Little One Tears the Villain’s Script

Chapter 49


Jiang Xiaoman cried, crying badly.

The child sat on the threshold, looked at Hua Hua's corpse, and watched the sadness of the pigsty where it once stayed, wiping tears all the time.

Jiang Xing brought her a piece of barbecued pork,

The color is very beautiful, drenched in soy sauce, and burnt caramel color, it looks very delicious, and it makes people appetite.

Char Siew is made with Hua Hua meat.

Jiang Xing said: "For pigs, the best destination is to eat when they are alive, and be eaten when they die. If you eat happily, Huahua will be able to rest his eyes."

Jiang Xiaoman sobbed and whispered, "That's wrong."

"Whether it's a lie, you'll know if you eat it. You can cry when you cry, and you have to eat when you eat."

Jiang Xiaoman followed his words, lowered his head and took a bite, chewed a few times, and flattened his mouth.

"It's not delicious at all!" Jiang Xiaoman instantly felt even more that Hua Hua died very wrongly, so he cried even louder.

Certainly not tasty.

The meat of the old sow is not as tender as the suckling pig, and it is not easy to eat. Woody and chewy, not tasty.

Jiang Xing doesn't like to eat either.

Ask him to say that Huahua should be raised and buried when it dies. But even if he has made a fortune and is rich now, he still can't change the traditional virtue of diligence and thrift, and he has to eat flowers.

The old man always cherishes what he eats. If he doesn't want to throw it away, he can only eat it with his teeth closed.

Jiang Xing sighed, Jiang Xiaoman didn't want to eat this barbecued pork, so he could only eat it.

The child was tired from crying and fell asleep after a while.

Even in his sleep, he was still pumping and pumping hard, and it looked so miserable.

I cried so my eyes and nose were red.

Jiang Xing picked her up and put her back on the bed.

No one has lived in the ancestral house for a long time, and the mattress and bed exude a musty smell, a smell of old things.

Jiang Xing wiped it casually and found a small quilt for her to cover.

It's the size of half a pig, and the three people in the family can't finish it. Jiang Xing took a kitchen knife, cut most of it, put it in a basket, and planned to send it all to Teacher Tang.

And this year, he finally didn't have to carry a bag on his back to deliver things, but he could drive directly there.

Jiang Xing and Yu Wencheng have a good relationship. Over the past year, they have borrowed cars from the mine from time to time, and simply and rudely drove a road that barely allowed the car to enter.

The road is wide, easy to walk, and people are more convenient.

Now Jiang Xing's reputation is very good here. They all say that he never forgets the well digger when drinking water. He is a man who never forgets his roots.

When the old man mentioned it, he slammed it.

I never thought that the bastard who was shaking his head when he mentioned it back then would have such a great prospect today.

It is really good fortune to trick people, good fortune to trick people.

After Jiang Xiaoman woke up, Jiang Xing prepared everything.

He pulled Jiang Xiaoman: "Let's find Teacher Tang."

When Jiang Xiaoman heard this, he was in a hurry.

Are you going to find Teacher Tang now? What if she just cried? Is your nose still red? Are your eyes still swollen

Woohoo, why didn't uncle say it earlier!

Jiang Xiaoman was not happy.

But Teacher Tang still wants to see it.

With a heavy heart, she stuffed the homework and textbooks she had prepared, as well as the little red flowers she had in her hand, into her schoolbag and showed them to Teacher Tang.

Teacher Tang was not surprised that they would come.

Seeing Jiang Xiaoman presenting treasures, one by one, she took out her little red flowers. Teacher Tang cooperated very well, and with a look of relief, praised: "Xiaoman is really good, and in the future, we must continue to work hard. ."

The child grows up when he sees the wind. Teacher Tang feels that it will not take long. When we meet again, the child has grown so big.

The stature is more slender, no longer the little radish head that he used to be.

The eyes are also more agile, and the look is more confident. Articulate and articulate.

Jiang Xiaoman nodded vigorously and said loudly, "I will! My uncle said that after the summer vacation, I will not go to kindergarten, I will go to elementary school!"

"Okay, okay." Teacher Tang praised several times and continued to chat for a while. Jiang Xing saw that he seemed to be in a bad mood, so he carried the child away.

Teacher Tang is very old, and his spirit is not good.

The primary school in the town relies on him, and there is a lot of pressure and tasks.

It's not easy for the elderly either.

The next day, Jiang Xiaoman found out the blessing doll suit that her uncle bought her last year, and planned to wear it to ask for New Year's money.

Unexpectedly, a year has passed, and the blessing doll suit can no longer be worn.

She has grown taller!

Realizing this, Jiang Xiaoman was both happy and sad.

Happily, she finally grew a little taller, and she is not afraid of not being able to beat others in future fights. If grandma hit her, she could hide a little more quickly.

Sadly, she can't be cute anymore!

It's not cute anymore!

Jiang Xiaoman was crying and sad, and continued to press the blessing doll suit to the bottom of the box.

She is an adult now, and she is one year older. She can't cry at every turn. She has to be strong.

After cleaning up, Jiang Xiaoman followed his grandma to wash.

Grandma said that today, all the filth in the house should be removed, and there will be a blessing on the door, which is called Chinese New Year.

She is a diligent child. She has been helping her grandmother with work since she was a child, and naturally she is not idle.

When he was cleaning his room, Jiang Xiaoman suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered something.

She ran to the gap at the window lattice and took out a red red envelope with great effort.

The red packets have faded and look weathered. And on the red envelope, there are actually holes that have been eaten by insects.

Jiang Xiaoman brushed away the dust with his hands and opened it to take a look.

Inside is a five cents.

"Master System, didn't you say that if you put it in a secret corner, you will take it away? Why is this New Year's money red envelope still there after a year?"

The system doesn't know what to say.

The system had to be silent.

At that time, Jiang Xiaoman was too obsessed with it, and after giving it fifty cents of lucky money, he had to accept it. The system said that there was no hand, so she couldn't accept it. She didn't believe it.

Jiang Xiaoman said that when he usually exchanges candy with it, it is like a conjuration, and it is often conjured out of thin air. Why this time, there is no hand to hold it? If it really doesn't have a hand, how does it usually give her candy

... The system was displeased by her crooked reasoning. There was no other way but to lie to her and say that it was placed in a hidden corner and it would be taken by itself when it was free.

I thought that children are forgetful, and after a long time, they will not remember anything. Who would have thought that its host was an anomaly, and after a year, it could still be dug out.

The system didn't say a word, Jiang Xiaoman pursed his lips, held it for a while, and said softly: "Oh, forget it, you have been bullied so badly by the big system, do you have to exchange points for the New Year's money? I know your difficulties. ."

"That's right, that's right, that's it." The system found that sometimes it's not a bad thing to be good at brain supplementation.

Although it is a little ashamed of deceiving the host at this time, it is still very magnanimous.

After Jiang Xiaoman said this, he said, "Since you can't get the money, you can always get points, right? Can I give you a red envelope with 5 points?"

The system is stupid.

The system was stunned.

There is a bug in the system again.

It originally thought that after so many incredible things, it would no longer be surprised by the host's brain circuit. Since it planned the Buddhist mission and upgraded the Buddhist system, nothing could affect it.

But at this moment.

The feeling that the brain is really short-circuited, it's here again!

What terrifying species is a human cub!

It's really going to be overwhelming!

The system almost burst into tears: "Of course. But..."

After a while, the system reminded her: "Don't you want to keep your points for life-saving use?"

You must know that no matter how the system coaxes, coerces and induces her to become arrogant and extravagant, and makes her spend more points to enjoy, she will not spend a single point!

Quit candy, quit biscuits, and quit all the problems that require points!

The host also said that one of these points was saved to save my uncle, and the other was saved to save myself from being beaten up and paralyzed! These are the most important things, has the host forgotten it!

It has to remind her!

Jiang Xiaoman rubbed his head and said with some embarrassment: "Although it is true, but I haven't been beaten to the point of being paralyzed in the past year. I can't use it for the time being? Besides, my uncle is so busy that he doesn't have time to escape. Besides, there are only five points, don't you dislike it?"

"...I don't dislike it." Only those who have experienced cooking without rice will know that even a single point is precious.

Woo woo woo host, you are so kind woo woo woo.

The system finally accepted Jiang Xiaoman's lucky money.

This year, it did not give Jiang Xiaoman any lucky money.

One is that the system really has no points, and it has to work hard to accumulate points; the other is that Jiang Xiaoman said that she has grown up and insisted that the New Year's money was given by the elders to the juniors, and she could not take it.

… etc.

Elders to juniors? ?

What does the host take it for?

The system is buggy again.

Jiang Xiaoman didn't know the system's brainstorming, but only knew that if the points were given out, although she didn't get anything, she was happier than changing her candy.

She really is a mature adult!

The system is still so small, so miserable, being bullied every day, eh, there is no way, give some lucky money to go to the bad luck.

My grandmother said that the lucky money can please the luck. The system was so miserable before, and it always went wrong. It must be because she didn't take the lucky money she gave.

It's bound to get better this year!

Until the second day of the new year, the little daughters-in-law in the town went back to their parents' homes to visit relatives. The child was not there, and it became quiet in an instant.

Jiang Xiumei had no relatives to go to, so she was bored and went to the school's canteen to warm the stove, hoping that the Lord of the Kitchen would give the students a treat.

She has been doing this job for many years, and even if she is not working in elementary school now, she still has feelings.

Jiang Xing went out to wave again.

Going to find the brothers in his team, there are a lot of brothers and brothers behind him, and a group of people are shouting and drinking, and they are all too busy.

Jiang Xiaoman was the only one at home who had nothing to do.

She is so boring.

Even Huahua is gone, she can't feed the pigs if she wants to.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Xiaoman wanted to call Yu Qingshi's little friend, but after thinking about it, on the second day of the new year, he should also go back to his parents' house to visit relatives, right

Eh? Does he have a family

Jiang Xiaoman touched his head and couldn't figure it out again.

When Jiang Xiaoman was extremely tangled, a guest came to the house.

"Xiaoman, are you the only one at home?" Jiang Xiaoman also knew the person here.

Although he hadn't met a few times, Jiang Xiaoman knew that when his grandmother scolded him, he called Hong Xingguo, who was said to be her uncle.

What is uncle? Can you eat