Little Prodigal Alliance Head (and Cook)

Chapter 98: Tricked into a hedgehog


Following the old beggar through the sea of flowers, a lush green bamboo forest appeared in front of us.

"Old, old uncle, where are you?" Tang Doudou looked at the green bamboo forest. The fresh breeze blew, and his mind became clearer.

Even if there are some people here, it won't be easy for them to go anywhere.

This old beggar looks unkempt, as slovenly as he is, and his small eyes are particularly vulgar, but his expression has not changed even in the situation just now. If he is not a fool, he must be a master.

No fool would remind her that the old woman would come back, so this old beggar must be a master!

Tang Doudou touched his chin, and his eyes changed when he looked at the old beggar. It was written like this in novels. Most of the hidden masters were foodies. They were captured by pig's feet, roasted fish, roasted chicken, and all kinds of food, and they ate their secrets. He taught the pig's feet how to take out the lungs, and from then on the pig's feet embarked on the road to conquer the world!

Could it be that she, Tang Doudou, has also begun to have the aura of pig feet

She was imagining in her mind what kind of magical skills the old beggar would teach her. Her eyes were still wandering around, and she didn't even notice when the old beggar in front of her disappeared.

When I discovered it, I realized that I had lost my way.

"Nima, this is so joyful and sad!" Tang Doudou was about to cry without tears. She patted the bamboo beside her, and the withered yellow bamboo leaves fell on her head, just like her sad heart at this time.

There were bamboos of similar length all around, and she couldn't even tell the difference between east, west, north and south. How the hell was she going to get there

After the collapse, Tang Doudou had no choice but to walk around in the bamboo forest. According to the size of the valley seen outside, the bamboo forest should not be very big. If he wanted to get out, he would just have to put in more effort.

I just hope I won’t meet that perverted one-eyed old woman in the bamboo forest again.

"I have a little donkey, but I never ride it..." Tang Doudou, who recovered very quickly, was singing and walking in the bamboo forest. From time to time, he could see fresh bamboo shoots under the bamboo, but with the old woman's As for things, she didn't just get the ingredients from the valley, so she could only cover them with bamboo leaves.

"Hey, I don't know if Bai Liyu has seen Cang Baicao."

After walking for a while, Tang Doudou began to worry about Bai Liyu again. If he didn't see Cang Baicao, what would he do about his illness

She thought she was not worried about Bailiyu, but wondered whether the disease that left Bailiyu helpless was a legacy of the Liuzai poison. If that was the case, would the Liuzai poison in her body also be like this?

What idiot invented the toxin? He didn't even have an antidote, so he just used it on others. Does he have any professional ethics

Tang Doudou scolded the person who had poisoned him over and over in his mind. If it weren't for the poison, Li Xueyi really wouldn't have burped at all. Then she should be sleeping on the comfortable Simmons at this time. It's really I really miss that feeling.

Thinking about it, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, his head felt groggy, and a weak sleepiness spread from the depths of his body. Tang Doudou held on to the bamboo next to him and tried to open his eyes to look around, but the scenery seemed to be flying again. Rotate.

Ah Xi, you can't be so sleepy all of a sudden, you must be intoxicated by some kind of incense or something like that!

Tang Doudou's thoughts were very clear, and she always felt that this sleepiness was extremely strange, but she was not given much time to think. Waves of sleepiness came over her, and she leaned against the bamboo and slid to the soft bamboo leaves on the ground. , this completely destroyed the only string left in his mind, rolled his eyes, lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Seeing that she had fallen asleep, the old beggar standing on the top of the bamboo stepped on the bamboo leaves and slowly landed in front of her. After stretching out his dry fingers to feel her pulse, he frowned and took out a jade-colored handbag from his arms. He poured out a light green pill from a bottle and fed it to Tang Doudou. Then he took a cloth bag from his waist and spread it flat on the ground, revealing a row of silver needles.

"Little girl, I have prepared all the things you told me. If this can't save you, then there's nothing I can do!" The old beggar looked at the silver needle and the one he didn't know when he had placed next to him. Half a bowl of thick and dark stuff, he said with a long sigh.

The meaning of the words is enough for people to ponder, but now he and Tang Doudou were alone in the bamboo forest. Tang Doudou slept without knowing anyone else, and no one thought about the meaning of the words. The old beggar picked up the silver needle and pointed it in the dark. I dipped it in something Huhu, and then started to give Tang Doudou acupuncture.

Time passed slowly, and when the gray sky fell, the old beggar raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and picked up the last silver needle.

Look at Tang Doudou again, his whole body is covered with silver needles, he looks like a hedgehog.

Looking at her even breathing, she seemed to have had an extremely wonderful dream, and the corners of her mouth were curved with satisfaction. This made the old beggar feel particularly unhappy. He inserted the needle with great force, directly cutting out the sweet dreaming woman. Tang Doudou frowned involuntarily in pain.

She would definitely not wake up after the medicine was planted, but seeing her frowning, the old beggar felt a lot more comfortable. He laughed twice before standing up. He had finished the matter and went home to sleep. !

But it seems that there are still people waiting for him at home, and they are all annoying guys!

But he has avoided meeting those guys for a day. If he doesn't go again, I'm afraid this Cangcang Valley will be demolished by them.

The old beggar shook his head and was about to leave. Then he thought again, if he left the girl here and was picked up by a wild beast, wouldn't his work have been in vain

Falling back again, looking at Tang Doudou sleeping soundly on the ground, a malicious smile appeared in Little Mung Bean's eyes.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning passed through the thick bamboo leaves and fell on Tang Doudou's closed eyes, she turned her head away in discomfort and opened her eyes in a comfortable place.


When I opened my eyes, I saw my hands and feet covered with silver needles. This feeling of collapse was really overwhelming! But the most devastating thing was yet to come, why could she see her hands and feet just because someone hung her up like this!

"What kind of pervert are you! He's cheating! This is it!"

Tang Doudou moved and found that the binding was still very tight. If she didn't try her best to break free, she would have been hung forever!

But if she breaks free, she will fall directly to the ground. She turns around and looks under her. She is at least ten meters tall. Does this mean she will be broken into pieces

It doesn’t matter whether you earn or not. Tang Doudou could only look at the sunshine above his head stupidly, and his sadness flowed back into a river...

It was okay to fall asleep, but after waking up, a sore and numb feeling came from her limbs. The feeling was simply undesirable to her.

This is not the way to go!

Tang Doudou moved and found that the ropes that tied her were not ropes, but the bent tips of several bamboos. She didn't know which bastard was so skilled. She lay there all night and didn't break it. He was moving around randomly for a while, but he didn't fall directly.

Looking at the fragile bamboo tip, Tang Doudou did not dare to move casually. Looking at the height below her, she could only hope that someone would come over and save her.

But as I said before, Cangcang Valley is inaccessible. Not to mention that there are not many people in the valley, there are not many people outside who can find it. If there are passers-by in this place, the chance of winning the lottery is simply lower.

"Ahhhh! The more I think about her, the more she collapses. Why the hell is she so unlucky? She gets so unlucky wherever she goes. If this continues, she probably won't survive the day when the Liuzai poison takes hold.

"Is there anyone, please help!

The sound floated very far in the bamboo forest, and you could even hear a faint echo, but not even a ghost came, and there was also a growl in your stomach, plus the pain piercing your whole body was extremely uncomfortable. Silver Needle, Tang Doudou really wanted to just fall down and die.

Swallowing, maybe this is really a solution. At this height, it is definitely impossible to fall to death. At most, he will be crippled, right

What's the difference between being disabled and dying

Tang Doudou weighed and weighed it again and again. Let's just be disabled. It's better than losing your life. Besides, this is Cangcang Valley. Maybe Bai Liyu will come out to find her later, and then go find that ghost doctor who can also heal her. Isn't she good

She is such a person. She always thinks in the right direction in everything, which is self-comfort and a good attitude.

With this thought in mind, I was ready to do this. The binding was quite tight, but the bamboo tip was very fragile. It would definitely break if I moved it hard. With my eyes closed, Tang Doudou moved around like a caterpillar. I want to use this force to break the bamboo tip.

But accidents often accompany her. The bamboo tips that were clearly brittle in her memory showed no signs of breaking under her crazy pulling. Even with her movements, the binding of her hands and feet became tighter. .

She was so tight that she had to stop her movements and looked at her wrist in confusion. Damn it, do you dare to do it more

It was actually a slipknot!


My heart ached, but my appearance became calmer.

After knowing it was a slipknot, Tang Doudou simply turned his fingers over and untied the knot himself.

She learned this technique when she was following the trend to save herself. After that, she lived peacefully for half her life without ever using it. She didn't expect that it would come in handy today. That's why it's said that there are so many skills that you can't overwhelm yourself!

Tang Doudou thought sarcastically to himself, but his hand movements were very fast, and he untied the bamboo leaves and branches that bound his hands in a few moves. However, he did not dare to let go. Instead, he held it tightly with one hand and used the other to untie his feet. Up.

She didn’t know what kind of bamboo it was, but it was incredibly tough. After she removed all the bamboo branches from her feet and hung her whole body upright, the bamboo tips didn’t mean to break. Instead, she While hanging like this, slowly press it toward the ground.

From this point of view, she didn't have to fall down at all, she could just fall to the ground slowly with the downward arc!

Her life was really tough as never before, Tang Doudou thought happily, and let go of one of the bamboos to speed up the descent.

Who could tell her that she couldn't hold on anymore

When she almost landed on the ground, her legs were weak and she stepped on the ground, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, but she was pricked by silver needles all over her hand and grinned.

"Who is so boring? Why don't you find someone to stick acupuncture for fun!" Tang Doudou angrily pulled out the silver needle on his body and was about to curse when he suddenly saw a figure not far away.