Little Sweetheart

Chapter 11


Gu Siyi kept staring at the situation outside, didn't notice the physical contact between the two, and didn't notice Xia Zhijuan's abnormality.

Xia Zhijuan coughed lightly, pulled out that arm, stood up, and said, "It's okay to see."

Gu Siyi then stood up, "Okay."

Anyway, it's not her who is talking nonsense, she can pretend to be dead.

But the three of them had already gone down, and I really didn't see the two of them.

On the return journey, Xia Zhijuan was silent, Gu Siyi felt that he was a little confused and didn't want to disturb him.

Not long after, the two arrived at Xia's house.

Xia Guangyu was not at home on a business trip, Peng Ling had already ordered the servants to prepare meals, and she even specially cooked some special dishes, waiting for the two of them.

"Hello, auntie, I'm here to eat." Gu Siyi smiled sweetly.

Peng Ling smiled and said, "I wish you could come back every week to have dinner with Ah Jun."

She took the bags of books and helped them get them to the table. After seeing so many teaching aids, Xia Zhijun must not have bought them, so she praised Gu Siyi: "It's just the beginning of school, so you bought so many books? Siyi is easy to learn .”

Gu Siyi was extremely embarrassed, her face was blushing, and she hurriedly said, "No, I just need to get ready first..."

Xia Zhijuan saw her embarrassment, and the corners of his lips curved.

Xia's food tastes spicy, which is very suitable for Gu Siyi's taste. One meal is super satisfying, and at the end he repeatedly expressed his liking.

The more Peng Ling saw her, the more she liked her. She was well-behaved and sensible, polite and well-educated, and she ate in a decent manner.

After dinner, Peng Ling said: "Siyi, I packed a room for you, don't go back tonight, sleep with us. Go back to school with Ah Jun tomorrow."

Gu Siyi was too embarrassed to refuse, so she smiled happily and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

Peng Ling was very careful, and prepared pajamas and a change of clothes for Gu Siyi in advance.

She took her into the room and showed her, "Auntie picked these for you, do you like them?"

Xia Zhijuan stood by the door and said, "Those who don't know think you are mother and daughter."

Peng Ling smiled and said, "I've always wanted a daughter, Si Yi, how about you being my aunt's goddaughter?"

"Okay." Gu Siyi said without hesitation. As the aunt's goddaughter, she is Xia Zhijun's younger sister, who will hold her thighs more firmly and firmly in the future.

Xia Zhijuan's originally lazy expression changed, and he said in a deep voice, "I object."

One big and one small in the room looked at the people by the door at the same time, all puzzled.

Peng Ling teased: "Are you still afraid that your mother will have an extra daughter, and you won't be partial?"

Gu Siyi grimaced at the side, she was worried that someone would compete for favor even before she became your younger sister.

Xia Zhijuan didn't seem to be joking at all, and said coldly, "Anyway, I object."

He turned and left, raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling an unspeakable fire in his heart.

Why do these adults talk like they put P? I also said before that I booked a baby kiss for them when I was young, and I will recognize my daughter in a blink of an eye. What's wrong with thinking about it.

Because of Xia Zhijuan's objection, the matter was left alone.

In the middle of the night, Gu Siyi was lying on the bed, chatting with her mother.

Gu Siyi casually revealed the matter of admitting her daughter, and finally complained: "You don't know what he looked like at the time, and he said no with a straight face, as if I was going to steal her mother... How embarrassing it was for me, How embarrassing."

Xu Jiahui said: "After all, your Uncle Xia is a high-ranking official, and everyone is eager to be related to their family. Brother Xia may be a little more sensitive. However, you should also pay attention to your familiar personality. You have to be careful when getting along with Brother Xia." Proper, don't be annoying."

Gu Siyi sat up from the bed and asked incredulously, "I didn't do anything? Is this annoying?"

"In short, it's not likable, otherwise people won't reject you."

Gu Siyi was hit knowingly, with a miserable expression.

What Xu Jiahui said again, she was not in the mood to listen, and said perfunctorily: "Stop talking, I want to heal my wounds by myself... I'm dead, good night, mother."

Throwing away the phone, she lay down and sighed a few times.

She thought that the two of them were already on the boat of friendship...

Could it be that you just turn it over

In the silence, Gu Siyi heard a burst of piano sound.

The melody is ethereal and melodious, as if weeping and complaining. After listening to it for a while, I can tell that it is the song of "Castle in the Sky".

Curiosity drove Gu Siyi to get out of bed, walk out of the room, and head towards the source of the sound.

Both her and Xia Zhijuan's rooms were on the third floor, and the voice came from the living room on the third floor.

The living room did not turn on the light, and the moonlight poured in like a waterfall. The young man sat in front of the piano, bathed in the faint moonlight, and played alone.

Gu Siyi stood at the corner, looking at his side face under the moonlight neither far nor near.

At this moment, she definitely felt that he had an air of arrogance, indifference and independence.

After the song was over, Xia Zhijuan looked at the figure reflected on the piano cover and said, "What are you doing hiding there?"

"Ah? I didn't hide." Gu Siyi leaned against the corner and said, "I heard that there needs to be a safe distance between people. If you cross the boundary, it will make people uncomfortable. You have a relatively cold personality, and you may need some The distance is relatively large, so it’s better for me to stand here.”

Xia Zhijuan put down the piano cover, got up, and walked towards Gu Siyi.

Standing in the corner, she saw the handsome and tall figure of the young man getting closer, even with a sense of oppression, and suddenly felt a little confused.

Xia Zhijuan walked up to her and stood still, leaning on the wall with his arms, looking down at her condescendingly, and asked slowly: "Are you getting angry because I object to my mother recognizing you as a goddaughter?"

"No. Absolutely not." Gu Siyi immediately denied, "How could I get angry over such a trivial matter? It doesn't exist!"

In order to show the realism, he also raised a bright smiling face.

Xia Zhijuan looked at her quietly.

Gu Siyi felt that her fake smile was about to freeze.

Finally, the first one couldn't hold back anymore, stopped laughing, and pursed his lips.

Xia Zhijun tapped her forehead with his fingers, and said, "Gu Siyi, you are not suitable for lying. Because all your emotions are written on your face."

"Really? Is there? Really?" Gu Siyi pretended to be reckless. In fact, the roots of the ears were faintly red from embarrassment.

Through the bright moonlight, Xia Zhijuan could clearly see every subtle change on the girl's face.

He raised his hand and pinched her small and round earlobe. Gu Siyi, who was looking left and right with a guilty conscience, was taken aback, like a cat being stepped on by its tail, she raised her eyes suddenly, stared blankly at Xia Zhijun, her eyelashes trembling.

Xia Zhijuan smiled, and gently pinched her hot earlobe with his thumb and forefinger, as if he didn't intend to let go.

He said in a lazy voice: "I also heard that people whose ears are pinched cannot tell lies. I want to hear the truth."

Gu Siyi's earlobes became hotter and hotter. Under this kind of psychological pressure, she couldn't hold back any of her cleverness and hypocrisy. She looked at Xia Zhijuan's toes and said, "I'm just...well, I'm just a little unhappy..."

"Why?" He continued to ask, his hands not idle, and the smile on his lips was a little bit wicked, but also a little satisfied.

"I feel that I have been denied. You reject me in your heart, so you object to me being your sister... Actually, I don't care. It's not that I have to have this title. I just think that if this is the case, it will be better to have more contacts with you in the future." , you will cover me with the aura of a god of learning... If you don't like it, let it be, I really have no objection, just don't think I'm annoying." Gu Siyi spoke out all the thoughts in his heart.

Xia Zhijuan chuckled: "So you're still a glass heart."

Gu Siyi panicked, took a step back, got out of his clutches, and regained her confidence in an instant, "I said I don't care! How can I have a glass heart!"

Xia Zhijuan leaned against the wall, but smiled without saying a word, as if admiring a little pet who had been teased out of breath.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm going back to sleep." Gu Siyi muttered, turned and left.

"First, I don't hate you."

The young man's tired and clear voice came from behind.

Gu Siyi paused.

"Second, there are many ways to get closer to me."

"For example?" She looked back at him curiously.

"Such a simple sub-question, do you still want me to write out the answer?"

"Playing with mystery." Gu Siyi snorted softly.

But when Xia Zhijuan said he didn't hate her, he was still very happy.

Walking to the door, he turned his head and saw that Xia Zhijuan was still standing there, lazily leaning against the wall, looking at him with particularly deep eyes in the darkness.

Gu Siyi said: "Go to bed quickly, and also, you play the piano very well."


The next day, while Gu Siyi was having breakfast with Xia's mother and son, Peng Ling answered the phone.

She put down the phone, looked at Gu Siyi apologetically and said, "There is something wrong with the unit, I need to be there right away, I can't accompany you today."

The original plan was to accompany them to the Science and Technology Museum in the morning, take them to the art exhibition in the afternoon, and then send them both back to school.

Gu Siyi hurriedly said: "It's okay, Auntie's work is urgent, we can go and see it next time."

Peng Ling smiled, then turned to Xia Zhijun and said, "You spend good time with your sister, and go to school together in the afternoon."

Xia Zhijuan didn't say a word, his expression showed a trace of indifference.

After Peng Ling left, the two of them finished their breakfast, Gu Siyi asked Xia Zhijun, "Then what are we doing today?"

"Whatever." Xia Zhijuan said calmly, got up and went upstairs.

Gu Siyi followed behind him and asked, "Are you unhappy?"

"No." He said without turning his head.

"Are you really upset? Why? Just because Auntie left?" Gu Siyi became more and more surprised as she spoke, "No way? You are such an adult and you still can't live without your mother?"

Xia Zhijuan paused, turned to look at him, with impatience in his eyes, and a cold tone, "If you have been let go of pigeons countless times since you were young, wouldn't you feel psychologically disgusted by this kind of thing?"

Gu Siyi stared at him blankly, digested for a few seconds, and said, "Oh, so you are just a glass heart."

Xia Zhijun: "..."

He took a plush doll for display and threw it at Gu Siyi.

Gu Siyi turned her face away and hugged her firmly in her arms, followed his footsteps up the stairs, and persuaded with a smile: "When I was young, my parents were often away, and I still didn't do what I promised. I will tell you Said, the most irritating time was when my mother told me to buy me a limited edition Barbie doll if I got the top ten in the class... "

Xia Zhijuan entered the room, Gu Siyi followed him in, and continued: "I studied hard and got lucky enough to get the ninth place in the exam, but she said that I didn't expect that I would win, and I didn't prepare in advance, so I couldn't buy it. I was really pissed off at the time." Lah, I burst into tears. I worked so hard to get the ninth place in the exam, and I even took a huge risk to peek at the test paper of the first place... "

"Hey..." Xia Zhijuan couldn't hold back, laughed, turned around and tapped her on the head with his fingers, "Excellent."

Gu Siyi covered her head and said, "Aren't you angry? I've worked so hard to think about it, but she took it lightly. So, sometimes their parents are very immature, so let's not plan on it, or they will get angry. endless."

"You don't need to educate me." Xia Zhijuan sat in front of the computer and turned it on.

When looking at the black screen, there was a cold light in his eyes.

He didn't care anymore. Even if their busyness and blindness had caused him to suffer innocent disasters. The past is also the past.

However, today is Gu Siyi's first visit to the house as a guest.

He hoped that she could spend a happy weekend with this girl as he said, instead of going back and forth.