Little Love Song

Chapter 38


Da-da footsteps sounded outside the door, Ning's mother walked from the kitchen to the living room, and turned on the TV. The dialogue between the male and female protagonists in the TV series could be heard clearly and loudly. In the room, Ning Er's eyes were wide open, and her body trembled slightly. She was pressed down on the bed by Shao Bohan, and the pajamas on her upper body were loosely draped over her shoulders.

When the TV series was placed in an interesting place, Mother Ning laughed.

Ning Er is like a frightened fawn, not daring to breathe, looking at the person in front of him in fear, and his voice is also low.

"Shao Bohan..."

Shao Bohan swallowed his saliva, and raised his fingers tremblingly.

"I'll help you, little ear..."

Ning Er was too frightened to speak anymore.

Shao Bohan didn't lock the door at all when he came in, just outside this door, Mother Ning was watching TV. But now Shao Bohan actually pressed him on the bed and touched his pajamas.

Ning Er pursed her lips tightly, watching this man's hand reach out to the buttons of her pajamas.

"I'll help you change your clothes, change your clothes..." the man said while doing it, as if to embolden himself.

There was a snap.

A button was undone.

Ning Er's face turned even redder.

Shao Bohan concentrated on doing this, as if he was doing a very difficult math problem, extremely careful. He was trembling a little at first, but then somehow, maybe because his skin thickened, he undid the three buttons very skillfully.

When the last button was unbuttoned, the obstructive pajamas opened to both sides, revealing a large area of snow-white skin.

Shao Bohan stared intently.

He saw the pajamas slipped to the sides, completely revealing two pink spots.

The world was completely silent, Shao Bohan stared at the beautiful scenery in front of him without blinking, until Ning Er's crying voice rang in his ears.

"Shao Bohan."

Shao Bohan raised his head.

Ning Er's eyes were red, her cheeks were flushed, she was shy and wronged, she was on the verge of crying.

Shao Bohan suddenly sobered up.

The sound of the TV outside the door never stopped, Shao Bohan's Adam's apple visibly moved, and he pretended to be calm and said, "I'll help you get dressed."

Ning Er didn't want him to help her dress.

Just now, Shao Bohan's eyes were so scary. When the pajamas were pulled to the sides, Ning Er wanted to pull up the clothes, but this person's naked eyes made him stop for some reason, resulting in such a strange situation.

Ning Er's face was blushing, he lowered his head, watching this man... dressing himself.

Ning Er was going to wear an ordinary shirt and a thicker coat.

When Shao Bohan undressed him, he moved quickly, almost stripping his clothes off in the blink of an eye. But when dressing him, it was like a Parkinson's patient, with trembling hands, touching Ning Er's collarbone for a while, and Ning Er's shoulder for a while.

Ning Er was tormented by him until he clenched his teeth, not daring to say a word.

The more Shao Bohan touched, the more he touched where he shouldn't.

When he buttoned Ning Er's shirt, the salty pig's hands crawled towards Ning Er's chest little by little, and finally even touched it directly!

"Shao Bohan!" Ning Er couldn't help shouting anymore, the voice was loud, suppressing the trill in his throat.

Outside the door, Mother Ning asked, "What's the matter, Xiaoer?"

It was only then that Ning Er realized that he had caused trouble, and he quickly said, "'s nothing, Mom, I'm chatting with Shao Bohan."

Mother Ning's footsteps stopped one meter away from the bedroom door, and she didn't come any closer.

"Oh, you guys are going out for Christmas, hurry up and don't be late."

Shao Bohan said loudly: "I know, Auntie."

Mother Ning went to watch TV again.

In the room, Ning Er was angry and annoyed. The clothes were almost ready, he fastened the last two buttons himself, and pushed the man on him away.

Shao Bohan also knew that he had indeed gone too far just now, so he coughed twice and begged for forgiveness: "Little ear?"

Ning Er ignored him at all and put on his coat again.

Shao Bohan raised his hand very sincerely: "I was wrong, I really didn't expect to touch there, I just tried it..."

Ning Er was very angry: "Are you going to get out or not?"

Shao Bohan hurriedly said: "Get out, let's go, let's go out quickly."

Shao Bohan never knew that Ning Er was angry on the one hand because he was looking at and touching him again and again, and he became angry from embarrassment. On the other hand, it was because Shao Bohan looked at him with that kind of eyes, touched him furtively, and finally touched that place...

At that time, Ning Er also had a feeling.

He has been well-behaved since he was a child, but just a few minutes ago, many strange thoughts popped into his mind.

The content of the little pornographic book that I was accidentally recommended by my deskmate when I was in junior high flashed before my eyes...

Inside my mind is the picture of the calcium tablet I was curious about before...

Mom is right outside the door.

He and Shao Bohan were doing this kind of thing in the house.


It shouldn't be.

But very exciting...

He even thought for a moment that his mother was outside the door, but his mother didn't know that he and Shao Bohan were doing this kind of thing. If they don't just undress and change clothes, but also do all the things they shouldn't do, that feeling... It's not annoying at all, but rather looking forward to it!

Ning Er was frightened by her own shameless thoughts.

He was mad at himself too.

When they arrived at the school gate, Jiang Chen and Liu Xiaomeng were already waiting, along with a few students they didn't know.

Ning Er didn't talk to Shao Bohan all the way, Shao Bohan only thought he was getting angry because of awkwardness, but he didn't know that there was a battle between heaven and man in Ning Er's heart, and he began to wonder if he was the sexiest one.

Jiang Chen said, "Wait for one more person, and we'll clear it up when everyone arrives. That store is next to the school."

Not long after, the last student also arrived, and a group of people walked to Qingba in a mighty manner.

On Christmas Eve, there are a lot of people who come out to celebrate Christmas. This bar is usually not very popular, but it is also overcrowded on this special day. Fortunately, Jiang Chen reserved a box in advance, otherwise there would be no place to sit.

After entering the box, everyone started to order something.

"We have three adults in total, so let's order three glasses of wine, and let's have some flavored drinks?"

Shao Bohan was one of the three adults. He ordered a blue cocktail, while Ning Er got a glass of pomegranate juice. We chatted for a while, and at the suggestion of a girl, we started to play truth or dare.

Ning Er's attention was gradually drawn to the game, and he also forgot what happened before.

Seeing that Ning'er had returned to normal, Shao Bohan raised the corners of his lips and joined the game.

"Shao Bohan, it's you this time! Do you choose the truth or the big risk?"

Shao Bohan and Ning Er are the focus of today's gathering.

Although the other students didn't say anything, their eyes were always on Shao Bohan and Ning Er. One is a transfer student who is very famous recently and has good grades, and the other is a school girl who has always been a man of influence. The point is that both of them are handsome. The girls will turn their eyes away involuntarily, and their boyfriends will gnash their teeth. I also looked over.

Shao Bohan raised his eyebrows, and smiled handsomely and naughtily: "I'm so unlucky, so tell the truth."

The game this time is that everyone who loses becomes the next questioner. Shao Bohan lost this time, and after he finishes his punishment, he will be the questioner next time.

The girl who asked him the question said happily: "What's wrong with you? You've played five times. You and Ning Er didn't get your turn once. Now it's finally your turn. You choose the truth... Let me think about it..." Suddenly After a pause, the delicate girl smiled maliciously: "I'll just ask, Shao Bohan, do you have someone you like?"

Everyone looked at Shao Bohan.

"Yes, I have."

No one thought it would be this answer, and Shao Bohan still answered it so crisply.

The girl was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly asked, "Who is that? Is it from our school?"

Shao Bohan smiled and asked back: "The truth should only need to answer one question, right?"

Everyone booed.

Ning Er, who was sitting next to her, blushed completely.

In the next round of the game, Shao Bohan drew Jiang Chen. He had no interest in punishing Jiang Chen at all, and Jiang Chen deliberately chose a big adventure to stir up the atmosphere. Shao Bohan said very calmly: "Go and kiss someone... Well, he will be fine."

Jiang Chen's eyes were bright at first, thinking that Shao Bohan was so interesting that he wanted to kiss Xiaomeng, but then he saw Shao Bohan's fingers on a boy.

Jiang Chen: "..."

That boy: "..."

Amidst the booing of the boy's girlfriend, Jiang Chen reluctantly touched the boy's face.

"Shao Bohan! Just wait for me!" Jiang Chen was indignant.

Shao Bohan looked embarrassed: "Okay, I'll wait."

Shao Bohan waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for his punishment. On the contrary, Jiang Chen himself was tricked many times.

Shao Bohan smiled slightly: "Jiang Chen, you should go and kiss him this time."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Another boy: "..."

Shao Bohan, you will be punished sooner or later! ! !

Retribution came really fast.

Shao Bohan was suddenly drawn, and he said calmly, "Speak the truth."

Liu Xiaomeng thought for a while, then Jiang Chen hurriedly said, "Ask him! Ask him the name of the person he likes!"

Ning Er raised her head in fright, and clenched her fingers tightly.

Liu Xiaomeng also knew that her boyfriend was forced to kiss three boys, so she had to save him face. She smiled and said, "Then Shao Bohan, tell us, what is the name of the person you like?"

Shao Bohan frowned.

After a while, he raised his glass, walked outside the box, and calmly said loudly to the other guests in the bar: "Hello everyone, I am a pig." The next moment, he drank the cocktail in the glass , leaving a room full of sluggish guests, and returned to the box.

"Okay, I accept the punishment, continue."

Students who haven't reacted yet: "... ???"

Ning Er breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s okay not to answer the truth or not to take big risks. Jiang Chen said at the beginning of the game that if anyone refuses to do it, he should run to the lobby and call himself a pig, and then drink a glass of wine (not yet Adults drink beverages).

But just now Jiang Chen himself would rather kiss three boys than do such a shameful thing. No one thought that anyone would be willing to accept such a punishment. This person was still the arrogant Shao Bohan.

Everyone stopped talking.

After two rounds, Shao Bohan was drawn again. He frowned, and took the game bottle in his hand to look at it.

"The truth."

Before the questioner could say a word, Jiang Chen began to instigate: "We must know the person he likes, you ask him what class that person is in!" The question can't be repeated, so it's okay to ask the class.

With a calm expression on his face, Shao Bohan walked out of the box with his wine glass in his hand, shouted "I'm a pig", and came back with an empty wine glass.

Now it was quiet in the box again.

... Can't even say which class

Shao Bohan was really unlucky, this time Jiang Chen picked him.

Shao Bohan pondered for a moment this time: "I choose the big adventure."

Jiang Chen was caused by him to kiss three boys, of course he had to avenge all three times. He laughed: "You kiss him!"

The boy pointed at widened his eyes in horror: "What are you doing me!"

Jiang Chen was confident: "I kissed everyone else, but you haven't kissed, let Shao Bohan kiss you."

The boy was very unconvinced: "Why don't you let Shao Bohan kiss you? Don't make trouble."

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and felt that he was not the kind of Shao Bohan who shamelessly framed his brother. His body trembled, and he said solemnly: "Then you can kiss me."

Shao Bohan took a deep look at him, picked up his glass and walked out again.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Everyone else laughed.

Ning Er grabbed Shao Bohan's hand.

"You've drank so much, you can't drink any more."

Shao Bohan smiled and looked at him for a long time, then shook his head: "It's okay, you can't let me kiss him, right? You..." Are you jealous

Shao Bohan didn't say what happened next, but Ning Er guessed it.

The light in the bar was dim, no one could see that Ning Er was blushing. He let go of Shao Bohan's hand: "Drink as much as you want, it's none of my business... none of my business!"

Shao Bohan knew that his rabbit had blown his hair again, so he squeezed his hand calmly, and went outside the box to drink.

After a while, everyone stopped playing games and continued to chat.

The store also started its Christmas Eve event tonight, with the DJ playing slow rocking songs and interacting with the customers in the store.

Shao Bohan didn't drink any more after that, he held his glass and looked at the stage in the center of the bar, his eyes were gloomy, and he didn't speak.

After a while, he got up and walked out of the box.

Everyone else was listening to the DJ, only Ning Er noticed Shao Bohan's movements, and he quietly followed.

There were so many people in the bar, Shao Bohan turned two corners, Ning Er couldn't find him. He looked around anxiously, there was something wrong with Shao Bohan's expression just now, there seemed to be something strange, Ning Er was worried that something would happen to him.

When Ning Er straddled the hall and searched for a long time, he had just reached a corner when he was suddenly pulled over.

Ning Er was startled: "You..."

A deep and laughing voice sounded in his ears: "Little friend, you look like you are not yet an adult. What are you wandering around here? Are you looking for someone? Who are you looking for? You look pretty, do you want to grow up?" Brother help you find it?"

Ning Er was covered with her mouth, and felt that the person behind her was pressing against her body, and her other hand was tightly wrapped around her waist. He could feel the man's lips close to his ears, and while he was talking, his lips touched his auricle from time to time.

A strong smell of alcohol spewed out from the man's mouth.

Ning Er's eyes were red with anxiety.

The man sensed his struggle and gave a low laugh: "Little friend, don't be afraid, big brother will play with you, okay? Big brother will help you undress..."

help you undress...

Ning Er was stunned by the familiar tone.

Shao Bohan! ! !

The author has something to say: Ning Er: Shao Bohan QAQ you big villain! ! !

Shao Bohan: Bad and bad make people love, men are not bad, small ears don't love~

Fuwa: So is Shao Pervert or Xiaoer the sexiest one~doge