take three more urns back."

But later, Mr. Qu also voted in favor. It is said that the star anise silver is too low, and it is blessed by the reputation of the teahouse, so let's look at the two liang silver sales first. When the Xu family brothers present heard it, they all nodded in agreement.

So, so, unscrupulous merchants are able to sell things like this for a few cents of silver...

It didn't take long for this round of greetings. After all, they were not familiar with each other. The Xu brothers quickly left and took five urns of crispy plums with them. The two sides agreed that after the people officially moved in, Yang Dalang would lead them to visit the village chief. This matter did not need to be brought by anyone, but finding Yang Dalang means an extra layer of friendship and affection.

So sending people away, Miao He blinked, "Is it a coincidence? Or is the beggar chicken so delicious that people moved it here on purpose?"

Yang Dalang touched the person's head, "It doesn't matter. Take a look. If you agree, you will come, if you don't agree, you will go."

Miao He immediately crooked the building, his eyes brightened, "Wow!! Dalang, the more you read, the better you get!!"

Yang Dalang's self-study efforts have never stopped, and now he has changed a lot of books. Hearing this, his face flashed a little uncomfortable. Miao He smiled and leaned over to watch, and of course he was suppressed by the hugs and kisses that came back.

Miao He was hugged tightly and rubbed comfortably, "What's the embarrassment. I just love the way you read."

Yang Dalang lowered his eyes, "I love everything you look like."

The dark eyes were full of tenderness and happiness, and Miao He was even more dizzy.

Even if the babies are awake and peeping with wide-eyed eyes, they don't know.

And the Xu family brothers on the other end had some discussions after they separated from Mr. Qu.

"Brother, my vision is really right this time," Xu Ming was a little smug. "I'll just say that they're not the kind of people who tend to be flamboyant and flattering, so you don't have to worry about anything else when you make friends with them!"

Xu Huan looked at the younger brother who raised his chest with a smile, "That's right. What else?"

"What else?" Xu Ming was confused.

Xu Huan sighed, his little brother's ability to observe is still too low. "Didn't you look out the window carefully?"

"Outside the window, isn't it the backyard? It seems to be similar to what Master Zhu did this time," Xu Ming tried to recall.

"The flowers planted outside the window are more colorful than the yard in our mansion. Under the osmanthus tree, there is a book on the coffee table. There are two rocking chairs, a cat is sleeping on the cushions, and a few dogs are napping. I can't go to the chicken coop or sheep pen." Xu Huan recalled with narrowed eyes, "This shows that people already know how to spend their free time and pay attention, and they are not ordinary farmers."

"Didn't Mr. Qu say that they are also shareholders of the teahouse. With dividends, it's natural to have a leisurely life?"

"How long did it take them to get a hit, and how did the flowers and trees in the yard grow in just a few months?" Xu Huan shook his head, "It should have been earlier, people didn't have to be chased by life, and they had confidence. It's the crispy plums sent back this time, Look at this small porcelain urn, is it a dress that ordinary people are willing to use?"

Indeed, generally, the snacks such as candied crispy plums are sold in large urns in the store, and they are sold by scooping them with a scoop.

"... That means, people can't be trusted?" Xu Ming frowned.

"What is the conclusion of the mess? It's just that people don't need to show you everything at home. Pay attention to these, not to spy on anything," Xu Huan taught. Do not."

"Oh. That's why I said I'm really not suitable to take your seat, big brother! Hurry up and have another kid with sister-in-law."

Xu Huan sighed when he heard the words.

"Don't tell her this when you go back, remember. Now, as long as she is in good health."

"I know," Xu Ming waved his hand, "I just think that people who move here say they can't be raised well. This time, the crispy plums are as delicious as the pickled plums last time! My sister-in-law will definitely like it."

"So for these few urns, I'll ask you for her, okay?" Xu Huan teased.

Thinking about the way this kid yelled when he saw the half-empty pickled plums when he came home last time.

Xu Huan struggled for a while and nodded generously.

"They moved to the next door anyway! Don't be afraid!"

Not long after, the fully loaded carriages passed through the road outside Miaojia Village one after another, all the way to the south of the village. There was a lot of movement, and it was finally discovered that there was a large and beautiful house in the land south of Yang Dalang's house! It looks even better than Yang Dalang's family! ! And the carriage finally drove into this beautiful big house!

So, who in the end moved in? Is it the rich family in town

With such a big movement, why haven't I heard the wind before? Mayor, do you know

The village chief was inexplicable for a while, and when he was about to ask Yang Dalang to ask, he brought a pair of luxuriously dressed brothers.

After confirming the title deeds held by the brothers, it was another mountain!

While the village chief was stunned, the smile on his face immediately became more enthusiastic.

"It turned out to be a distinguished guest from Sucheng! Hey, Sucheng is one of the biggest cities, and it's bigger than the county seat!! Brother Xu is really very insightful to see our small village! Not to mention, the surrounding area of our village is really quiet. , people are also simple! If there is anything in the future, even if you ask someone for help, there is absolutely nothing to say! Of course, the village chief is even more obliged!"

Xu Huan smiled and bowed his hands, "The village chief said that we have had Brother Lao Yang help a lot these days."

The village chief's expression paused, and he said with a dry smile, "Yes, yes. Dalang is a little less talkative, but he is really enthusiastic." I don't know if this Yang Dalang will speak badly about him, no, he still has to Do your best to show your capabilities and connections.

"Otherwise, I will also introduce Brother Xu to a few important families in the village. The elders of several families make decisions together when it comes to problems in the village, so the thinking will not be short! It's also a good thing." The village chief actively fought for it.

It's not the whole family moving, it's actually unnecessary, but Xu Huan didn't refuse, just politely complied. Before leaving, he turned his head and said, "Brother Yang, let's go together."

Xu Ming didn't notice his brother's intention at all, he just said briskly, "Brother Yang, when it's over here, I'll go over and carry a few jars of crispy plums, okay?"

Yang Dalang nodded.

These days, Xu Ming brought pastries and fruits from Sucheng every now and then, just to exchange some crispy plums and peanuts. The little brother is happy to eat, and he is also happy to get a new fruit core. But after a few times, I finally couldn't help it, so I said to the person that he should not be so troublesome in the future and buy it directly with silver money. Save yourself the worry of what to send back so that it won't be too cheap. Xu Ming's eyes lit up when he heard it, he laughed, and then he knew to order directly.

The outspoken boy Yang Dalang who likes to eat is also at ease, so he asks, "There are not many crispy plums left, are two urns enough?"

"What!? Not much left!? Isn't the season just beginning!?"

"Not many."

"Hey!! Then, I want five, not ten urns!! Big brother, sister-in-law, do you still need it? It's calculated separately!"

"Uh, then I also have ten urns. I'm sorry, thank you Brother Yang for cutting your love."


At this time, the head of the village who was in the lead had a broken tooth in his heart. Yang Dalang, everyone was so familiar with him. How can people get the moon first? Later, he led the Xu brothers even harder and walked around the village.

It's just this walk that makes some people's spring hearts sprouted.