Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World

Chapter 8: debt


The topic suddenly jumped to money, and Miao Heniang couldn't touch her head. "what money?"

Miao He said with an embarrassed expression, "Xiaobao is my younger brother, and this matter has not gone away. I don't want to say that I am not a brother, so that Xiaobao will have some bad luck in the future, I am afraid that my mother doesn't want to. No, but if you want to make up the dowry, A-Niang will tell you the number directly, and I'll ask Dalang to ask."

When Miao Heniang heard what Miao He said, her face immediately became ugly, and her words were sharper, "What nonsense are you talking about!! It's just helping her mother's family, what kind of bad luck will Xiaobao get!? You brother, how can you just open your mouth? So vicious!?"

"I'm thinking of Xiaobao. The monk who came to the village for alms before said that people can't mess with the stoma industry. But if you really don't mind, it's okay, just help, don't say I didn't remind you in the future. ."

This mention, Miao Heniang also recalled. A few years ago, a monk came to their village for almsgiving, and was politely offered by the village chief. He invited a few vegetarian meals, and then the monk gave a lecture to the villagers. It seems that there is such a thing as to respect heaven and earth, or to speak karma.

Miao Heniang couldn't help but hesitate. She gave birth to Xiaobao with all her might, and is definitely her treasure. Because of this, Xiaobao is weaker than other babies after birth. She wanted to get some meat from He Ge'er, just to keep Little Treasure's white fat healthy. Listening to what Miao He said now, if she really got some bad luck, can she still give Xiaobao the meat she asked for

In the modern concept, filial piety is not divided into marriage or not. However, when Miao He saw the original appearance of his mother, it seemed like he was looking for a long-term meal ticket, and he had to agree, not only himself but also Yang Dalang. When I didn't see her, I mainly talked about the Yang family.

Miao He didn't want Yang Dalang to help him as much as he could because he was even more unfortunate. In addition, he felt that he had used this body after all, and he had to accept this feeling. If you directly say the number, when it is time to make up the betrothal gift, Miao He originally intended to give it, even if it repaid the grace of the body.

At this time, seeing the hesitant expression on his mother's face, Miao He pushed again. "Just right, Dalang caught a pheasant yesterday, and he was in good spirits. A-Niang brought back the stew for Xiaobao to drink, just in time to make up for it."

After he finished speaking, he turned to go to the backyard where the cock was tied. The chicken coop has not been set up yet, so it can only be tied. Miao Heniang was really startled, and quickly grabbed Miao He's sleeve.

"Wait, wait! Ai, what's the hurry, isn't A-Niang something you haven't figured out yet?"

Miao He glanced at her and muttered to herself, "A-niang just think about it, a chicken is worth two cents of silver, and one tael of silver is worth five chickens. If you have six taels, you can buy thirty chickens. Three Ten chickens, half a half of stewed soup, how long can you drink it? In the past, the family could not eat a few chickens in the first year. Besides, it is difficult for Dalang to catch chickens every day to make up for Xiaobao. "

Miao He is not nonsense. Farming techniques are not advanced these days. With the use of precious rice, if a family of four grows a field, the annual yield of grain is only about twenty taels, and after paying the farm fees, there are only fifteen or sixty taels left. . After deducting the food consumption of four people for a year, the money that can be saved is only two or three taels a year. Not to mention, if the weather is bad or insects are infested, the yield will be reduced even more.

Eating a chicken with two silver coins is equivalent to eating a mouthful of a person for half a month. Meat is expensive in the countryside, and it is because of the uncertainty and pressure of farmers relying on the sky to eat.

So when Miao He mentioned chicken, Miao Heniang was blinded by this algorithm. I thought, yes, if she can eat thirty chickens in a row, her little treasure will definitely be able to make up a lot. It's that she forgot that Bai Huahua's silver should be taken home, unless it is hidden well (buying chicken to steal it? That's impossible), use a little for the man, and use a little for the family, and it will be gone soon.

However, at this time, Miao Heniang thought of a bright future where Xiaobao would have chickens to eat. She gritted her teeth and said with a ruthless heart.

Sure enough, it went up.

Usually the village hires a brother, about five or two. As soon as Miao Heniang opened her mouth, she thought about how precious Miao He was, and seemed to forget that Miao He had a bad reputation at the beginning, and it was completely unsalable.

Miao He's face was embarrassed, "Eight taels, so much? The six taels I just said, I have already said it for Xiaobao. I want to say that if Dalang gives it slowly in stages, he may agree. It takes eight taels. Two... Forget it, I'll just say it here anyway, Dalang can't do too much. I'll have someone send some rabbits and make soup with bones, so I'll be able to take care of your brother."

But how can a rabbit be as good as a chicken? Miao Heniang has fallen into a beautiful dream now, and when she sees Miao He retreating, she becomes anxious, "Why doesn't it count, you just promised to do it well!! Even if Dalang is not there, you are his husband, what you said It doesn't count as Dalang's meaning!!"

And if you help, Brother He is willing to take things home. If He Ge'er really had a grudge in her heart, or if Yang Dalang agreed and then went back on it, and offered some help, then her original calculus would be in vain. After thinking about it, the more Miao Heniang felt that it was better to take money, the more straightforward it was!

Miao He shook his head coldly, "No. A-niang doesn't want me and Dalang to become relatives. I can't tell you about it."

"If you don't talk about it, A-Niang will tell you!! A-Niang doesn't believe it, Da-Lang is so embarrassed to get a brother from our family for free and still doesn't admit it!"

When Miao Heniang was in a hurry, it happened that Yang Dalang went home. He also carried a chicken coop in his hand, and the inside was gurgling. After selling the little wild boar, he really bought a hen and came back to lay eggs.

At this moment, Miao Heniang didn't care about the goods in Yang Dalang's hands, so she hurriedly repeated what she just told Miao He, and said it again in a pleasant way, and then said, "Oh, aunt, no no no, auntie. It's not just trying to take advantage of you. I miss your third cousin, Yang Dachuan, right? It's not just about the age of the relatives. Others want to find out about the boss of the Yang family. If you can't even give a couple of betrothal gifts to marry a brother, then How ugly."

Yang Dalang did not respond immediately. Miao Heniang couldn't help being a little timid, she pulled her hair together and put on soft words and continued, "And the silver money that my mother wants is also good for He Ge'er. He Ge'er and his brother's health are really bad, and my mother is not good either. Fazi, if I ask for this dowry, I want his brother to make up for his body and grow up safely. In the future, Brother He will be able to have a brother to help him. Whatever work he needs to do, he will be there if he shouts. "

Yang Dalang looked at Miao He first. The three of them were at this position, Miao Heniang was facing Yang Dalang and her back was facing Miao He. Miao He nodded slightly behind, and said it silently several times with his mouth. "I sell vegetables and I will pay them back."

Yang Dalang looked away, but his face was more serious. "My Yang family doesn't owe a betrothal gift, it was agreed at the beginning."

This is indeed the truth, but Miao Heniang still bravely said for her son, "But someone else wants to ask, can you, your Yang family, really come up with a number... A-niang, I don't want much. Eight, Not seven taels! Seven taels will do."

Yang Dalang couldn't help frowning. Even if he really wanted to give it, he couldn't take out so much at once.

Seeing this, Miao Heniang immediately changed her words, "Or sixty-two!! Points, it's okay to give them in installments!"

Yang Dalang paused and nodded. "However, write the receipt before you get the village chief. Write it as it is."

This meant that the dowry was not owed by the Yang family, but was made up voluntarily. If you want to write it like this, although it is not written, it seems that after the Miao He family married their brother, they repented and were greedy, otherwise who would voluntarily make up for this? And leaving a note will prevent this matter from being said indiscriminately in the future, and it will also prevent Miao He's family from making other requests for other reasons. When Miao Heniang thought that she would have money to help her younger son make up his body in the future, she had no opinion, so she nodded quickly.

Things didn't drag on. After Yang Dalang put down his things, Miao Heniang urged the two to go to the village chief's house.

The head of Miaojia Village is called Miao Huosheng, and the people close to him call him Uncle Huosheng. Miao Huosheng prefers to hear people call him the head of the village. When the three of Miao He came to the village chief's house, it was unfortunate that the original enemy was also there. It was Miao Yuan's grandfather, Miao Jue. After Miao Yuan passed the exam, he said that Miao Yuan would never marry an old man who came into the house.

Miao Jue seemed to have come to discuss something with the village chief. When Miao He and the others arrived, they were still blocked from the yard and could not be disturbed by entering the house. Until the insider finished speaking, the village head diligently sent Miao Jue out, and he was a little surprised to see the three people outside the door. On the other hand, Miao Jue sneered at Miao He first, and treated the other two as if they didn't exist, flicked his sleeves and left.

Miao Heniang's complexion changed, and her heart was uneasy, but there was no way, since people's family was prosperous and famous, she could step on the villagers who depended on the land to eat.

The village chief is a good person, and even if it is a little tricky, it is good to face everyone. He smiled and greeted, "Isn't this recruiting auntie, Dalang is here too? It's rare, come here, sit inside and sit inside! This Agui is also a stupid boy, he doesn't say who is looking for it, how can he fix it if he makes a mistake? ."

Miao Heniang's face improved, and when she entered the door, she quickly explained the matter.

The village chief's expression was delicate after hearing this. This is also true, he has never heard that the bride price can be made up later. However, this operation is not good for the reputation of the village. Thinking about it, in the future, if the family of a brother or a daughter is married, it will be messed up again.

It can be seen that the two parties agreed that the village chief is more protective of the Miao family name in his heart. After thinking about it, he solemnly said, "As the village chief, I have to say something fair. Dalang, this dowry gift There is no need for Yili to make up for it. It is the same for everyone. Besides, this case is not good for the reputation of the village. Otherwise, who would dare to hire brothers and daughters in the village in the future? Shouldn't be doing that."

When Miao Heniang heard this, she became anxious and opened her mouth to argue, but was stopped by the village chief waving her hand.

"But I see, this is also your filial piety with He Ge'er, and it can't be said to be a bad thing. I can write it down for you as a proof, but if you are recruiting auntie, you have to promise not to tell the third person about this. Listen to me. If you will be complained by the villagers in the future, don’t say that I, the village chief, didn’t remind you! Dalang, you should agree too.”

Miao Heniang's face brightened, and she responded again and again, while Yang Dalang said that there was no situation, so he kept it a secret.

In this case, the two sides said the content and asked the village chief to write it down with pen and paper. The general idea is that after Yang Dalang married Miao He and went through the door, he voluntarily added six taels of betrothal gifts because of his filial piety, and he gave them four times. One tael after January, and 2 taels a year after that, until it is cleared.

After it was written, Miao Heniang, Yang Dalang and the village chief stamped their handprints, and the matter was over. There is no need for Miao He's father to come forward because this is a matter related to He Ge'er's marriage. As long as it is the marriage of a brother or a daughter, everything decided by the mother can be counted.

So after the village chief's house left, Miao Heniang returned home happily with the deed she couldn't understand, and she never thought about talking to Miao He's father.

Miao He's father is a stubborn one, and he listens to his mother, the old woman, if he is reasonable or unreasonable, and he always kills her for the old woman. Miao Heniang thought clearly, the extra money would be known to Miao He's father, and it would not be guaranteed for the whole family to know for a few days. Is it still worth it? !

No, as soon as she got home, she rushed to the old lady's house to pick up her little treasure, and as soon as she stepped into the house, she almost died of anger!