Little Love Song

Chapter 13


Ning Er went back to class four angrily.

When he returned to Class 4, the news that he was the first in the class and the fourth in the grade had spread throughout the class. Many classmates congratulated him, and some students jokingly said, "You will definitely be assigned to an intensive class next semester."

As soon as Ning Er heard the words "intensive class", Ning Er immediately thought of Shao Bohan, who was extremely mean-spirited.

Intensive classes are the two most special classes in Yanzhong, with about one hundred students. During the high school entrance examination, Ning Er got the 250th place in the city, which might even be the first in the school in ordinary schools, but in Yanzhong, she was only reduced to the 180th place, and she couldn't get into the intensive class.

The intensive class must be the materialization class, he will definitely choose materialization, Shao Bohan... feels like he will also choose materialization

Will they be classmates

Ning Er was furious, she didn't want to be classmates with Shao Bohan at all.

After the final exam results come out, it will be a holiday soon.

The electric fan in the classroom was whining, Ning Er was absent-mindedly wondering whether he would really become classmates with Shao Bohan, and the math teacher was explaining the final exam papers on the podium.

After all, it's almost a holiday, and the teacher doesn't have much time to talk about the test papers. After the three teachers in language and mathematics finished speaking, it was the end of school ceremony. It happened to be raining that day, and all the students in the school were sitting in the classroom, listening to the principal and teachers speaking on the radio.

At the end of the school dismissal ceremony, the class leader left his seat and collected the arts and sciences form of intent for the second year of senior high school from the whole class.

"Ning Er, you really chose Wuhua." The squad leader took his intention form and said with a smile, "I also choose Wuhua. But your grades are so good, you will definitely go to the intensive class, and we may not be in the same class. "

After finishing speaking, the monitor went to collect the forms of other students.

After Ning Er handed in the form, she turned to look out the window.

Some classes are already on vacation, and the head teacher of Class 4 asked them to stay in the classroom and hold a class meeting later.

There was a lot of noise in the classroom, and words like "You are a science major and I am a liberal arts major, we will definitely not be in the same class in the future". The sad atmosphere is difficult to dissipate, but because it is going to be a holiday, everyone is more joyful.

Ning Er quietly looked at the students who were running and exercising on the playground outside the window, recalling Shao Baihan's words in his mind, he pursed his lips involuntarily, thinking of the most embarrassing things about Shao Baihan before.

Ever since she was a child, Ning Er has a very soft personality and is easy to speak.

Shao Bohan had a weird temper when he was a child, and he didn't care about others. When he was in elementary school, he gradually became normal. At that time, Ning Er had known him for three years, and Shao Bohan would take the initiative to talk to him and walk to and from school with him. But he was still eaten to death by Shao Bohan, always following behind him.

The only time Ning Er made Shao Bohan feel at a loss was at the end of the first grade.

That time, Ning Er didn't know why, but only scored 96 points in the math test.

The difficulty of the first-grade exam is very low, and every student's grades are very good. Just for double hundred points, there are more than 30 in Ning Er's class. He got a score of 96 and became the bottom five in the class.

Mother Ning was very angry, and Lei Ting was furious.

When Ning Er was reprimanded, she bit her lip and didn't say a word.

That night, Grandma Shao had something to do, so she asked them to take care of Shao Bohan. Shao Bohan had dinner at his house, and the two children went to the room to play together. As soon as the door was closed, Ning Er couldn't stop crying. The little boy cried silently, partly because he was reprimanded by his mother, partly because he felt wronged and didn't understand why he made such a mistake.

Shao Bohan panicked immediately.

He kept comforting Ning Er, but Ning Er still covered his mouth and cried loudly, and refused to let his parents hear the sound.

"I'll give you my game console. Don't you like playing the battle games in it the most? Here it is, I'll play it for you!"

Ning Er's eyes were red, and tears flowed down her face.

Shao Bohan was in a hurry: "I'll let you play with my robot too. It's very fun, and it can talk to you. Don't cry, okay?"

Ning Er cried even harder.

Shao Bohan's expression was serious, and he deliberately said: "If you cry again, I will find my auntie!"

Ning Er suddenly stopped crying, and he looked at Shao Bohan with those red and wet eyes. Shao Bohan breathed a sigh of relief, and before he could recover, he heard the little pitiful say: "Why do you always bully me..." The next moment, he burst into tears again.

Ning Er was really uncomfortable. He didn't want to do so badly in the exam, but why, why did he do so badly in the exam.

Shao Bohan passed the double hundred exam by himself, so it's fine if he doesn't comfort him, but he still has to tell his mother why he is so fierce.

He didn't want his mother to see him crying at all, so he wouldn't cry, absolutely not.

Wronged and uncomfortable together, Ning Er covered her mouth and kept crying. He cried for a long time, I don't know how long, but it was really a long time, and he was gradually tired from crying, and his heart was no longer blocked. Suddenly, a warm embrace hugged him tightly.

Ning Er opened his eyes in surprise, and Shao Bohan hugged him tightly in his arms.

The little boy's body is very short, but this embrace is very reliable. The faint lemon smell entered Ning Er's nose, it was the most reassuring smell that he would never forget in his life.

Shao Bohan's voice was trembling with tension, and he didn't know where to put the hands holding him.

"No... don't cry, who bullied you, you tell me, I... I'll beat him up for you."

Ning Er was hugged in a daze, without answering.

Shao Bohan hugged him even tighter: "With me here, no one can bully you. Xiaoer, don't cry, okay?"

No one can bully him

Ning Er looked at the trees on the playground and pursed her lips.

Obviously the one who bullies him the most is Shao Bohan!

Ning Er was thinking wildly.

His arms suddenly felt cold, and Ning Er turned his head to see that Jiang Chen was holding a bottle of iced Coke, and sat beside him with a smile, pushing the Coke to his hand.

Ning Er didn't think too much, picked up the Coke bought by a friend, opened it and took a sip.

Feeling cold in his heart, he immediately forgot about that annoying Shao Bohan.

Jiang Chen's surprised voice sounded: "Ning Er, you drank my Coke, do me a favor! Brother's lifelong happiness depends on you, you must help me!"

Ning Er who was about to take a second sip of Coke: "..."

Jiang Chen is a scheming dog, it's fake to ask Ning Er to drink Coke, the real purpose is to pick up girls.

Jiang Chen likes Liu Xiaomeng, Ning Er already knew about it, but there are many people in Yanzhong who like Liu Xiaomeng. Not to mention the first year of high school, it is said that there are many seniors in the second and third year of high school who like this sweet high-level flower.

Ning Er thought for a while: "Liu Xiaomeng seems to have someone he likes."

Jiang Chen stared straight: "Who?!"

Ning Er: "I won't tell you."

Jiang Chen scolded that boy a hundred times, and at the end, he casually asked, "How long have they been in love?"

Ning Er shook her head: "They don't seem to be together."

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up again immediately: "Ning Er, please help me, you must help me, woo woo woo!"

Jiang Chen still has intentions, he really likes Liu Xiaomeng, even though Liu Xiaomeng doesn't know who he is, but he knows what Liu Xiaomeng likes the most.

"She likes oil painting the most. Can't you tell, she is very good at painting, and she may be an art student in the future. So... ahem, that... Ning Er, we have a private art exhibition in Yancheng on the fifth day of the summer vacation. I have a few tickets. Can you make an appointment with Liu Xiaomeng for me, I...I want to invite her to see this private oil painting exhibition."

Ning Er nodded, but felt: "Why don't you go by yourself? I'm going to invite her for you. It's not quite right. I'm not dating her."

Jiang Chen: "But you know her. She doesn't know me at all, maybe... she thinks I'm crazy."

What he said made sense, Ning Er: "Okay, then you give me the ticket, and I will talk to her, but if she agrees or not, I don't know."

Jiang Chen nodded in surprise, and took out two long-prepared tickets from his schoolbag.

Ning Er: "Just one is enough. One for Liu Xiaomeng, you just keep your own."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "No, there is another one for you."

Ning Er: "Huh?"

"Liu Xiaomeng and I didn't know each other at all before, how could she come out to see the exhibition with me for no reason. So... so Ning Er, you can help me, the three of us go to the art exhibition together, and she can possibly agree... Hey Ning Er, don't go, help me, my lifelong happiness, woo woo woo... "

Before the holiday, Ning Er went to Class 7 and gave the ticket to Liu Xiaomeng.

Liu Xiaomeng seemed to really like the art exhibition, she quickly agreed to Ning Er, turned around and ran into the classroom. After running in, he quietly turned his head to look at Ning Er, unable to hide his shyness.

Ning Er didn't pay attention at all, holding his own ticket, he suddenly thought: ... Actually he doesn't like oil painting at all.

High school is over.

Class 6 had a holiday early, and when Ning Er left the classroom, Shao Bohan came back from playing on the basketball court, took his bag and went with him.

Ning Er was carrying her schoolbag and looked down at the lines on the ground.

The sycamore tree cast a thick shade, Ning Er said softly: "What are you going to do in summer vacation?"

Shao Bohan looked at him and asked back, "What do you want to do?"

Ning Er hesitated for a while: "... I don't want to do anything, I want to prepare for the second year of high school at home."

Shao Bohan laughed lowly: "Prepare well, and then defeat me?"

"Shao Bohan!"

Shao Bohan smiled wickedly, and snapped his fingers: "I suddenly remembered what I want you to do for me."

Ning Er pricked up her ears nervously.

"Let's do summer homework together during the summer vacation. Well... yes, you borrow me to copy your homework. You Yanzhong has too many summer homework, how can you have so many homework. There are thirty sets of papers for English."

Ning Er hesitated for a while, and said softly, "Shao Bohan, copying homework is not good." And it was not "your Yanzhong", but "our Yanzhong".

A strong arm rested firmly on Ning Er's shoulder, the handsome big boy bent down slightly, and put his face next to Ning Er's ear: "Okay, okay. Then I won't copy it, little ear, you are so nice , can you help me with my homework..."

Ning Er's ears turned red with embarrassment: "You can do whatever you want! Anyway, I'm not the one with poor grades!"

After finishing speaking, Ning Er struggled to escape from this strong arm, but Shao Bohan laughed loudly and held him firmly in his arms.

Ning Er walked forward angrily, Shao Bohan slowly stopped smiling, and looked deeply at that delicate face. He stared silently for a long time, gradually tightened his grip on Ning Er's right hand, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, revealing an imperceptible smile.

Three days later, Ning Er knocked on the door of Shao's house holding the five sets of English papers she had written.

Ning Er raised her head and smiled softly: "Grandma Shao, I'll ask Shao Bohan to copy... I'll ask him to do homework together."

Grandma Shao froze for a moment, then shook her head helplessly: "Xiaoer, something happened to Xiaohan's house yesterday afternoon, and he went back to Haicheng temporarily. Do you want to wait a few days and come to him again?"

Ning Er hugged the test paper, the smile on her face froze.

Shao Bohan is a big liar! ! !

The author has something to say: Ning Er: Shao Bohan, you big liar QAQ! ! !

Shao Bohan: How dare you date another girl behind my back! ! !

Ning Er: Then I'll date another boy.

Shao Bohan:! ! !