Little Prodigal Alliance Head (and Cook)

Chapter 118: Shilipu


Damn, what kind of bad luck did she have today!

There are only three people sitting in the room, which is enough!

He complained in his heart, after being frightened for the first time, Tang Doudou reacted very quickly the second time and turned away directly.

This time it was a small knife that flew over. Both the exquisite pattern and the workmanship on it were extremely good. At first glance, it was not on the same level as the arrow just now.

There was a paper tube hanging on it. Tang Doudou untied it and placed it on the table without waiting for Gu to ask for help.

"It seems that many people know about Alliance Leader Li's arrival in Mengcheng." Gu Xun's attention was not on the paper tube in Tang Doudou's hand, but on the knife, looking at the pattern on it, he pondered for a while Feeling that this matter could not be discussed any longer today, he simply pulled Lao Suo to his feet and said to Tang Doudou: "Since Alliance Leader Li has many official matters, we can't continue to bother you, but we would like to ask Alliance Leader Li to stay in Mengcheng for a few more days." Today, when Gu has news about Alliance Leader Li’s friends, it will be easier to find Alliance Leader Li.”

Peat, how come things follow her wherever she goes

It was definitely the thin man and the fat man who asked her to get the ancient lamp, but who was the owner of the knife

How did he know that she came to Mengcheng

Could it be that this news was spread by the thin man and the fat man

Can't she just be a beautiful woman in peace? She still has to work hard to find Bailiyu, okay

What a hassle!

"It seems that's the only thing!" Facing Gu Xun and Lao Suo, she didn't want to expose the fact that she knew nothing. She pretended to be ignorant and could only scare her for a while. In short, she couldn't let them kill her. !

Gu Xun and Lao Suo left quickly.

Tang Doudou didn't open the paper tube immediately, put it away and ate until full, then walked leisurely downstairs.

Just as he was about to leave the restaurant, someone grabbed his arm.

"Hey, young master, you haven't paid the bill yet!"

Looking back, who was the second brother who led them in before

"Pay the bill? Didn't Gu Xun invite me?" Tang Doudou muttered. Then he remembered something and blurted out, "You mean he left without paying the bill?"

"That's right!" The waiter looked at Tang Doudou as if he wanted to eat the King's meal, and he seemed to be ready to take action if you continued to quibble and didn't pay.

"Then why didn't you stop them?" Tang Doudou estimated the distance from the door. It shouldn't be a big problem to run away.

The waiter snorted and replied: "Mr. Gu is our boss's guest. Can we stop him casually?"

As soon as she heard this, Tang Doudou had an idea immediately. She didn't want to go to such trouble, but she couldn't help it. Who told her not to bring money

Sighing slightly, he said to the waiter: "Do you know why you can only be a waiter and not the shopkeeper?"

What does checking out have to do with being a waiter and a shopkeeper

The waiter thought to himself, is this young man mentally ill

"Don't you want to know why?" Seeing that the waiter didn't respond at all, Tang Doudou was speechless and had to pretend to be serious and continue asking.

The waiter shook his head, "I don't want to."

"I'll go, why don't you be so unambitious!"

"You're talking nonsense, I'm very ambitious!"

"Then why do you want to be the waiter but not the shopkeeper?" Tang Doudou was curious.

The waiter choked at her words, and after a while he hesitated and said, "You, what are you talking about!"

"Why am I talking nonsense? I just want to ask you why you don't want to be a shopkeeper! It's great to be a shopkeeper. Sitting and collecting money is much better than a waiter like you!"

Tang Doudou looked at the young waiter speechlessly. Could it be that he thought he was encouraging him to usurp the throne? What an amazing idea! She just wanted to fool around with not paying for the meal in this way!

"You're just talking nonsense!" The waiter had never met such a customer before. He pointed at Tang Doudou with a red face and said loudly: "It's okay not to pay for the meal, but you are trying to alienate the relationship between me and the shopkeeper! It's really abominable!" Someone come!”

"Looking dumbfounded at the shirtless big men walking out from behind the waiter, all of them fierce. Tang Doudou didn't have the energy to chat with the waiter, so he turned around and flew out.

"She ran away, hurry up and help me catch her!" Seeing Tang Doudou running away, the waiter pulled off the rag on his shoulder and shook it, stamped his feet, and let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, just like someone who was being bullied. Like a crazy little girl, when she heard the waiter's voice, a round flesh ball came out of nowhere and kept coaxing at the waiter.

Tang Doudou, who was flying in the air, looked back and saw this scene, and almost fell down. Ah Xi, she was so fucked up that she and the shopkeeper were both gay!

Isn’t it said that ancient times were very conservative

This Duanxiu pair was openly showing off their affection, so why didn’t anyone step out and take care of it

It's okay if someone comes to cause trouble!

Tang Doudou looked at the few shirtless men chasing behind him, and he wanted to die. Damn, where is the gravity

Who can tell her how such a fat person can fly

Withdrawing his gaze, Tang Doudou did not dare to be distracted. His internal energy was running wildly, and he flew far away with a brush, and got rid of those annoying big men in a few turns.

It fell on a tree on a street corner in Mengcheng.

After pausing for a while, she took out the note that the thin man had given her with an arrow. A few strokes of the lamp automatically formed a path in her eyes, and a sense of familiarity came to her heart, making her feel like she had been here. The illusion of Montreal.

Maybe Li Xueyi has actually been to this place before.

Tang Doudou slid down the tree and followed the path in his memory, asking around and walking that way.

Bailiyu is very important, and the ancient lantern is not bad either. Once she detoxifies Liuluo, she must find a way to travel back through time with the help of the ancient lantern!

The ancient times were too terrible for a little bean like her to live in.

Stop thinking nonsense, Tang Doudou patted her face, and soon found out where the thin man wanted her to go, a place called Shilipu.

Shilipu is located on the east side of Mengcheng. It is said that it is a place where poor people, beggars, gamblers and other low-life people like to gather. It is a mixed bag of good and bad. Dressed like this, it is easy to be attacked and robbed.

After Tang Doudou listened, he didn't quite understand what Shouzi and the others meant.

In the end, the desire to go back defeated the fear. Tang Doudou used his good clothes to go to the beggar on the roadside and asked for a tattered coat. He endured the stench and put it on his body. Then he wiped cigarette ashes on the bottom of the pot for baking flatbreads on the roadside. On his face, he scattered his hair and deliberately limped towards Shilipu.

The further we walked over there, we found that the surrounding houses were getting more and more dilapidated, and the streets were also messy. Occasionally, there was a lone beggar lying on the street. Hearing the footsteps, he lazily raised his eyelids and saw a man bigger than himself. This guy who was still in tatters was spitting at Tang Doudou's feet. It was yellow and extremely disgusting.

Tang Doudou's original intention was to keep a low profile and come to see the situation, so naturally he would not mess up his position because of such a trivial matter. Looking at the phlegm suppressing the tumbling energy in his stomach, he giggled a few times at the beggar, and the beggar said After saying that he was a fool, he closed his eyes and went to sleep again.

It’s so suspenseful. You must know that when I asked about it just now, Tang Doudou heard someone say that even though Shilipu was messy and dirty, there was actually a force inside that should not be underestimated. They were very disciplined and hierarchical. The beggars on the street are their sentinels. If a new beggar enters Shilipu, they will spit and test the beggar. They will only let him in if he is as stupid as Tang Doudou.

But if it is a well-dressed person, they will usually ignore it, and then wait for the person to enter before giving a signal to the beggar inside. Please imagine what will happen to that person next!

Tang Doudou got this information from an old beggar on the roadside with a piece of sesame seed cake. The old beggar also told her to pay attention to the guy with a wine gourd tied to his body. They were all core members of the Shilipu force. Once they met If you can avoid it, then avoid it, otherwise even if she pretends to be a fool, those guys will use some extraordinary means to be on the safe side.

Tang Doudou was thinking about the guy with the wine gourd when he saw a staggering drunken beggar with seven or eight wine gourds hanging around his waist.

Her eyes quickly glanced at the gourds around the beggar's waist, and she looked around. She found that the only way to Shilipu was the one she took. There was not even a fork in the road. There was no way to avoid it, so she could only watch helplessly. The drunk beggar approaches.

I hope he was drunk and didn't see himself!

Tang Doudou licked his lips, maybe because he was so nervous that he didn't even realize that he had licked the pot ashes on his lips.

The distance between the two was not too far, but the swaying figure of the drunkard was obviously too drunk. He walked for a long time and didn't come over. He was just walking in circles on the road in the distance, talking about nothing. Knowing what he was thinking about, he took a nap, lifted up his pants and poured water against the corner.

Damn it, live broadcast!

Tang Doudou hurriedly pretended to sprain his ankle and fell to the ground, with his back to the beggar. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have looked like a needle!

After estimating the time and the fact that there was no rushing sound from behind, Tang Doudou prepared to get up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved, she saw Ichika in front of her, a face even dirtier than hers magnified in vain. She was so frightened that she fell to the ground again. When she came to her senses, she recognized that this person was the drunken beggar.

"Have you just arrived?" The beggar looked drunk, but he spoke quite clearly. He glanced at Tang Doudou up and down, and his eyes stopped on the white boots under her ragged robe.

Seeing this, Tang Doudou said to himself that it was too late to retract his feet.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be a greaser!" Seeing that the boots were made of high-quality materials, the beggar immediately opened his mouth, revealing a pair of big yellow teeth, and bent down to take off Tang Doudou's boots.

Of course, Tang Doudou couldn't let him take it off like this, so he kicked him, hitting the beggar in the face, and immediately knocked him to the ground.

Then a Gulu got up, kicked the beggar a few more times, and ran forward quickly.

The beggar was already drunk, but after being kicked so many times, he couldn't find the north, south, east, and west. "Damn it, you dare to kick me!"

He cursed loudly, took something out of his arms, and shot it into the sky!

Gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the night sky. The running Tang Doudou was stunned for a moment when he suddenly saw countless beggars rushing out from all directions, running towards her screaming.