Little One Tears the Villain’s Script

Chapter 10


After listening to Teacher Tang's story, Jiang Xiaoman quickly packed up and decided to continue to come to school the next day.

Teacher Tang said that it doesn't matter if you encounter problems, just ask if you don't understand, take it step by step, and the most important thing is to have fun.

Not only Teacher Tang can ask, but she also has a system.

At first, the system was very reluctant to help her recognize words. When Jiang Xiaoman made this request to it, the system refused. Because its positioning is a villain system not a parenting system, it is very reluctant to do such work.

The system said: "Host, the division of labor in our system is very strict. Each system has its own tasks, and our route is the villain's growth plan, not whether to go to Peking University or Tsinghua University."

Hearing that the system was rejecting her, Jiang Xiaoman said empathetically, "So you don't know this word, Mr. System. It doesn't matter, everyone has something they are not good at. Since you don't know it, then I'll ask. Hello, Mr. Tang, he is so powerful, he must recognize him."

After all, she is a smart child who is very considerate of people, and of course she can also be considerate of the system. What the system can't do, you can't force it.

Jiang Xiaoman's empathy sounded to the system, it was strong... sarcastic, and a bit aggressive, although it knew that its host must not have that kind of meaning, but the system also had emotions.

It was silent for a long time, and then followed Jiang Xiaoman's words: "The two words are 'Ming Nong', the meaning of this poem is Barbara Barbara..."

It's all said and done.

Such a simple question, as a high IQ system, how could it not be? It will not disgrace the system community!

Jiang Xiaoman's eyes lit up and praised, "You are so good, System Master."

"… um, thank you."

After learning this poem, Jiang Xiaoman felt that he was much smarter, so he decided to go to school tomorrow. In order to supervise himself, Jiang Xiaoman made up his mind and instructed: "Master System, you must wake me up at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

So in addition to helping Jiang Xiaoman recognize words, the system also acted as an alarm clock for Jiang Xiaoman.

When he went out the next day, Jiang Xiaoman touched a few pieces of black charcoal from the stove and planned to take it to school to practice calligraphy on the ground, and then write it down in a notebook when he wrote it.

Jiang Xiaoman originally wanted to use the notebook given by Teacher Tang to draw tadpoles to play with, but he was reluctant and decided to use it only for writing.

But her writing is so ugly now, and it seems that it is no different from painting a tadpole.

Jiang Xiumei found two leaves and helped her wrap the black charcoal. Last night, Jiang Xiumei stayed up all night and used some rags to temporarily sew a small schoolbag for Jiang Xiaoman. Today, Jiang Xiaoman hopped out of the house with the schoolbag on his back.

At this time, the weather was very hot, Jiang Xiaoman insisted on wearing her tiger hat and did not want to take it off for a moment.

It's fine in the early morning, the air is a little cool, and the sun gradually gets bigger after noon. How hot is it

Jiang Xiumei said: "I'm almost realizing that prickly heat is coming, don't wear it, take it off."

Jiang Xiaoman protected his hat, shook his head vigorously and refused, with an attitude of swearing not to pick it up.

Her hair hasn't grown out yet, and the burrs are thorny. The key is that only the part where the hair is tied has been cut off, as if it was clipped with a bowl and then deliberately trimmed, which is particularly ugly.

Jiang Xiaoman is particularly stinky and especially loves her hair, so she doesn't want to be seen in this uncute look.

"Okay, it's up to you." Jiang Xiumei had no choice but to let her continue to wear the hat: "If you feel uncomfortable, take it off yourself."

Jiang Xiaoman nodded.

Jiang Xiumei went to work on her own, and Jiang Xiaoman went outside the classroom by herself, with the textbook on her knees, chatting silently with the system in her heart.

The teacher has not come yet, and the students have entered the classroom one after another. One or two looked like they couldn't wake up. One of them stumbled into the wall, cried out "Hey yo", and walked into the classroom with tears in his eyes while covering the place where he was hit.

Jiang Xiaoman came for several days in a row, rain or shine, and he was more punctual than the students who went to school.

The teachers were amazed. They were still betting on how long she could hold on, but the little girl was quite ambitious.

Gradually, the teachers got used to greeting her when the get out of class was over.

"How is Xiaoman feeling today?"

"Xiaoman is really smart."

"Xiaoman is so cute today."

Before leaving, she did not forget to squeeze her tiger hat. Jiang Xiaoman is not willing to let her pinch, but the happiest thing in her life is to be praised as smart and cute. Now, considering this, let them pinch it.

Adults are childish.

The first grade children are very envious of Jiang Xiaoman, because the teacher usually doesn't praise them like that. They will be very strict about not being noisy and not disrupting the classroom.

They originally thought that Jiang Xiaoman's tiger hat was too ugly, with a head and a head, only children like to wear it. The adults in the family wanted to wear them, but they all refused, so they all pressed the bottom of the box.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaoman was praised a lot by the teachers, the children followed suit.

A few days later, a child like Jiang Xiaoman came to school with a tiger hat.

Not only did he wear it, but he also deliberately approached Jiang Xiaoman and asked Jiang Xiaoman, "Does it look good?"

Jiang Xiaoman was friendly and wanted to nod and close his eyes, but at this moment, the system suddenly issued a task.

[Task: Refuse to praise her, bad guys don't need friends.

Reward: Reward 2 points]

The system finally hit the nail on the head and issued a task.

It's too hard.

Jiang Xiaoman looked at the little boy, then smiled and nodded, "The hat looks good."

The children listened, giggled a few times, and left with satisfaction.

system:"… "

Host, you are really smart.

The system reluctantly awarded two points, and the balance became -982.

Although it did not achieve the desired effect, the host did "complete the task", so it was judged to be successful.

Jiang Xiaoman hasn't earned points for a long time, and he got two today, his heart is very swollen, and he is very happy.

She thought about it for a while and felt that this school was a good one.

Not only can you be praised every day by people other than grandma and uncle, but you can also earn points. Before she came to school, the person she came into contact with the most was her grandmother, and the points she usually earned were earned with her grandmother's skin. The amount is not much, not much.

Coming to school is different. It turns out that she can still earn points from others.

She must earn points on everyone in the school!

Jiang Xiaoman was full of ambition. After listening to the class, he waited for his grandmother to go home with him.

On the way, I met Zhou Haiyang who was caught and spanked by fishing in the river.

Zhou Haiyang's mother felt even more uncomfortable when she saw Jiang Xiaoman carrying her schoolbag. He was so angry that he slapped Zhou Haiyang's butt so hard that he screamed.

Everyone is a villager in the village, and the owner will soon find out if there is anything going on in the West family. Everyone knows what Jiang Xiaoman listened to at school.

Zhou Haiyang's mother also wanted her children to go to school to listen to a lesson, but unfortunately, her children were making a fuss! Usually at home, I can’t wait to go to the house to reveal the tiles. If I really go, how can I calm down and study? It's too noisy, the teacher is going to chase people away.

Zhou Haiyang's mother couldn't help but be jealous.

"If you beat the child like this, won't you break it?" Jiang Xiumei raised her mouth strangely, and then pulled Jiang Xiaoman to pass by Zhou Haiyang's mother arrogantly.

She just doesn't like this broken-mouthed mother-in-law. Jiang Xiumei held a grudge very much. She still remembered what happened to Jiang Xing last time, so she would talk back when she got the chance.

"It's none of your business for me to teach my children?" Zhou Haiyang's mother snorted heavily and sneered, "You should take care of your family. It's not up to you to worry about my family's affairs."

Jiang Xiumei straightened her back instantly, and said with an air of air: "What is there to worry about in my star? Last time, remember the courageous one? The village chief is here to praise."

It's just that it's different. If they want to change it, Jiang Xiumei will probably only be choked and don't know how to refute it, but now it's different.

Zhou Haiyang's mother also put her waist on her shoulders, and retorted: "It was before, and now is now. You don't know yet, do you? I just saw someone coming from the village head and going to your house again. The other party is not alone. Here, with two fierce and fierce strong men, they look fierce. Don't your Jiang Xing provoke anyone outside—"

Before listening to her, Jiang Xiumei's complexion changed. She didn't listen to her comparison at all. She immediately picked up Jiang Xiaoman and ran to go home.

What happened this time

A fight was brought to you by an enemy looking for revenge? Or did you take revenge on the gangsters for your courageous actions last time? Or maybe this bastard owes a debt outside and is forced to come to the door to force the debt

Jiang Xiumei's heart was frying up and down in a frying pan. She imagined all the terrible things, and solemnly said to Jiang Xiaoman: "Xiaoman, if there is a fight later, you have to call Someone help grandma."

Jiang Xiaoman was also stunned: "Grandma, what do you want?"

"I have to help your uncle fight!"

Huo Liao rushed home, pushed the door open, and saw three strangers in the house.

A well-dressed middle-aged man, plus two strong men. The strong man is a big man, and he looks very difficult to mess with, but he is indeed fierce.

Jiang Xiumei controlled the urge to go to the kitchen to copy the kitchen knife and asked, "What are you doing? What do you want to do to my son?"

The leading middle-aged man spoke: "This is—"

"My mother, this is my mother!" Jiang Xing immediately said loudly: "Mom, calm down, Mr. Yu is here to thank me, not a bad person! I didn't do anything bad!"

Really worthy of the fuck.

Seeing her like that, Jiang Xing knew what she was thinking.

This Mr. Yu is the father of the child Jiang Xing bravely rescued last time. Jiang Xing was quite surprised that people could come to you.

Yu Wencheng looked at Jiang Xiumei, then Jiang Xiaoman, with a kind smile, and said hello: "I didn't think about the sudden visit, but I should be grateful for the life-saving grace. My son is still in the hospital. , it is inconvenient to see people, otherwise I will bring him along."