Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 79: Find rubbish


The guests were stunned for a moment, and they quickly looked for the direction of the voice and gave way.

I saw two people who looked like young masters behind, wearing satin robes, one big and one young, with a trace of ill will on their faces.

Xu Huan's face sank immediately, "It turned out to be the two sons of the Luo family. I'm afraid that many people are busy and have a poor memory, so I don't remember that today's post was sent to your mansion?"

The two sons of the Luo family are brothers, the oldest is Luo Zijun who has been to Miaojia Village; the youngest is about the age of Xu Ming at the end of the year, his name is Luo Ziqi, and he is also the arrogant little son that Miao He and the others met in the cloth shop that day.

It is also because Luo Zijun went all the way to Miaojia Village before, but found nothing, and even let the Xu family successfully protect the right of tribute. Thanks to Luo Zijun getting a fan recipe to come back and committing meritorious deeds, the situation didn't get any worse. So knowing this place today, I want to come here to find fault no matter what.

Luo Zijun, who looked like a man, smiled and bowed his hands, "Boss Xu's words are wrong. We are here with Eunuch Fang. Could it be that this is still driving a guest?" Said Bi Ren slightly stepped aside, and behind him stood a pair of Father Fang with his hands behind his back!

This father-in-law was the one who went to Miao He's house to send the plaque.

It's not a small coffee. That time, it was just a matter of course. The real position of the person was one of the eunuchs in charge of the dining room of the palace. In addition to the tribute, he has the final decision on the fragmented royal expenses. For the merchants around the capital, his status is particularly important.

And the post of the wine tasting was sent to Mr. Fang. It depends on the reason why Eunuch Fang had personally presented the plaque. It's just a return, and I never thought that anyone would be willing to ask the Palace of Retirement to run on this trip. Now people are connecting with the Luo family first. Could it be that the Luo family has already won over the father-in-law above

Xu Huan was a little suspicious in his heart, and quickly handed over, "It turned out that Eunuch Fang was here, and it was a sin to welcome him from afar! Eunuch Fang took the time to come, it is really bright, please take your seat."

The noble father-in-law Fang only gave a "en".

Luo Zijun seemed to be kind and said, "Since Eunuch Fang is here, shouldn't this seat be properly adjusted? Boss Xu is not being picky, but he arranged for Brother Wazi to attend and share the table with the nobles. Drinking, in case the baby is noisy and the brother can't coax him, I'm afraid that it will ruin the happiness of the nobles. Boss Xu is really ill-considered on this point. "

Luo Ziqi nodded his head when he heard the words, "What my brother said is very true. Besides, people are from a farm family, they have short knowledge and etiquette can't be forced. If you accidentally bump into the nobles present, it will not be beautiful. My brother suggested that Boss Xu would just It’s more appropriate to have a small table and invite this family to sit alone. For the rest of the seats, the two of us just happened to accompany Father-in-law Fang for a few more drinks.”

The two brothers did everything possible to belittle the Yang Dalang family, just trying to find a way to make the scene deadlocked. After all, they were surrounded by prominent and respectable officials in Su City, and Yang Dalang and the others were the only ones who could perform surgery. And it would be better if people who can make trouble become angry and then cooperate with the Xu family to break the game.

So when I sang this, I almost didn't make Xu Huan laugh, but Eunuch Fang couldn't easily offend him, so he bowed his hands seriously, "Brother Yang's family is my guest today, and I will be the host below, so it should be a thoughtful reception. Fang The father-in-law is also a rare guest, if you think the first one is noisy, you will open another small pavilion next to the river, and ask the father-in-law to move there to enjoy the wine and the scenery, which should be the most suitable."

The Linhe Pavilion that Xu Huan mentioned was the top-level wing of the teahouse, but because of its small size, it was useless this time. Using this to entertain the father-in-law is definitely a special meaning.

But Eunuch Fang, who came from the capital, didn't necessarily know about it. Luo Zijun immediately caught the human language and condemned with a look of surprise, "Wait Boss Xu, you can't agree with this arrangement. How can it be for the sake of going to the countryside?" Rural reckless man, actually want to rush the valuable father-in-law Fang to another place?"

Xu Huan frowned, and hurried to explain again, but Eunuch Fang waved his hand directly, meaning to shut up.

Luo Zijun and Luo Ziqi were overjoyed when they saw this.

However, I heard Eunuch Fang say, "Don't worry about it. Sajia is not here to drink. The peach cake brought back from Yang's family last time, the mother said yes, Sajia will take advantage of this to say, and later will go to the pantry to buy it, Boss Yang, remember to prepare first. As for this plum wine, Sajia has to bring some back home. Boss Xu, I’m sorry.”

It turned out that people came to buy things for the empress! ? Also, have you known Boss Yang for a long time

Brother Luo Zijun's smile was still on his face just a moment ago, but he seemed to be frozen.

Unexpectedly, Eunuch Fang glanced lightly at the two brothers who had just played with him, and added, "As for these two sons, I just met at the door of the Sa family. I thought they were guests this time and brought them in together. What should I do? Let the boss figure it out."

Xu Huan couldn't help being overjoyed, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

The other guests in the room looked at the brothers with more pity.

But at this moment, Xu Huan didn't even bother to greet guests, so he had to carefully arrange Eunuch Fang's request, and make sure not to make mistakes. After a while of work, when Eunuch Fang was sent away and returned, the two sons of the Luo family were no longer in sight.

However, the guests were also in a hurry by this time.

Thinking of hearing the wind in the palace, everyone came and asked to bring the wine back. Then this wine, it's not...!

"I said, Boss Xu, when will I be able to taste the wine?"

"There's no need to wait for the food to go with the wine, it's fine to drink on an empty stomach! Let's have some wine first for everyone to taste?!"

"I just wanted to ask if there was the abominable purchase restriction order earlier this time!! Seeing that Boss Yang is here, I'm really worried." This is someone who has robbed fruit before.

"Yes, yes, how much can I buy this time!! First of all, the price is not a problem!! All the people who come here are very sincere, and they will definitely be able to buy more than others, Boss Xu!!"

One sentence after another, suddenly the guests became agitated and scrambled to ask questions.

Xu Huan couldn't help laughing when he saw this, but, before the wine was opened or tasted, the business was booming.

And thinking about this hand from Father Fang, I am afraid that it is also a hint that there will be new things in the future, and they must be delivered to him first. Although the person didn't open his mouth, Eunuch Fang's special favor was definitely not for nothing.

But in any case, this day was scheduled to be an elegant and leisurely wine tasting party, and finally it became a popular wine sales party.

On this day, Yang Dalang had a lot of connections in Su City. And Miao He watched happily while holding the baby next to him.

Because for every bottle of wine sold, 40% of the money goes into his pocket. How much money is that!

Ah, Dalang and Wazi's new clothes, we can buy a few more sets.

At the end of the day, Yang Dalang also asked Xu Huan about the son of the Luo family who was making trouble today. There was no immediate counterattack at the wine tasting, which was based on the consideration of respecting Xu Huan, the owner. Now that the scene is over, what should be retrieved still has to be retrieved.

Previously, Xu Huan had mentioned the conspiracy of exchanging tributes. At that time, it was not obvious that the Luo family was hidden behind the third room. However, he knew that the Luo family and Sanfang were close together, and that they were competitors in business, so he could guess what people meant.

Seeing Miao He tilting his head, "Luo Zijun, why does this name sound familiar?"

"Min Chun. Fan Workshop." Yang Dalang reminded. Minchun has always been on the preparedness list.

"Fans? The Luo family has recently opened fan workshops everywhere. I heard that they are quite profitable, so they act so fearlessly," Xu Huan said in surprise, "So you also opened workshops there."

Miao He rolled his eyes and smiled, "No. I can't say it's still the ancestor. But it's not difficult to become a fan. Do you want to ask for a recipe, so that you can share a piece of the Luo family's cake?"

Xu Huan's eyes lit up. "Really!? This matter needs to be discussed in detail!"

So there are more fan recipes for the business. But more important is next year's wine.

Nowadays, plum wine is well received, and its good reputation is gone. So this year's plums will continue to be picked and brewed.

The number of points has been adjusted from six or four points to five or five points. The sales volume of Yang Dalang's family has been able to support half of the credit.

In fact, Xu Huan wanted to readjust this year, but Yang Dalang insisted not to. What is agreed is an agreement, it is a principle, and the cooperation will continue next year if you are happy. Listening to Xu Huan is quite appropriate and more reassuring. From these behavioral styles, it can be seen that people do not only focus on immediate interests, but also business partners who can pave the way for the future.

In addition, since plum wine has been successful, Miao He also thinks of wine.

Before Miao He came through, there was a time when the staff in their office made wine at home very popular. There is no way, the public office is free after get off work, and the regulations such as not being able to socialize and not inappropriately communicate, let some people develop unique interests.

However, there was also a report at the time that someone was poisoned after drinking wine made at home. At that time, Miao He carefully looked at the correct brewing method. Once, he also thought of doing it himself. Right now, this era seems to be a fruit wine made from grapes, but the method is different.

So Miao He didn't hide his secrets, and directly told Xu Huan the whole brewing method. Whether it can be done or not, the temperature control, which is very important in the winemaking process, is a big problem. And these are left to the winemaking experts of the Xu family to overcome. The Miao He family will wait for the season to send a few boxes of grapes. If the results are better, they will consider planting grapes on the second hill.

And Xu Huan would not stupidly ask where the wine recipe came from. All he had to do was accept the surprise.

To be able to obtain a new brewing method is the lifeblood of the continuation of the business for the winery.

After that, the two parties elaborated on the various agreements and signed the contract, and the official business of this trip was completed.

And after the business was done, Miao He and Yang Dalang naturally brought their two children to eat and drink all over Su City. I bought another round of new clothes, and I did not forget to go to the major herbal medicine stores and vegetable and fruit stores to see if there were any new vegetable and fruit tree seeds that I could bring home to grow. The harvest is quite good. It is close to the capital, and some things outside the customs can occasionally be found here, such as green-skinned grapes, apples, cherries, and a honeydew melon that is very similar to cantaloupe.

"I have found so many fruits to plant. If you do this, there are not enough mountains."

When Miao He said this with a smile, Yang Dalang rarely responded seriously, and looked straight ahead.

"What's wrong?" Miao He was puzzled and asked with a tilted head.

I saw that people's eyes went straight through the flow of people on the street, and the point where they fell seemed to be an old monk on the side of the road.

The old monk was wearing a shabby cassock and holding a round bowl.

Yang Dalang was silent for a while before saying, "My order is what the master said."