Little Prodigal Alliance Head (and Cook)

Chapter 101: Mu Ye smiled


Her skin is as white as jade and has a healthy light peach color. Her hair is tied up into a high ponytail, revealing the smooth back of her neck. From behind, her round and fleshy ears look particularly cute. She is not very tall. Gao, lowering his eyes slightly, he saw her long eyelashes casting large shadows on her face like butterfly wings, and her pink lips under the bridge of her small nose...

Moving his Adam's apple, Mu Ye felt that his throat was a little dry.

"Hey, it really stopped!" Seeing that Mu Ye didn't respond for a long time, Tang Doudou opened his eyes on his own initiative. He didn't say to close his eyes anyway, just let his inner breath sink down!

When I opened my eyes, I saw green waves under my feet, undulating in the breeze. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

"So beautiful!" Her bright eyes became more and more crystal clear. She stretched out her five fingers to touch the wind. The tickling feeling made her giggle, and the laughter spread far and wide in the wind.

The cheerful laughter brought Mu Ye back to his senses and let her go.

Tang Doudou turned to look at Mu Ye and flicked his shoulder with his hand, "Hey, I'm smart, I learned it so quickly!"

Mu Ye said nothing.

What a boring person. Tang Doudou shrugged his shoulders and tried to tiptoe forward again. With Mu Ye's previous professor's internal energy movement, it was much smoother than the previous times. As she continued After a few attempts, she became more proficient in the movements of her feet. After spinning around in the bamboo forest several times, she was already able to use Qing Gong familiarly.

Returning to Mu Ye again, he put his hands behind his back and winked playfully at Mu Ye, "Teacher Mu, aren't you going to praise me?"

Mu Ye gave her a cold look and said, "Let's go."

"Where to go?" Tang Doudou asked.

Mu Ye said: "Don't you want to leave?"

"Yes I do… "

Before he could finish his words, he saw Mu Ye flying into the distance like an arrow from a string.

Tang Doudou curled his lips, what's the point of showing off? Can she be fine too

She curled her mouth in dismay, and flew after Mu Ye like a light swallow. Her inner strength was so strong that even Mu Ye was injured last time. When she was using Qing Gong just now, she combined Mu Ye's and her previous ones. After comparing the skills, it was obvious that Mu Ye's was quite different.

So she immediately switched to her own technique, increased her speed instantly, and soon caught up with Mu Ye in front.

Seeing her catch up, Mu Ye was a little surprised. He immediately understood that it was the reason for her original skill. He raised his cold eyes and rushed out again.

Not to be outdone, Tang Doudou chased after him, and the two of them chased each other over the bamboo forest.

Soon they arrived at the edge of the bamboo forest. Tang Doudou stopped, stood firmly, and looked behind him.

Mu Ye took a step and landed next to her.

"Hey, I wonder if Teacher Mu has ever heard of the saying that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach?" Tang Doudou stared at Mu Ye narrowly.


"That's such a pity!"

Tang Doudou smacked his mouth and was about to say something else when he heard Mu Ye speak again.

"You are very good."

Damn it, this iceberg is actually impressive!

Tang Doudou covered his little heart, looked at Mu Ye in front of him with disbelief, and murmured: "You, are you still Mu Ye?"

Looking at her silly look, Mu Ye's frozen eyes melted like flowers blooming in spring, revealing a soft light. Her pursed lips slightly raised in the breeze, and her deep eyes looked over, as bright as the sea of stars. It's so heart-breaking, even the super-thick-skinned Tang Doudou couldn't help but blush under this gaze. Isn't this Bingshan's smile so pretty

"It's so, so beautiful."

Tang Doudou sighed sincerely, but when she wanted to take a closer look, she was shocked to find that the smile seemed to be an illusion and did not exist on Mu Ye's face at all.

Is it really an illusion

Tang Doudou wrinkled his nose and felt something was wrong. How could he have hallucinations

"Go down."

Mu Ye returned to his cold expression. Tang Doudou was struggling with the question of whether he was smiling or not. He didn't notice Mu Ye's face as red as a burnt iron. It was obvious that he was very upset at the moment. Calm, at least not as cold as it seems on the surface.

The two of them returned to the ground. Tang Doudou looked at the sea of flowers just one step away and happily put the tangle behind him. He took Mu Ye's hand and ran out.

Standing in the sea of flowers easily, there is no formation!

Tang Doudou said: "Isn't it time to come out? How on earth are you wandering around in there?"

Regarding her question, Mu Ye didn't say much, but walked towards the sea of flowers.

After taking a look, this was the direction she was heading into the bamboo forest, and Tang Doudou followed her.

Unexpectedly, I walked and walked, and after walking for a long time, I still didn't get out of the sea of flowers. Instead, the same bamboo forest as before appeared in front of me.

Come on Axi, someone tell her what is going on!

Looking at the bamboo forest in front of him, Tang Doudou almost collapsed. He finally understood why Mu Ye didn't answer the question just now, because he was completely afraid that she wouldn't believe him!

Not only the bamboo forest has formations, but the sea of flowers outside are also in formations. No wonder Mu Ye was trapped for so many days with his ability.

Now it seems that if she can't find a way out, she will continue to be trapped.

"When I first came here, there was no formation." Mu Ye said looking at her confused face.

"In other words, this formation was activated only this time?" Tang Doudou tilted his head and thought for a moment, "I never heard Bailiyu say that there would be formations in Cangcang Valley before. He didn’t remind me, he just told me not to run around..."

"He should think that you will be more familiar with you than anyone else in Cangcang Valley." Hearing her mention Bailiyu, Mu Ye felt inexplicably uncomfortable, so he interrupted her chatter.

"How is it possible? I didn't come..." Tang Doudou blurted out to refute Mu Ye, but before she was halfway through her words, she suddenly realized that the Cangbaicao in Cangcang Valley was under the management of Guiyun City, and Li Xueyi was also under the control of Yun City. They are in different fields, but they both work for the city master of Yun City. He should also be familiar with Cang Baicao, and this Cang Cang Valley must be a place he often visits.

After all, Li Xueyi had offended so many people in the world. If he wanted to avoid being pursued, Cangcang Valley was an excellent place.

"But I really forgot how to leave." When the words came to his lips, Tang Doudou could only change his words abruptly in the face of Mu Ye's cold and terrifying gaze.

I thought she was strange before.

Whether it's Qinggong or martial arts, no matter how long you don't use it, it's something that's engraved in your bones and you can't just forget it.

Moreover, her personality and temperament were far different from those in the rumors. Apart from the same face, he couldn't find any similarity between the person in front of him and the rumored Li Xueyi.

But she was indeed that person, and he could see her clearly in Yunxiang Pavilion at that time.

Even if she puts on women's clothes, she is definitely the same Li Xueyi he saw back then.

This has forgotten many things, so where do we start from

Mu Ye's probing eyes aroused Tang Doudou's vigilance. Is this guy doubting her identity

No, we can't let him doubt it!

After Li Xueyi completely disappeared, Tang Doudou hated this kind of probing gaze, as if she had to pull out the skin from her body.

"It's been too long, please let me think about it again!" Tang Doudou laughed and distracted Mu Ye's attention, "Come this way, it looks familiar!"

Mu Ye didn't ask any questions and walked in that direction after her words.

That was the direction she pointed in casually. Who knew if she could walk out? Why did Mu Ye trust her so much that he walked that way without even thinking about it.

He is truly an independent man.

"Hey, wait for me!" Tang Doudou jumped up and chased after her. In the open space where she left, the figure of the one-eyed old woman appeared. Looking at the backs of the two of them, she laughed sinisterly, and then It dispersed like smoke, as if it had never appeared before.

After walking for almost half an hour on the road that Tang Doudou pointed at casually, her feet were very sore. She was about to say sit down and rest for a while when she heard Mu Ye say: "There is a creek."

These three words instantly made Tang Doudou perk up. He pulled Mu Ye and looked around, "Xiaoxi, where is the creek?"


By the way, why is Muye's hearing so much better than his

It was indeed the creek she met.

"I was the old beggar and one-eyed old woman I met here before." After walking not far along the stream, we came to the place where Tang Doudou grilled fish. Looking at the direction she came from before, he said to Mu Ye, "That way You should be able to walk out now.”

"I've been there."

"Then let's go again!"

He stepped forward and patted Mu Ye on the shoulder, "Let's go."

After saying that, he didn't care what happened to Mu Ye and rushed in that direction.

Damn it, get out of this damn place quickly and talk about it.

Mu Ye has been in a good mood these past two days. He taught her Qing Kung and even praised her. But this does not mean that the two of them can continue to coexist peacefully. You must know that she is the leader of the alliance and he is the leader of the demon sect, so they are destined not to do that. Friends who sit quietly together drinking tea and chatting.

The person she should be looking for is Baili Yu, and she should stay as far away from Mu Ye as possible.

Tang Doudou walked very fast, Mu Ye's lightness skills were not as good as hers, and she soon disappeared.

After searching and searching in the sea of flowers, he finally determined that she had left alone, and then returned to the creek. Her deep eyes were colder than before, and she left without even saying goodbye.

It's so heartless.

He laughed coldly at himself. He had no intention of killing her after that time at the Alliance Leader's Mansion. Unexpectedly...

She didn't know whether the breaking formation stopped working, or she just got lucky. She actually returned to the original road not long after walking. Looking at the carriage parked not far away, Tang Doudou wanted to rush up and kiss it.

After getting into the carriage, Tang Doudou packed up his clothes. After eating something, he stared at the official road outside in boredom, wondering why Baili Yu didn't come out yet.

Doesn't he worry about her at all

Are you really afraid that she will get lost


She didn't know when it started, but whenever something happened, she would habitually think of Baili Yu.

"Li Xueyi."

Just when she was wondering what Bailiyu was doing right now, Su Yi's voice came from outside the carriage.