Little Sweetheart

Chapter 15


While Gu Siyi was still hesitating, Lu Jiaye who came out of the private room saw her, raised his hand and said, "Hi, sister, you are here too."

This cry made Xia Zhijuan and the girl beside him look back at her at the same time.

Gu Siyi smiled and said, "What a coincidence, I came over to have dinner with my parents."

When Gu Siyi's eyes met the girl's, they were both looking at each other.

The girl has short, refreshing and foreign-style hair. She is neither tall nor short. She is wearing a denim skirt and slim short-sleeved sleeves. It seems to be about the same age as them.

Lu Jiaye introduced them to each other: "This one is Ah Jun's little dimple sister who is united and friendly." When talking about the little dimples, he intentionally spoke heavily and cast a narrow glance at Xia Zhijun.

Gu Siyi didn't understand the meaning, and felt that Lu Jiaye's introduction was weird, so she added, "Hi, I'm in the same class as them, and my name is Gu Siyi."

The girl was amused by that sentence, and she smiled teasingly, "Hello, classmate, do you want to shake hands?"

"..." Gu Siyi felt that this person seemed to have a lot to do with Xia Zhijuan, so please save face, even though he could hear the teasing, he still stretched out his hand. The girl laughed even more.

Gu Siyi's hand stayed in the air, a little awkward, she was about to take it back silently, Xia Zhijuan suddenly raised his hand, grabbed her wrist, pulled her to his side, and said, "Don't pay attention to her."

Lu Jiaye said: "This one is Ah Jun's childhood sweetheart, Zheng Peipei, the wild younger sister."

"You wild sister!" Zheng Peipei ranted over.

Xia Zhijuan ignored the noisy two people, took Gu Siyi's hand, took her aside, and asked, "Your parents are here too?"

"En." Gu Siyi nodded, and when she looked down, she happened to see his hand holding her wrist. The fingers are white and slender, and the palm is soft and dry.

Xia Zhijuan let go of his hand and said, "Take me there, and I'll say hello to my uncle and aunt."

Lu Jiaye and Zheng Peipei watched them leave. Zheng Peipei said, "What's wrong with this little dimpled sister? Is she a relative of Ah Jun?"

When she saw him grabbing her wrist, she raised her eyebrows, quite surprised.

The two grew up in the same compound. Although her family moved away and saw each other less in the past two years, she clearly remembered that Xia Zhijuan, who was a heartthrob, particularly hated girls approaching her.

Lu Jiaye clicked his tongue: "A clear brother-sister relationship without any blood relationship. The two parents have a good relationship."

Gu Zhiyuan and Xu Jiahui never expected that their daughter would bring Mr. Xia back after going to the bathroom.

Xia Zhijuan greeted them politely, "Uncle, aunt."

Surprised, the couple stood up to greet them. Seeing the mess on the table, they hurriedly called the waiter to order another table.

Xia Zhijuan said: "I've already eaten. I was eating here with my friends, and I happened to see Si Yi, so I knew that my uncle and aunt were here."

Under Gu Zhiyuan's greeting, Xia Zhijuan sat down generously.

Gu Siyi sat aside, watching Xia Zhijuan chatting with his parents, feeling admiration in her heart.

She was most afraid of dealing with elders, so she didn't say anything when she learned that he had an appointment with her little friend, mainly because she felt the same in her heart, and she was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable.

But the situation in front of her was that the cold and taciturn academic god in school was able to have a good conversation with her parents.

Talking about study, school, and education is not awkward at all, and it even feels like a spring breeze.

Xia Zhijuan sat for more than half an hour, when his phone rang halfway, he hung up immediately.

It was Gu Siyi who said: "There are classmates waiting for him, so don't be so tight as to push people to talk."

When the two parties said goodbye, Gu Zhiyuan asked Xia Zhijuan which private room he wanted to pay for together, Xia Zhijuan did not refuse, but accepted with a smile, Gu Zhiyuan felt more at ease. I'm afraid that this young master won't accept his kindness.

When Gu Siyi was sitting in a taxi with his parents, Gu Zhiyuan sighed: "A tiger father has no sons, this little son has a bright future."

Xu Jiahui said: "IQ is high, emotional intelligence is also high, the family is well-off and has a backing, and the good seedling is one in a million."

Gu Zhiyuan said to Gu Siyi: "You are in the same class as Xia Zhijuan, and you should have a better relationship with others. This person will be a noble person in the future."

In the past, when Gu Siyi heard them praise other people's children, she would find fault impatiently, but this time she didn't say a word. After all, the achievement of learning God is there. I am sincerely convinced.

After the military training, he officially started his high school study career.

In the first class on Monday morning, the head teacher brought a girl into the classroom and said, "This is a new student in our class, Zheng Peipei."

Gu Siyi: "..."

Isn't this the short-haired girl I saw at the hotel that day

She was actually the classmate who hadn't shown up all this time.

There was only one vacant seat in the class, which was next to Gu Siyi, so Zheng Peipei sat beside her.

"Hi, baby, we meet again." Zheng Peipei greeted Gu Siyi.

Gu Siyi: "..." I am not small at all, I am taller than you!

She showed a polite smile, "So you are my absent deskmate."

Zheng Peipei said complacently, "I'm too tired from the military training and don't want to participate. It's just right to come here at this time."

"..." Awesome, ignoring school discipline, coming whenever he wants, as expected of Xia Zhijuan's childhood sweetheart.

Li Shaohong said on the podium: "I don't arrange seats, whichever seat you want to sit, as long as the two parties reach an agreement. I don't want you to spend your precious time and energy on getting in with your new deskmate. The choice is up to you and you can choose by yourself." Familiar people who are helpful to study."

Gu Siyi was a little surprised, and then admired. This is probably the confidence of the key middle school. I am not afraid that you will not learn, nor force you to learn, but only give you the best environment for you to learn most efficiently.

"Next, I will appoint the class cadres for this semester." Li Shaohong flipped through her lesson plans and turned to write on the podium.

Monitor: Lan Xiaoqiu

Vice monitor: Zhang Kailun

Study Committee Member: Xia Zhijun

Sports Committee: Zhou Xiao

Health Commissioner: Lu Jiaye

Art committee member: Su Han

Youth League Secretary: Zheng Peipei

Write down the names of a series of class cadres, and the four committee members in the middle are the most eye-catching.

The head teacher is still writing down the names of the representatives of each subject and the group leader, and the following is already boiling.

Someone laughed softly: "The four committee members, the W4 of the sixth class..."

It seemed to resonate, and the others laughed, "W4 is good, it represents Class 6's debut."

When Lu Jiaye heard it, he threw a ball of paper forward, "4Your sister4!"

Then he said angrily: "For a handsome guy like us, he must be at least A4! The W is already in the tail!"

Zhou Xiao raised his forehead, "Lu Jiaye, if you don't speak, no one will find out how stupid you are, really."

Su Han solemnly stated: "As long as Lu Jiaye is removed, I am willing to W3 as well."

Lu Jiaye kicked the table next to him with his long legs, "You two dogs who betrayed your father."

Xia Zhijuan sat idle, flipping through his extracurricular books, not bothering to pay attention to those people's commotion.

When the teacher finished writing all the class cadres, Gu Siyi found that she was all cadres, and she was the only one.

Forget it, forget it, learn first, these are all false. I have no job and I am light-hearted, so I can concentrate on my studies.

After writing the names of the cadres, the head teacher announced another news, the mid-term exam in two months.

There are still two months left, Gu Siyi secretly encourages herself, in two months, she can study hard, and she may not necessarily fall behind.

During the morning class, Gu Siyi spent the whole morning in this state of beating blood.

Sit upright in class, listen to the class with ears pricked up, wishing to write every word the teacher said in the notebook. After class, I read books and notes at my desk, trying to digest the content of the class.

During recess, Zheng Peipei snapped his fingers in her ear, "Hey!"

Gu Siyi turned to look at her, she persuaded with a smile: "Relax, buddy, don't be so tight."

Gu Siyi smiled: "Student, you don't understand, I don't blame you. I love learning, learning makes me happy, and learning enriches me. I want to borrow another hundred years from the sky, learn, learn!"

Zheng Peipei choked, then leaned forward and back with a smile.

Seeing it, Lu Jiaye stretched out his head and asked, "What are you talking about, you laugh so happily..."

Gu Siyi said: "Talk about studying."

Zheng Peipei smiled and said, "Hey... let's talk about study..."

Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi came to find Gu Siyi to go to the toilet together. After Gu Siyi left with them, Zheng Peipei sat in her seat with her legs spread out, tapped on Xia Zhijuan's table with her fingers and said, "Your sister is quite interesting. You seem to be a top student."

Xia Zhijuan turned around, leaned lazily against the desk, pinched his shoulders and neck to relax, he was tired after sitting for too long.

Xia Zhijuan didn't answer, Lu Jiaye continued with great interest: "I also found out, my sister is very serious about her studies, Ah Jun, maybe you have a competitor."

she? Xia Zhijuan couldn't help laughing when he thought of Gu Siyi bumping his head and saying that he was going to sleep with English.

Zheng Peipei said: "I don't believe it. If she can surpass the god of learning, I will recognize her as the boss."

When Gu Siyi came back from the toilet, when she passed the classroom window, she saw Zheng Peipei sitting in her seat, chatting happily with Xia Zhijun and the others.

Just in time, she saw Xia Zhijuan smiled, leaning his back and arms against the table, the line from his chin to his neck was too nice, and the corners of his lips were curved.

I don't know what they were talking about that made him laugh so happily.


Gu Siyi walked to the corridor and said, "I want to get some fresh air outside, and then go in after class."

Xiangli and Zhang Xinyi stayed outside together, chatting with her.

It wasn't until the class bell rang that Gu Siyi stepped into the classroom and sat down.

After the morning class, when it was time for lunch, everyone went to the cafeteria in twos and threes. Gu Siyi went with a few friends.

"Hey, that new classmate seems to have a good relationship with the four committee members, and even went to dinner with them."

The voices of other people's comments reached Gu Siyi's ears, and she looked up to search, and she really saw Zheng Peipei and Xia Zhijun.

During the military training before, Lu Jiaye asked Gu Siyi to eat together several times. Gu Siyi didn't want to hang out with them every day and alienate her relationship with girls, so she refused most of the time. They stopped calling her after that.

Gu Siyi suddenly didn't want to go to the cafeteria to eat, and said: "I'm a little uncomfortable, I want to go back to the dormitory to rest."

Xiang Li was concerned: "What's wrong with you? Do you want to go to the school doctor's office?"

Gu Siyi hurriedly said: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, and I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat."

Zhang Xinyi asked again: "Then what do you have for lunch? Do you want us to bring food?"

"No need, there's a lot of food in my dormitory. My mother sent it over on weekends, and there are specialties from my hometown. Come and get some when the time comes."

After Gu Siyi said goodbye to them, she went back to the dormitory by herself.

Prepare snacks on the table, prepare information books, eat and study, the arrangement is perfect.

She was immersed in the ocean of studying, when her cell phone rang, it was Xia Zhijun calling.

She stared at the screen, and it took several seconds before she picked it up, and said slowly, "Hello?"

"Are you feeling unwell?" Xia Zhijuan's voice came.