Little One Tears the Villain’s Script

Chapter 46


The pig is very small, not a fat pig, it looks a little thin.

It shouldn't be delicious.

Jiang Xiaoman squatted on the ground, raised the pig's front hooves, and stared at the pig with big eyes.

The pig is looking at her, and she is looking at the pig. Pigs are not afraid of her, and she is not afraid of pigs.

"Wow!" Jiang Xiaoman exclaimed, "Uncle, this pig is so cute."

"Isn't it? I found it after running for a long time, can it not look good?" Jiang Xing really ran for a long time. Because most pet stores don't sell this. More cats and dogs, but Jiang Xing was exhausted. But because Jiang Xing was determined to buy a pig for his niece, he persevered and finally bought this little pig.

The pigs in the world all look alike. To be honest, Jiang Xiaoman is a little blind, and he can't tell the difference between this pig and the big flowers in the countryside.

Big flowers and small flowers are so long when they are young.

But this pig is a little more delicate than the big flower and the small flower under the same frame and facial features.

The nose is whiter and tenderer, and the mouth is whiter and tenderer. When humming, the tongue that sticks out is pink and tender.

Jiang Xiaoman played with it for a while, then looked up and asked, "It's so cute, can I eat it? But it's so small, what should I do if it's not enough for my grandmother and me? Will it get bigger after a while?"

Now Jiang Xiaoman is very concerned about what he eats in one bite, especially meat.

"It's not for you to eat, it's for you to raise." Jiang Xing said: "This is called a fragrant pig. You won't grow big for a long time. It's so big, and it's not for you to eat. It will be you in the future. 's playmate, give it a name."

Jiang Xiaoman suddenly realized.

It turns out that the positioning of this pig is similar to that of Miaomiao of Yu Qingshi's family.

Although she really wants her little friend, but raising Miao Miao is expensive. Miaomiao eats meat every day, which is better than hers. To be honest, Jiang Xiaoman is very envious of Miaomiao.

She has no meat to eat now, and if she raises another fragrant pig, her future rations will not be available.

Jiang Xiaoman was reluctant to give the meat to Xiangzhu, and he was also reluctant to follow him to eat vegetables and suffer.

"Uncle, I don't want to raise a fragrant pig, you can send it away." After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaoman made a decision with tears in his eyes, "If it is very edible, I will be hungry every day with me, and Huahua is also very edible. , the mouth has not stopped for a day. If it does not want to suffer and eat green vegetables with me, it will starve to death.

She didn't want Xiang Pig to starve to death.

"...Then you wanted to eat it just now?" Jiang Xing's mouth twitched.

"Because it wasn't my friend just now, it is now."

Children's thinking is always jumpy and strange, especially his Xiaoman, Jiang Xing has long been used to it.

After knowing Jiang Xiaoman's thoughts, Jiang Xing couldn't help laughing and laughing, and explained, "It's okay, it's just a pig. It's affordable. Besides, pigs eat vegetables, not meat."

"Really?" Jiang Xiaoman's eyes lit up, but his eyes quickly dimmed, "But there's nowhere in the city to hunt hogweed."

"...There are other substitutes." Jiang Xing said, "Your uncle Yu told me that grandma's method was wrong, and my uncle came to tell you."

After Yu Wencheng chatted with Jiang Xiaoman last time, he went to Jiang Xing and asked.

Ask him if he has encountered any difficulties, if there is any hidden meaning, if he has not enough money to spend and is going bankrupt.

If not, then go home and see.

After inquiring, Jiang Xing realized what happened, one head and two big ones. Fuck educate children, he doesn't interfere.

He has also heard this saying since he was a child. It's okay to let Xiaoman listen.

The bad is bad, Jiang Xiaoman thinks too much.

She even knows what bankruptcy is, and she sheds tears and sorrow for it.

Jiang Xing works so hard, isn't it just for the family to have a good life

In order to correct her thoughts, and to appease the child, she even brought this fragrant pig home.

He wanted to tell Xiaoman that their family could not only afford meat, but also raise pigs.

"Your uncle has made a lot of money, and now I can turn others into an army." Jiang Xing laughed twice, and said smugly, "Don't worry, when this season's waters are over, uncle will give it to you immediately. Send money, uncle is rich hahahahaha…”

The laughter could not be stopped.

Jiang Xing himself did not expect that his move of opening his base into the community would be so useful.

Not only did it cut off customers from the source, but also… pulled in an investment.

Well, the investment is naturally invested by Yu Wencheng.

Yu Wencheng said that his idea is very good and promising. He is optimistic about him, and the two continue to work together. Jiang Xing contributed, he paid, and directly took over the entire city's market, without giving that little white face a chance.

Someone sent money to the door, Jiang Xing of course chose to accept it, and then continued to spend money happily with the opponent.

But two or three months later, the little white face who threw money was a little bit unable to do them, and now he is faintly tired, and the money is not enough.

Jiang Xing has a healthy capital chain, of course he is stunned.

If it hadn't been too busy, he would have been back already.

Xiaobailian has his wife to support him, and he has Boss Yu, who is afraid of who

"Then can we live in a big house in the future?"

"Yes, you can be neighbors with your friends."

Jiang Xiaoman scratched his head and thought about it, then shook his head and said, "No, I don't want it. Yu Qingshi said that he has to get up very early every day to stay late. I can sleep a little longer here, and I'll go to kindergarten after a short walk. ."

So it was Yu Qingshi who was clamoring to move his family here.

It's just that he's not used to it himself, so he hasn't been successful.

Jiang Xing said inscrutable: "My 400,000 is not in vain."

The house is broken or broken, but the location still has nothing to say. It is very convenient for children to go to and from school. If you can get used to it, there is no need to rush to move.

After Jiang Xing delivered Xiaoxiang Pig, he opened a small pigpen in the yard. Well, although Huahua didn't bring her to the city now, she couldn't escape the fate of raising pigs. She really opened a pigsty exactly the same. Jiang Xiaoman was very happy and excited, the only one who was not so happy was Jiang Xiumei.

In fact, it was originally intended to be brought into the house to raise, but Jiang Xiumei refused, so Jiang Xing had no choice but to make a pigpen for the child. Fortunately, the place is big and spacious.

Of course, the pigsty can't be as simple as the home in the countryside, but a luxurious version of the pig villa. The floor is shiny tile, and there are sleeping baskets on the side.

Jiang Xiaoman was envious when he saw it. He was lying beside the pigsty and refused to leave, and was thinking about whether to go with the pig tonight.

After all, Yu Qingshi was so nurtured.

But how could Jiang Xiumei let her sleep in the pigsty? Hearing her yell, she took him away.

Jiang Xiaoman had no choice but to give up.

She named Xiaoxiang Pig Xiangxiang. I took it once before, and I planned to call it Xiaoxiangxiang, because I was afraid that the pig would be too fragrant, and she couldn't help but want to eat it.

But now that she actually hugged the pig, Jiang Xiaoman found that her worries were totally unnecessary.

Although this pig does not have a great body odor like Huahua, it is not fragrant, so Xiangxiang can be assured and bold.

When he went to Yu Qingshi's house to play on the weekend, Jiang Xiaoman brought Xiangxiang with him.

She put a ring on the pig and pulled the pig along the way, which was very laborious.

Don't look at the small pig, but the strength is a little scary. Jiang Xiaoman struggled to get Xiangxiang to subdue, and then with a pair of small gloves and ropes, he shouted at Yu Qingshi's villa with a red face: "Yu, Yu Qingshi... Children, I, I bring Xiangxiang with me. , come to see you!"

So tired.

This pig is so powerful.

Yu Qingshi ran out, looked at her, looked at the pig she was holding, and was stunned for a moment.

He knew that Jiang Xiaoman kept a pet named Xiangxiang. When she was in school, she let him guess mysteriously, and said she would show it to him on weekends.

Yu Qingshi guessed for a long time and thought about everything.

I just didn't expect that Xiangxiang was a pig.

a pig...

Yu Qingshi squatted down, with a friendly attitude, he wanted to pinch Xiangxiang, but looked at the pig's nose, and was a little stuck. Instead, Xiangxiang hummed a few times and sprayed her face.

He didn't know what kind of expression to put on his face.

After a while, Yu Qingshi said, "My father is at home today. There are guests. Can we play in the small garden?"

"Okay." Jiang Xiaoman brought his baby Xiangxiang here, just to play with Yu Qingshi's children.

The two and one pig played in the garden.

Actually, it's not right to play.

It was Yu Qingshi who sat on the rockery and watched Jiang Xiaoman teach Xiangxiang.

Jiang Xiaoman wanted to pull it east, but Xiang Xiang refused, humming a few times, and had to go west.

One person and one pig began to stalemate.

In the end, Jiang Xiaoman was defeated. Tired and weak, he said helplessly, "Alright, alright, for the sake of your ignorance, I'll let you go there for a while."

The strength in her hands loosened, and Xiangxiang ran out like a wild horse.

The target is the... flower in the flower bed.

"Hum hum hum..." In the blink of an eye, the blooming flowers were gone.

Yu Qingshi's face was as pale as earth.

He thought he might be beaten.

Jiang Xiaoman was also very angry. She slapped Xiang Xiang's butt and said, "I won't give you any food tonight! You are not allowed to eat any more!"

I don't know if she can really talk to animals, but Xiangxiang no longer eats flowers, but uses a pig's nose to cover the mud in the flower bed.

"… "

"Oh, it's dirty." Jiang Xiaoman was very angry, and slapped Xiangxiang's ass again.

Like a mother taking a child, Jiang Xiaoman regarded Xiangxiang as an ignorant child. Yu Qingshi suddenly felt this way.

Jiang Xiaoman was noisy, and so was the pig she raised.

Yu Qingshi used to think that Miaomiao was too quiet and had no other hobbies except sleeping, but now he felt that Miaomiao was simply a fairy in the world, and Miaomiao was too good.

Yu Qingshi sat quietly, watching how Jiang Xiaoman taught Xiangxiang.

When Jiang Xiaoman actually held up Xiangxiang's forefoot and planned to reason with Xiangxiang, Yu Qingshi couldn't stand it any longer.

He said, "You... calm down, it doesn't understand."

"You're not a pig, how do you know that it doesn't understand?" Jiang Xiaoman blinked and transferred his grandmother's words, "Grandma said that the child is ignorant and can beat and scold, but the truth must be explained. If you don't talk about it, you won't know what's wrong. It digs your soil, and if you get a bad habit and go home and dig mine too, then my home will collapse."

"..." Jiang Xiaoman's family is quite broken.

Yu Qingshi had nothing to say, just watched quietly and let her go.

He couldn't stop it anyway.

Just when Jiang Xiaoman regained his prestige and planned to continue to reason, a little girl suddenly probed her head and ran out of the room, standing in front of Yu Qingshi and Jiang Xiaoman, with a mighty expression on her face.

"What are you doing?" the little girl asked.

"I teach it how to be human."

"Idiot, pigs don't understand." The little girl glanced at Yu Qingshi who said nothing, and felt that he was really a strange child, and felt a little scared.

But just heard him talking to Jiang Xiaoman and not talking to herself, and the little girl felt uncomfortable again.

She and her father came here as guests. They wanted to be friends with the little boy, but the other party didn't want to pay attention to her.

"Understood." Jiang Xiaoman Hudu learned this temperament from his grandmother.

Even if she knew that Xiangxiang was so stupid and could not understand, but this little girl despised Xiangxiang, Jiang Xiaoman was very unhappy.

Xiangxiang may be addicted to arching the earth and arching. As soon as the little girl appeared, it tried to arch her with the nose of a pig. As soon as Xiangxiang approached, the breath of the pig's nose sprayed onto her legs. The little girl was frightened and said in a shrill voice: "Go away! You ugly bastard!!"

Jiang Xiaoman died of anger. Experienced what is called burning in anger!

This little girl is so annoying!

But Jiang Xiaoman couldn't really let Xiangxiang go to the rescue, he could only hold Xiangxiang desperately while scolding her: "You are ugly! Xiangxiang is so cute, don't scold Xiangxiang!"

"Ugly, ugly, ugly!" The little girl was a little afraid of this pig, and before Xiangxiang had gotten to her, she began to wipe her tears.

Maybe it was Jiang Xiaoman's work. After the hands were all red, Xiangxiang didn't have to forcefully rush towards the little girl, and her strength slowed down.

Jiang Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, and just let go, when the little girl suddenly stepped forward, kicked Xiangxiang, kicked Xiangxiang so loudly, and ran back.

"What are you doing?!" Jiang Xiaoman was angry.

"Woooooo!! Dad!! Dad, come and save me!!" The little girl kicked Xiangxiang, and even the wicked complained first, and burst into tears.

She burst into tears and shouted inside: "Dad, someone is bullying me! It's terrible here, I want to go home!"