Little Sweetheart

Chapter 47


Lu Jiaye in front turned around and said, "Ah Jun, you played so hard in the first half, can you hold on in the second half?"

Zheng Peipei hurriedly said: "God of learning, you can't fall! I think this situation depends entirely on you!"

"Where's the water?" Xia Zhijun ignored them, looking at Gu Siyi, his voice was a little hoarse from exhaustion.

Gu Siyi glanced at it, immediately put down the mineral water handed over, picked up the undelivered bottle of soda water, unscrewed the bottle cap, and handed it to Zheng Peipei. Zheng Peipei handed it to Xia Zhijun casually, she didn't notice that the bottle of water was changed.

Xia Zhijuan noticed it when he held it in his hand, the corners of his lips curled up, and he raised his neck to gulp water.

Lu Ming and his classmates were sitting at the other end of the rest area, and he picked up his phone to watch while drinking water.

Sure enough, the gang from No. 1 Middle School came to chat with him on WeChat.

"Do me a favor, brother, we have a personal enmity with Xia Zhijun."

"Anyway, you have little chance of winning, let's win better and humiliate that grandson."

"I owe you a favor, I will definitely thank you later."

Lu Ming belonged to the Longxing basketball team, and had several friendly matches with them. After getting to know each other, they were considered friends.

This time in the basketball game against No. 1 Middle School, Long Xing didn't have any hope of winning. The No. 1 Middle School has recruited a group of sports talents, and it is the top sports school in the city.

The usual starting lineup of the Longxing Middle School basketball team had two problems. Xia Zhijuan and Zhou Xiao made up for it temporarily. Lu Ming was really unhappy. As the main player, his performance in the first half was very negative.

Lu Ming replied: "What personal enmity do you have with Xia Zhijun?"

"Do you know Xia Zhijuan's girlfriend? That tall, white and beautiful girl."

"Meeting her at noon, my buddies wanted to tease her, Xia Zhijuan came out and choked."

"Male Gobi, if it doesn't hinder Longxing's territory, let him look good at noon!"

Lu Ming: "You want to flirt with Gu Siyi?"

"Yes, it's this girl, I'll rub it, my legs are playing for a year, it's so beautiful!"

"Da Longxing hides his secrets, and there is such a pure and sexy beauty, hehe."

"I really want to grab it... I want to date..."

"Fix Xia Zhijun first..."

These few people talked to each other, fell into YY, and the more they talked, the more vigorous they became.

They couldn't see the rest area opposite, and Lu Ming's expression became more and more gloomy.

"How about it, please help me." The topic returned to the main point.

In the first half, they had seen Xia Zhijuan's strength, and it was not so easy to win. To be on the safe side, I came to Lu Ming to release the water.

Lu Ming replied: "Hehe."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, it just so happens that I don't like him too."

"Brother, this wave is stable."

The rest time is up, and the players are on the field one after another.

When Xia Zhijuan got up, Gu Siyi said, "Come on in the second half."

He who could go out directly, turned around, crossed the seat, passed Zheng Peipei, and when he walked up to Gu Siyi, he raised his hand and lightly pressed her head, then walked straight forward and walked through the rest area.

After Xia Zhijuan walked away, Zheng Peipei threw his head on Gu Siyi's shoulder, grabbed her arm and said, "Eh, er, er, I can't take it anymore... Why did Xia Zhijuan, the stinky fart king, become so sweet... You just said, come on, I even came here to touch your head to respond to you... "

"..." Gu Siyi blushed and didn't know what to say.

She cleared her throat, tried her best to suppress the raised corners of her lips, and said in a low voice, "Stop making trouble, and concentrate on watching the game."

At the beginning of the second half, the atmosphere on the scene became hot again.

The Summer cheerleading team got off to a head start, "Come on Xia Zhijun—" "Xia Zhijun will win—" "Come on Xia Zhijun—"

In fact, the people from the No. 1 Middle School played well and were surrounded by a group of diehard fans, but today, surrounded by Xia Zhijun's fans, the fans' fighting power seemed to be paralyzed, and they couldn't hear a sound.

In the second half, Xia Zhijuan still maintained a super fighting power, chasing and running the whole field, he was the player with the highest personal score in the field, and he could also be said to be the person who exercised the most on the field, but he didn't show the slightest feeling of exhaustion.

When he stood there defending, the people in the No. 1 Middle School gave up directly and rushed to other breakthroughs instead.

Lu Jiaye, who was off the court, praised: "The whole game is going on, you are awesome. No wonder the former basketball team old Liu wanted Ah Jun to join so much."

Su Han smiled, "That's not true. He sent out invitations again and again. The head teacher is like an enemy, lest it will affect his study."

Lu Jiaye clicked his tongue and said, "Learning the double-sided body of gods and ghosts, you can't accept it."

Su Han: "What the hell is a double-sided body..."

No matter what, the two of them looked beaming and sincerely proud of their buddies.

Zheng Peipei looked at the fierce competition in the field, Xia Zhijun who was running, and heard Lu Jiaye's words in front of him, and suddenly remembered those girl comics and romance novels he had read, the male protagonist had amazing physical strength, and tortured the female pig's feet N times a night. no...

She accidentally started driving in her head, and she leaned into Gu Siyi's ear and said, "Your family has such good physical strength, will you cry every day in the future?"

"... what?" Gu Siyi devoted herself wholeheartedly to the game, and was completely stunned when she heard this sentence, "He didn't hit me, why should I cry?"

Pile driving is also driving... Zheng Peipei covered her lips and smiled, and smiled for a while and said, "When you cry in the future, don't complain to me, hehehehe..."

"...???" Gu Siyi didn't know that this good friend had already driven to Qiuming Mountain.

Gu Siyi didn't care about her nonsensical words anymore, and quickly devoted herself to the competition.

When the basketball was in Lu Ming's hands, he rushed towards the opponent's defensive zone and gave it a look. The players in the No. 1 middle school who were planning to fight hard were slackened. It's agreed to betray the water, let's put on a show.

Lu Ming went all the way to the basket, unstoppable, until the moment he dunked, the people in No. 1 Middle School woke up like a dream, and it was too late to think about it.

This wave of strong dunks won warm applause from the audience.

Lu Ming smiled provocatively, and in front of the audience, he gave the players of No. 1 middle school a thumbs up and down.

"Fuck..." "What does the surname Lu mean..."

"X fucking..."

"Don't be careless! Fight hard!"

When Lu Ming charged again as a striker, he was surrounded by No. 1 Middle School. Everyone thought he would be stronger. After all, he and Xia Zhijuan had never passed the ball to each other. This was also a factor to check and balance Longxing Middle School's scoring.

But the coach couldn't help it. He couldn't find a better candidate to replace either of them, so he could only bear it so hard.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming suddenly turned around, jumped up, the basketball threw a beautiful arc in the air, and flew towards Xia Zhijun.

Xia Zhijuan raised his hand, caught the ball firmly, took two steps back, just outside the three-point line, and shot a beautiful three-pointer.

There was warm applause again in the arena.

Lu Jiaye: "What did I see?"

Su Han: "They actually cooperated?"

Zheng Peipei: "This Lu Ming, he can play well."

"..." Gu Siyi didn't comment.

Zheng Peipei: "At the critical moment, unanimously external? Well, these are two rivals who have a big picture."

Ever since Lu Ming passed the ball to Xia Zhijun, Longxing's internal checks and balances were broken, and the momentum was overwhelming for a while. Xia Zhijuan scored points strongly, directly widening the gap by more than ten points.

Yizhong was a little panicked, the coach called a timeout halfway, and then adjusted his style of play.

No. 1 Middle School has been a victorious general over the years, and he can't afford to lose face if he loses. In particular, the leaders of the inter-school league are watching this time. It is a time to compete in the comprehensive quality education of schools.

When Xia Zhijuan was off this time, Gu Siyi went forward with the towel and water as quickly as possible, so as not to allow anyone to seize the opportunity. Together with her, Zheng Peipei passed water to Zhou Xiao. The other girls did not have the advantage of their close-range position, so they could only pass water to the other team members.

The girls who originally wanted to rush towards Xia Zhijuan looked at Gu Siyi with itchy teeth. Gu Siyi didn't care.

"Keep going! You are the best!" Gu Siyi said to Xia Zhijun.

Xia Zhijuan bent his lips, threw him the sweat towel, and walked back to the field.

Lu Ming looked at Gu Siyi, put his hands on his hips, gasped and laughed, "Sister Siyi, can you please cheer me up?"

"I said it for her, come on!" Zheng Peipei said first, "You performed well just now, keep looking at the big picture!"

Gu Siyi didn't say anything, turned around and left with Zheng Peipei.

Lu Ming looked at Gu Siyi's back and sighed softly.

After a short break, the game started again.

With only ten minutes left, the competition on the field became fiercer, and the audience's emotions were also mobilized to the highest point.

"In previous years, Xia Zhijuan had to participate in the competition, and our school will not be eliminated early."

"He is also too fierce. His academic performance ranks first in the city, and he plays basketball so strongly."

"It is estimated that Xia Zhijun's fans will grow exponentially again..."

"An awesome person is awesome at everything, a capital word."

Originally, I thought I was here to watch the performance show of the No. 1 Middle School, but I didn't expect the competition to be surprisingly exciting. Long Xing kept scoring strong points, and Long Xing's students were all excited.

When the ball was passed to Xia Zhijun, enthusiastic screams and shouts erupted outside the court.

The girls in the Summer cheerleading team even waved their flags and shouted wildly.

Lu Jiaye looked around in bewilderment, "I haven't scored a goal yet, isn't it too exaggerated?"

Su Han: "When the ball is in Ah Jun's hands, everyone has the expectation of scoring a goal, so they are immediately excited."

Xia Zhijuan lived up to expectations, dribbling the ball and making a strong attack.

The opponent's center forward rushed over suddenly, and when the shoulders of the two collided, it seemed that they could hear the sound of violent muscle collision.

Everyone thought that Xia Zhijuan would be knocked down and drop the ball. After all, there was a huge difference in appearance between the two of them. One looked mighty and majestic, while the other looked tall and thin.

The scene was quiet for a few seconds, and when Xia Zhijuan continued to advance, cheers broke out again.

He rushed to the basket, surrounded by the opponent, and made a three-step layup. The smooth muscle lines of his arms were tense, and sweat was swaying in the air. The basketball goes into the frame.

The screams of the audience nearly toppled the roof of the stadium.

Gu Siyi pressed her beating heart, and at that moment, she was scared to death.

Zheng Peipei: "It's amazing. It turns out that he just looks thin, and he's very attractive. He can withstand heavyweight collisions."

"..." Gu Siyi suddenly saw the bathing scenery on Mount Emei appear in Gu Siyi's mind...

With a slender body, long hands and long legs, wide shoulders and narrow waist, the muscles are flat and spread out, and it really looks... very sexy and sexy.

Gu Siyi lowered her head, covered her red face, and rubbed her face vigorously. Watching the game, thinking about something.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was the last three minutes. The score was opened by 20 points, and the outcome was decided.

Xia Zhijuan could actually relax, no matter how the No. 1 Middle School scored points in the future, it would not be able to even the score.

But he seemed to have to suppress the opponent's score, and he was still attacking until the last moment.

The Yizhong was completely humiliated by his style of play, but they could only bear it. Whether it is the score advantage or the psychological advantage over there, they are exhausted. The first strong team in high school lost so embarrassingly for the first time.

In the last ten seconds, he stood outside the three-point line and closed the game with a perfect three-pointer.

The students of Longxing stood up one after another, and the applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time.

"..." Gu Siyi looked at the gleaming Xia Zhijun on the field, only to realize that in the match against Class 8, he was willing to be a green leaf to help her score points. With his strength, when he shows off, no one else really cares.

At the end of the game, both sides leave the field, and the players return to the lounge to change clothes.

Gu Siyi and the others were waiting outside. As a result, in just a few minutes, wave after wave of fans rushed over and surrounded the Longxing Lounge.

Xia Zhijuan took a shower, changed his clothes and came out. The coach of the school team was praising everyone excitedly.

He looked at Xia Zhijuan and said, "Let's have a supper tonight, the coach treats you."

Xia Zhijuan said lightly: "No, we have arrangements for the evening."

"That's fine, have fun." The coach patted him on the shoulder happily.

After Zhou Xiao changed his clothes, the two walked to the door, opened the door, and heard deafening screams.

"Xia Zhijun—" "Xia Zhijun—" "Xia Zhijuan—" "Xia Zhijun—" They shouted happily, even scrambling to grab their notebooks and pull their clothes for autographs.

Zhou Xiao looked at Xia Zhijuan with a confused look on his face: "... Are you making your debut?"

Xia Zhijuan had no choice but to quickly close the door and said to the coach, "I can't get out, please help me."

"If you are willing to come to the school team, our basketball team has long been a star team." The coach regretted this momentum.

Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi, who were waiting outside, naturally also saw this tide-like scene.

Zheng Peipei: "Longxing school grass has spread from poisoning girls in this school to several schools."

Gu Siyi sighed, "No way, it's just so powerful."

Zheng Peipei smiled: "Tell me, do you feel more proud or more nervous?"

"..." Gu Siyi ignored the question directly.

The coach arranged for several people to wear masks and peaked caps to cover Xia Zhijun from leaving.

Xia Zhijun also wore a mask and cap with the brim lowered, and quickly left the crowd.

Turning around a corridor, seeing Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi leaning there chatting, Xia Zhijun took Gu Siyi's hand as he passed by, and walked quickly, Zheng Peipei immediately followed.

Lu Jiaye and Su Han had arranged for two cars to wait outside, and they got into the car separately.

Xia Zhijun took Gu Siyi into Lu Jiaye's car, and Zhou Xiao and Zheng Peipei got into Su Han's car.

Inside the car, Lu Jiaye said, "Tonight's game is so exciting, why don't we celebrate it?"

Xia Zhijuan was really tired, he leaned lazily on the back of the back seat and said, "Whatever."

Gu Siyi looked at him and asked, "Does your shoulder hurt where you were hit?"

"It hurts..." he responded leisurely.

"Then what should I do? Are you injured? You have to go to the hospital immediately!" Gu Siyi said nervously.

"It's not hurt, it's just sore." He moved his neck, turned his head, turned his back to her, and said, "Why don't you squeeze it for me."

Lu Jiaye: ... so shameless! Resolutely do not condone this shameless style of work!

Gu Siyi approached Xia Zhijun, raised her hand, and squeezed his shoulder.

Lu Jiaye: ... the little dimple has changed, and she has become the obedient daughter-in-law of Ah Jun's family! QQ

The night enveloped the earth, and outside the window was a colorful night scene.

Xia Zhijuan looked at the car window and saw her reflection.

Xia Zhijuan said: "Those molesting grandsons were beaten to the ground, are you relieved?"

Gu Siyi turned her head and saw the comfort in his slightly curved lips and eyes and eyebrows, and blurted out: "I think you are more relieved."

Xia Zhijuan chuckled without denying it.

Gu Siyi changed the subject, "Does it hurt? Just say it hurts."

"Mmm." He responded lightly, feeling the girl's soft hand moving and pressing on his shoulder and neck.

Lu Jiaye: ... Kick over this bowl of dog food!

The two cars drove to a rather emotional Internet celebrity music tavern.

Since there is a game tomorrow, everyone didn't drink, and ordered a bunch of snacks and drinks.

Zhou Xiao took the lead in toasting, "Come on, have a toast, and celebrate today's victory."

Everyone raised their glasses, "Cheers—"

The colorful drinks collide together, just like the colorful years of youth.

The second time was initiated by Lu Jiaye, "I wish the students who will have a competition tomorrow a victory."


A stage was set in the center of the tavern, and folk singers sang.

Zhou Xiao said: "It's not as good as Su Han's singing, Su Han, let me sing a song to cheer you up."

"Wow, wow, Su Han is going to sing a song! Calling you!" Zheng Peipei responded positively.

Seeing Zheng Peipei's excited expression, Lu Jiaye snorted slightly.

Gu Siyi and Xiangli Zhang Xinyi are cooperating with Zheng Peipei and responding positively.

Su Han was disrespectful and called the manager over to say a few words.

After a song was over, Su Han took the stage, sat on a high stool, held a guitar, and auditioned it in his hand.

Gu Siyi: "Wow, you look so professional."

Zheng Peipei is already star-eyed, "So handsome, so handsome!"

If she looked at Xia Zhijuan playing with admiration, then she looked at Su Han with a swaying expression.

"How can I fall in love with you, I'm asking myself

I can give up anything, but today is hard to leave

you're not beautiful but you're adorable

Oh Cinderella, my Cinderella…”

Su Han plucked the strings and sang lazily into the microphone.

Under the light, his long eyelashes cast a shadow in the eye socket. The soft short hair covered his forehead, just like his gentle singing voice.

When he looked down the stage, his peach blossom eyes were like intoxicating fine wine, blurred and moving.

Different from Xia Zhijuan's cold and cold beauty, he is good-looking without the slightest attack power, enchanting and pitiful.

There were already two beating hearts in Zheng Peipei's eyes.

A few girls raised their hands and swayed to the rhythm as if they were listening to a concert.

After a fierce and tense game, it is so comfortable to come here to eat, drink and listen to music.

Zhou Xiao leaned on the seat casually, relaxed.

Lu Jiaye was not so comfortable, and Zheng Peipei's staring at Su Han was particularly dazzling.

Xia Zhijuan was originally nestled in a chair to relax, but when his casual eyes fell on Gu Siyi, he found that she was watching Su Han sing with special concentration, with that intoxicated look on her face...?

Xia Zhijuan and Zhou Xiao were sitting on a double sofa, and he said to Zhou Xiao, "You go over there." His eyes indicated Su Han's empty seat.

"..." Zhou Xiao looked at him puzzled.

"Go." Xia Zhijuan urged.

Zhou Xiao, who was arranged, got up and walked to the other side.

Xia Zhijuan leaned over, patted Gu Siyi on the shoulder, and said, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

"Ah?" Gu Siyi didn't understand, so she sat down obediently.

There were only two people on the soft sofa, Xia Zhijuan was sitting lazily, Gu Siyi came over and sat upright, and asked, "What do you want to tell me?"

It was a bit noisy in the tavern, so she leaned over to ask him.

He got closer and put his hand on her shoulder. Under the dim light, those eyes were extremely deep, as if trying to suck people in.

Gu Siyi's heart suffocated, and she wanted to sit down, but it was too late, her shoulders were hooped, Xia Zhijuan exerted a little force, and the two of them leaned on the sofa, Xia Zhijuan whispered in her ear: "Does Su Han sing well?" ?”

"Yes... yes..." she answered irregularly.

"Would it be nice if I sang to you?" His voice was lower, and his breath was blowing in her ears.

"..." She heard the beating of her own heart.

"Not to mention I'm going to pinch my ears again." He raised his other arm, wrapped it around her, and pinched her earlobe.

Zhou Xiao's eyes drifted to the man and woman who were trapped in the dark, and he turned back immediately.

This brother is good at everything, even in love, he is more vigorous than others.

For a simple girl like Gu Siyi, there are no bones left to be eaten by him...

"Oh, stop pinching..." Gu Siyi wanted to hide but couldn't.

He obviously didn't drink, why does this person look drunk.

"Tell me, is it better for me or him?" He pestered her and asked, and his hands were not idle, rubbing the little red earlobe.

"Of course it's him... not as good as you. You can sing so well!" Gu Siyi succumbed to the majesty of the big devil.

Xia Zhijuan smiled with satisfaction.

He put his hands down, put his arms around her, put his head on her shoulders, and said, "I'm too tired, let me rest for a while."

Gu Siyi: ... I'm not a human flesh pad.

And at this position, at this angle, she can't even see Su Han!

But she knew that he was very tired. As a non-professional player, he was able to play the whole game like that, and his physical strength was already unbelievably strong. Basketball is such a violent and explosive sprint sport, and you have to keep scoring goals, most people have to waste half of the game.

So, she complained about it, and when he leaned on her, she obediently used him as a cushion.

When Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi saw the two people leaning against each other, they silently turned their heads.

Two people who keep saying that they are not in a relationship, but give out dog food every day, what is the reason

Lu Jiaye stretched out his long legs and kicked Zheng Peipei's feet, "Old iron, you are black."

Zheng Peipei rolled his eyes at him, "Do you want to play tricks here?"

"Yeah, what a great atmosphere, eating and drinking while listening to music and playing games."

"It's a wonderful hobby, I won't come. Hey you, go away, don't hang around in front of me..." Zheng Peipei waved his hand, trying to drive away the annoying Lu Jiaye.

"Come on, come on, look, I have a new set of inscriptions, and the combat power is awesome!" Lu Jiaye held out his phone to Zheng Peipei, and was about to poke her in the eye.

Zheng Peipei was fascinated, "I don't want to play games now, you have to play by yourself."

"That won't work, we are teammates fighting side by side. If Lao Tie isn't here, how can I sweep the rivers and lakes alone." Lu Jiaye sat down on the seat vacated by Gu Siyi, pestering her relentlessly.

Zheng Peipei was so annoyed that Su Han finished singing a song.

She was so angry that she glanced and saw his auxiliary inscriptions on the screen. Forget it, it's over anyway.

She took out her mobile phone, "Come on, come on, let me satisfy you."

Lu Jiaye smiled slightly, and put the phone up, "Forget it, I suddenly don't want to play anymore."

"… you!"