Little Sweetheart

Chapter 51


Zheng Peipei scoffed, "She's guilty of being a thief, so take one and throw it away."

Lan Xiaoqiu scolded angrily: "Everything in the world belongs to you, why don't you be ashamed?"

"Students, please speak up if you have something to say." The dormitory staff persuaded, "Arguing and fighting can't solve the problem."

"It's the first time I've seen such a vicious thief, squad leader, you're amazing, aren't you?" Zheng Peipei deliberately humiliated.

"You..." Lan Xiaoqiu's face turned white and red angrily.

The atmosphere was tense again, and the dormitory staff said, "Stop arguing, you will lose points if you continue arguing. Go to your homeroom teacher tomorrow and clarify the matter. We will keep this bracelet for now."

Gu Siyi took Zheng Peipei's hand and persuaded: "Forget it, the quarrel can't come to fruition now, don't let people watch the fun."

Outside the dormitory, people from the inner three floors and the outer three floors were watching gossip.

Zheng Peipei snorted and gave Lan Xiaoqiu a blank look.

Because of this conflict, the dormitory staff was afraid that they would fight again at night, so they temporarily changed Lan Xiaoqiu and other dormitory students to rest.

The next morning, Gu Siyi, Zheng Peipei, Lan Xiaoqiu and Xu Lin were all called to the office, and the bracelet was on the head teacher's desk.

Zheng Peipei said: "Gu Siyi dropped her bracelet in the dormitory two days ago. Last night, Xu Lin found that Lan Xiaoqiu had the exact same bracelet. Before that, she had never worn a bracelet. Gu Siyi wore it every day. It’s in her hand. Lan Xiaoqiu said she bought it herself, but she didn’t show any evidence to prove herself.”

Lan Xiaoqiu: "You keep accusing me of stealing, slandering me and asking me to prove myself, why?"

"Why?" Zheng Peipei sneered, "You have a guilty conscience and can't produce evidence."

"Zheng Peipei, don't talk yet." The class teacher stopped the bluffing Zheng Peipei, looked at Gu Siyi, and asked, "Is this bracelet exactly the same as the one you dropped?"

Gu Siyi said objectively: "It's the same, but I added another bead later, and this string doesn't have it."

Zheng Peipei answered immediately: "Teacher, this bracelet can be matched flexibly. Lan Xiaoqiu can take one off and throw it away."

Not to be outdone, Lan Xiaoqiu said, "Zheng Peipei, you're all making subjective assumptions! You're just making one-sided remarks to smear me!"

The head teacher had a headache, "Zheng Peipei, I didn't ask you, so stop talking."

Lan Xiaoqiu looked at the teacher in charge, her cheeks flushed, full of angry grievances, "Teacher, I swear I didn't steal Gu Siyi's bracelet. It's not that I can't afford it, so why did I steal it? I'm the same as her bracelet because I I bought it because I thought she looked good in it, but I didn’t wear it because she always wore it, and I didn’t want to be the same. I just bought it and put it in the bedroom as a decoration, is that wrong?”

The homeroom teacher has a personal relationship with Lan Xiaoqiu's parents and knows her family situation. She really doesn't have to.

Zheng Peipei said angrily: "Some people steal things not because they can't afford them, but because they are out of their minds, for example, because they don't want to see other people's good things."

"Zheng Peipei, can't you just say a few words less?" The head teacher emphasized.

Zheng Peipei went straight back without any hypocrisy, "Teacher, you can tell me to shut up. But if you believe in Lan Xiaoqiu's innocence because of her one-sided words, I can't accept it. I only verify the evidence."

Zheng Peipei was so strong, Gu Siyi didn't want to admit it, and said, "Teacher, I've been sad for a few days when I lost something, and I don't want to wrong my classmates, so I hope she can show evidence to avoid everyone's unreasonable speculation."

The homeroom teacher has a headache. Now these children are getting more and more difficult to deal with. None of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

The homeroom teacher said to Lan Xiaoqiu: "Since you two have the same bracelet, you should show proof of purchase to prevent your classmates from suspecting you. If there is real evidence, no one can say anything about you, right?"

Lan Xiaoqiu gritted her teeth and said, "I bought it online, and I have purchase records on my phone."

Reluctantly, Lan Xiaoqiu took out her phone, pulled out the shopping app, and clicked on the background to show the teacher.

After seeing it, the homeroom teacher breathed a sigh of relief and asked Zheng Peipei to take a look as well. It has been half a month since I bought it.

The teacher in charge said: "Okay, the matter has come to light, don't see the wind and rain again in the future, the students in the same class should be united and friendly, go back to the classroom and go to self-study early."

Lan Xiaoqiu stood still and said, "I want Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi to apologize to me, they wronged me!"

Zheng Peipei rolled her eyes at her, "Are you still slapping your face? Who told you not to show evidence last night? Who knows if you are jealous that Gu Siyi bought the same one and then threw her away? This The articles in it are huge, do you really think you have picked everything out of yourself?”

"Zheng Peipei, you..." Lan Xiaoqiu was dumbfounded in anger.

Zheng Peipei heheed twice, with an expression of what you can do to me.

The teacher in charge said, "Zheng Peipei, you're a little too forceful."

Zheng Peipei said: "She made things very complicated by herself, and she still has the face to ask us to apologize? It's a beautiful idea!"

"Okay, okay, you go back to the classroom first." The class teacher waved his hand.

She left Lan Xiaoqiu alone to calm her emotions.

After leaving the office, Zheng Peipei complained: "Even if she didn't steal it, it's okay to buy a bracelet like yours. Isn't it annoying? You still have to apologize, shit!"

Gu Siyi said sincerely: "Accompany me, your fighting power is too strong, I really admire you."

Zheng Peipei was rushing and choking, speaking as fast as a machine gun, with an unyielding momentum. As a client, she has no part to intervene, as if she is watching the defense lawyer speak.

Zheng Peipei snorted, "I am also a woman who can stand up and protect my brother Yi at critical moments!"

"Super high-resolution non-destructive applause is heard here, and the love for my sister is so profound and touching." Gu Siyi smiled and slapped her.

In the classroom, Su Han saw that the two people's seats were empty, and turned to Xiang Li who was on the side of the corridor and asked, "What's the situation?"

"Yeah, what's the situation?" Lu Jiaye stuck out his head, wanting to hear gossip.

Xiang Li said: "Gu Siyi lost her bracelet two days ago, Lan Xiaoqiu had the same one at her place, Zheng Peipei said she stole it, I heard there was a fight in the dormitory last night..."

It started to fight... Lu Jiaye's eyelids twitched, it was indeed the style of a tigress.

"What bracelet?" Su Han asked.

Xiangli glanced at Xia Zhijuan cautiously, "It seems to be the bracelet that Xueshen gave Siyi."

Xia Zhijun: "..."

No wonder, yesterday I asked her with a guilty expression... It turned out that I lost it.

Xia Zhijuan suddenly said, "Who is fighting with whom?"

"Zheng Peipei and Lan Xiaoqiu."

"Where's Gu Siyi?" He asked again.

"She was hitting when she came back and she pulled them apart."

Lu Jiaye sighed, "This Zheng Peipei is too impulsive, big-chested and brainless, and he's so fierce."

Su Han corrected him: "Accompanying is straightforward, frank and brave."

Lu Jiaye: "...??"

This comparison makes the difference. Zhou Xiao looked at Lu Jiaye and couldn't help but make up the knife, "No wonder Zheng Peipei bothers you so much."

"Who said she annoys me? She drags me to play games every day, but she's tired of me!" Lu Jiaye was unconvinced.

While these people were discussing, Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi returned to the classroom.

As soon as he was seated, Su Han asked, "Wait, how did the matter turn out?"

Zheng Peipei snorted softly, "She took out the purchase record."

Lu Jiaye said, "So you wronged her?"

"I was wronged, who told her not to take it out last night!" Zheng Peipei shifted his gaze from Lu Jiaye to Xia Zhijun, and said, "I think Lan Xiaoqiu likes to learn from gods, otherwise why would you buy the exact same bracelet? Something is wrong."

Lu Jiaye clicked his tongue and said, "It turns out that the source of the accident is our student spirit. The squad leader secretly promised..."

Xia Zhijuan kicked his stool, his expression was cold, "Shut up."

After morning self-study, Gu Siyi received Xia Zhijuan's WeChat message: "At seven o'clock tonight, make up classes on the rooftop."

Gu Siyi breathed a sigh of relief, and replied: "Yeah." She thought he was questioning her about losing her bracelet.

During the lunch break, Xia Zhijuan and Lu Jiaye walked to the dormitory. When they reached the path, Lan Xiaoqiu suddenly appeared and stopped them.

She looked at Xia Zhijuan and said, "Can I take a step to speak?"

Lu Jiaye whistled, watching the excitement was no big deal.

"Okay." Xia Zhijuan turned and left, with Lan Xiaoqiu following behind him.

Just as Lu Jiaye was about to follow, Zhou Xiao pressed his shoulder, "Don't make trouble, didn't you see that Ah Jun is in a bad mood?"

Lu Jiaye shrugged innocently, "I'm just a soy saucer."

Xia Zhijuan took Lan Xiaoqiu to a flower bed where no one passed by, and asked her, "What do you want to say?"

Lan Xiaoqiu had been brewing emotions for a long time, holding back a lot of words she wanted to confide in, but when facing Xia Zhijuan, she was suddenly at a loss for words, only her eyes were getting redder and redder.

Xia Zhijuan showed impatience, and said, "I'm going to leave if I have nothing to do."

"Yes!" Lan Xiaoqiu said immediately, her voice choked with sobs, "Gu Siyi wronged me."

"Oh?" Xia Zhijuan looked at her lightly.

Lan Xiaoqiu said: "Just because I bought the exact same bracelet... She lost the bracelet you gave her herself, and insisted that I stole it, and slandered me indiscriminately."

Xia Zhijuan looked at her coldly, "Then why did you buy the exact same bracelet?"

"I... I think it looks good." Lan Xiaoqiu lowered his head and lowered his voice, "I just have the same aesthetics as you."

Xia Zhijuan didn't speak.

Lan Xiaoqiu looked up at him again, "Gu Siyi wronged me, it was her fault."

"So? So what?" Xia Zhijuan asked her back.

"... I just want you to understand what Gu Siyi is like."

Xia Zhijuan smiled, with a sarcastic and indifferent smile, "Then let me tell you, no matter right or wrong, I will protect her."

"..." Lan Xiaoqiu stared at him blankly, and after a while, asked, "Do... you hate me?"

"It wasn't before. After all, I have no impression of you. As for now," Xia Zhijuan sneered contemptuously, without hiding the disgust and disgust in his eyes, "Even I bought the same bracelet as the one I gave away. You successfully disgusted me."

"I..." Lan Xiaoqiu just opened his mouth, and big tears fell down.

Xia Zhijuan turned and left, his tall figure was indifferent and decisive.

Lan Xiaoqiu stared blankly at him, the person she had liked for four years, the person she regarded as her idol and target, the person she poured all her emotions into...every word he said was like a knife piercing her heart On, stirring fiercely, stirring her bloody.

In the afternoon class, Lan Xiaoqiu didn't come. As the class monitor, she had to stand up every class, and all the teachers and students in the class noticed when she didn't come.

After class, Su Han turned his head and asked Xia Zhijuan curiously: "What did you talk about at noon? Why didn't she even go to class?"

Lu Jiaye gestured to wipe his neck, "You won't avenge the little dimple, just kill people and silence them?"

Xia Zhijuan didn't bother to talk to them, got up and left the classroom.

Lu Jiaye leaned over to Gu Siyi's side, and said in a low voice, "Extraordinary, the squad leader surrounded Ah Jun at noon, and he didn't come to class in the afternoon."

Gu Siyi looked at him inexplicably, "Why did she go to him?"

"Who knows... I think it's probably because the company is right, the monitor likes to learn God."

Zheng Peipei hehehe, "Wolf ambition."

Lu Jiaye: "It's not... no, is this idiom used like this?"

Zheng Peipei: "I can use it however I want! Do you have an opinion?"

Gu Siyi ignored the bickering between the two, and recalled some past events in her mind.

Lan Xiaoqiu originally ignored her, but it seemed that after she said that she was Xia Zhijun's god-sister, he offered to buy her milk tea as a gesture of friendship. And then asked her questions again and again...

I heard that she was in the same class as Xia Zhijuan in junior high school, did she already like him

At seven o'clock in the evening, Gu Siyi arrived at the rooftop as scheduled, and Xia Zhijuan had already arrived, leaning against the fence to look at his phone.

Gu Siyi walked up to him, and asked as if nothing had happened, "Is there another test question?"

Xia Zhijuan put away his phone, stood in front of her, put his arms on the armrest behind her, looked at her, "Let's chat first."

"... What are you talking about?" Gu Siyi became nervous for no reason.

His aura is too strong, and when he stares so intently, it always gives her a strong sense of aggression.

"Why didn't you tell me if you lost the bracelet?"

"I don't want to make you unhappy..." Gu Siyi whispered.

"But I'm even more unhappy when you lied to me." He looked serious.

Gu Siyi felt guilty, and her voice became softer, "I didn't mean to..."

Seeing her obedient and cowardly appearance, Xia Zhijuan made another breakthrough...

The serious face could not help softening, and he whispered: "Forget it this time, don't lie to me in the future, okay?"

"Yeah." Gu Siyi nodded, her expression super cute.

Xia Zhijuan couldn't help laughing, "Don't lose the things I gave you in the future, okay?"

Gu Siyi: "Definitely not!" With a resolute expression, it's almost like swearing.

Xia Zhijuan chuckled, and said, "It's okay even if you lose it, just tell me right away, and I'll just buy it for you again. What a big deal."

Gu Siyi: "..."

Xia Zhijuan raised his hand, gently pinched her little earlobe, his eyes were as gentle as water, "I heard from Zheng Peipei that you were very sad when you lost your bracelet, and you ran to the classroom at night to look for it, and you cried so sadly."

Gu Siyi lowered her head and said a little shyly: "It's true that I'm sad, but I didn't cry... I held back."

Xia Zhijuan let go of her earlobe, and Gu Siyi breathed out secretly, but she hadn't fully let go when he suddenly grabbed her arm—the next second she was pulled into his arms and hugged her firmly.

She struggled uneasily, Xia Zhijuan hugged her even tighter, and said in a hoarse voice, "There is no one here, let me hug her for a while?"

"No...don't be like this..." Gu Siyi was nervous and incoherent, her little face blushed.

Xia Zhijun let go of his hug for a while, looked at Gu Siyi, and sighed somewhat melancholy, "It would be great if I met you a few years later."

Gu Siyi: "...??"

"Then you won't be able to avoid it, stay with me obediently, I can hug and kiss as much as I want." His eyes were as black as thick ink, as if a wild beast that was about to move was locked inside.

"...Stop talking." The strong desire in those words overwhelmed her. Gu Siyi turned around and turned her back to him.

A girl's sexual consciousness is not awakened as early as a boy's. At this time, she feels uneasy about excessive intimacy and touching, as well as those luscious words and aggression.

Xia Zhijuan could feel this kind of emotion, and he didn't want to spoil her favor for him, he would suppress himself every time he had a little extreme thought.

Xia Zhijuan: "Let's go down, it's too dark here, it's not suitable for doing questions."

"Yeah." Gu Siyi nodded hastily.

When he reached the entrance of the corridor, Xia Zhijuan stretched out his hand. Gu Siyi knew what he meant, looked in and said, "The lights are not turned off."

Xia Zhijuan stood still, "But I'm used to being led downstairs by you, and I don't want to leave without you."

Gu Siyi couldn't laugh or cry, "Are you playing tricks on me?"

"No, this is your behavior towards me, and you are responsible." He said calmly.

"..." Gu Siyi didn't want to continue the stalemate on the rooftop, so she took the initiative to hold Xia Zhijuan's hand and lead him downstairs.

The corners of Xia Zhijuan's lips curled up, "Good boy."

Gu Siyi: "You are a bit domineering and a bit of a rascal."

Xia Zhijuan asked leisurely, "Really?"


When going downstairs, Gu Siyi remembered what Lu Jiaye said, Lan Xiaoqiu called him at noon... She was curious about what she said to him, so she asked, "Lan Xiaoqiu called you at noon?"

"En." Xia Zhijuan responded.

"What did she tell you?" Gu Siyi asked again.

"You want to know?" he asked her back.

"... kind of." She admitted honestly.

Is Lan Xiaoqiu going to confess his love to him

"Why do you want to know?" he asked again.

"You don't say it..." Gu Siyi muttered.

"Don't worry, these are all unnutritious words." Xia Zhijuan said lightly.

The two came to the self-study room, Xia Zhijuan took out two handwritten physics and chemistry test questions, and said, "The midterm exam is next week, you have to hurry up. Don't attend lectures this week, and digest the questions I gave."

Gu Siyi looked at him suspiciously, "Your topic is better than the teacher's lecture?"

Xia Zhijun tapped her on the head and said, "The teacher is targeting the whole class, especially the students with good foundation. This is a tailor-made topic for you. Which one do you think is more effective?"

"That must be the customized version you gave me." Gu Siyi followed suit.

"It's good to know."

"Thank you, boss. You have worked hard. Pass tea to boss."

Gu Siyi took out the prepared mineral water from her bag and handed it to Xia Zhijun, smiling and courteous.

Xia Zhijuan took the water and said, "I'll watch over you, and I won't go back to the dormitory until I'm done."

Gu Siyi: "..."

From a scoundrel to a strict teacher, only in the first thought of the boss? !

Xia Zhijuan raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Let's start, try not to stay up late."

Gu Siyi didn't have any messy thoughts, and plunged into the sea of questions.

Gu Siyi was serious about doing the questions without any distractions, and didn't even pick up the phone to read it when it rang.

Because of the experience of studying outside for a day yesterday, she knew that once Xia Zhijuan got serious, there was no room for negotiation.

With this extraordinary concentration, she completed the task ahead of schedule. Xia Zhijuan put away the test questions in satisfaction, and said, "I'll take it home and read it, and I will correct the wrong questions for you tomorrow."

When we reached the downstairs of the dormitory, Gu Siyi said, "Don't stay up all night. You can save the changes for tomorrow."

Xia Zhijuan knew that she cared about him, bent his lips, raised his hand and rubbed her head, "I know it."

The next morning, during the second English class, Lan Xiaoqiu's parents took Lan Xiaoqiu to the door of the classroom accompanied by the head teacher.

The head teacher knocked on the classroom door and said, "Gu Siyi, come out."

Gu Siyi walked out of the classroom, Lan Xiaoqiu's mother looked at her, "You are Gu Siyi?"

Gu Siyi nodded.

Lan Xiaoqiu's mother stepped forward, poked Gu Siyi's shoulder with her finger, and said angrily: "You are the one who spread rumors about my daughter stealing from you, made her classmates isolate her, and even injured her?"

Gu Siyi was startled, hit someone? When did she hit someone

Lan Xiaoqiu's mother pulled up Lan Xiaoqiu's sleeves, revealing the bruises inside, and stared angrily, "She has injuries on her arms, thighs, upper back, and how dare you open your eyes and talk nonsense?"

Gu Siyi realized that this should be the injury she got in the fight with Zheng Peipei...

Just when she was in a daze, Lan Xiaoqiu's mother pushed her harder and said angrily: "Who are your parents, call your parents to school immediately! Spreading rumors, beating people, bullying classmates, such viciousness at such a young age , I’ll have it in the future! When your parents come, we’ll go to the hospital for an injury check. Don’t even think about it!”

The head teacher advised from the side, "Don't get excited, just talk about it if you have something to say."

The classes in the class are still going on, but no one is interested in listening anymore, and everyone secretly pays attention to the gossip outside.

Just as Lan Xiaoqiu's mother pushed and pushed Gu Siyi one after another, Xia Zhijuan stood up suddenly and strode out.

English teacher: "Student Xia Zhijun, what are you doing?"

Xia Zhijuan ignored him and walked out of the classroom.

"Wow..." the students in the class whispered, "The god of learning can't sit still..."

In the corridor, Gu Siyi was pushed back again and again, feeling annoyed, wanted to deny it and held back for fear of hurting Zheng Peipei.

"There is no rumor, this matter is just a misunderstanding." She stood still and explained.

"Misunderstanding?" The woman sneered, "Just a misunderstanding?"

Gu Siyi was about to say something, but someone suddenly grabbed her hand.

Turning his head, he saw that it was Xia Zhijun.

"...?!!!" Why! The teachers are all here!

Xia Zhijuan grabbed her hand even harder, pulled her behind, and faced Lan Xiaoqiu's mother directly, with awe-inspiring manner and cold eyes.

Lan Xiaoqiu's mother was a bit shorter than him, and suddenly faced with such a tall boy who seemed to be about to explode, her anger was suppressed a little.

The head teacher said, "Xia Zhijuan, you go into the classroom, don't make any trouble."

Xia Zhijun ignored her, looked at Lan Xiaoqiu's mother, and said with a sullen face: "Gu Siyi's parents are away from home, so she can't come to school right away. But she is my mother's goddaughter, and I am her brother at school. If you look for her, first go to school." Find me."

When he burst into anger, he carried a strong and terrifying aura all over his body. The immature aura that belonged to a boy has completely faded away, and there is a man's domineering and aggressiveness.

Lan Xiaoqiu's mother was a little apprehensive. Looking at her husband, Lan Xiaoqiu's father said, "Student, please speak carefully. Now that the teachers and parents are here, it's not the time to fight hard."

"These brothers and sisters have a nest of snakes and rats. They are not good at first glance!" Lan Xiaoqiu's mother reprimanded, and then said to the head teacher, "Xiaoqiu came home yesterday afternoon and cried all night. My daughter was killed The campus violence and bullying have become like this, won't the school give an explanation?"

"Oh, are you looking for the person who beat someone?" Zheng Peipei's voice appeared.

Class teacher: ... Why did another one come out? It's still the thorn!

Zheng Peipei walked to Gu Siyi's side, and said with a disdainful smile, "It's not right to look for Gu Siyi, because she didn't beat him."

Lan Xiaoqiu's mother: "I don't listen to excuses! It's a fact that my daughter was injured!"

"Whoever f*ck defends with you, I'll tell you, I beat the person! If there is a wrongdoer and a debtor, please come to me!"

Gu Siyi gently pulled Zheng Peipei down, she was really afraid that she would hurt someone and cause trouble.

Zheng Peipei directly opened her sleeves, her arms were also bruised and scratched, "Did you see that? I have injuries too! Let's have a test together! Do you think your daughter is a good idiot? Fighting is more deadly than my father's." ! I want to lose face and keep silent, she is so embarrassed to cry! What a dog!"

Gu Siyi: "...??"

She underestimated Lan Xiaoqiu's combat effectiveness.

Both Lu Jiaye and Su Han in the classroom went to the window to watch.

Seeing the injury on Zheng Peipei's hand, Lu Jiaye said angrily, "Damn it, you actually injured the tigress?"

When they heard Zheng Peipei fighting with Lan Xiaoqiu before, they all took it for granted that Zheng Peipei took advantage...

Su Han also frowned, with a very ugly expression.