Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good

Chapter 62


Panshan intersection, where Chen Shiming had a car accident in his previous life.

Some things seem to be destined, and they seem to have been arranged.

"The road conditions at the Panshan intersection are really complicated." Zhang Yazhi noticed Chen Qizhao's expression and saw that his mood did not seem to fluctuate too much, so he continued: "There are many residential buildings over there, and there are shops and elementary schools around. At that time, there was also a line of sight in the rain. The reason for the obstruction is that I knew I should have sent a car to pick it up, or you wouldn't have crossed the road to wait for the car across the road."

"Does Uncle Lin know about these things?" Chen Qizhao asked, "It was an accident that happened to his wife."

"You know, Uncle Lin, he was on a business trip with your father, and he came back immediately after receiving news from home." Zhang Yazhi sighed, "But the world is impermanent, who would have expected such a thing to happen... At that time, I said I would send a car to pick it up. She, she said the driver had trouble going back and forth and refused."

Chen Qizhao listened to Zhang Yazhi talking about the events before the meeting, and went back to the room after finishing the album with her.

The first thing he did when he arrived at the room was the car accident at the Panshan intersection. Because of the long time interval, the monitoring of the intersection was vague in the early years, and he could only find some short reports. This incident is probably the case of a drunk driver who ran a red light and ran directly onto the sidewalk at the Panshan intersection, resulting in a major accident with 6 deaths and 12 injuries.

Such evil incidents are relatively rare, but not without them.

After all, such reports on the Internet are still a bit one-sided, Chen Qizhao directly called Xiao Zhou after thinking for a while, then went to the cloakroom to get a coat and planned to go downstairs.

It's just that he met Zhang Yazhi when he just came downstairs, and the latter stopped him when he saw this, "Xiao Zhao, where are you going?"

Chen Qizhao dealt with it casually: "I have to go to Feihong for something, I'll be back before dinner."

"What's the matter with the company... You're still not cured." Zhang Yazhi was not good at stopping people when she heard about the company. "You're wearing too little, wait, change to something thicker."

When Xiao Zhou arrived at Chen's house, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. After he parked in the garage, he saw his boss coming out of the villa. He happened to be running outside when the boss called and he had to turn around to pick him up.

When the boss got into the car, he saw the boss unbuttoned the collar of his coat and took off a coat.

Xiao Zhou asked, "Boss, where are we going?"

Chen Qizhao took off the scarf, and seeing that Xiao Zhou had turned out of the villa, he said, "Go to Panshan Road."

It was a bit troublesome to go out. The only driver at home was Lao Lin, who was resting. The other drivers basically went out. Chen Qizhao used the excuse of going to the parking lot to learn to drive and re-examined his driver's license, but the driver's license is estimated to have to be obtained next week.

Panshan Road is not far from Chen's house. In less than ten minutes, Xiaozhou drove to the vicinity of Panshan Road.

Chen Qizhao asked him to find a place to park, then got out of the car and looked at the road.

In the road planning of S City in recent years, Panshan Road is also a road to be repaired. Now it's just an ordinary main road. When the road is planned in a few years, this place will also be a shortcut. The current road conditions are similar to what he saw on the Internet. He walked along the road here, glanced at the surrounding buildings, and saw the hospital building not far ahead diagonally.

Chen Qizhao used the navigation to check the time it took to get here from the hospital. There was no more or less, and it took about ten minutes to walk.

Now the road planning has not been done, and the road here is not much different from the place where the car accident happened at that time. Chen Qizhao found the route according to the navigation, and he was a little puzzled.

This place is not on the way, why did Auntie Fu go here in the first place

He compared the pictures on the Internet, found the location of the accident, and paid attention to the surrounding shops.

"Boss, the car is parked." Xiao Zhou ran over.

Chen Qizhao sent him a photo, and then said: "Inquire with the people nearby to see if you have seen him."

Xiao Zhou took a look at the photo on his mobile phone and recognized that this man was the driver of the boss's house.

He was puzzled and didn't ask much. He immediately took the photo and went to the neighborhood to inquire about the situation.

Chen Qizhao waited on the side of the road, paying attention to the traffic light times on the sidewalks around the intersection.

By the way, I entered a grocery store near the intersection to ask about the situation. Chen Qizhao took a few things to pay for it, and then asked, "Sister, I want to ask you something, have you met this person?"

The eldest sister at the grocery store saw that Chen Qizhao had bought a lot of things, and quickly came over to look at it enthusiastically, "It looks familiar."

Chen Qizhao said, "Has he been around here before?"

"This should be someone nearby. It looks familiar."

The eldest sister was still looking at the photos, and the passing employees came over to take a look, and then said, "This one, isn't it the one who used to come often?"

Chen Qizhao frowned slightly: "Do you have an impression?"

"Yes, I used to come here a lot, but I didn't see many people last year." The employee thought about it and said, "This person is quite strange, because he occasionally wears a suit, so I remember it more clearly. He used to play toys across from him. Sitting near the store, why don't you go to the opposite side and ask?"

"Okay, thank you." Chen Qizhao left the grocery store with a bag of things, and then asked a few stores on the way.

This side of Panshan Road was the spot where the car accident happened that year. Chen Qizhao just planned to ask by the way, but he didn't expect that the driver Lao Lin not only came here, but also came here often.

It's actually a bit broad and difficult to check a driver's behavioral trajectory. Lao Lin's character is relatively honest and dull, and he doesn't talk much. When he has work, he runs with Chen Jianhong or Zhang Yazhi at two o'clock, and when he is not working, he stays at home... It's just that his daily expenses may need to pass through gas stations, convenience stores, shopping malls and other places.

If I hadn't come here to take a look, I wouldn't know that he usually came here.

Chen Qizhao pondered slightly, and it didn't take long for him to see Xiao Zhou running over from the sidewalk.

Xiao Zhou: "Boss, I asked around, and only one or two people have a little impression of him."

Chen Qizhao glanced around and handed him a bottle of water from the grocery store, "Go to the car and tell."

After getting in the car, Xiao Zhou took a sip of water and began to say, "This person used to come here alone, just a year or two ago, but he rarely comes recently. Then he just sat in the place where I just went. He seems to be looking at the sidewalk all the time. When people talk to him, he always responds. Oh, by the way, isn't there a toy store across the street?"

"A toy store?" Chen Zhong looked sideways.

"Yes, I just asked the owner of the toy store. When I first asked, the owner of the toy store didn't say anything, thinking I was a reporter who came to inquire about the situation nearby." Xiao Zhou continued: "He said it later, saying This man ruined his business."

Chen Qizhao wondered: "Why is the business so bad?"

"Occasionally, parents take their children to buy toys..." Xiao Zhou said: "It's outrageous. Isn't the toy store close to the flower bed? The boss also said that parents brought their children here to buy things several times, and he just stared at it. People don't know if he hates children or something, and once he threw mineral water at other parents, he almost got into a fight."

"Then what?" Chen Qizhao frowned.

Xiao Zhou: "No more. The boss quarreled with him, and he didn't come here much after that."

When he said this, he was still a little puzzled, "I saw Uncle Lin when I went there before, and I felt that Uncle Lin was not as excited as usual."

"Really?" Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes slightly, thinking of what he had asked Lao Lin in the car before.

He suddenly smiled: "When you saw Jiang Yuze before, didn't you think others were okay?"

Xiao Zhou said: "Ah? It's not comparable..."

"Who knows." Chen Qizhao glanced at other positions outside the window, "Go and ask again."

Chen Qizhao and Xiao Zhou circled around here a few times, but most of the shops were operated by different people. Most people only remember that there was a car accident here before, but they can't remember anything else clearly.

It was past six o'clock when I got home. Zhang Yazhi was painting in the garden, and there was still some time before dinner.

Seeing that the housekeeper was here, he casually asked something.

"Mr. is actually very concerned about this matter. After the accident, he gave Lao Lin a half-year leave to adjust his mood, and his wife and children's funerals were also handled by the family. My wife was more self-blaming at the beginning, originally she wanted Lao Wu to pick it up. Xiaofu, their mother and son, it was me who called, but Xiaofu refused, as if he wanted to buy something."

Chen Qizhao said, "What to buy?"

"It was a rainy day, and I didn't know what to buy." The housekeeper asked in confusion, "Why is Er Shao suddenly interested in this matter?"

Chen Qizhao said a few words casually: "I sorted out the album with my mother, and I was a little curious when I saw Aunt Fu's child."

The housekeeper said again: "Mr. in the evening, they came back late, it should be more than eight o'clock."

"I see." Chen Qizhao simply went upstairs. He felt that this was a bit strange, so he sent Chen Shiming the location of the Panshan intersection, mentioned the accident by the way, and then sent an email to ask the other party to check the Panshan intersection. things during this time.

Suspicion without evidence is likely to be ruled out as a cause in the end.

What Chen Shiming is investigating is the whole story. The driver may be just one of his suspect targets, but before he gets the evidence, the matter cannot be sealed.

So sometimes, you should force the other side.

But he can't do things too hastily. He has to wait a little longer before the goal is set.

Chen Qizhao lit a cigarette, sat cross-legged on the chair, glanced at the already dark sky outside the window, and felt calm.

He didn't smoke, let the cigarette gradually burn to the end, and finally threw it into the ashtray lightly.

The mobile phone on the desktop vibrated, Chen Qizhao recovered, and noticed the vx message reminder popped up on the lock screen interface. He stopped thinking about ordering one more, picked up his phone and scanned the information.

Shen Yuhuai sent him another succulent photo.

Chen Qizhao's eyes paused slightly, he walked to the bed with his mobile phone, and when he clicked on the photo to enlarge, he didn't see the glass reflection like last time.

[- Zhao: Are you at home? ]

[-Shen Yuhuai: Yes, rest today. ]

Chen Qizhao pointed at the screen, absent-mindedly thinking about the weird dream he had a few days ago.

He simply flicked a video message over, and the other party was connected after a while.

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped slightly.

The person who came into sight was Shen Yuhuai, who was dressed in home clothes. He was holding a watering can in his hand. After connecting the video, he put the watering can on the chair inconveniently, and said, "Why did the video suddenly come over?"

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped briefly on Shen Yuhuai's body, and then he said, "It's interesting to see how much meat you have, have you raised a lot?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuhuai turned the video camera towards the plants on the balcony. The plant stand was filled with flowers and plants that Chen Qizhao couldn't name. He said, "Which one do you want to see?"

Chen Qizhao: "The one on the left."

Shen Yuhuai smiled: "There are quite a few on the left, which do you mean?"

Chen Qizhao said one casually.

Shen Yuhuai walked over and pointed the camera at the potted plant. In addition to the video, there was a voice of introduction.

Chen Qizhao watched Shen Yuhuai's hand appear in the camera, playing with the potted plant, making the light shine on the potted plant, and the effect in the video was more obvious.

Shen Yuhuai said: "It doesn't look good. I'll bring you here to have a look when I have time."

Chen Qizhao snorted and his eyes stayed on Shen Yuhuai's hand.

It's really not clear in the video... It's far less clear than in photos or dreams. Thinking of that dream, Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped for a while. He listened to Shen Yuhuai's voice and said, "Brother Huai, what's on the leaf of the potted plant on the right?"

Shen Yuhuai adjusted the camera, "Which one?"

When Chen Qizhao saw him go to poke the branches and leaves, he took a screenshot of the hand that appeared in the camera, and his voice remained unchanged: "No, maybe I saw it wrong."

In the evening, when Chen Shiming finished eating, he saw Chen Qizhao on the sofa watching a popular TV series with Zhang Yazhi.

Chen Qizhao's face looked sullen, and he seemed to be looking at something while swiping his phone.

Chen Shiming coughed.

Seeing this, Zhang Yazhi tilted her head to look at him, "Does your voice sound bad?"

"No." Chen Shiming gave Chen Qizhao a look, but the latter didn't seem to see his hint.

He had to walk to Chen Qizhao's side and sit down. Chen Qizhao suddenly sent him a report on the previous car accident at Panshan intersection, and he didn't reply to the message after that.

Zhang Yazhi looked at the two brothers suspiciously, especially Chen Shiming who was still wearing a suit, which seemed to be a little out of tune with this space. She asked suspiciously, "Are you all right tonight?"

Chen Shiming: "It's okay, I'll watch TV with you."

Zhang Yazhi looked at the two brothers suspiciously, seeing that they had no other reaction, and finally focused on the TV series. Seeing that her attention had shifted, Chen Shiming tilted his head to look at Chen Qizhao, noting that the latter hid his phone slightly behind.

Chen Shiming asked, "I didn't look at your phone again."

Chen Qizhao snorted, "Really?"

"What are you going to do?" Chen Shiming lowered his voice, "Uncle Lin has already given him a week's leave, and no other evidence has been found. If we drag it on, I'm afraid it will be a shock."

"I don't think much of it." Chen Qizhao's eyes fell on the screenshot of a video on his mobile phone. He pressed the screen of the mobile phone and said casually: "Is it us who are anxious? If there is no evidence, we will wait for them to release the evidence... Just continue the holiday. After a long time, some people should be in a hurry."

For Chen Qizhao, the bottom line is the safety of his family.

Once a certain cordon is lifted, he has enough patience to wait for the prey... He doesn't care how hard the driver Uncle Lin has or the reasons, the people are now under his nose, the surveillance of the villa at home, Chen Shiming's eyeliner, etc., want to It's too easy to stare at such a person.

Chen Shiming frowned, thinking thoughtfully about Chen Qizhao's words, "The rest, I will take it home for you when Xiao Xu comes out tomorrow."

"I won't be here tomorrow." Chen Qizhao said.

Chen Shiming: "Where are you going?"

Chen Qizhao looked at him suspiciously, "Shouldn't you go back to school when you're cured?"

Zhang Yazhi, who was watching TV, suddenly turned around. She thought of the doctor's words, "Why do you go to school so quickly? I live at home during this time, and the driver will take you to class."

"I just had a fever, and now the fever has subsided for a few days. Isn't there any other problem when I go to the physical examination?"

Chen Qizhao stopped, "It's convenient to go to school, I'll come back on weekends."

Class is second, mainly because there are some things to do.

Zhang Yazhi asked, "When will you leave?"

Chen Qizhao: "Just tomorrow morning."

It was only three days before Saturday, and Zhang Yazhi was worried that he didn't bring enough clothes, so she gave him an extra set of clothes before going out in the morning. Chen Qizhao just carried a bag, just rubbing Chen Shiming's car to go out. After he got into the car, he said casually: "You asked the parking lot to remind me, why hasn't my driver's license been released yet?"

"How long did it take you to finish the fourth exam?" Chen Shiming saw him take off his scarf, and said, "Wrap around."

Chen Qizhao: "You are stuffy in the car."

Chen Shiming looked at Xu Te's help, the latter hurriedly opened the rear window, and he said again, "It's ventilated now."

Chen Qizhao: "..."

The car drove out of the garage, and through the window, Chen Qizhao glanced at the room above the garage, and seemed to see the curtain over there swaying twice.

He quickly retracted his gaze, saw Zhang Yazhi who was talking to the housekeeper not far away, and closed his scarf a little.