Little Sweetheart

Chapter 48


"… you!"

"I'm thirsty." Lu Jiaye picked up the cup and drank it with a smile.

Zheng Peipei's temper was about to explode, and when he kicked him, Lu Jiaye screamed.

The two chased and fought, the screams were too piercing, Xia Zhijun who was in a light sleep was awakened, and raised his head slightly.

Gu Siyi turned her head to look at him, and for the first time saw a kind of hazy and chaotic state in his eyes, and she was a little cute.

But in the next second, his face sank, he raised his head and rubbed the center of his brows, leaned back on the sofa, "It's so noisy."

Su Han grabbed Zheng Peipei, who was making trouble, and took him to sit aside. He said in a soft voice as if coaxing, "Stop making trouble, don't bump into yourself. Do you want to play games? I'll play with you."

Facing his dark, moist and alluring eyes, Zheng Peipei immediately became as quiet as a virgin, and muttered: "No... that bastard harassed me and played tricks on me, so angry."

"I'll do a magic trick for you." With a smile on his face, Su Han walked around her ear with his slender white fingers, snapped them, turned his palms back when he retracted, and a small rose appeared in his hand.

Zheng Peipei's eyes widened in disbelief, and the other girls were stunned.

"Giving it to you, can I not be angry?" Su Han handed her the rose, only her reflection in her beautiful eyes.

"Hey, why am I angry with that idiot? Don't be angry anymore." Zheng Peipei took the rose, his face flushed slightly, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but rise.

Lu Jiaye leaned on the sofa, crossed his legs like the old man, and yelled: "Little Susu, how many times have you played this old-fashioned trick, can you stop fooling the big-breasted and brainless tigress with it?"

Zheng Peipei was furious and was about to lose her temper when Su Han grabbed her hand. Turning around, seeing Su Han's gentle eyebrows, Zheng Peipei's anger disappeared, he gave Lu Jiaye a sideways look, and hummed softly, "I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Zhou Xiao looked at the time and said, "It's almost time for us to go back to school. Rest early, there is a game tomorrow."

"Let's go, let's go..." Lu Jiaye hurriedly got up, went back to his dorms at school, so as not to be an eyesore when looking at some pictures.

Zhou Xiao called the waiter to check out, and everyone got up and left.

Holding the rose, Zheng Peipei was always happy, went back to the dormitory and put it in a pen holder, and said, "I'll go shopping on Taobao and buy a small vase to decorate the boring table."

Seeing her happy appearance, Gu Siyi joked, "I'm envious, I've never received flowers from a boy before."

"Huh? Didn't Xue Shen send you flowers?... That means he's not in place."

"Why are you talking about him?" Gu Siyi muttered, obviously lacking confidence.

Gu Siyi came out of the shower, touched her wrist as a routine before going to bed, remembered the bracelet she had taken off, and looked for it on the table.

At first, I casually thought it was in the small storage box, but I touched it, but it was not there, and I looked again, and it was really not there. She searched the whole table carefully again, still nothing.

Gu Siyi was a little anxious. Along the bookshelf to the cabinet to the tabletop and then under the table, grope carefully in a square inch, not letting go of every corner.

When she nestled under the table and took the flashlight to repeatedly shine on her, the rippling Zheng Peipei finally sensed that something was wrong with her and asked her, "What are you looking for?"

"My bracelet is missing..."

"Ah?" Zheng Peipei was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, "Is that the bracelet that Xia Zhijun gave you?"

"Yes." Gu Siyi's voice was full of anxiety.

"Then look for it quickly." Zheng Peipei came over and searched with her.

The two of them went through the place completely, and searched Zheng Peipei's place without giving up, and then asked Xu Lin and Lan Xiaoqiu who were sleeping together, "Have you seen my bracelet?"

Xu Lin's eyes widened in astonishment, "I didn't see it, did you lose your bracelet?"

Lan Xiaoqiu's expression was indifferent, without turning his head, he said, "I didn't see it."

Gu Siyi's heart was in a mess, and her mind was also in a mess, "Maybe it's in the classroom? Did I remember it wrong? It wasn't in the dormitory?"

Zheng Peipei said, "Then go look for it in the classroom tomorrow."

Gu Siyi couldn't wait until tomorrow, so she hurriedly said to Lan Xiaoqiu, "Do you have the class key? Can you lend me a key?"

Lan Xiaoqiu found the key and gave it to her.

"Thanks." Gu Siyi took the key, put on her coat and left.

"Hey, wait, wait... I'll go with you." Zheng Peipei chased after her and left.

Xu Lin and Lan Xiaoqiu in the dormitory looked at each other, then went back to their own affairs.

Gu Siyi and Zheng Peipei walked quickly to the teaching area, came to the class, opened the door, and turned on the lights.

Both of them searched in the drawers, but there was nothing. The ground is clean everywhere, and the trash cans are also empty.

There is no trace of the bracelet in the public area.

Gu Siyi sat down on the stool, confused, "...where did you put it, why did it disappear?"

"Don't be confused, think about it."

"Didn't I take it off? I lost it during the game in the afternoon? Do you want to look for it on the playground?"

"How do you find such a big playground? It was picked up when it was lost. After the game, there is a special person to clean up the field. Why don't you post a post on the school forum to see if anyone picked it up."

Zheng Peipei has the ID of the school forum and said, "Get me a picture, and I'll post a question for you."

"Okay." Gu Siyi nodded.

The two immediately worked together.

After a while, Zheng Peipei put the phone in his pocket and said, "Let's go, go back to the dormitory first, and wait for news with peace of mind."

Gu Siyi nodded.

Different from the eager pace when she came, on the way back, Gu Siyi walked slowly, with her head down and her face depressed.

Knowing that she was sad, Zheng Peipei put his arms around her shoulders and comforted her, "Don't be discouraged yet. You can't just evaporate out of thin air, right? Maybe someone picked it up."

"It's too vague..." Gu Siyi's voice was already hoarse, with slight choking, "I don't know why it disappeared, I remember it was placed in the storage box on the table..."

Seeing her like this, Zheng Peipei felt very sad. She knew how much she liked this bracelet.

And this is the first gift Xia Zhijuan gave her...

She could only comfort her: "Maybe someone will reply tomorrow that they found it."

Gu Siyi didn't say a word, trying her best to suppress the ups and downs in her chest, not wanting to cry.

When she woke up the next day, the first thing Gu Siyi did was to find Zheng Peipei's post and read the replies.

There were only inquiries and teasing, no serious replies.

The heart of anticipation sank to the bottom in an instant.

But the sports meeting is still going on. Today, Gu Siyi will participate in the 1500-meter long-distance race and the 400-meter final and the 100-meter final.

Yesterday's brilliant results made everyone look forward to her. The side of the runway was surrounded by classmates cheering for her, students from Class 6 and Class 8 gathered together.

Standing on the starting line, her condition is obviously not as good as yesterday, there is no relaxed smile on her face, and her eyes are full of anxiety and solemnity.

When the starting gun rang, Gu Siyi froze for a second before rushing out.

Lu Jiaye, who was watching: "Why is sister Xiaodi so weak today?"

Zhou Xiao said: "Maybe I was exhausted yesterday and I was tired."

Xia Zhijuan focused on watching Gu Siyi's game without speaking.

At the end of the 100m and 400m races, she took two third places.

Not the best, but in the competitions of several schools, it also won honor for the school.

The head teacher and the physical education teacher were very happy. The head teacher specially came to encourage Gu Siyi, "There are still 1,500 meters to go, keep fit and come on."

Gu Siyi nodded.

But before the competition, Xia Zhijuan pulled Gu Siyi aside and said, "I think you're not in good shape, can you run later?"

Gu Siyi has been trying to avoid Xia Zhijuan today, and when she saw him, her mood fluctuated even more. At this moment, meeting his concerned eyes, she lowered her head, nodded, and nodded again.

Back on the runway again, Gu Siyi took a deep breath to adjust her state.

Drawing lessons from the previous sprints, she concentrated and prepared to start.

When the starting gun fired, she rushed out instantly, with great momentum.

But long-distance running is not about explosive power, but endurance. Some people run 1500 meters around the playground a few times.

The students watching from the sidelines kept waving their flags and shouting.

Zheng Peipei jumped up and shouted: "Come on, Siyi—come on, Siyi—"

Gu Siyi ran forward mechanically, her thoughts became chaotic as she ran—

It was obviously placed in the dormitory, but it was not worn on the playground, so why did it disappear...

Is she so forgetful? Can you remember such an important thing wrong? But why is it gone...

Gu Siyi's mind was in a mess, when he stepped on an empty bottle, he fell forward uncontrollably.

Zheng Peipei exclaimed: "What's going on? Why is there rubbish on the runway?!"

Both Lu Jiaye and Su Han stood up from the stands in shock.

Xia Zhijuan immediately rushed down from the stands, and before he had time to walk through the passageway, he supported the railing, jumped out quickly, and ran towards Gu Siyi.

Under the huge inertia, Gu Siyi fell to the ground suddenly, her body rolled half a circle, and her mind went blank for a moment due to the pain.

When she slowed down and was about to get up, a pair of strong hands supported her, and when she turned her head, she saw Xia Zhijun.

He stared at her closely, his lips turned white, his fingers trembled slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Hold it, I'll take you to the infirmary."

"It's okay..." Gu Siyi stood up straight, slowed down for a few seconds, and said, "I can finish the run."

"Don't run away!" Xia Zhijuan said in a deep voice.

"No, I have to finish the run. Long-distance running is my strong point, so I can't give up." Gu Siyi waved Xia Zhijuan's hand away and continued to run forward.

She was in the lead, but because of this fall, she fell behind a few places.

She ran wildly on the track, as if the fall just now was just an insignificant episode. In fact, when she ran again, she literally forgot about the bruises and pain. The heart is sad enough, and the physical pain seems trivial.

Gu Siyi, who tried her best, crossed the finish line fourth.

Boiling cheers sounded on the field. The person who thought he was going to retire from the race actually finished the race and got the ranking!

Lu Ming looked at Gu Siyi from the side of the runway. The cheerleaders he brought were shouting desperately, while his brows were deeply furrowed, and his eyes were filled with distress.

After crossing the finish line, the belief that supported Gu Siyi disappeared, and the whole person seemed to be hollowed out in an instant. When she was about to fall, she was caught firmly by a pair of arms and a hug.

Xia Zhijuan directly picked her up horizontally, but Gu Siyi didn't have any strength at all, and fell limp in his arms.

"I'll take her to the infirmary." Xia Zhijuan confessed, and left with Gu Siyi in his arms.

Zheng Peipei caught up with them, "I'll go with you."

"No, you go to watch their match." Xia Zhijuan said coldly, striding forward with Gu Siyi in his arms.

Zheng Peipei: "..."

She felt Xia Zhijuan's displeasure, and after thinking about it, she decided not to join in the fun, so as not to bore herself. With Xia Zhijun taking care of Gu Siyi, she was relieved.

Xia Zhijuan carried Gu Siyi to the infirmary, and the medical staff lifted up her sweatpants. Xia Zhijuan saw large scratches and traces of blood on her fair legs, and frowned.

When the disinfectant was applied, Gu Siyi gasped in pain.

Xia Zhijuan grabbed her hand and said, "Pinch me if it hurts."

"..." Gu Siyi bit her lip and remained silent.

After taking the medicine and putting on the gauze, the doctor told her to take precautions and told her not to exercise strenuously.

Gu Siyi got off the ground gently, Xia Zhijun asked her, "Can I go?"

Gu Siyi nodded, pretending to be relaxed and said: "It's okay, just a little scratch."

"It's all like this or is it just a small scratch?" Xia Zhijuan scolded with a serious face, "If you don't run, you have to run. Is it important to get a ranking?"

"Yes, it's very important." Gu Siyi lowered her head and said softly, "I participated in the sports meeting every year from elementary school to junior high school, and I was on the sports team in elementary school. I like sports and want to win prizes, right? "

After a pause for a few seconds, she said in a softer voice, "After all, this is something I can do well."

Xia Zhijuan took a deep breath, controlled the depression in his heart, held her shoulders, and said, "Let's go."

"Hey, I'm fine, I don't need to treat the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled."

"Do you regard yourself as a female diamond?" Xia Zhijuan raised his hand and tapped her on the head.

She turned her head and muttered, "Anyway, I'm not as delicate as you think... ah—"

Caught off guard, Xia Zhijuan directly hugged her horizontally.

He looked into her startled eyes and said, "Then let me tell you, you are a weak and delicate girl who needs protection."


"I'm afraid you'll get hurt if you drop it, or you'll be broken if you touch it. If you don't take a good look at it, you won't be at ease."

The boy's gentle and fiery eyes looked straight at her without any scruples.

Gu Siyi was the first to be unable to bear it, she turned away from her blushing face and avoided his eyes.

Xia Zhijuan hugged Gu Siyi all the way out of the building, and finally let her down after Gu Siyi's strong resistance.

Xia Zhijuan took out his mobile phone to look through it, and said while watching, "Since you can't compete anymore, I'll take you out to play."

Gu Siyi: "You have a competition!"

"It doesn't matter anymore." He said lightly.

"Why isn't it important?" Gu Siyi retorted.

Xia Zhijuan raised his hand, put it on her head, and said, "Can it be more important than you?"

"..." Gu Siyi was at a loss for words.

"I think you're not in a good mood today, go out and have fun." Xia Zhijuan took her hand.

Gu Siyi shook off his hand, "You'd better go to the competition. I'll be a cheerleader for you."

Xia Zhijuan put his hands on his hips, looked at her contemptuously, and said word by word: "Gu Siyi, if you refuse me again, I'll take you out of school directly."

"..." Gu Siyi lowered her head, bit her lips, and complained, "So fierce, so domineering."

"Then do you want to be hugged by the whole school watching the princess?" Xia Zhijuan made a gesture to hug her, but Gu Siyi jumped away in fright.

"Okay, okay... I'll go by myself."

"Should I call Paibai and Su Han? And Xiang Li Xinyi...they don't have a match."

"No." Xia Zhijun immediately refused, "I just want to take you out to play, not a bunch of oil bottles."

"..." She raised her hand and rubbed her nose, her cheeks were a little hot.

Gu Siyi followed Xia Zhijuan and left the school awkwardly.

Xia Zhijuan hailed a car, and the car was waiting outside the school gate.

After getting in the car, the radio station in the car was playing a brisk old song "Simple Love".

"I can't say why I became very active. If you fall in love with someone, everything is worth doing.

I want to announce how much I miss you so loudly that even the neighbors next door can guess how I feel now... "

Xia Zhijuan leaned on the back of the chair and listened to the song, feeling like he had been hit knowingly.

He has always been chased by girls and has never looked down upon him. He has never been so active with a girl.

She flinched and hesitated, but he was still addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

Xia Zhijuan turned to look at Gu Siyi, she sat there with her head buried like a quail, without saying a word.

Unable to help himself, Xia Zhijuan chuckled.

He raised his hand, rubbed Gu Siyi's head, and said, "How come it's the same as me grabbing a civilian girl, huh?"

"What..." Gu Siyi slapped his hand off and said angrily.

The sweet and brisk melody hovered in the car, Xia Zhijun was smiling and his eyes were soft.

The car stopped by the Central Park, and the two got out of the car.

This is a large open park built along the river beach, a popular tourist attraction for citizens.

Even though today is Friday, there are people coming and going in the park.

Xia Zhijuan saw a seller of balloons, brought Gu Siyi over, bought her a bunch of balloons, and tied them around her wrists.

Gu Siyi smiled and said, "Hey, hey, I'm not a three-year-old kid, why did you give me this?"

"Of course you're not three years old," Xia Zhijuan said, "You're probably six years old at most."

"You're only six years old."

"Come on, I'll take you for a ride." He took her hand tied with a balloon.

Gu Siyi raised her eyes and saw a string of balloons floating above the two of them, she couldn't help laughing.

"There are tandem cars over there, and tandem cars are fun."

"You have a leg injury, so you ride a bicycle, and you sit in the back seat."

Xia Zhijun rented a bicycle, he let Gu Siyi sit on the back, kicked his legs, and rode along the river beach.

The river wind blows over in bursts, carrying the fragrance of birds and flowers in the park. Gu Siyi took a deep breath, feeling relieved.

Xia Zhijun sang while riding: "I want to hold your hand like this and never let go, can love be pure and without sorrow forever, I want to take you on a bicycle, I miss you and baseball, singing like this without worry Walk… "

Gu Siyi sang with him, "I want to hold your hand and not let go, can love be simple and harmless, you lean on my shoulder, you fall asleep on my chest, I love you for a life like this Love me… "

At the end, Xia Zhijuan said: "This song is for you, it is very suitable for the occasion."

Gu Siyi, who was originally in high spirits, felt shy when she heard this sentence.

"Why don't you talk? Have you become a quail again?" Xia Zhijuan teased.

Gu Siyi really didn't know what to say, she blushed and said angrily, "You are the quail..."

"You are not a quail, you have become a repeater."

"… oops!"

Xia Zhijuan accelerated sharply, and Gu Siyi, frightened by the instant sprint, hurriedly hugged his waist, pressing her face against his back.

Her little heart sometimes thumped and sometimes thumped, and her fair and flushed little face was full of shyness and happiness, sweetness and tension.

Xia Zhijuan slowed down, stopped in front of a stall selling candied haws, and asked Gu Siyi, "Do you want to eat?"

"Eat!" Gu Siyi nodded without hesitation.

Gu Siyi happily ate the candied haws, and Xia Zhijuan took her for a ride at a leisurely pace.

When he stopped, he found that she still had half a string in her hand.

She handed it to him and said, "Half for each person, I leave it for you."

Xia Zhijuan smiled, "Good boy, this is a good habit."

After returning the car, Xia Zhijun stood under the big tree and ate candied haws. Gu Siyi walked away a few steps, took out his mobile phone, and took several photos of him one after another.

Xia Zhijuan generously let her take pictures, it's best to appreciate them when she has nothing to do after taking pictures.

Gu Siyi patted and laughed at the same time. At this moment, the god of learning has lost his aloofness and is a little more cute.

More like a teenager.

But he is so handsome, even the appearance of eating candied haws is cute and handsome when photographed.

After taking pictures for a while, Gu Siyi swiped the photos on her phone, admiring her masterpiece, the smile on her lips never stopped.

Xia Zhijun threw the stick into the trash can, and when he turned his head, Gu Siyi looked at the phone and smiled into a tempting dessert.

Really... tempted to take a bite.

He quietly walked around behind her and hugged her suddenly.

"Ah—" Gu Siyi was startled.

Xia Zhijuan leaned his head, and kissed her soft cheek hard.

"You... what are you doing..." She panicked, trying to escape but couldn't.

"Kiss you." His arms held her tightly in his arms. After the first time, how could he bear the second time.

"You're playing a hooligan..." she complained with a blushing face.

He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Gu Siyi, I really like you."

"..." Gu Siyi stood still, and for a long while, her mind was still buzzing.

Xia Zhijuan let go of her hand after hugging her for a while, and gently took her hand.

Like a goose, Gu Siyi was led by him and walked forward step by step.

At this age, in the face of unknown feelings, she doesn't know how to deal with it or how to reject it, and she dares not move forward and does not want to retreat. The sense of guilt and attachment collided violently in her heart, pulling at her immature heart.

Xia Zhijuan held her hand and said, "Don't be afraid. Before we graduate, I won't go overboard with you."

“…” Passover… Passover… What does Passover mean…

Gu Siyi's dazed mind vaguely understood, and her face turned even redder.

"You don't have to worry about studying. Whatever school I go to, I will let you pass the exam."

Gu Siyi couldn't help but said: "It's so swollen..."

Xia Zhijuan glanced at her, "This is self-confidence."

"Think about it, what's wrong with you being admitted to a prestigious school and having a schoolboy boyfriend?" His soft voice seemed to be persuasive.

"..." What's wrong? She doesn't know either.

Xia Zhijun took Gu Siyi to play all afternoon, and took her to Haidilao for dinner.

Gu Siyi said: "There are so many people, let's call the companions over."

Xia Zhijun said: "Don't always look for a bunch of light bulbs, you have to get used to being alone with me."

Gu Siyi: "..."

She had the most quiet and coy dinner ever.

After dinner, the two took the bus back to school together.

The bus stopped and went slowly on the road, and he held her hand and refused to let go.

After entering the school, Xia Zhijuan took the initiative to let go of her hand.

As the sky darkened, the two walked side by side on the campus.

Xia Zhijuan asked her, "How are you preparing for the midterm exam?"

"I don't know..." Gu Siyi really had no idea, she didn't know the difficulty of Long Xing's exam.

Xia Zhijuan sent her downstairs in the dormitory and said, "Tomorrow there is still a day of competition. You bring a pen and paper and go out to study with me."

"No need... If you don't participate in the competition, I can study in the dormitory."

"Need." He put his hand on her head, "I don't know how you're doing, what if you fail the exam and cry and say you're the victim of puppy love?"