Little One Tears the Villain’s Script

Chapter 53


When Jiang Xiaoman woke up again, it was the second day.

She opened her eyes in confusion, looked around, and found that it was an unfamiliar environment.

The bed is big, soft and comfortable, the windows are big and bright, and the room is very spacious.

But Jiang Xiaoman had never lived in such a room.

Because of her previous experience, she immediately shouted: "Uncle and grandma, come and save me woohoo!! I've been kidnapped again!"

Why is she so miserable!

One kidnapper left, another came, can she never go home

Just as Jiang Xiaoman lamented that he was struggling to survive, footsteps sounded outside the door.

someone is coming.

"Jiang Xiaoman."

It was Yu Qingshi's voice.

As soon as he heard the voice of an old acquaintance, Jiang Xiaoman's grievance was deeper than the sky.

With a swipe, the two lines of clear tears came down, and there was a cry.

"Little Yu Qingshi, why are you here? Could it be that you were also kidnapped?"

Yu Qingshi gave her a strange look, and seeing that she was crying so badly, he couldn't bear it any longer: "You see clearly, this is my home."

"...It seems to be oh."

Jiang Xiaoman wiped away his tears and stopped crying.

Her vision was hazy, and she couldn't see anything. I cried so hard yesterday that my eyes were swollen.

Realizing that she must be very ugly now, Jiang Xiaoman immediately changed his face.

"get out!"

She doesn't want to be seen this uncute look! What a shame!

Jiang Xiaoman suddenly became excited, Yu Qingshi didn't know why, but he went out obediently.

After waiting for no one in the room, Jiang Xiaoman immediately ran to the bathroom to wash his face frantically.

Wash, wash, wash, wash, the eye socket is still so swollen!

Jiang Xiaoman died of discomfort.

It doesn't look good anymore.

She walked out shyly, not daring to look up, her small hands were tightly clenched, and she wanted to threaten Yu Qingshi's children not to look at her.

Suddenly, a small hand appeared in sight.

Yu Qingshi handed an ice pack.

"?"Eh? Jiang Xiaoman couldn't help but glance at him.


"Oh." It turns out that there are special tools.

Jiang Xiaoman picked it up obediently, and rolled and rolled on his face, like an egg. Usually, she knocked and touched, and that's how my grandmother helped her reduce the swelling.

Yu Qingshi pursed his lips, and finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed it and helped her apply it.

"Stupid, do you think your face is a plate?"

"… "

Jiang Xiaoman pursed his mouth, but couldn't help crying.

It's really not beautiful to cry anymore.

After a while, Jiang Xiaoman felt a little more comfortable, and Yu Qingshi took it away.

He asked, "What were you doing in the bathroom just now?"

"Oh, it's fine." Jiang Xiaoman said calmly, "I want to try your faucet here to see if it works."


Yu Qingshi glanced at her and took her downstairs to breakfast.

Along the way, Yu Qingshi's performance was very calm and calm, and he didn't seem to be curious about why Jiang Xiaoman appeared here, nor did he ask her about her experience yesterday.

He was too calm, but Jiang Xiaoman scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, and said, "You don't know, what happened to me just now."

Jiang Xiaoman has a strong desire to express and wants to share with Yu Qingshi's children.

Unexpectedly, Yu Qingshi gave her a very calm look, "I know."


"Isn't it that I was almost abducted and found again?"

"Then why don't you ask?" Jiang Xiaoman said angrily, "You don't know, but it's dangerous!"

"I know." Yu Qingshi continued calmly and said, "It's like someone has never experienced it."

"… "Oh.

Jiang Xiaoman's waist, which was about to be crossed, shrank back silently.

I almost forgot, Yu Qingshi's child is also someone who has experienced such a thrilling thing!

It seems that they are destined to be extraordinary!

Jiang Xiaoman inexplicably ignited an inexplicable fighting spirit, reached out and patted Yu Qingshi's hand, and said meaningfully: "We are all dragons and phoenixes, and we are destined to be extraordinary!"

system:"… "

The system has nothing to say.

Jiang Xiumei and Jiang Xing are busy with Hong Xingguo's affairs.

Jiang Xiumei was determined to teach Hong Xingguo a lesson, so she ran very, very diligently. Fortunately, the evidence in this case is solid, and it is not difficult to do it.

Hong Xingguo and Jiang Xiumei met several times later, and the two of them started scolding each other as they talked, and even more so, they were so excited that they wanted to fight.

Every time we meet, it is full of fire and medicine.

People from the Hongxing country came to Jiang Xiumei to intercede, hoping to get the family's forgiveness and reduce the sentence as appropriate.

But what about Jiang Xiumei

First, she suffered a lot when she was young, all thanks to this younger brother of barbecued pork. There were several times when she almost lost her life after being tossed and said afterwards that it was a false alarm, but only the person involved, Jiang Xiumei, knew what she had experienced.

Second, this relative, she really wanted to strangle each other in place. One is that it was already a thorn in Jiang Xiumei's heart that she would not save Jiang Yue, and now she is still putting her mind on Jiang Xiaoman.

Not to mention, how troublesome it is to keep such a relative.

Needless to say, Jiang Xiumei has been pampering her for so many years, like swallowing a fly. Seeing that Jiang Xing is now gradually on the right track, she is also a decent person, and she has to consider Jiang Xing.

Hong Xingguo came to the city last time. According to the shameless virtues of their Hong family, they can come a second time if they can come here for the first time. Like a maggot in the tarsus, like a disgusting slug that can't be shaken off.

Her son is better, do you want them to hold back

Whether it is public or private, Jiang Xiumei has absolutely no reason to understand.

This begging too much, not only did not relieve the pressure of the Hong family, but instead made him angry. The friction between the two families is getting bigger and bigger, and it is also a formal tearing of their faces. When they meet each other on the road, they have to spit at each other.

The Jiang family was noisy for a while.

However, Jiang Xiumei's heart will not change so easily.

In order not to affect the child, Jiang Xiaoman was placed in Yu's house for a while, and when the house was quiet and the bad guys were driven away, the child was brought back.

Jiang Xiaoman is very happy as long as he has something to eat and something to play. Not to mention, she was even happier when she could play with Yu Qingshi's children, and Miaomiao.

Xiangxiang also picked it up from the pet store and raised it with Miaomiao.

The pet follows the owner, Miaomiao is very quiet, her only hobby is sleeping; Xiangxiang misses Jiang Xiaoman, and she is very curious. She has to sniff here, sniff there, humming, humming every day.

The Yu family also became lively.

Jiang Xiaoman goes to and from school with Yu Qingshi every day, and when he gets home, he educates Xiangxiang and Miaomiao on love, just like a little teacher.

At this time, Yu Qingshi would look at her with contempt.

Jiang Xiaoman, sometimes, Yu Qingshi didn't understand her thoughts.

As soon as you think about it, you have a strong action force.

For example, she had a headache about how to deal with Xiangxiang's excrement. After knowing that Miaomiao used cat litter well, she actually tried to make a pig toilet for Xiangxiang, like teaching her to use cat litter.

Jiang Xiaoman has taught for many days, and Xiangxiang is still Xiangxiang. It has not changed from a pig to a cat, and cat litter will not be used.

Later, she firmly believed that by letting Xiangxiangduo and Miaomiao play together, they could learn by being immersed in them.

After all, the atmosphere of learning is very important - Teacher Tang said so.

After tossing and turning, the cat litter is still useless, but Xiangxiang brings Miaomiao... It's a bit naughty.

In the past, Miaomiao liked to find a corner to sit down and sleep, but now Xiangxiang stays with her and likes to use her pig's nose to prop her up.

Not moving, he started humming.

Miu Miu thinks it is annoying, so she pats it with her paws.

I don't know if Miaomiao is too strong, or Xiangxiang is too weak, or if Xiangxiang is a playful pig, when Miaomiao shoots it, it immediately falls to the ground, as if it was shot down.

Over time, Miaomiao fell in love with this activity.

So the Yu family performed every day "How did Miaomiao beat Xiangxiang down?" "How did Xiangxiang go to Miaomiao?" "Xiangxiang grabbed Miaomiao's can", "Xiangxiang and Miaomiao fought"...

A variety of stories emerge one after another.

Xiangxiang is really unsatisfactory.

After fighting with Miaomiao for so long, I never won once! What a shame! As its owner, Jiang Xiaoman's face can hardly be hung up!

Besides, if you can't beat them, why are you still trying to provoke them

Is it just for Miaomiao to beat it down with one paw

Jiang Xiaoman didn't understand its brain circuit at all, she didn't like being beaten anyway.

Jiang Xiaoman was so angry, he pointed at its nose and scolded: "Can you be a little more imposing? You are a strong pig! Miaomiao is just a cat! It's nothing compared to others, it's fatter than you. It's not as good as others! Have you fed the dog everything you usually eat!"

Xiangxiang hummed pitifully.

Hum hum.

Jiang Xiaoman was very angry and decided to ignore it again. She said, "you go, you go, I don't want you anymore, go and play with Miao Miao."

Xiangxiang rubbed her leg to please her, and seeing that she didn't play with her, she turned around to find Miaomiao.

It even screeched and tried to climb up... the cat climbing frame.

Well, after so long, as a pig, it did not learn cat litter, but it actually learned to use a cat to climb the frame.

The plump body couldn't get up, so he could only stand on the first floor humming, looking like a second idiot.

Jiang Xiaoman was really angry and wanted to cry.

Stupid, stupid.

She thought angrily, but when she thought that Xiangxiang was a pig, she felt relieved in an instant.

Eh, just be stupid.

Such chaotic days have passed for several months, living directly from the new year to the summer. From the start of school to the holiday.

After several months of tossing and turning, Hong Xingguo's case has also been judged.

Closed for six years, immediately executed.

When the dust settled, Jiang Xiaoman was very reluctant on the day Jiang Xing went to Yu's house to bring Jiang Xiaoman back.

She cried so hard, her face was covered with tears, she stuck out a small head from Jiang Xing's arms, and looked at Yu Qingshi with tears in her eyes.

One hand trembled, as if trying to grab Yu Qingshi, and he couldn't say anything for a long time, he just cried.

Yu Qingshi chased after her, hesitated for a while, and said, "Don't cry."

"I dont want you to go."

"We will meet every day in the future."

"Liar." I cried miserably.

Jiang Xing gave her a funny look, and said helplessly: "Don't worry, you and your friends will meet every day, I won't separate you."

"Woooooooo!!" Jiang Xiaoman couldn't hear anything.

Jiang Xing sighed and didn't explain anything. Carrying Jiang Xiaoman, he turned around and entered the villa next to Yu Qingshi's house.

new home.

Bright and spacious, big villa, very beautiful.