Little Prodigal Alliance Head (and Cook)

Chapter 27: There are three good things about traveling through ancient times


Qingyin left in such a hurry that she even forgot to light the candle for Tang Doudou.

Tang Doudou secretly got into the house. After closing the door, he couldn't see his fingers. He had to go to the window and open it. The cool moonlight poured down, and then he could see the furnishings in the house clearly.

Extraordinarily simple, nothing more than what it should be.

I couldn't help but think of the same situation in Bailiyu's sedan chair. It was simple and clean, which didn't quite match my personality.

The surroundings were extremely quiet. Tang Doudou stayed in front of the window for a while, then turned to sit by the bed. Suddenly he seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and with an evil smile, he took out two sapphires the size of pigeon eggs from his sleeves. His mouth was grinning to his ears.

What a good thing! After looking at the gem again and again in the moonlight, the faint blue light lit up. Tang Doudou nodded with satisfaction, put it in the pocket of his clothes and put it away. His eyes suddenly fell on the broad palm.

What is this thing made of? Not to mention the realism, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all after wearing it for so long.

Rolling up his sleeves, Tang Doudou discovered the ingenuity of this thing.

Touching her breasts again, she quickly took off her robe and exposed her inner shirt. In the cold winter, she had no choice but to run under the quilt and unbutton her inner shirt.

After taking off all the clothes, Tang Doudou looked at his body under the moonlight and saw two small pink beans on the prairie with a flat chest. From a distance, they looked real, but if you look closely, you can see some clues. Well, after all, ancient technology is not enough, the texture is not clear and detailed enough, and the feel is not realistic enough...

Ahem, I'm off topic.

Aside from other things, Tang Doudou was still quite curious about how these things were made.

Li Xueyi can't carry this thing with her for the rest of her life, right

There must be a way to do it.

Thinking of this, Tang Doudou touched all over his body, but couldn't find any trace.


Why can't I find it

Suddenly, his eyes glanced at a mark on his shoulder. What is this

If you look closely, it looks like a tattoo, like a fiery red fox.

I stretched out my hand and touched it. It was uneven. I couldn't help but dig it gently with my hand. There was a joy on my face. It turned out to be here!

After gently groping back and forth on it, he lifted up something as thin as a cicada's wing, carefully and slowly opened it, and finally revealed the treasure hidden in the snow.

This film-like thing covered the whole body. Tang Doudou struggled for a long time to get it off. After taking it off, he felt comfortable all over. No matter how unrestricted this thing was, it was not as comfortable as his own skin and body. It was a lot of trouble to put on the inner shirt. Finally, she put the things neatly away, looking a little melancholy. She would have to wear this in the future.

The Xiao Long Bao and Xiao Jade Hands had to be well hidden, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous if people found out that she was a girl.

Does the rumored city lord know Li Xueyi’s true identity? Do you know that Li Xueyi is a daughter? What was their previous relationship

Is Bailiyu being entrusted by others, or why is he helping her

Is that masked man in black the leader of the Demon Sect, Mu Ye? She didn't succeed last time, could she be so lucky to escape again if she met again

Will Elder Yu just let her go

She didn't know everything. She didn't even know what she should do tomorrow. If Bailiyu really didn't detoxify her, would she have to wait to die

ah! She had a terrible headache. Why couldn't Mao let her be a good home girl? Why did she have to travel to this other world to be the leader of the alliance

She knows nothing but cooking.

Tossing and turning on the bed, Tang Doudou wanted to sleep more and more and couldn't fall asleep. Her mind was very clear, why not cook something delicious for Bai Liyu tomorrow, maybe it would please him, and her poison would be detoxified with a happy smile. !

The unpalatable snacks in Yunxiang Pavilion can be used as a signature. She, Tang Doudou, has been studying the recipes at home for several years, and she is a true foodie. The food she makes must be more delicious than the signature!

It's best to get something that Bailiyu has never seen before. He is so rich, and the more rare things are, the more likely they are to attract him!

The more Tang Doudou thought about it, the more excited he became, and he wanted to get up immediately to get ready.

Then I thought about not resting. Wouldn't it be worth the loss if I messed up something

Forget it, take a good rest first and make plans for tomorrow!

Ha, it was such a happy decision. The things in Tang Doudou's mind went as quickly as they came. Thinking of things to do tomorrow, he tossed on the bed for a few times before feeling sleepy. His eyelids trembled up and down. After a while, he breathed evenly. Ringing in the darkness.

After working for most of the night, Tang Doudou, who was physically and mentally exhausted, finally fell asleep.

The window was half open and the cool moon was still there. No one expected that this night would be so long and so many things would happen.

When the sun rose the next day and dispersed the cold fog, the rivers and lakes exploded.

There were different opinions about the martial arts competition last night. The focus of the topic was not only Li Xueyi but also Li Xueyi.

This elusive existence finally revealed his true face last night. It is said that he is a handsome young man with extraordinary demeanor.

But it's nothing like the weird and arrogant behavior in the rumors.

The most noteworthy thing is that Bai Liyu's appearance also took away Li Xueyi. This topic has surpassed all heated discussions. Even ordinary people have heard about it and talk about it after dinner.

For all this, Tang Doudou, who was still sleeping soundly in bed, had no idea. The warm sunshine poured into the room from the window and fell on the head of the bed. The morning breeze blew by, revealing Don Doudou who was sleeping messily on the bed. His stretched eyebrows were in his mouth. There was a slight smile, as if he had dreamed of something particularly joyful, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Smash it, smash it in your mouth, it’s so delicious!

Ice cream, ice cream, bean paste…

Spicy strips…


"It's so feels so good..." He murmured and moved his lips, letting out a pleasant moan.

The slight sound was particularly loud in the empty and silent room.

The person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, was shaken by the sunlight coming in and quickly closed them again. Then he slowly opened them and looked out the window numbly, returning to his senses.

Damn it, spicy snacks, it turned out to be a dream!

She has traveled through time, and those things have completely left her... unhappy.

The next day after waking up in this time and space, Tang Doudou got up with melancholy missing La Tiao, looked at the bright sunshine outside, and opened his arms comfortably.

The fresh air was still filled with the faint fragrance of flowers, mixed with the smell of sunshine, and the melancholy Tang Doudou was instantly full of vitality.

It is said that there are three good things in traveling through ancient times: beautiful men, air, and aphrodisiacs!

She has experienced the first two, this aphrodisiac... Hehehe...

Tang Doudou touched his chin with evil intentions. She didn't want to experience it, but it would be nice to have the opportunity to let her experience it.

Bailiyu, what would he look like if he took aphrodisiac

Thinking about it, I really have some expectations!

The day after the martial arts competition, as the leader of the martial arts alliance, Tang Doudou got up with endless pleasure.

Naturally, he still put on the camouflage film, moved it a few times, then naturally arranged his hair, tied it up casually and walked out of the room.

It was too dark last night to see anything, but now the sunshine is just right. When they got to the yard, Tang Doudou felt that Bailiyu was still a very tasteful person. Everything in the yard was very elegant, and it was quite reminiscent of Suzhou. The shadow of the garden exists.

Qingyin also said that Bailiyu likes to be quiet, so there aren't many servants here.

Tang Doudou walked around in a big circle and didn't see even a ghost. He couldn't help but question Qingyin's so-called lack of servants. Was there no one at all

They couldn't find Qingyin and the others, so Tang Doudou was bored and played Tai Chi under the tree and did some radio gymnastics.

"One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four, three, two, three, four..."

"Haha, hahaha..."

When he got hot from dancing, he took off his outer robe and hung it on a nearby tree branch, then continued dancing.

When Qingyin came over, she happened to catch Tang Doudou dancing to stretching exercises. Her arms moved in unison, in a natural rhythm, and in one go. Mixed with her rhythmic slogans, it had a unique charm.

Which martial art is this? So weird

Tang Doudou didn't know anyone was coming, so he just focused on what he was doing. Grandpa said that those weight loss exercises and beauty gymnastics are not as practical as this radio gymnastics. They can not only exercise the body, but also adjust the body's balance, and make people more positive. ,full of sunshine.

She has been doing this radio gymnastics with her grandfather since she was a child, and she continued to do it all these years after her grandfather passed away. Although it is not as magical as what her grandfather said, it is not bad!

Thinking of his grandpa, Tang Doudou worked even more vigorously, and his palms and soles almost felt windy.

Qingyin stood not far away. He wanted to call her, but he was afraid of disturbing her practice, so he could only watch her practicing weird martial arts in a daze.

The garden is elegant and quiet, with only the crisp chirping of birds from time to time.

After working for a while, Tang Doudou was really tired. He sat down on the stone bench under the tree, rubbed his belly and shouted, "Why doesn't Qingyin come? She's going to starve to death!"

Seeing the angry look on her pouted lips, she was even more charming and cute than some women. Qingyin couldn't help but sigh, if she was really a woman, she would be perfect.

"Master Li." Seeing that Tang Doudou's complaints about him were far away, Qingyin glanced at the food in his hand and called softly.

Hearing Qingyin's voice, which was like the sound of nature, Tang Doudou jumped up, turned around and looked at Qingyin in aqua blue dress walking towards her with lotus flowers.

"Are Mr. Li hungry?" Qingyin approached and placed the food on the stone table one by one, "These are Huaicheng's famous breakfasts. Mr. Li, try to see if they suit your appetite. If not, Qingyin will ask someone to say goodbye. Come."

Looking at the several plates of exquisite breakfast on the stone table in front of him, Tang Doudou, who was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, didn't care whether it was to his taste or not. He stretched out his hand to twist a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and put it into his mouth.

Bah bah bah!

As soon as he put it in his mouth, Tang Doudou quickly spit it out and looked at the remaining half piece of osmanthus cake in his hand with a strange expression. What kind of osmanthus cake is this! The smell of osmanthus is gone! It's full of a weird smell that's so sweet that it's cloying! The taste is not delicate enough, too bad, too bad!

"Qingyin, are you sure these are Huaicheng's famous delicacies?" Tang Doudou put down half a piece of osmanthus cake in her hand. Although she was very hungry, as a hardcore foodie in the food world, she really couldn't swallow this weird-flavored osmanthus cake. .

Tang Doudou's reaction made Qingyin a little unhappy. Even if the food was not to her liking, she couldn't spit it out in front of her. After all, she had put a lot of thought into this breakfast, just to make Li Xueyi satisfied. , The opinion of the master is not that big.

I didn't expect him to be so ungrateful!

Update completed, wave~~~~~~~

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