Little Sweetheart

Chapter 13


The military training lasts for two weeks. With the first week of military training as a base, the second week will pass much faster.

Gu Siyi obviously found that the surrounding study atmosphere became stronger. Everyone was more active during morning reading (except for a certain genius on the other side of the corridor, who was still flipping through his extracurricular books and eating his candy. To be precise, he was eating the candy she gave him now). In the evening, they no longer meet to drink milk tea and go to the playground, but study in the dormitory or study room.

Gu Siyi suddenly felt the majestic atmosphere of a key middle school, and she was a little flustered.

At this time, there were no classes or tests, and no one knew each other's strengths. She felt that she had to pay close attention to this pre-school preparation stage and not fall behind.

She gets up early every day, reads silently in the dormitory for 20 minutes, and then goes to the classroom to read with everyone in the morning. After lunch break, I went back to the dormitory to read books and do quizzes.

Her relationship with Xu Lin and Lan Xiaoqiu continued to be lukewarm.

In fact, Xu Lin had shown goodwill, but Gu Siyi felt that different ways did not conspire with each other, and she could no longer treat her as a true friend without any grievances like at the beginning. She also doesn't want to have conflicts and isolation, so just be an ordinary roommate, an ordinary classmate, and respect each other as a guest.

The night is everywhere, the sky is full of stars.

On the ping-pong table in the corner of the sports field, Su Han and Lu Jiaye were fighting. Zhou Xiao is playing on the horizontal bar.

Xia Zhijuan sat on the parallel bars, lazily watching them play and eating candy.

Lu Jiaye lost the game and replaced Zhou Xiao.

He walked to Xia Zhijuan's side, and was about to take the bag in his hand, but he raised his hand even faster to avoid it.

"No, I said you don't care about it? Now you are so stingy that you don't even give your brother a candy?"

"If you want to eat, buy it yourself." Xia Zhijuan said lightly, determined not to give what was in his hand.

"MD, plastic brotherhood! A piece of candy can see through a person!" He said angrily, while waiting for an opportunity, he rushed to grab the food.

Xia Zhijuan was still one step faster than him, turned over and got off the parallel bars, and kicked him by the way, "Get lost!"

Lu Jiaye was really not as skilled as Xia Zhijuan, so he was discouraged.

But not to be outdone, he said, "I want to sever ties with you!"

Xia Zhijun, who was unilaterally announced by him to sever diplomatic relations 800 times if not 1000 times, heheed twice.

Su Han took a break and said, "I feel like my sister is very busy recently, coming and going in a hurry every day."

Lu Jiaye felt the same way, "That's right, it's windy when you walk."

Xia Zhijuan didn't speak, but his expression was calm and thoughtful.

When they were chatting vigorously, he walked aside alone, took out his mobile phone, and called Gu Siyi.

Gu Siyi was doing a quiz in the dormitory when the phone on the table rang, and seeing that it was Xia Zhijun, she quickly picked it up.


"What are you doing?"

"Uh..." She paused for three seconds and said, "What's wrong?"

"Do you play basketball?"

"No fight, no fight, I want to study." Gu Siyi confessed honestly, "Do you remember how many books I bought last time? I can't let them down."

Xia Zhijun sneered, and the old god said, "Do you want me to guide you in your studies?"

"No, no, I'm in the bedroom."

"Then you come from the study room."

Gu Siyi is a little distressed, she is now at the stage of self-study, she doesn't want to be tutored, especially if she is a shining student, the difference in rank between the two is too big, when the time comes, she will shake her head when she asks three questions, it's so embarrassing.

So, she politely declined his kindness, "Thank you, but it's quite a distance from the dormitory to the teaching building, and it takes time to go back and forth. I'm going to sleep after studying for a while, so forget it and not go."


"Then, goodbye?"

Xia Zhijuan hung up the phone with an ugly expression and complicated emotions.

He, unexpectedly, was rejected by a girl

Xia Zhijuan is not a narcissistic personality. However, he has received countless love letters since he was a child, and the girls express and hint so much that he is upset, and the probability of being approached when he goes out is 100%.

Even if he doesn't care about his appearance, he understands that this skin is very attractive to the opposite sex.

Of course, the focus is on his studies, which have been among the best since he was a child.

When he was in junior high school, he also opened tutoring classes to make money, 800 yuan an hour, and the places were in short supply. Later, because there were too many nympho girls and too many idiots with poor qualifications, he gave up. Later, no matter who asked him a question, he would reply and ask the teacher.

Therefore, when he offered to make up lessons for Gu Siyi, he had a feeling of gratitude in his heart. who knew she...

A few buddies walked up to Xia Zhijuan, saw him standing there in a daze, and asked, "What is Ah Jun thinking about, so engrossed?"

Xia Zhijuan was silent for a moment, and said, "Have we not dealt with girls for too long?"

"What? What did you say?"

"Hahaha, Jun, are you okay?" Su Han caressed his forehead and was patted away by him.

Zhou Xiao: "Aren't you the most annoying girl? You also said that there are too many girls and you will suffocate. Thanks to you, we have all become female insulators."

Lu Jiaye said angrily: "That's why I have to draw a clear line with Ah Jun! The group of male gods is clearly a group of single dogs!"

Zhou Xiao was very calm: "Is it bad to be single? Is the phone not fun or is there not enough homework?"

Su Han said thoughtfully: "No, why did Ah Jun suddenly ask this question? Could it be that he found himself a tall man with a sense of crisis like an empty-nest youth?"

Xia Zhijuan's expression became more and more ugly. Originally, he just wanted to discuss, what are the girls thinking now? However, his friends took the topic completely awry, and he didn't want to say a word.

In the morning reading the next day, Gu Siyi sat on the seat energetically on time as usual, and recited the words aloud.

A figure beside her swayed, and when she turned her head, Xia Zhijuan was sitting in the empty seat next to her.

Gu Siyi asked, "Why are you sitting here?"

Xia Zhijuan lazily flipped through the reader in his hand, and said, "Lu Jiaye said that I disturbed his sleep and drove me here."

Gu Siyi turned her head and looked to the other side. Lu Jiaye was sleeping soundly on the table.

Amidst such contentious reading sounds, he can still sleep so calmly, I respect him for being a man.

Gu Siyi continued to read her book, but it's different to have someone sitting next to her, especially this person's own filter that looks good in every move. When Gu Siyi saw him chewing a piece of fudge in his mouth again, he couldn't help asking: "You eat candy every day, isn't it too sweet?"

She prefers to eat desserts, but she still loses out against Xia Zhijuan.

Xia Zhijuan said lightly: "Sugar helps to stabilize the mood."

Gu Siyi glanced at Xia Zhijuan, brother, your mood is already very stable, basically Bafengfufu exudes a high-cold aura that no one should bother me.

Forget it, she continued to endorse.

With persistent efforts, Gu Siyi finished memorizing the words of the first three units of English, and now she is starting to memorize the fourth unit.

"transport, noun transport transport, verb transport transport..."


"Transportation, transport..."

Xia Zhijuan couldn't hold back when she heard her spelling and chanting a word over and over again, and smiled.

Gu Siyi keenly caught this low and meaningful smile, turned to him and asked, "Are you laughing at me?"

Xia Zhijuan licked his tooth socket with the tip of his tongue, and after breaking down the last trace of sugar, he said lightly, "It's useless even if you memorize all the words."

"Who said it's useless? Words are the foundation!" Gu Siyi retorted.

"Words are dead. You only memorize words without sense of language. I suggest you memorize texts directly."

Gu Siyi struggled for a few seconds, and decided to do good for Xia Zhijuan's perfect score in English.

"Well, you are a god of learning, and what you said is right." So, she turned the textbook to the front and began to read the text.

When she finished reading it and was about to start reciting it sentence by sentence, she heard Xia Zhijuan's low laugh again, as if it came from the contempt of the soul.

Gu Siyi couldn't hold back anymore and asked him, "What's the matter?"

"You study... Really, um..." He seemed to be thinking about how to phrase it better, and then said leisurely, "I'm reading very hard."

"..." Is this a joke that she used too much force

Gu Siyi's small face was faintly red, she bit her words and said, "Then please read it carefully and I will listen to you."

She moved the textbook aside and put it in Xia Zhijuan's sight.

“Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughtsOr are you afraid that… ”

On the other side, Lu Jiaye was half asleep, half awake, turned over, half-closed his eyes, and found that there was no one beside him.

I lazily stood up, and looked again, good guy, I went directly to my sister, still reading the same English book.

He decisively picked up his mobile phone and sent a message in the newly renamed 'Single Dog Group' WeChat group: "Ah Jun went to sleep with my sister while I was sleeping, sinister!"

Gu Siyi listened to Xia Zhijuan reading the text, and finally understood why he said she was working hard.

According to the text read by the two people, she is like a beggar begging hoarsely, while he is an elegant prince strolling in the courtyard.

The standard pronunciation of the sentence and the natural flow of the sentence, the whole thing is flowing, effortless, and it is no different from the characters in the American TV series she watched. The point is, his voice is very nice, those English letters come out of his mouth, like melodious notes, and they are also smeared with thick sweet sugar.

After he finished reading a text, Gu Siyi slammed his head on the desk, and shouted sadly, "I want to take my English with me!"

"It's not difficult, just pay attention and read it a few more times." Xia Zhijuan said lightly.

No difficulty? All right! Feel free! Lie flat and laugh at me!

Gu Siyi rolled her eyes wildly in her heart, with her hands on her head, her eyes fixed on the book, wishing to stare at a hole.

"Would you like me to read it for you? Explain it to you by the way?"

Gu Siyi froze for a moment, then slowly let go of her hand, and turned to look at him in disbelief, "You don't read your own book anymore?"

"I can't watch you fuck." He said with a smile, closed his extracurricular book and put it aside, pulled her English class, put it in the middle of the table, and said, "Sit down."

Gu Siyi obediently moved the stool to the middle, and the two of them put their arms against their arms, and their heads were almost touching their heads. He held a pen in his hand, and while taking her text, he marked key sentences and explained to her.

"Hold the grass, hold the grass, hold the grass!"

"Look at Ah Jun and sister! Is he trying to eat the grass beside the nest?"

"It's the first time in my life that I've seen him look like a teacher like a spring breeze, and my back feels chilly."

Lu Jiaye kept bombing in the WeChat group.

Zhou Xiao and Su Han finally reacted.

Zhou Xiao: "After all, it's a clear brotherhood, and tutoring is normal."

Lu Jiaye: "Bullshit! Even if it's his own sister, he might not be happy! You forgot about his cousin, who spent the summer doing quizzes with him, and was tortured and cried by him?"

Su Han: "Maybe he realizes that if he wants to unite and love his classmates, he should start with his sister."

Not only these few gay friends, but also the rest of the class secretly looked back.

In the morning light, the young man was lazily propping his head with one hand, holding a pen in one hand, writing and drawing on paper, sometimes reading something, his eyes were picturesque, delicate and gentle.

When he tapped the heads of the girls beside him with his pen, those girls who were poking and peeping secretly had their hearts throbbing in their chests, dreaming that they were the ones who were intimate with him.