Little Prodigal Alliance Head (and Cook)

Chapter 56: Toilet incident


Seeing Bai Lianhua's aggrieved look, Qing couldn't bear it. Thinking of what Master Jun and Mr. Bai said today, she gritted her teeth and struggled a few times in her heart, but she still favored Bai Lianhua, "Li Xueyi has something wrong with him." !”

Bai Lianhua thought she was referring to the matter of Tang Doudou and Baili Yu's broken sleeves, so she didn't pay much attention to it, and casually replied: "I know, okay, don't talk about this. Can you see if there is anything wrong with my makeup? Is there anything wrong with my makeup today?" There are a lot of people coming, and many of them are here for Brother Baili. I specially designed this plum makeup with a master, I hope Brother Baili can take a look at it more!"

she knows

Qingxin was surprised at first, thinking that Mr. Bai had told her, so she didn't say anything more. After carefully checking her makeup, she looked at her pretty face, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Miss Bai, this plum makeup will definitely make her good." Let the master be fascinated!"

After hearing this, Bai Lianhua felt a little more comfortable and picked up her handkerchief, "It's getting late, let's go there."

Over there, Tang Doudou has already reached the legendary Meihai.

She was shocked. She had never seen such a beautiful scenery. The endless plum blossom sea was like white snow falling from the sky, stretching between the sky and the earth, and connecting with the blue sky. It was really more beautiful than a picture scroll.

The fresh plum fragrance in the air comes with the wind, which makes people feel refreshed.

The wind was full of scattered plum petals, like a dream. Tang Doudou stepped out of the dark bamboo forest dressed in white, as if he had entered a dream kingdom, and for a while he even forgot that he had to go to the toilet.

After a while, she felt severe pain in her stomach, and then she slapped her head and asked to find the toilet first!

After solving it, I came back to take a good look. I couldn't help but sigh again that Bailiyu was so good at enjoying it. The sea of plums, the sea of peach, the sea of lotus... correspond to the three seasons of winter, spring and summer. Speaking of which, it's better to watch chrysanthemums in autumn. The sea


Thinking about that scene, Tang Doudou smiled evilly, hehe, it is indeed very popular.

Tsk tsk…

Hey, let’s find the toilet first!

After retracting his thoughts, Tang Doudou wandered in the sea of plum blossoms for a while, and then he saw a small river in front of him. After walking along the river for a while, he saw a row of small wooden houses.

Looking at the simple but beautiful wooden house, Tang Doudou knew that he had found the right place.

This is probably where the gardeners live.

As she said that, she hurriedly walked towards the wooden house. There were many women and children laughing and playing outside the house. There were many plum petals falling on the clothes hanging outside the courtyard. Some children were twisting the petals off their clothes. , he looked sharply at Tang Doudou who was coming this way, and quickly turned around and shouted to the adults: "Mother, there is a fairy sister coming this way."

When the woman who was chatting heard this, she glared at him angrily and cursed with a smile: "Where in the world do gods come from? They don't know anything and they just talk nonsense!"

The child was displeased, pouted, and pointed his chubby little hand forward: "No, isn't he a god?"

Seeing that he was not joking, everyone turned their attention to him.

Sure enough, I saw a fairy-like figure walking from the sea of plum blossoms flying in the sky. She was dressed in white, her black hair was flying in the wind, her eyebrows were picturesque, her temperament was as clear as the moon, and her clear eyes were particularly attractive.

Seeing the person coming, everyone had doubts. Could it be that he was really a god

But this conjecture was immediately rejected. Today is the Plum Garden Festival. As in previous years, most of the attendees are young talents and charming girls. It is normal for there to be one or two fairy-like people among so many people.

Besides, they have all met their master, who is even more divine than a deity!

Thinking of the master, the woman immediately realized that judging from his temperament, he was probably the master's friend, which was different from other visitors, so she accepted the invitation.

When Tang Doudou saw someone coming out, his steps became faster.

In two or three seconds, he walked to the yard and asked politely to the woman who greeted her: "Sister, is there a toilet here?"

She didn't expect the visitor to be so direct, but unfortunately the questions she asked were all things she didn't understand. The woman was stunned and asked, "What is the toilet?"

"Uh..." Tang Doudou patted his head, why had he forgotten this, "It's the toilet, the toilet! Is there a toilet?"

Oh my God, holding it in for so long is already the limit! Even she admires herself.

"Oh!" The woman suddenly realized that she was looking for the toilet. Seeing her eagerness, she probably had a bad stomach, so she quickly got out of the way and pointed to a hut next to the wooden house, "That's right there Toilet, sir..."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Doudou turned into a gust of wind and ran to the toilet in the blink of an eye, pushed the door into the room and closed the door, all at once.

Everyone in the hospital was left stunned. Isn't this speed too fast

The child who was still twisting flowers pouted and muttered: "You can't be a god if you know how to use the toilet!"

His face was full of regret for not seeing the gods.

The woman glared at him and told him not to talk nonsense. Although she was not a god, she was a mistress who needed them to serve her better than a god. People should just do their job right now, and there is nothing else to say. Just don't say one more word.

It is precisely because of this that they have worked in this plum garden for so many years and have never been fired by the owner. They have even arranged a stable life for them, and their descendants are also guaranteed. Apart from other things, the last provision alone is enough. Let them be grateful to Bailiyu.

The woman was simple-minded. After asking everyone not to chat in the yard, she stood outside the toilet and waited for Tang Doudou to come out.

Today is the Plum Garden Festival. Their men and the girls at home have gone out to do their work, leaving the women here waiting for Miss Mengyu to come and take everyone to prepare today's lunch meal.

But it's now, and Miss Mengyu hasn't come yet. She's afraid that she'll be punished by the host for delaying the luncheon. Miss Mengyu will definitely not be punished if she is taken seriously, but they are different, so she wants to stay here with Tang Doudou. After receiving the news about Meng Yu, whether he came over or not, they might as well think of a solution if he didn't come over!

Little did Tang Doudou know that there was someone waiting for her to go out outside the toilet. At this time, she was in a particularly tangled mood. The problem was solved, but a new problem came again.

What will she use to wipe it with

My eyes fell faintly on the bamboo block inserted on the left side of the hut. Just looking at that thin piece made me feel extremely painful, let alone the popular science post I saw on the Internet at that time about the use of this wooden block and bamboo block in ancient times. , thinking about it gave her a chill, and then she looked up at the sky speechless at 45 degrees. Do you dare to play time travel with a few rolls of toilet paper

the answer is negative.

It was okay when I was in Meiyuan before, because Bailiyu was such a rich man, he could enjoy life comfortably, and he could even use rice paper with her, but the hardness was quite painful, but it was still barely acceptable!

But with this piece of bamboo, Tang Doudou looked away and rubbed his numb legs, feeling extremely sad.

It would be great if you have a phone. Give Qingyin a call and ask her to send some rice paper...

Slapping away these unrealistic thoughts, Tang Doudou remembered the many people standing in the courtyard when she came here just now. If she shouted louder, they should be able to hear her, right

So she cleared her throat and shouted, "Is anyone outside?"

She didn't scream loudly. Firstly, she was a little embarrassed, and secondly, she thought what if someone was passing by outside? But she had no idea that the chance was small, and she became much more shameless when she opened her mouth, so she coughed lightly and wanted to scream again.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a deep voice came from outside, "There is someone."

If he hadn't been squatting in the pit, Tang Doudou would have almost jumped up from the sound. Ah Xi, why is that ghost Mu Ye following him again

Yes, it was Mu Ye who answered Tang Doudou's words.

And that woman has long since disappeared.

Mu Ye was outside, and Tang Doudou's heart was pounding. God, there is no way to play like this. She was just squatting in a trap. She had never done anything bad in her life. Why did she have to be so unlucky

Mu Ye, who was outside, was still wearing a black robe, but it was slightly different from the previous times. Today's black robe was trimmed with dark gold silk and embroidered with exquisite patterns, which made him look majestic and domineering, leaving half of his forehead. A strand of broken hair blocked his cold blue eyes, and the long hair at the back was half-tied and draped over his broad shoulders. This look made his cold aura softer and more evil.

If Tang Doudou climbed out at this moment, he would definitely be amazed again.

It's a pity that she was still biting her fingers and staring blankly at the toilet door. She was completely confused. She was actually blocked in the toilet.

Is this a plot that only elementary school students can develop

I still remember when she was a child, she took off the pants of the handsome boy in the next class. After being chased by the handsome boy for seven or eight times on the playground, she ran into the toilet and hid, unable to get out, leaving the handsome boy blocked outside the toilet. , watching her make faces at him, not daring to go in to catch her, and even called her a little pervert and asked her to take responsibility.

In the end, the little handsome boy was taken away by the teacher for education. His pitiful little teary eyes when he left made her feel uneasy for several days. In the end, she went to apologize to the handsome boy and finally became good friends.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye she was transported to another time and space, and the past reappeared, and she was blocked in the toilet again.

Tang Doudou was very sad, even sadder than when he traveled through time.

You said that for a demon like Mu Ye and a sect as big as the Demon Sect, there should be a lot of things to deal with, right? Why does he always act like nothing is wrong and go around making her unhappy

Where did she provoke this old man? Or was it Li Xueyi who stole his underwear? Why do people hate her so much

If that's the case, wouldn't it be enough for her to apologize

Well, she must be overthinking this, but even if you want to settle a score with her, blocking the toilet is not a game that adults should play. Tang Doudou thought for a while and felt that she couldn't remain silent like this. At least, she had to let her get out of the toilet before talking about anything, right

Just when she was thinking about it and was finally about to speak, Mu Ye outside the door spoke before her, but these words made Tang Doudou shocked on the outside and tender on the inside.

This is what he said, "I know you're in there."

His voice was always cold and emotionless. After saying that, he paused for a few breaths and then said, "Let's make a deal."